dr hab. Ewa Augustin
- Associate professor at Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry
e-Learning courses
Biologia komórki nowotworowej IBM 2022/2023
Kultury tkankowe wykład 2022/2023
Biologia komórki nowotworowej BT Leków - laboratorium
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - laboratorium (2021/2022)
Podstawy biologii z elementami biologii komorki
Kultury tkankowe - wykład
Biologia komórki nowotworowej IBM - seminarium
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - seminarium (2021/2022)
Laboratorium biologii komórki 2022/2023
Laboratorium z biochemii 2022/2023
Laboratorium kultur tkankowych 2021/2022
Laboratorium biochemii 2021/2022
Biologia komórki nowotworowej IBM - wykład
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - wykład (2021/2022)
Biologia komórki nowotworowej BT leków laboratorium 2022/2023
Laboratorium biologii komórki 2021/2022
Biochemia - seminarium, Biotechnologia sem. VI, 2022/2023
Podstawy biologii z elementami biologii komórki wykład 2022/2023
Podstawy biologii z elementami biologii komórki - wykład
Podstawy biologii z elementami biologii komórki - wykład (2021/2022)
Kultury tkankowe wykład 2021/2022
Biologia komórki nowotworowej BT Leków - wykład
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - wykład (2021/2022)
Biologia komórki nowotworowej BT leków wykład 2022/2023
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - laboratorium IBM
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - laboratorium (2021/2022)
Laboratorium z kultur tkankowych 2022/2023
Biologia komórki nowotworowej wykład 2024/2025
Kultury tkankowe wykład 2024/2025
Kultury tkankowe wykład 2023/2024
Laboratorium biologii komórki 2023/2024
Laboratorium kultur tkankowych 2024/2025
Laboratorium Kultur tkankowych 2023/2024
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - wykład 2023/2024
Laboratorium biologii komórki nowotworowej 2024/2025
Laboratorium biologii komórki 2024/2025
Podstawy biologii z elementami biologii komórki - wykład 2023/2024
Podstawy biologii z elementami biologii komórki wykład 2024/2025
Biologia komórki nowotworowej - laboratorium 2023/2024
Conducted classes
Cancer cell biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer cell biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cell Biology Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer cell biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Engineer Diploma Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Field of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Basic Biology With Elements of Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineer Diploma Thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cell Biology Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineering Diploma Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cell Biology Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of Chemistry -
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Field of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Basic Biology With Elements of Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer cell biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cell Biology Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Engineering Diploma Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer cell biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Basic Biology With Elements of Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of Chemistry -
Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master's thesis
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineering Diploma Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Basic Biology With Elements of Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer cell biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineering Diploma Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of Chemistry -
Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of Chemistry -
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Pre-diploma laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineer Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Preparation For Diploma Exam
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Pre-diploma laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of Chemistry -
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Field of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Chemistry in Medicine
Engineer Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Preparation for Diploma Exam
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Preparation for Diploma Exam
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Biologia komórki nowotworowej
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Specialization: Medical Physics
Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineer Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of Chemistry -
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineer Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Preparation for Diploma Exam
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineer Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Preparation for Diploma Exam
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Chemistry
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Chemistry
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Engineer Project
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Tissue Cultures
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Master Laboratory
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Language CenterField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Cancer Cell Biology
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Biotechnology
Specialization: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Performing promoter function in doctoral dissertations
Joanna Pilch
dr inż. title conferred on 2021-10-12 by Faculty of Chemistry
Anna Mieszkowska
dr inż. title conferred on 2021-06-15 by Faculty of Chemistry
Reviewed papers list
Antitumor activity of newly synthesized ebselen derivatives
mgr farm. Katarzyna Kaczor-Keller - Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny - 2020
Wpływ indukowanej melanizacji na biologię czerniaka amelanotycznego
mgr Aneta Skoniecka - Gdański Uniwersytet medyczny - 2019
Charakterystyka modelu sferycznego linii komórkowych raka jelita grubego i jego wykorzystanie w badaniach in vitro z komórkami immunokompetentnymi i związkami przeciwnowotworowymi
mgr inż. Agata Olejniczak-Kęder - Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny - 2019
Intensyfikacja funkcjonala kinazy Akt w komórkach prostaty jako efekt utraty androgenozależności w hiperplastycznym i nowotworowym gruczole stercza ludzkiego.
dr Joanna Dulińska-Litewka - Uniwersytet Jagielloński - 2019
Biologiczne efekty dzialania nanocząstek metali w komórkach prokariotycznych i eukariotycznych
mgr inż. Karolina Niska - Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny - 2017
Wpływ łącznego dzialania 4-hydroksytamoksyfenu i izoticyjanianów na estrogenozalezne komórki nowotworu piersi
mgr Anna PAwlik - Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny - 2017
seen 4585 times