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Search results for: Microbiology
Non-ribosomal peptides produced by Planktothrix agardhii from Siemianówka Dam Reservoir SDR (northeast Poland)
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The Leaderless Bacteriocin Enterocin K1 Is Highly Potent against Enterococcus faecium: A Study on Structure, Target Spectrum and Receptor
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Murine Model Imitating Chronic Wound Infections for Evaluation of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy Efficacy
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Factors Determining Staphylococcus aureus Susceptibility to Photoantimicrobial Chemotherapy: RsbU Activity, Staphyloxanthin Level, and Membrane Fluidity
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Superoxide dismutase is upregulated in Staphylococcus aureus following protoporphyrin-mediated photodynamic inactivation and does not directly influence the response to photodynamic treatment
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Molecular characteristics of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains for clinical medicine
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Probiotic Bacteria: A Promising Tool in Cancer Prevention and Therapy
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Complementation studies of the DnaK–DnaJ–GrpE chaperone machineries from Vibrio harveyi and Escherichia coli, both in vivo and in vitro
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Characterization of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from the psychrophilic bacteria Desulfotalea psychrophila, Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Psychrobacter arcticus, Psychrobacter cryohalolentis, Psychromonas ingrahamii, Psychroflexus torquis, and Photobacterium profundum
PublicationBackground: Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) play essential roles in DNA replication, recombination and repair in Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in SSBs, since they find numerous applications in diverse molecular biology and analytical methods. Results: We report the characterization of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from the psychrophilic bacteria Desulfotalea...
Drug-resistant and hospital-associated Enterococcus faecium from wastewater, riverine estuary and anthropogenically impacted marine catchment basin.
PublicationEnterococci, ubiquitous colonizers of humans and other animals, play an increasingly important role in health-care associated infections (HAIs). Acquisition of resistance determinants not only seriously limits available therapeutic options but also increases available gene pool for other species. It is believed that the recent evolution of two clinically relevant species, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium occurred...
Two highly thermostable paralogous single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
PublicationThe thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis has two single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) proteins, designated TteSSB2 and TteSSB3. In a SSB complementation assay in Escherichia coli, only TteSSB3 took over the in vivo function of EcoSSB. We have cloned the ssb genes obtained by PCR and have developed E. coli overexpression systems. The TteSSB2 and TteSSB3 consist of 153 and 150 amino acids with a calculated molecular...
Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis as a tool for monitoring methanogenic archaea changes in an anaerobic digester
PublicationThe applicability of a newly-designed PCR primer pair in examination of methanogenic Archaea in a digester treating plant biomass was evaluated by Ribosmal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (RISA). To find a suitable approach, three variants of RISA were tested: (1) standard, polyacrylamide gel-based, (2) automated, utilized capillary electrophoresis (GA-ARISA), and (3) automated microfluidics-based (MF-ARISA). All three techniques yielded...
A cold-adapted esterase from psychrotrophic Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain 643A
PublicationDzięki zastosowaniu lipaz możliwa jest biotechnologiczna produkcja biodegradowalnych biopolimerów, biopaliw (tzw. biodiesel), wielu terapeutyków, herbicydów, pestycydów, kosmetyków, substancji smakowych, serów i in. Szczególnie interesującą grupę stanowią enzymy lipolityczne, pochodzące z organizmów psychrofilnych i psychrotrofowych, ze względu na zdolność do wydajnego katalizowania reakcji w temperaturach rzędu 10-20 ºC....
DAF - and collagen-binding properties of chimeric Dr fimbriae
PublicationEkspozycja białek heterologicznych na powierzchni mikroorganizmów jest jedną z nowych strategii stosowanych w mikrobiologii, biotechnologii oraz projektowaniu nowoczesnych szczepionek. W niniejszej pracy zbadano możliwość wykorzystania białka podjednostkowego DraE fimbrii Dr uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli jako nośnika heterologicznych sekwencji. W rejon odpowiadający N-terminalnej domenie 2 białka DraE wprowadzono epitopową...
Gamma rays-assisted bacterial synthesis of bimetallic silver-selenium nanoparticles: powerful antimicrobial, antibiofilm, antioxidant, and photocatalytic activities
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Identification of antigen Ag43 in uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strains and defining its role in the pathogenesis of urinary tract infections
PublicationUrinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are among the most common bacterial infectious diseases in the developed world. The urovirulence of UPEC is mainly associated with the surface-exposed fimbrial adhesins and adhesins of the autotransporter (AT) family. The best studied of theses proteins is antigen 43 (Ag43) mediating cell aggregation, adhesion and biofilm development as the causes of...
Chemosensitization of multidrug resistant Candida albicans by the oxathiolone fused chalcone derivatives
PublicationThree structurally related oxathiolone fused chalcone derivatives appeared effective chemosensitizers, able to restore in part sensitivity to fluconazole of multidrug-resistant C.albicans strains. Compound 21 effectively chemosensitized cells resistant due to the overexpression of the MDR1 gene, compound 6 reduced resistance of cells overexpressing the ABC-type drug transporters CDR1/CDR2 and derivative 18 partially reversed fluconazole...
Two small RNAs conserved in Enterobacteriaceae provide intrinsic resistance to antibiotics targeting the cell wall biosynthesis enzyme glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase
PublicationFormation of glucosamine-6-phosphate GlcN6P) by enzyme GlcN6P synthase (GlmS) represents the first step in bacterial cell envelope synthesis. In Escherichia coli, expression of glmS is controlled by small RNAs (sRNAs) GlmY and GlmZ. GlmZ activates the glmS mRNA by base-pairing. When not required, GlmZ is bound by adapter protein RapZ and recruited to cleavage by RNase E inactivating the sRNA. The homologous sRNA GlmY activates...
The usefulness of biotyping in the determination of selected pathogenicity determinants in Streptococcus mutans
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Antimicrobials Are a Photodynamic Inactivation Adjuvant for the Eradication of Extensively Drug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
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Activation mechanism and activity of globupain, a thermostable C11 protease from the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge hydrothermal system
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Induction of the Stringent Response Underlies the Antimicrobial Action of Aliphatic Isothiocyanates
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Molecular characterization of the PhiKo endolysin from Thermus thermophilus HB27 bacteriophage phiKo and its cryptic lytic peptide RAP-29
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Outer Membrane Vesicles as Mediators of Plant–Bacterial Interactions
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Clonal Diversity, Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Presence of Genes Encoding Virulence Factors in Staphylococcus aureus Strains Isolated from Cut Wound Infections
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Superantigen gene profiles, genetic relatedness and biological activity of exosecretions of Staphylococcus aureus isolates obtained from milk of cows with clinical mastitis
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Identification and methicillin resistance of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from nasal cavity of healthy horses
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Human Skin Microbiota – Essentials for Beauty Studio Professionals
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Comparative analysis of superantigen genes in Staphylococcus xylosus and Staphylococcus aureus isolates collected from a single mammary quarter of cows with mastitis
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Can antimicrobial blue light contribute to resistance development? Genome-wide analysis revealed aBL-protective genes in Escherichia coli
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The effect of auto-vaccination therapy on the phenotypic variation of one clonal type of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cows with mastitis
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Possibility of transfer and activation of 'silent' tetracycline resistance genes among Enterococcus faecalis under high-pressure processing
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Novel thermostable single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) from Deinococcus geothermalis
PublicationW celu zbadania właściwości biochemicznych białka wiążącego się do jednoniciowego DNA (SSB) pochodzącego z Deinococcus geothermalis (DgeSSB), sklonowano gen ssb otrzymany w reakcji PCR, a następnie uzyskano wydajną biosyntezę białka DgeSSB. Gen składa się z 900 par zasad, kodujących białko złożone z 300 reszt aminokwasowych, o wyliczonej masie molekularnej równej 32.45 kDa. Sekwencja aminokwasowa wykazuje 43, 44% i 75% identyczności...
ClpP/ClpX-mediated degradation of the bacteriophage λ O protein and regulation of λ phage and λ plasmid replication
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The cell surface protein Ag43 facilitates phage infection of Escherichia coli in the presence of bile salts and carbohydrates
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Regulation of the switch from early to late bacteriophage λ DNA replication
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Excess production of phage λ delayed early proteins under conditions supporting high Escherichia coli growth rates
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Fibronectin-, vitronectin- and laminin-binding proteins at the cell walls of Candida parapsilosis and Candida tropicalis pathogenic yeasts
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Properties of the HtrA Protease From Bacterium Helicobacter pylori Whose Activity Is Indispensable for Growth Under Stress Conditions
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PhageScore-based analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii infecting phages antibiotic interaction in liquid medium
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Microbiota in sports
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A new B-D-galactosidase with a low temperature optimum isolated from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. 20B: gene cloning, purification and characterization.
PublicationA psychrotrophic bacterium producing a coldadaptedB-galactosidase upon growth at low temperatureswas classiWed as Arthrobacter sp. 20B. A genomic DNAlibrary of strain 20B introduced into Escherichia coliTOP10F' and screening on X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-B-D-galactopyranoside)-containing agar plates ledto the isolation of B-galactosidase gene. The B-galactosidasegene (bgaS) encoding a protein of 1,053 amino acids,with a...
A new cold-adapted beta-D-galactosidase from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. 32c - gene cloning, overexpression, purification and properties
PublicationThe development of a new cold-active β-D-galactosidases and microorganisms that efficiently ferment lactose is of high biotechnological interest, particularly for lactose removal in milk and dairy products at low temperatures and for cheese whey bioremediation processes with simultaneous bio-ethanol production. In this article, we present a new β-D-galactosidase as a candidate to be applied in the above mentioned biotechnological...
Identification and characterization of Staphylococcus spp. and their susceptibility to insect apolipophorin III
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Efflux Pump Blockers in Gram-Negative Bacteria: The New Generation of Hydantoin Based-Modulators to Improve Antibiotic Activity
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Effects of osmotic and high pressure stress on expression of virulence factors among Enterococcus spp. isolated from food of animal origin
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High pressure processing, acidic and osmotic stress increased resistance to aminoglycosides and tetracyclines and the frequency of gene transfer among strains from commercial starter and protective cultures
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Effect of high pressure processing on changes in antibiotic resistance genes expression among strains from commercial starter cultures
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The DraC usher in Dr fimbriae biogenesis of uropathogenic E. coli Dr+ strains
PublicationBiogeneza fimbrii Dr kodowanych przez operon dra uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli (infekcje górnych dróg moczowych) odbywa się na bazie zakonserwowanego systemu sekrecji typu chaperone-usher. Funkcjonowanie powyższego systemu sekrecji opiera się na dwóch komponentach białkowych, periplazmatycznym chaperonie DraB i zewnątrzbłonowym kanale DraC. Białko DraB kontroluje proces składania podjednostek fimbrialnych DraE, natomiast...
Characterization of exceptionally thermostable single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from Thermotoga maritima and Thermotoga neapolitana
PublicationBACKGROUND: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in SSBs because they find numerous applications in diverse molecular biology and analytical methods.RESULTS: We report the characterization of single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) from the thermophilic bacteria Thermotoga maritima (TmaSSB) and Thermotoga neapolitana (TneSSB). They are the smallest known bacterial SSB proteins, consisting of 141 and 142 amino...