Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CFD - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CFD

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CFD

  • CFD Letters


    ISSN: 2180-1363

  • The CFD modeling in bioreactor tracer studies


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2007

    W artykule zaprezentowano badania traserowe w bioreaktorach z osadem czynnym. Przedstawiono efekty działania procesu dyspersji na podstawie obliczonych podłużnych profili koncentracji znacznika w komorach osadu czynnego zlokalizowanych na Oczyszczalni Ścieków "Wschód" w Gdańsku. W ramach badań wykonano symulację przepływu substancji nieaktywnej (bazując na pomierzonych profilach stężenia znacznika) stosując jednowymiarowe równanie...

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  • CFD and FEM model of an underwater vehicle propeller

    During the project execution of design and optimization the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) research on its propulsion has been carried out. The entire project was supported by CFD and FEM calculations, which taking into account the characteristics of underwater vehicle. One of the tasks was to optimize the semi-open duct for horizontal propellers, which provided propulsion and controllability in horizontal plane. In order to...

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  • Estimation of the steam condensation flow via CFD methods


    The results of numerical simulations to predict the performance of different steam models have been presented. All of the considered models of steam condensation have been validated on the base of benchmark experiment employing expansion in nozzle and next on the low pressure part of the steam turbine stage. For numerical analysis three models have been finally used – the ideal steam model without condensation, an equilibrium steam...

  • Assessment of ship squat in shallow water using CFD

    • J. Jachowski

    - Rok 2007

    Referat zawiera wstęp do problemu modelowania efektów wody ograniczonej przy użyciu komercyjnego programu Fluent opartego na metodzie elementów skończonych.

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  • Assessment of ship squat in shallow water using CFD


    Artykuł zawiera wstęp do problemu modelowania efektów wody ograniczonej przy użyciu komercyjnego programu Fluent opartego na metodzie elementów skończonych.

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  • CFD Simulations and Tests of a Prototype Flow Control Valve


    - Rok 2021

    In this paper a prototype of a flow control valve is described and numerically simulated. The flow control valve is used in hydraulic systems to maintain constant fluid flow despite changing loads of a receiver. The standard construction of this type of valves is modified mainly by eliminating the spring. The prototype consists the hydrostatically unloaded throttle valve and pressure ratio valve substituting pressure difference...

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  • On the internal efficiency of a turbine stage: classical and CFD definitions


    - Transactions of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery - Rok 2012

    Almost entire fleet of steam turbines in Poland was designed between 1950 – 1980 with the use of the so-called zero dimensional (0D) calculation tools. For several years, design and modernization of the turbines occur in assistance with the state of the art methods that describe working fluid flow field based on 3D models and CFD codes. This cooperation between 0D and 3D codes requires exchange of overall, integral information...

  • CFD analysis of fluid flow through the labyrinth seal

    Steam and gas turbines are some of the fundamental means of power generation. The energy efficiency of the turbines, however, is not satisfactory. Ever since the start-up of the first turbine in the world, engineers have been striving for their increased efficiency. Multiple solutions to the problem of steam loss in an operating turbine are available. The use of seals is one of them. Empirical methods or numerical calculations...

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  • Prediction of ship resistance with the use of Full-scale CFD simulations


    - Rok 2019

    In recent years, the IMO has introduced new regulations to reduce the negative impact of ships on the natural environment. A particularly important step forcing technological innovations is the increasing requirement of ship energy efficiency. It is expressed by the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Another important step towards green shipping is rising the required quality of fuel used for propulsion, so called Tier limits....

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  • Flows in turbine blade seals: CFD calculations versus experiment


    Przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Rezultaty obliczeń porównano z danymi doświadczalnymi. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na modelowej turbinie powietrznej przy różnych częstościach obrotów wału i różnym obciążeniu turbiny.

  • Experimental Verification of the CFD Model of the Squeeze Film Lifting Effect

    Abstract: The presented study shows the results of the research into the squeeze film levitation phenomena. The system introduced in the investigation is composed of a vibrating surface, air squeeze film, and the surface of the body freely suspended over the film. The use of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) model used in the system allows us to determine the steady state, periodic behavior of the air film (described by Navier–Stokes,...

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  • Numerical analysis of the ostiomeatal complex aeration using the CFD method

    • D. Tretiakow
    • K. Tesch
    • K. Markiet
    • T. Przewoźny
    • A. Kusiak
    • D. Cichońska
    • A. Skorek

    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2023

    We aimed to analyse ostiomeatal complex (OMC) aeration using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method of simulation based on human craniofacial computed tomography (CT) scans. The analysis was based on CT images of 2 patients: one with normal nose anatomy and one with nasal septal deviation (NSD). The Reynolds-Average Simulation approach and turbulence model based on linear eddy viscosity supplemented with the two-equation...

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  • CFD ship squat determination method validation by GPS-RTK measurements

    • L. Gucma
    • J. Jachowski
    • M. Schoeneich

    - Rok 2007

    Artykuł zawiera porównanie numerycznych obliczeń osiadania statku z wynikami badań rzeczywistych z wykorzystaniem metody GPS-RTK.

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  • Improvement of ships seakeeping performance by application of the full-scale cfd simulations


    - Rok 2020

    The ship’s fuel economy is increasingly important. The paper presents the effect of redesigning a case study ship for increasing seakeeping performance. Selected wave parameters reflect very difficult operational conditions existing on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The analyzed variants of a case study ship represent the latest developments of modern hull forms. The concepts similar to V-shaped bulbous bow, X-bow, X-aft, B-bow...

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  • Application of advanced CFD simulations in seakeeping analysis of ships (case study)


    - Rok 2017

    The novel design process of many types of ships needs estimation of seakeeping properties. Especially ships like Offshore Supply Vessels, Wind Farm Support Vessels, Research Vessels, ferries, military vessels, rescue vessels require extended analysis of ship behavior on rough sea. The main reason for improving ships operability in different sea conditions is need of rising efficiency of propulsion system, reducing hull added resistance,...

  • Trawl-Door Shape Optimization with 3D CFD Models and Local Surrogates


    - Rok 2014

    Design and optimization of trawl-doors are key factors in minimizing the fuel consumption of fishing vessels. This paper discusses optimization of the trawl-door shapes using high-fidelity 3D computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. The accurate 3D CFD models are computationally expensive and, therefore, the direct use of traditional optimization algorithms, which often require a large number of evaluations, may be prohibitive....

  • Modeling of capillary fluid flow in concrete using a DEM-CFD approach


    Sformułowano połączone podejście do modelowania dwufazowego przepływu wody napędzanego hydraulicznie i kapilarnie w nienasyconym betonie. Proces przepływu analizowano numerycznie w mezoskali w warunkach dwuwymiarowych (2D), łącząc metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM) z obliczeniową dynamiką płynów (CFD) w warunkach izotermicznych. Przeprowadzono w pełni sprzężone hydromechaniczne testy symulacyjne na małych próbkach betonu o uproszczonej...

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  • "Oprogramowanie CFD narzędziem modelowania przepływów występujących w urządzeniach energetycznych"


    - Rok 2013

    Oprogramowanie CFD umożliwia między innymi modelowanie przepływów występujących w urządzeniach energetycznych. Poprawnie utworzony model numeryczny stanowi zatem narzędzie analizy pracy poszczególnych urządzeń w interesujących nas warunkach projektowych, a także narzędzie diagnostyki już istniejących obiektów. Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi opis kolejnych etapów tworzenia modelu numerycznego, na przykładzie niskotemperaturowego...

  • Mathematical Modeling of Hydrodynamics in Bioreactor by Means of CFD-Based Compartment Model

    • A. Krychowska
    • M. Kordas
    • M. Konopacki
    • B. Grygorcewicz
    • D. Musik
    • K. Wójcik
    • M. Jędrzejczak-Silicka
    • R. Rakoczy

    - Processes - Rok 2020

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