total: 364
filtered: 38
Isothermal calorimetry data for cement pastes containing pristine Bi2O3/Gd2O3 and silica-coated Bi2O3/Gd2O3 structures
Open Research DataCsv file containing raw calorimetric data determined up to 168 h (Tam Air 3 8-channel isothermal calorimeter) of cement pastes containing Bi2O3+Gd2O3 amd silica-coated Bi2O3-Gd2O3 structures. Sample designation in the .csv file is in line with sample designation in the manuscript associated with dataset.
Isothermal calorimetry data for cement pastes containing pristine and silica-coated bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) and gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) structures
Open Research DataExcel file containing raw calorimetric data determined up to 168 h (Tam Air 3 8-channel isothermal calorimeter) of cement pastes containing variable amount of Bi2O3, Gd2O3, Bi2O3-SiO2 and Gd2O3-SiO2 structures. Sample designation in the Excel file is in line with sample designation in the manuscript associated with dataset.
Iodometric titration analysis for BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe determination of oxygen nonstoichiometry in the series of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1) compounds was carried out using the iodometric titration method.
Adiabatic calorimetry results for fresh concrete mixes M0 and M100
Open Research DataAdiabatic calorimetry results for fresh 3D printed concrete mixes (M0 and M100) determined using Controls S.p.A., Italy calorimeter
Concrete temperature measurements of cubic specimens cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains temperature measurements of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...
Calorimetic properties of cementitous material with biochar and recycled fines
Open Research DataCalorimetric data of cementitous material with biochar and recycled fines using TAM Air Isothermal calorimeter.
Effect of C-1748 derivatives on the morphological transformation of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of the impact of five C-1748 derivatives (IKE28 - IKE32) on morphological transformation of Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231 cells. Photographic documentation prepared with the TECAN Spark 10M titration plate reader.
Effect of C-1748 derivatives on the biofilm formation of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of the impact of five C-1748 derivatives (IKE28 - IKE32) on the biofilm formation of Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231 cells. Photographic documentation prepared with the TECAN Spark 10M titration plate reader.
Effect of novel bisacridines (IKE16, IKE18, IKE19, IKE21) and IE10 on the biofilm formation of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of the impact of novel bisacridines (IKE16, IKE18, IKE19, IKE21) and IE10 on the biofilm formation of Candida albicans strain ATCC 10231 cells. Photographic documentation prepared with the TECAN Spark 10M titration plate reader.
CTD Gdańsk Deep_2001_2005
Open Research DataDataset includes measurements of conductivity (mS cm-1), temperature (°C), sound speed (m s-1) and salinity (PSU) made with the probe Falmouth Scientific Inc. The research was carried out in 2001 (at the turn of May and June), 2003 (beginning of May), 2005 (end of April) and in 2002 and 2004 (at the turn of September and October). In 2002, only temperature...
Gas Chromatography (GC) measurements obtained during photocatalytic decomposition of acetaldehyde (240 ppm) in high temperature reactor chamber (100oC)
Open Research DataGas Chromatography (GC) measurements using obtained TNRs@Ni-foam were performed using a SRI (Torrance, CA, USA) equipped with a flame ionization detector. Analyses were carried out under the following conditions: isothermal oven temperature of 130 °C; detector temperature of 250 °C; automatic sampling loop volume of 2 mL; and a metal capillary column...
Changes in heat flow of V2O5 nanorods under oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC curves of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 650°C. The information about nanorods synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder under different inert atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Crystallization kinetics of V2O5 nanorods
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC curves of As-prepared xerogel powder with different heating rates. The information about sol synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Changes in heat flow of V2O5 nanorods under inert atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC curves of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 650°C. The information about nanorods synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Changes in heat of vanadium xerogel powder under different atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC curves of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
DSC measurments of ammonium vanadate nanocrystals
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the thermal behavior of the ammonium vanadate nanostructures obtained by the hydrothermal method with different conditions. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurement was carried out under an argon atmosphere from 40C to 560C (with a heating rate of 10 C/min) using Netzsch STA 449 F1. The results reveal the differences...
Thermal stability analysis of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black-nanodiamond composite
Open Research DataThis dataset contains thermal stability tests carried out on new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Two types of nanodiamonds were studied: detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNW). The investigated techniques include: thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)...
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder and V2O5 nanorods under helium atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder and V2O5 nanorods obtained at 650C. The information about xerogel powder and V2O5 nanorods synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal properties of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC and TG curves of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different reaction conditions. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The xerogel powder was annealing under argon atmosphere at the selected temperature: 500C, 600C, and 1000C.
FTIR spectra and IGC chromatograms for chemically reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOA)
Open Research DataThe effect of selected synthesis parameters on reduced graphene oxide aerogels properties was investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and dynamic adsorption method (Inverse Gas Chromatography, IGC). Samples were synthesized by sol-gel method by reduction induced self-assembly of graphene oxide. As a reductant l-ascorbic acid was used....
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of pre- PXBS (0 h) and PXBS during the crosslinking process (24 h–288 h)
Open Research DataThe goal of this research was developing biodegradable and biocompatibile xylitol-based copolymers with improved mechanical properties, and investigating the change in their thermal and chemical properties withprogress of the cross-linking process. Using a raw material of natural origin such as xylitol, a prepolymer wasobtained by esterification and...
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder under oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of TeOx xerogel powder under different atmospheres
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the TeOx xerogel powder measured under different atmospheres. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. The sol was obtained by vigorously stirring precursor solution...
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 1000°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 1000°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of TeOx powder
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the TeOx powder. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. The sol was obtained by vigorously stirring precursor solution at 50°C for 2h, then the temperature was raised...
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 800°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 800°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 500°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 500°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 600°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 600°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 400°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 400°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 650°C under reducing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 650°C under a reducing atmosphere (95% Ar 5% H2). The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 700°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 700°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Analysis of the chemical composition of MnO-B2O3 glass
Open Research DataStructural and thermal properties of xMnO−(100−x)B2O3 (where x = 40, 50 and 60 mol%) glass samples have been investigated with the employment of various techniques. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results revealed the influence of MnO on glass matrix. Decrease of B–O bond-related band intensities has been observed. MnO addition was found to...
Thermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing nanocrystallites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with DSC method
Open Research DataThermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing nanocrystallites of Bi2VO5.5. was measured by DSC.
Thermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with DSC method
Open Research DataThermal properties of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by DSC.
Thermal properties of ceramic Bi2VO5.5 and strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing crystalites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with DSC
Open Research DataThermal properties of ceramic Bi2VO5.5 and strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing Bi2VO5.5 crystallites was measured by DSC.
Nutrients, oxygen and suspended matter - Gdansk Deep (2001-2005)
Open Research DataThe results show short-term changes in the concentration of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, phosphates and total forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), dissolved oxygen and suspended particulate matter - SPM and its main components (organic carbon - POC, nitrogen - PON, phosphorus - TPP) in the water column of the Gdańsk Deep (Gdańsk Bay).