dr inż. Michał Krężelewski
- Assistant professor at Institute of Naval Architecture
e-Learning courses
Mechanika Ruchu Okrętu I Profil: Duże statki sem. 05, zimowy 22/23 (O:098273)
Mechanika techniczna II, W, C, L, Oceanotechnika, sem.03, zimowy 22/23
Mechanika Płynów (niestacjonarne), W+Ćw, sem. 3, zimowy 21/22
Kurs obejmujący zagadnienia z Mechaniki Płynów dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych semestru 3 (wykłady oraz ćwiczenia).
Mechanika płynów PG_00042042 Laboratorium semestr letni 2022
Hydromechanika okrętu, W, Oceanotechnika,I stopnia, niestacjonarne, sem. 5, zimowy 22/23
Zastosowanie Metod Numerycznych, PG_00041658, PG_00041639, W+L, sem. 3, zimowy 21/22
Kurs z zakresu Metod Numerycznych obejmujący wykłady i ćwiczenia dla studentów semestru 3.
Mechanika techniczna II, W, C, L, Transport i logistyka, sem.03, zimowy 22/23
Teoria Okrętu I, w, Oceanotechnika, sem. 3, zimowy 22/23
Mechanika ruchu jachtu I, W, Profil Małe statki i jachty, sem. 5, zimowy 22/23
Numeryczna mechanika płynów, Laboratorium, Profil: Statki morskie i obiekty oceanotechniczne , sem 02, zima 22/23 (n-stac) (PG_00057301)
Laboratorium z Numerycznej Mechaniki Płynów dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych
Mechanika Płynów, W+Ćw, sem. 3, zimowy 21/22
Kurs z obejmujący zakres zagadnień z mechaniki płynów - ćwiczenia i wykład.
Mechanika Ruchu Jachtów I Profil: Małe statki i jachty sem. 05, zimowy 22/23 (O:098300)
Mechanika płynów, W, TiL, sem. 3, zimowy 22/23
Numeryczna mechanika płynów, Oceanotechnika,II stopnia, niestacjonarne, sem. 2, zimowy 22/23
Laboratorium z Teorii Okretu I Budowa okrętów (WIMiO), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2022/2023 - zimowy
Materiały pomocnicze do przedmiotu
Fluid Mechanics, PG_0004975 laboratory 2022
Mechanika ruchu okrętu I, W, Profil Duże statki, sem. 5, zimowy 22/23
Mechanika płynów, W, Oceanotechnika, sem. 3, zimowy 22/23
Mechanika techniczna II, Transport i logistyka, zima 23/24 (PG_00056192)
Podstawy okrętownictwa, PG_00060458, W, Ć, BMiO (WIMiO), niestacjonarne, sem. 3, 2024/25zimowy
Fluid Mechanics PG 00049759 Wykład+Ćwiczenia, sem. 4, lato 2024
Numeryczna mechanika płynów - CFD dla inżynierów PiBJ, sem. 6 letni 2023/24
Numeryczna Mechanika Płynów (W/L) Oceanotechnika II st., sem. 2, zimowy, 2023/24
Laboratorium z Numerycznej Mechaniki Płynów dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych
Mechanika płynów, Oceanotechnika, sem. 3, zima 2023/24 (PG_00056280)
Hydromechanika okrętu, PG_00045052 Oceanotechnika sem. 4 letni 22/23
Numeryczna Mechanika Płynów (W/L) N-STAC. Oceanotechnika II st., sem. 2, zimowy, 2023/24
Laboratorium z Numerycznej Mechaniki Płynów dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych
Teoria Żeglowania I, PiBJ (WIMiO), I stopnia inżynierskie, stacjonarne, sem.5, zimowy 2023/24
Mechanika techniczna II, Oceanotechnika, zima 23/24 (PG_00056421)
Mechanika Ruchu Okrętu II, sem.6, 2023/24 letni
Projektowanie jednostek szybkich I, W, P, PiBJ (WIMiO), sem 5 zimowy 2024/25
Fluid Mechanics PG 00049759, Laboratorium, sem. 4, lato 2023
Opór i stateczność jachtu
Część 1 – Stateczność statku 18 godz. Stateczność poprzeczna początkowa. Pojęcie wysokości metacentrycznej. Wyznaczanie małego kąta przechyłu statycznego. Stateczność wzdłużna. Pojęcie jednostkowego momentu przegłębiającego. Wyznaczanie przegłębienia statku/jachtu. Obliczanie zanurzeń teoretycznych (na pionach). Stateczność poprzeczna przy dużych kątach przechyłu. Wyznaczanie dużego kąta przechyłu statycznego. Stateczność dynamiczna....
Hydromechanika Okrętu, W, Ć, sem. 4, letni 2023/24
Fluid Mechanics PG 00049759, Laboratorium, sem. 4, lato 2024
Opór i stateczność okrętu
Stateczność statku Opór i pędniki
Mechanika Ruchu Jachtów II Profil: Małe statki i jachty sem. 06, letni 22/23
Mechanika płynów, w+ć, PiBJ WIMiO, sem. 3, zima 2024/25
Teoria Okretu I Budowa okrętów (WIMiO), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2023/2024
Hydromechaniczne podstawy projektowania i mechanika ruchu, Oceanotechnika,II stopnia, niestacjonarne, sem. 2, zimowy 23/24
Hydromechanika Jachtu - Wykład, Laboratorium, PBiJ, sem. 04, letni 22/23
Mechanika płynów, Transport i Logistyka, sem. 3 zima 2023/24 (PG_00056193)
Mechanika Płynów, PiBJ, stacjonarne, sem. 2 letni 22/23
Wprowadzenie do oceanotechniki, PG_00060520, W, OiKM (WIMiO), stacjonarne, sem. 1, 2024/2025
Mechanika Ruchu Okrętu I (W/L), BOiJ, sem. 5,zimowy, 2023/24
Podstawy budowy okrętu, W, Budowa okrętów - podyplomowe, sem.1 i 2, 2023/24
Materiały pomocnicze dla przedmiotów: Wprowadzenie do transportu wodnego Wprowadzenie do okrętownictwa Podstawy budowy okrętu Podstawy projektowania okrętu dla studiów podyplomowych Budowa Okrętów, sem.01
Mechanika ruchu okrętu I (PG_00056295) W, L, BO (WIMiO), sem.5 zimowy 2024/2025
Teoria żeglowania I, W, L,( PG_00056261), PiBJ (WIMiO), sem.5, zimowy 2024/2025
Projektowanie jednostek szybkich II P, sem.6, letni 2023/24
Mechanika Ruchu Okrętu I, w L, WOiO niestacjonarne, sem. 6 letni 2022/23
Hydromechanika Jachtu, W, L, sem 4, rok akademicki 2023/2024 (PG_00056254)
Conducted classes
Ship Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Naval Engineering
Ship Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Naval Engineering
Hydromechanika okrętu
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Naval Engineering
Mechanika ruchu okrętu II
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Numerical Fluid Mechanics - CFD for engineers
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Designing of High-Speed Units 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Ship Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Naval Engineering
Mechanika ruchu okrętu II
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Hydromechanics of Ship
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Yacht Hydromechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Mechanika płynów
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Mechanika ruchu okrętu I
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Numerical Fluid Mechanics - CFD for engineers
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Designing of High-Speed Units 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Designing of High-Speed Units 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Theory of Sailing 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Hydromechanics of Ship
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Teoria okrętu I
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Motion Mechanics of Yachts 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Yacht Hydromechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Mechanika płynów
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Theory of Sailing 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Statki morskie, obiekty oceanotechniczne i jachty
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology -
Mechanika ruchu okrętu I
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Numerical Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology -
Numerical Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Statki morskie, obiekty oceanotechniczne i jachty
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Designing of High-Speed Units 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Hydromechanics of Ship
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Mechanika płynów
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Motion Mechanics of Yachts 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Motion mechanics of Yachts 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Hydromechanics of Ship
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Application of Numerical Methods
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology -
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Statki morskie, obiekty oceanotechniczne i jachty
Zastosowanie metod numerycznych
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Numerical Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Statki morskie, obiekty oceanotechniczne i jachty
Ship Theory 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Teoria okrętu I
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Naval Architecture
Mechanical Vibration Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Application of numerical methods
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Ship Theory 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Application of Numerical Methods
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Mechanical Vibration Theory
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Hydromechanics of Ship
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Motion mechanics of Yachts 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Small Crafts and Yachts
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Profile: Sea-Going Ships
Hydrodynamic Aspects of Resistance-Propulsion Characteristics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Natural Resources Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Natural Resources Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Mechanics of Ship Structures 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motor Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Mechanics of Ship Structures 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Mechanics of Drilling Fluids
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Hydromechanic Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Hydromechanics of Ship
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Field of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Subfield of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Hydromechanics of Ship
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Ship Motor Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Selected problems of Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Field of study: Transport
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Mechanics of Drilling Fluids
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Mechanics of Ship Structures 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Mechanics of Ship Structures 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fundamentals of Ship Theory
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Electrical and Control EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Energy Technologies
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motor Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Mechanics of Drilling Fluids
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Ship Motor Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Mechanics of Drilling Fluids
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Mechanics of Ship Structures 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Diploma Related Topics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Means
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Ship Motor Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Selected topics of hydromechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Selected topics of hydromechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Fluid Mechanics - lecture
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Ship Motion Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motor Mechanics 1
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Fluid Mechanics - lecture
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology
Selected topics of hydromechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Selected topics of hydromechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Selected topics of hydromechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Fluid Mechanics - lecture
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics - lecture
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics - lecture
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydromechanics Principles in Ship Design and Ship Motion Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Special Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Sea-Going Ships and Ocean Engineering Objects
Selected topics of hydromechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Fluid Mechanics - lecture
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Ship Motion Mechanics - 2
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
seen 1809 times