Jacek Rumiński - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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  • A survey of neural networks usage for intrusion detection systems

    In recent years, advancements in the field of the artificial intelligence (AI) gained a huge momentum due to the worldwide appliance of this technology by the industry. One of the crucial areas of AI are neural networks (NN), which enable commer‐ cial utilization of functionalities previously not accessible by usage of computers. Intrusion detection system (IDS) presents one of the domains in which neural networks are widely tested...

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  • Gesture Recognition With the Linear Optical Sensor and Recurrent Neural Networks

    In this paper, the optical linear sensor, a representative of low-resolution sensors, was investigated in the multiclass recognition of near-field hand gestures. The recurrent neural network (RNN) with a gated recurrent unit (GRU) memory cell was utilized as a gestures classifier. A set of 27 gestures was collected from a group of volunteers. The 27 000 sequences obtained were divided into training, validation, and test subsets....

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  • Color transformation methods for dichromats

    Color blindness is a serious perception problem. Suffering individuals cannot understand messages, which are carrying by many images, especially those, distributed by WWW. In this paper we are proposing three image processing methods to enhance image recognition and understanding by persons with dichromacy. Color difference image is introduced to represent color perception dissimilarity. Two color transformation methods are presented....

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  • Interactions with recognized patients using smart glasses

    - Year 2015

    Recently, different smart glasses solutions have been proposed on the market. The rapid development of this wearable technology has led to several research projects related to applications of smart glasses in healthcare. In this paper we propose a general architecture of the system enabling data integration for the recognized person. In the proposed system smart glasses integrates data obtained for the recognized patient from health...

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  • Interaction with medical data using QR-codes

    Bar-codes and QR-codes (Quick Response ) are often used in healthcare. In this paper an application of QR-codes to exchange of laboratory results is presented. The secure data exchange is proposed between a laboratory and a patient and between a patient and Electronic Health Records. Advanced Encryption Standard was used to provide security of data encapsulated within a QR-code. The experimental setup, named labSeq is described....

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  • The data exchange between smart glasses and healthcare information systems using the HL7 FHIR standard

    - Year 2016

    In this study we evaluated system architecture for the use of smart glasses as a viewer of information, as a source of medical data (vital sign measurements: temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate), and as a filter of healthcare information. All activities were based on patient/device identification procedures using graphical markers or features based on visual appearance. The architecture and particular use cases were implemented...

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  • Reliability of Pulse Measurements in Videoplethysmography

    Reliable, remote pulse rate measurement is potentially very important for medical diagnostics and screening. In this paper the Videoplethysmography was analyzed especially to verify the possible use of signals obtained for the YUV color model in order to estimate the pulse rate, to examine what is the best pulse estimation method for short video sequences and finally, to analyze how potential PPG-signals can be distinguished from...

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  • Analysis of the parameters of respiration patterns extracted from thermal image sequences

    Remote estimation of vital signs is an important and active area of research. The goal of this work was to analyze the feasibility of estimating respiration parameters from video sequences of faces recorded using a mobile thermal camera. Different estimators were analyzed and experimentally verified. It was demonstrated that the respiration rate, periodicity of respiration, and presence and length of apnea periods could be reliably...

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  • Improving Accuracy of Contactless Respiratory Rate Estimation by Enhancing Thermal Sequences with Deep Neural Networks

    Estimation of vital signs using image processing techniques have already been proved to have a potential for supporting remote medical diagnostics and replacing traditional measurements that usually require special hardware and electrodes placed on a body. In this paper, we further extend studies on contactless Respiratory Rate (RR) estimation from extremely low resolution thermal imagery by enhancing acquired sequences using Deep...

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  • A multisensor detector of a sleep apnea for using at home

    Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea usually involves polysomnographic analysis, which unfortunately requires overnight stay in a specialized clinic and is very uncomfortable for a patient. This paper describes the method and apparatus for recording a set of signals to detect sleep apnea. The device records the following signals simultaneously: three-channel ECG, respiratory functions, signals from the accelerometer, and snoring...

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  • Super-resolved Thermal Imagery for High-accuracy Facial Areas Detection and Analysis

    In this study, we evaluate various Convolutional Neural Networks based Super-Resolution (SR) models to improve facial areas detection in thermal images. In particular, we analyze the influence of selected spatiotemporal properties of thermal image sequences on detection accuracy. For this purpose, a thermal face database was acquired for 40 volunteers. Contrary to most of existing thermal databases of faces, we publish our dataset...

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  • Interactions with recognized objects

    - Year 2014

    Implicit interaction combined with object recognition techniques opens a new possibility for gathering data and analyzing user behavior for activity and context recognition. The electronic eyewear platform, eGlasses, is being developed, as an integrated and autonomous system to provide interactions with smart environment. In this paper we present a method for the interactions with the recognized objects that can be used for electronic...

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  • Deep learning based thermal image segmentation for laboratory animals tracking

    Automated systems for behaviour classification of laboratory animals are an attractive alternative to manual scoring. However, the proper animals separation and tracking, especially when they are in close contact, is the bottleneck of the behaviour analysis systems. In this paper, we propose a method for the segmentation of thermal images of laboratory rats that are in close contact during social behaviour tests. For this, we are...

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  • Study of Multi-Class Classification Algorithms’ Performance on Highly Imbalanced Network Intrusion Datasets

    - Informatica - Year 2021

    This paper is devoted to the problem of class imbalance in machine learning, focusing on the intrusion detection of rare classes in computer networks. The problem of class imbalance occurs when one class heavily outnumbers examples from the other classes. In this paper, we are particularly interested in classifiers, as pattern recognition and anomaly detection could be solved as a classification problem. As still a major part of...

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  • Evaluation of Respiration Rate Using Thermal Imaging in Mobile Conditions

    Respiratory rate is very important vital sign that should be measured and documented in many medical situations. The remote measurement of respiration rate can be especially valuable for medical screening purposes (e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza, etc.). In this chapter we present a review of many different studies focused on the measurements and estimation of respiration rate using thermal imaging...

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  • Quality of graphical markers for the needs of eyewear devices

    - Year 2015

    in this paper we propose to cast the problem of identification of people, objects or places into an application for smart glasses that decodes information from graphical markers. We focus on analyzing different factors that can have influence on the processes of the automatic recognition of information from a code. The research we present aims at reviewing recognition performances in function of: size of a marker, distance from/to...

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  • Pose classification in the gesture recognition using the linear optical sensor

    Gesture sensors for mobile devices, which have a capability of distinguishing hand poses, require efficient and accurate classifiers in order to recognize gestures based on the sequences of primitives. Two methods of poses recognition for the optical linear sensor were proposed and validated. The Gaussian distribution fitting and Artificial Neural Network based methods represent two kinds of classification approaches. Three types...

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  • Head movement compensation algorithm in multi-display communication by gaze

    An influence of head movements on the gaze estimation accuracy when using a head mounted eye tracking system is discussed in the paper. This issue has been examined for a multi-display environment. It was found that head movement (rotation) to some extent does not influence on the gaze estimation accuracy seriously. Acceptable results were obtained when using eye-tracker to communicate with a computer via in two displays simultaneously.

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  • Face with Mask Detection in Thermal Images Using Deep Neural Networks

    As the interest in facial detection grows, especially during a pandemic, solutions are sought that will be effective and bring more benefits. This is the case with the use of thermal imaging, which is resistant to environmental factors and makes it possible, for example, to determine the temperature based on the detected face, which brings new perspectives and opportunities to use such an approach for health control purposes. The...

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  • Long Distance Vital Signs Monitoring with Person Identification for Smart Home Solutions

    - Year 2018

    Abstract— Imaging photoplethysmography has already been proved to be successful in short distance (below 1m). However, most of the real-life use cases of measuring vital signs require the system to work at longer distances, to be both more reliable and convenient for the user. The possible scenarios that system designers must have in mind include monitoring of the vital signs of residents in nursing homes, disabled people, who...

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  • Septic safe interactions with smart glasses in health care

    In this paper, septic safe methods of interaction with smart glasses, due to the health care environment applications consideration, are presented. The main focus is on capabilities of an optical, proximity-based gesture sensor and eye-tracker input systems. The design of both interfaces is being adapted to the open smart glasses platform that is being developed under the eGlasses project. Preliminary results obtained from the...

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  • Color Processing for Color-Blind Individuals Using Smart Glasses

    In this paper we investigated image processing methods for color-blind individuals. In particular we experimentally verified color naming procedure, generation of maps with color perception differences for average observers and for dichromats, and two color transformation methods. In experiments 7 mobile devices were used: 3 smart glasses and 4 smartphones. User studies were performed with 38 average observers and 9 dichromats....

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  • Real-time facial feature tracking in poor quality thermal imagery

    Recently, facial feature tracking systems have become more and more popular because of many possible use cases. Especially in medical applications location of the face and facial features are very useful. Many researches have presented methods to detect and track facial features in visible light. However, facial feature analysis in thermography may also be very advantageous. Some examples of using infrared imagery in medicine include...

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  • Comparison of active proximity radars for the wearable devices

    - Year 2015

    Two methods of object position and movement estimation in relation to the user of smart glasses were investigated. An active infrared and ultrasonic methods of the obstacle detection were presented and compared. Application of these methods depend on active transducers type (physical medium used), geometry and surface properties of detected objects and their movement direction and speed. In the article properties of both detectors...

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  • Evaluating Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation from Super Resolved Thermal Imagery

    Non-contact estimation of Respiratory Rate (RR) has revolutionized the process of establishing the measurement by surpassing some issues related to attaching sensors to a body, e.g. epidermal stripping, skin disruption and pain. In this study, we perform further experiments with image processing-based RR estimation by using various image enhancement algorithms. Specifically, we employ Super Resolution (SR) Deep Learning (DL) network...

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  • Influence of Thermal Imagery Resolution on Accuracy of Deep Learning based Face Recognition

    Human-system interactions frequently require a retrieval of the key context information about the user and the environment. Image processing techniques have been widely applied in this area, providing details about recognized objects, people and actions. Considering remote diagnostics solutions, e.g. non-contact vital signs estimation and smart home monitoring systems that utilize person’s identity, security is a very important factor....

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  • Computerized Color Processing for Dichromats

    Artykuł przedstawia opis metod w zakresie symulacji kolorów postrzeganych przez osoby z dichromacją oraz metod rozpoznawania kolorów jak i etykietowania kolorów w obrazach cyfrowych.

  • Application of smart glasses for fast and automatic color correction in health care

    In recent years different applications of smart glasses in health care have been proposed. In this paper we present the experiments related to automatic color correction using smart glasses platform developed within the eGlasses project. The color pattern is proposed and tested enabling the automatic detection of the pattern and automatic correction of colors. Additionally, the method for encoding and decoding of patient ID in...

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  • Comparison of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and near-infrared transillumination-backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) methods

    - Scientific Reports - Year 2020

    The aim of the study was to compare simultaneously recorded a NIR-T/BSS and NIRS signals from healthy volunteers. NIR-T/BSS is a device which give an ability to non-invasively detect and monitor changes in the subarachnoid space width (SAS). Experiments were performed on a group of 30 healthy volunteers (28 males and 2 females, age 30.8 ± 13.4 years, BMI = 24.5 ± 2.3 kg/m2). We analysed recorded signals using analysis methods based...

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  • Enhanced Remote Control Providing Medical Functionalities

    This paper presents the enhanced remote control and its role in pervasive healthcare in the home. The device was equipped with health-related measurement modules and a message-processing unit. Preliminary results are presented for monitoring of a pulse, hand tremors, grip forces, and for self­ evaluation procedures. The interaction of the device with the smart environment is presented and discussed.

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  • Performance Analysis of Interaction between Smart Glasses and Smart Objects Using Image-Based Object Identification

    We propose the use of smart glasses to collaborate with smart objects in the Internet of Things environment. Particularly we are focusing on new interaction methods and the analysis of acceptable reaction times in the process of object recognition using smart glasses. We evaluated the proposed method using user studies and experiments with three different smart glasses: Google Glass, Epson Moverio, and the developed eGlasses platform....

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  • Automatic analysis of the aggressive behavior of laboratory animals using thermal video processing

    The bite detection is very important but difficult element of the social interaction analysis. Standard observation methods like human observer or a camcorder of visible light frequencies fail in this case. However, it is possible to discern cooler spots on the rodent's body that appear after body contact with another individual, and vanish after short time. These spots are assumed to be a saliva trace left on fur after bite. In...

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  • Age Prediction from Low Resolution, Dual-Energy X-ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks

    Age prediction from X-rays is an interesting research topic important for clinical applications such as biological maturity assessment. It is also useful in many other practical applications, including sports or forensic investigations for age verification purposes. Research on these issues is usually carried out using high-resolution X-ray scans of parts of the body, such as images of the hands or images of the chest. In this...

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  • The role of EMG module in hybrid interface of prosthetic arm

    Nearly 10% of all upper limb amputations concern the whole arm. It affects the mobility and reduces the productivity of such a person. These two factors can be restored by using prosthetics. However, the complexity of human arm makes restoring its basic functions quite difficult. When the osseointegration and/or targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) are not possible, different modalities can be used to control the prosthesis. In...

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  • The passive operating mode of the linear optical gesture sensor

    The study evaluates the influence of natural light conditions on the effectiveness of the linear optical gesture sensor, working in the presence of ambient light only (passive mode). The orientations of the device in reference to the light source were modified in order to verify the sensitivity of the sensor. A criterion for the differentiation between two states - "possible gesture" and "no gesture" - was proposed. Additionally,...

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  • Deep Instance Segmentation of Laboratory Animals in Thermal Images

    In this paper we focus on the role of deep instance segmentation of laboratory rodents in thermal images. Thermal imaging is very suitable to observe the behaviour of laboratory animals, especially in low light conditions. It is an non-intrusive method allowing to monitor the activity of animals and potentially observe some physiological changes expressed in dynamic thermal patterns. The analysis of the recorded sequence of thermal...

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  • Estimation of the amplitude of the signal for the active optical gesture sensor with sparse detectors

    In this paper we deal with the problem of precise gesture recognition for the active optical proximity sensor with sparse 8 photodiodes. We particularly focus on developing the method of estimating the real, usually not observable, maximum signal value representing maximum intensity of light reflected from an obstacle present in the front of the sensor. Different configurations of the fingers were used as an obstacle. The Monte Carlo...

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  • Semi complex navigation with an active optical gesture sensor

    This paper presents the methods of diversified touchless interactions between a user and a mobile platform utilizing the optical gesture sensor. The sensor uses 8 photodiodes to measure the reflected light in the active mode (using embedded LEDs) or it measures shadows caused by fingers in the passive mode. Several algorithms were implemented: automatic mode switching, adaptive illumination level compensation, resolution improvements...

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  • Evaluating the risk of endometriosis based on patients’ self-assessment questionnaires

    - Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology - Year 2023

    Background Endometriosis is a condition that significantly affects the quality of life of about 10 % of reproductive-aged women. It is characterized by the presence of tissue similar to the uterine lining (endometrium) outside the uterus, which can lead lead scarring, adhesions, pain, and fertility issues. While numerous factors associated with endometriosis are documented, a wide range of symptoms may still be undiscovered. Methods In...

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  • Local Texture Pattern Selection for Efficient Face Recognition and Tracking

    This paper describes the research aimed at finding the optimal configuration of the face recognition algorithm based on local texture descriptors (binary and ternary patterns). Since the identification module was supposed to be a part of the face tracking system developed for interactive wearable computer, proper feature selection, allowing for real-time operation, became particularly important. Our experiments showed that it is...

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  • Interactions using passive optical proximity detector

    - Year 2015

    In this paper we evaluated the possible application of a passive, optical sensor as an interface for human-smart glasses interactions. The designed proximity sensor is composed of set of photodiodes and the appropriate hardware and software components. First, experiments were performed for the estimations of such parameters as distance to an object, its width and velocity. Achieved results were satisfactory. Therefore, next, a...

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  • Active and Dynamic Graphical Code for Object Identification in Healthcare

    A new approach for item marking using two dimensional discrete graphics markers. Proposed solution allow o change the code rapidly, upon request and in the case of thermal markers make the code invisible for unauthorized observers. Connecting the proposed codes with wearable multmedial platform such as eGlasses can create new possibilities in human-environment interaction.

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  • Smart city and fire detection using thermal imaging

    In this paper, we summarize the results obtained from fire experiments. The aim of the work was to develop new methods of fire detection using IR thermal imaging cameras and dedicated image processing. We conducted 4 experiments in different configurations and with the use of different objects. The conducted experiments have shown the great usefulness of infrared cameras for detecting the seeds of a fire. Even cheap low-resolution...

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  • The accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images

    - Year 2016

    The goal of this paper is to analyze the accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images. Simulated and real signals were used to evaluate two pulse rate estimators; one for frequency domain and the second one for time domain using the autocorrelation function. The results show that the mean difference between the reference measurements and estimated pulse rate values are about 2bpm. In the analysis of short...

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  • Open smart glasses development platform for AAL applications

    - Year 2017

    This paper describes an open platform for multi sensory electronic glasses that supports new and enhanced methods for intelligent interaction with patients, with smart objects, or to be used as new data input modalities like proximity sensor or smart textile interfaces. All the activities have been developed, investigated and evaluated within EU CHIST-ERA eGlasses project...

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  • Analysis of Properties of an Active Linear Gesture Sensor

    Basic gesture sensors can play a significant role as input units in mobile smart devices. However, they have to handle a wide variety of gestures while preserving the advantages of basic sensors. In this paper a user-determined approach to the design of a sparse optical gesture sensor is proposed. The statistical research on a study group of individuals includes the measurement of user-related parameters like the speed of a performed...

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  • Face detection in image sequences using a portable thermal camera

    Face detection is often a first step in quantitative analysis of face images. It is an important research area for visible images and recently also for thermography. Due to technological developments thermal cameras may be embedded into wearable devices to provide remote healthcare. In this paper, we compared three algorithms for face detection in thermal images by testing execution time, accuracy, symmetry ratio and false-positives....

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  • Design aspects of a low-cost prosthetic arm for people with severe movement disabilities

    In this paper the main aspects of mechanical design behind the low-cost prosthetic arm are presented. The fundamentals of a proper design has been defined to obtain functional 3D printed 5 degree of freedom (DOF) prosthesis. The designed prosthetic arm is a part of the hybrid interface with eye tracking movement control. The main focus was to create affordable but usable prosthesis which corresponds in size and weights to the human...

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  • Towards Contactless, Hand Gestures-Based Control of Devices

    Gesture-based intuitive interactions with electronic devices can be an important part of smart home systems. In this paper, we adapt the contactless linear gesture sensor for the navigation of smart lighting system. Set of handled gestures allow to propose two methods of active light source selection, continuous dimming, and turning on and off based on discrete gestures. The average gesture recognition accuracy was 97.58% in the...

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  • The motion influence on respiration rate estimation from low-resolution thermal sequences during attention focusing tasks

    Global aging has led to a growing expectancy for creating home-based platforms for indoor monitoring of elderly people. A motivation is to provide a non-intrusive technique, which does not require special activities of a patient but allows for remote monitoring of elderly people while assisting them with their daily activities. The goal of our study was to evaluate motion performed by a person focused on a specific task and check...

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