dr hab. inż. Jerzy Pyrchla
- Associate professor at Department of Geodesy
total: 20
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Accuracy of marine gravimetric measurements in terms of geodetic coordinates of land reference benchmark
PublicationThe article presents how the values of (3D) coordinates of land reference points affect the results of gravimetric measurements made from the ship in sea areas. These measurements are the basis for 3D maritime inertial navigation, improving ships' operational safety. The campaign verifying the network absolute point coordinates used as a reference point for relative marine gravity measurements was described. The obtained values...
Year 2022
A model of the response of the MGS-6 gravity sensor to tilting
PublicationThe reliable interpretation of the measurements made by the Micro-g marine gravimetric system (MGS-6) depends on how the temporary changes of the scale coefficients such as gravimeter scale factor, vertical cross-coupling (VCC) effect, tiltmeter cross and tiltmeter long are compensated for during the signal analysis. The listed coefficients cannot be determined from readings during the measurements or by analysing the final data....
Year 2020
Analysis of free‐air anomalies on the seaway of the Gulf of Gdańsk. A case study
PublicationIn this paper, we present an attempt to determine the accuracy of shipborne gravimetry for the needs of geoid determination. The shipborne gravity campaign, described in this article, is the beginning of a series of gravimetry measurements in the Polish Exclusive Economy Zone. The campaign was conducted in the area where the accuracy of geoid determination is crucial for the safety of navigation on numerous intersecting ships routes....
Analysis of the Dynamic Height Distribution at the Estuary of the Odra River Based on Gravimetric Measurements Acquired with the Use of a Light Survey Boat—A Case Study
PublicationLaCoste) for determining the dynamic height along the Odra River, in northwest Poland. The gravity measurement campaign described in this article was conducted on a small, hybrid-powered survey vessel (overall length: 9.5 m). We discuss a method for processing the results of gravimetric measurements performed on a mobile platform affected by strong external disturbances. Because measurement noise in most cases consists of signals...
Year 2019
Automated Parameter Determination for Horizontal Curves for the Purposes of Road Safety Models with the Use of the Global Positioning System
PublicationThis paper presents the results of research conducted to develop an automated system capable of determining parameters for horizontal curves. The system presented in this article could calculate the actual course of a road by means of a two-stage positioning of recorded points along the road. In the first stage, measurements were taken with a Real-Time Network (RTN) receiver installed in a research vehicle. In the second stage,...
MicroGal Gravity Measurements with MGS-6 Micro-g LaCoste Gravimeter
PublicationKnowing the exact number of fruit and trees helps growers to make better decisions about how to manage their production in the orchard and prevent plant diseases. The current practice of yield estimation is to manually count fruit or flowers (before harvesting), which is a very time-consuming and costly process. Moreover it’s not practical for large orchards. It also doesn’t allow to make predictions of plant development in a more...
Year 2018
Hydrographic Multisensory Unmanned Watercraft
PublicationThis article describes the design of the unmanned surface vessel (USV) and the algorithms for planning the trajectories to be followed on measurement missions. The algorithms take account of the dynamically varying impacts of external forces (wind and surface current) on the vessel's motion. Feedback loops enable the counteraction of external factors that cause disturbance to the desired trajectory. The sensors installed on the...
The use of GIS tools for road infrastructure safety management
PublicationThere are many factors that influence accidents and their severity. They can be grouped within the system of man, vehicle and environment. The article focuses on how GIS tools can be used to manage road infrastructure safety. To ensure a better understanding and identification of road factors, GIS tools help with the acquisition of road parameter data. Their other role is helping with a clear and effective presentation of risk...
The Use of Gravimetric Measurements to Determine the Orthometric Height of the Benchmark in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationThis paper contains a description of the technology used to make gravimetric measurements of the height of a reference point located in the Port of Gdynia, Poland. Measurements were made using a CG-5 gravimeter manufactured by LaCoste & Romberg Scintrex Inc., and determinations of position used a Leica Viva GS15 receiver integrated with a network of HxGN SmartNet GNSS reference stations. The measuring methodology required gravimeter...
Wykonanie skanowania terenu przy Urzędzie Wojewódzkim w Gdańsku wraz z opracowaniem raportu dla kontraktu: "Budowa wiaduktu Biskupia Górka w Gdańsku"
PublicationCelem opracowania jest wykonanie skanu obszaru w rejonie przyszłej inwestycji pn. "Wiadukt Góra Biskupia w Gdańsku" w poszukiwaniu możliwie występujących pod poziomem terenu zabytkowych zabudowań. W zakresie opracowania wykonano pomiary z użyciem metody georadarowej (GPR), badań elektrooporowych (ERT) oraz metody grawimetrycznej.
Year 2017
Fuzzy Sets in the GIS Environment in the Location of Objects on the Surface of Water Bodies
PublicationThe issue presented here focuses on concerns about the localization of the object on water surface. The article shows how to facilitate localization process by applying mathematical solutions characterized by simplicity, rapid action and delivering credible results. The paper shows the results of background experiments, which enabled to collect technical parameters needed for conducting simulation testing. The research has been...
Study of the Flow Dynamics of Surface Water Masses in the Area of the Coastal Gulf of Gdansk
PublicationThe paper describes two methods of predicting the movement of small objects with surface water masses. One of the methods uses graph theory to describe the motion of water masses in port docks. The results of this study were compared to a simulation using the hydrodynamic numerical model M3D. The results obtained in a virtual environment were related to the experiments in the real world. In the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdansk,...
Year 2016
Identifying the Effects of Selected Road and Roadside Parameters on Road Safety Using Geodetic Techniques
PublicationThe paper will present techniques that can be used to obtain data on road alignment and profile including the roadside. In-the-field and simulation studies have helped to develop mathematical models that integrate vehicle position data. The experiments were conducted in a virtual environment using the software ArcGIS that reflects the actual roadside conditions. The site tests were made using a purpose-built device which integrates...
Integration and Visualization of the Results of Hydrodynamic Models in the Maritime Network-Centric GIS of Gulf of Gdansk
PublicationEnsuring of security in the coastal area makes on a seaside countries research in the field of infrastructure spatial information of environmental data. The paper presents the results of work on the construction of this infrastructure by integrating electronic navigational chart with ortophotomaps of coastal areas as well as numerical data from weather and hydrodynamic models. Paper focuses on a problems associated with creating...
Modeling the impact of surface currents in a harbor using graph theory
PublicationEnsuring security in a harbor requires research into its infrastructure using spatial environmental data. This paper presents a methodology that defines the design of a graph for modeling the interactions between surface currents and moving objects. Combining this graph with port charts that integrate electronic navigation charts with coastal orthophotographs allows us to perform a multidimensional analysis. In addition, the complete...
Research into the Movements of Surface Water Masses in the Basins Adjacent to the Port
PublicationThis paper presents the results of the practical and simulation research into determining the routes of movement of small objects moving together with surface water masses in basins adjacent to the port. The results of this research were referenced against the modelling of routes of small objects in port channel basins. The results of practical research concerning the movement of small objects in basins adjacent to the port were...
Year 2015
Modern remote sensing and the challenges facing education systems in terms of its teaching
PublicationCurrently the fastest growing area of geodesy is undoubtedly remote sensing. The importance that it has recently conducted on the effectiveness of worldwide research determines its huge success. Examination of the specific characteristics of objects without direct contact with them is a key feature has opened the way to the new very interesting areas of contemporary research. In this light, it seems reasonable to say that there...
Year 2014
Rola GIS w badaniach środowiska morskiego
PublicationŚrodowisko morskie nadal pozostaje „białą plamą” z punktu widzenia systemów GIS. Trudno jest znaleźć analogie pomiędzy cyfrowym modelem terenu a danymi batymetrycznymi, ponieważ odzwierciedlają one tylko jedno z możliwych obliczy środowiska morskiego, drugim bardzo ważnym, jest falowanie. Jednakże dopiero informacja wspólna o batymetrii i falowaniu jest naprawdę wartościowa dla ludzi korzystających z morza zawodowo. Mając do dyspozycji...
System informacji przestrzennej dla morskich rejonów przybrzeżnych. Logistyka i obronność.
PublicationAutorzy wskazują na możliwość poprawienia jakości zarządzania decyzjami oraz dowodzeniem na wypadek działań wojennych lub wypadków morskich poprzez jednoznaczne i metodyczne połączenie cyfrowych map morskich wykonanych w standardzie ENC/S-57 i DNC/VPF oraz danych z zasobu geodezyjnego dotyczącego obszaru lądowego. Aktualnie nie funkcjonuje w Polsce system informacji przestrzennej obejmujący polskie wybrzeże, który mógłby zostać...
System wizyjny do nocnych poszukiwań nawodnych zintegrowany z łodzią typu RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat)
PublicationSystem wizyjno-koordynacyjny oraz zintegrowanie go z dostosowaną łodzią motorową do prowadzenia poszukiwań w nocy realizowano w ramach projektu badawczego celowego nr UDA-POIG.01.04.00-22-008/11-00. Wszystkie prezentowane rozwiązania zostały przetestowane w warunkach rzeczywistych, przez specjalistów praktyków. Prezentowane rozwiązanie wpisuje się w priorytetowe kierunki badań naukowych i dotyczy obszaru technologicznego związanego...
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