Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: urban aesthetic
Place attachment, place identity, and satisfaction with urban aesthetic.
Dane BadawczeThe data include individual responses on the following scales (1) place attachment, (2) place identity, and (3) satisfaction with an urban aesthetic. Each line represents responses obtained from one participant and his or her demographic characteristics. like gender, age, and education level.
Place attachment, place identity and aesthetic appraisal of urban landscape
PublikacjaAs the aesthetic of the Polish cities became a topic of wider discussions, it is important to detect the potentialrole of human-place relations. Two studies (N = 185 & N = 196) were conducted to explore the relationship betweenplace attachment, place identity and appraisal of urban landscape. Satisfaction with urban aesthetic was predicted by twodimensions of place attachment (place inherited and place...
Activating Public Space: How to Promote Physical Activity in Urban Environment
PublikacjaPhysical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. The quality and equipment of urban public space plays an important role in promoting physical activity among people (residents, tourists). In order for recreation and sports activities to be undertaken willingly, in a safe and comprehensive manner, certain spatial conditions and requirements must be met. The distinctive feature of contemporary large cities is the...
Landscape as a Potential Key Concept in Urban Environmental Planning: The Case of Poland
PublikacjaRapid urban development increases the consumption of materials, energy, and water, resulting in an overproduction of waste and emissions. These cause many environmental threats, such as ozone layer depletion and rain acidification, leading to climate change. Therefore, the question arises on how to improve the effectiveness of tools that strengthen environmental protection. This discursive article presents an approach stressing...
PublikacjaThe paper aims to compare the modernistic social housing estates built during the interwar period in the Free City of Gdansk and in Altona, the small neighbour of Hamburg. The comparison is based on the analysis of the factors, which significantly affected the decisions regarding spatial transformations and the development of both cities in that time. These factors include primarily: poor living conditions, resulting from the explosive...
PublikacjaThe main aim of the paper is to examine the role of creative placemaking in shaping the urban environment in Polish cities. It also focuses on challenges and obstacles that creative placemaking projects encounter in Polish realities. Creative placemaking is a “micro-development” strategy (Johnson 2009) that focuses on cultural participation, com¬munity engagement and highlights the social role of arts and culture. Artistic interventions...
Time for temporariness! Temporary architecture - whim or necessity?
PublikacjaWhat are the qualities of temporary architectural objects that make them helpful instruments for evolving the image of contemporary urban space? Six hypotheses provide rationales for why current temporary architecture seems to be a remedy for dysfunctional city structures. The research was limited to the temporary architectural objects constructed in open-air city zones, including the architecture of events. The temporary objects'...
Architects and urban planners in the face of energy transition - smart cities energy aspects in shaping building structures and cities
PublikacjaContemporary architects and urban planners are facing steadily increasing challenges. The growing problems around environmental issues, shrinking natural resources and climate action are just some of them. Currently, planning should also include balancing with all the aspects of sustainable development such as not only the environmental issues, but also social and economic ones. How to meet them in the era of energy transition...
Architektura współczesnego muzeum i jej znaczenie dla tożsamości krajobrazu miasta = The Architecture of Contemporary Museum and its Significance for the Identity of the Urban Landscape
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy architektury współczesnych muzeów, które pod koniec XX w. przeszły znaczący rozwój jako instytucje publiczne. Oprócz specyficznych wymagań technicznych, funkcjonalnych, estetycznych i kulturowych, ich charakterystyczną cechą jest wzrastające zapotrzebowanie na przestrzeń dodatkową służącą edukacji, odpoczynkowi, rozrywce i strefie komercyjnej (handlu i usług). Atrakcyjna przestrzeń publiczna zapewnia dostęp do wszystkich...
Stan estetyczny przestrzeni a kultura korzystania z miasta
PublikacjaArtykuł jest analizą zagadnień estetyzacji przestrzeni w kontekście kulturowym. Istnieje potrzeba analizy, czy przynajmniej szkicu przybliżającego kulturowe uwarun- kowania kształtowania przestrzeni, które doprowadziły do obecnej sytuacji w polskich miastach. Szkic ten może być jednym z głosów w obecnie prowadzonej dyskusji na temat tak zwanej estetyzacji przestrzeni oraz podej- mowanych przez zainteresowanych decyzji.
Health by Art: the Remedial Role of Artistic Installations in Public Space
PublikacjaDesigning public spaces has become one of the most relevant issues in contemporary cities thanks to their integrating and inclusionary character. Public spaces are playing a far more important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging us to do different activities. Therefore, contemporary public spaces should enhance creativity, stimulate physical activity and influence mental health. The methodology used in the research...
Medieval Bourgeois Tenement Houses as an Archetype for Contemporary Architectural and Construction Solutions: The Example of Historic Downtown Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe basic urban tissue of medieval European cities consisted of brick townhouses. In the cities of northern Europe, these tenements were characterised by a block based on an elongated rectangular plan, covered with a gable roof with a ridge oriented perpendicularly to the street. The side walls of the tenement house were common for both neighbours and constituted a basic structural element. The gable façades were not loaded with...
Shaping Place Identity through Interaction on the Example of the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk
PublikacjaThe article presents process of shaping place identity on the example of an important for Pomerania region investment - European Solidarity Centre. The realization of the European Solidarity Centre aims to be one of the essential elements of shaping Gdańsk’s identity of space. The article is an attempt to analyse how the presence of realization gradually affects the formation of the place identity of new urban space. Analysis...
The value of less Light – Sustainable architectural lighting design
PublikacjaSince its beginning, the art of external illumination has substantially influ-enced the creation and the perception of architecture and the night-time urban environment. In her lecture, the author examines and defines the significant interdisciplinary conditions related to architectural lighting design that have evolved over the years, starting from the first simple exterior lighting projects to the more modern, complex concepts...
Theory of architectural design VI
Kursy OnlineThe concept of the lecture series for semester 6 is based on a holistic approach to architectural design, encompassing professional practice, environmental, and cultural aspects. The program will begin with an introduction to the building project, which will prepare students for independent and conscious project execution. Lectures on the urban context will focus on integrating projects with their surroundings, both in terms of...
Elective seminar: Designing Urban Lighting for the Built Environment – from Theory to Practice
Kursy OnlineGoal of the course: Understanding the basic design issues related to illumination of the exterior spaces in the built environment Course content / class schedule: 1.Student will learn the difference between Functional versus Decorative lighting in exterior spaces 2. Student will learn how artificial lighting can shape the appearance of an urban space 3. Student will learn necessary tools (luminaires, light sources,...