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Search results for: WODY OPADOWE, ŚCIEKI
„Projekt ekologicznego promu wodnego na wody miasta Gdańska”
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology according to WFOŚ/D/201/53/2015 agreement from 2015-03-31
Materiały cienkowarstwowe do generowania wodoru w procesie fotorozkładu wody
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2011/01/N/ST5/05540 agreement from 2011-12-19
Influence of hydration water properties on the process of amyloid fibrils formation
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2017/26/D/NZ1/00497 agreement from 2018-04-10
Green Analytical Chemistry in Air and Water Pollution Assessment
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry
The role of solvation water in the shaping of activity of antifreeze proteins.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2017/27/N/ST4/02519 agreement from 2018-07-31
Photocorrosion protection of ZnIn2S4-based photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials according to UMO-2024/53/N/ST4/02555 agreement from 2025-01-17
UF car wash Development of water recycling technology in a car wash using membrane separation
ProjectsProject realized in West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin according to NdS/538617/2021/2022 agreement from 2022-05-10
Kinezyna w ruchu względem tubuliny - właściwości wody solwatacyjnej i oddziaływania pomiędzy białkami
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2013/09/D/NZ1/01087 agreement from 2014-02-10
WaterMan Promoting water reuse in the Baltic Sea Region through capacity building at local level.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to #C017 WaterMan agreement from 2023-01-23
FOTOKATAL New photocatalysts for environmentally friendly recycling of water in the production of hydrocarbons
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemical Technology according to Pol-Nor/207659/23/2013 agreement from 2013-08-27
Superhydrophobic sponges impregnated by deep eutectic solvents for the removal of crude oil components from water
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to DEC-2020/04/X/ST8/00754 agreement from 2020-11-04
Facet-dependent photocatalysts design towards efficient water treatment
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to UMO-2021/41/N/ST5/03447 agreement from 2021-11-26
Studying the chemism modifications of the Revelve River catchment waters (The Hornsund Fiord region, Spititzbergen) due to anthropogenic pollution under differentiated loading by the atmospheric waters
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to UMO-2013/09/N/ST10/04191 agreement from 2014-03-25
InSIK Intelligent Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to 638/N-COST/09/2010/0 agreement from 2009-12-22