Arkadiusz Szewczyk - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2021
Year 2020
Year 2019
  • Effects of mechanical stress on electrical arameters and noise of supercapacitors

    Results of noise and electrical parameters measurements of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLC) are reported at the presence of selected mechanical stress. This issue is of great importance due to future applications in wearable technology. The measurement results are compared, and we may conclude than flicker noise is more sensitive to any stress than other considered electrical parameters.

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  • Electrochemical capacitor temperature fluctuations during charging/discharging processes

    Thepaperpresentsaproposalofusingadditionalstatisticalparameterssuchas:standarddeviation,variance, maximum and minimum increases of the observed value that were determined during measurements of temperature fields created on the surface of the tested electrochemical capacitor. The measurements were carriedoutusingthermographicmethodsinordertosupportassessmentoftheconditionofelectrochemical capacitorunderclassicdurabilitytestsbasedonmethodsofdeterminationofcapacityandequivalentseries...

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  • Methods of Assessing Degradation of Supercapacitors by Using Various Measurement Techniques

    This article presents the qualitative analyses of the construction of supercapacitor samples. The analyses are based on the suggested thermographic measurements as well as the technique of testing the inherent noise of the investigated element. The indicated assessment methods have been referred to the currently used parameters for the qualitative evaluation of supercapacitors. The approach described in this paper, which introduces...

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  • Noise in electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs)

    We present methods and problems of noise measurements in electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLC). Detailed noise equivalent electronic circuit is considered, and two possible ways of observations of random processes generated in the EDLCs structures are studied. We conclude that noise is a useful tool for characterization of the EDLC structures and their state-of-health, as in other materials and electronic devices. Eventual,...

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Year 2018
  • Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation

    Supercapacitors are capable to store relatively high amount of energy comparing to its mass. Growing number of these devices applications requires development of new testing methods. Standard methods of evaluation of supercapacitor parameters, as cycling voltammetry, CV, galvanostatic cycling with potential limitation, GCPL, impedance measurements, require equipment of high cost...

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  • Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation

    - Year 2018

    We propose a use of a power amplifier in the circuit of voltage to current converter (current driver) for supercapacitor charging/discharging in controlled conditions. The current driver is controlled by DAC output of DAQ board and voltage of DUT is measured and a control loop is realized by software. In the circuit the DC current method of evaluation of capacitance and equivalent series...

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    W pracy przedstawiono prototyp urządzenia do wyznaczania parametrów schematu zastępczego superkondensatora na podstawie jego charakterystyk ładowania i rozładowania. Urządzenie składa się ze sterowanego źródła prądowego do ładowania i rozładowywania superkondensatora, przetwornika analogowo-cyfrowego do pomiaru prądu i napięcia w trakcie eksperymentu oraz mikroprocesora do sterowania pomiarem i komunikacji z komputerem na którym...

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Year 2017
  • Assessment of Supercapacitor’s Quality by Means of Low Frequency Noise

    Low frequency noise is a well-known tool for quality and reliability assessment of electronic devices. This phenomenon is observed in different electrochemical devices as well (e.g., smart windows, electrochemical corrosion processes). Thus, we can assume that the same tool can be used to asses quality of supercapacitors. Their quality is usually determined only by capacitance and/or equivalent series resistance (ESR), or impedance....


    W referacie przedstawiono rozwiązania systemów zasilania do zastosowania w modułowych latarkach LED pozwalające na optymalizację zużycia energii, a tym samym wydłużenie czasu ich pracy. Przedstawiono podstawowe wymagania stawiane układom zasilania stosowanym w powyższych rozwiązaniach oraz przedstawiono dwie zrealizowane koncepcje ich wykonania. Na wykonanych prototypach układów przeprowadzono pomiary a uzyskane wyniki zostały...

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    A developed method and measurement setup for measurement of noise generated in a supercapacitor is presented. The requirements for noise data recording are considered and correlated with working modes of supercapacitors. An example of results of low-frequency noise measurements in commercially available supercapacitors are presented. The ability of flicker noise measurements suggests that they can be used to assess quality of tested supercapacitors.

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  • Measurements of flicker noise in supercapacitor cells

    - Year 2017

    Flicker noise (1/f-like noise) is often used to assess the quality of various materials and devices. This phenomenon has been observed in different electrochemical devices or reactions (e.g., smart windows, pitting corrosion events). In our exploratory studies we consider how to measure and utilize 1/f noise for the quality assessment of supercapacitors. This task requires special attention because of enormous capacitance of the...

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Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2014
Year 2013
Year 2012
Year 2011
Year 2010
Year 2009
Year 2008
Year 2007
Year 2006
Year 2005
Year 2004
Year 2003

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