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Search results for: anxiety
The Physiological Effects of ASMR on Anxiety
PublicationPurpose: Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response is a novel phenomenon that is very popular these days on Youtube and Reddit to its anti-anxiety effects. As the name suggests, ASMR is a relaxing warm sensation that begins on the scalp and spreads throughout the body. This technique is also known as "brain massage," and it relies on soothing sights and sounds, like whispers and slow movements. Investigating these videos is primarily motivated...
Depression and anxiety in cardiovascular disease
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Pregabalin for the treatment of social anxiety disorder
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Distress and functioning in mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
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Anxiety and depression in patients infected with Borrelia burgdorferi
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Tweet you right back: Follower anxiety predicts leader anxiety in social media interactions during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
PublicationRecent research has shown that organizational leaders’ tweets can influence employee anxiety. In this study, we turn the table and examine whether the same can be said about followers’ tweets. Based on emotional contagion and a dataset of 108 leaders and 178 followers across 50 organizations, we infer and track state- and trait-anxiety scores of participants over 316 days, including pre- and post the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic...
Depression and anxiety in coronary artery bypass grafting patients
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Regaining In-Group Continuity in Times of Anxiety About the Group’s Future
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Trait anxiety moderates the association between estradiol and dominance in women
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Quality of life, depression and anxiety in living donor kidney transplantation
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Whole-body cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders
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Metacognition increases the severity of depression through trait anxiety in a nonclinical population
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Influence of Transurethral Resection of Bladder Cancer on Sexual Function, Anxiety, and Depression
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Comparing Anxiety Sensitivity Between Obsessive-Compulsive Patients And Normal Group
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Antenatal Classes in the Context of Prenatal Anxiety and Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Anxiety, Stress Perception, and Coping Strategies among Students with COVID-19 Exposure
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Polish Adaptation of the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire—Revised 2 for All Pregnant Women
PublicationPregnancy-related anxiety (PrA) is a specific type of anxiety characteristic of the perinatal period. PrA can affect pregnancy and birth. However, no validated tool exists to measure PrA in Polish obstetric practice. The aim of this study was to translate the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire—Revised 2 (PRAQ-R2) into Polish and to evaluate its reliability and factorial and construct validity. This study was conducted in Poland...
Anxiety among pregnant women during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland
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Comparison of machine learning for sentiment analysis in detecting anxiety based on social media data
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Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Approach Based on Feature Extraction for Anxiety Detection
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Can a man also be afraid? Partner communication, anxiety and hope in parents of premature infants
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Polish Adaptation of the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire—Revised 2 for All Pregnant Women
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Prevalence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress in war- and conflict-afflicted areas: A meta-analysis
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Risk factors of depressive and anxiety symptoms 8 years after coronary artery bypass grafting
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Factors Associated with Preoperative Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Ambulatory Hand Surgery: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study
PublicationBackground: Studies examining preoperative anxiety in patients awaiting hand surgery are scarce. Preoperative anxiety is a common reaction and can have a negative impact on treatment outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess the level of anxiety in patients undergoing hand surgery as a one-day procedure and to investigate the associations between patients’ preoperative anxiety and selected sociodemographic, psychological, and...
Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder before and after psychodynamic group psychotherapy: a 1-year follow-up study
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The role of depressive and anxiety symptoms in the evaluation of cardiac rehabilitation efficacy after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery
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Social Support Mediates the Association between Health Anxiety and Quality of Life: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Study
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How different cystoscopy methods influence patient sexual satisfaction, anxiety, and depression levels: a randomized prospective trial
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Is it too late now to say we’re sorry? Examining anxiety contagion and crisis communication strategies using machine learning
PublicationIn this paper, we explore the role of perceived emotions and crisis communication strategies via organizational computer-mediated communication in predicting public anxiety, the default crisis emotion. We use a machine-learning approach to detect and predict anxiety scores in organizational crisis announcements on social media and the public’s responses to these posts. We also control for emotional and language tones in organizational...
Brain circuit imprints of developmental 17α-Ethinylestradiol exposure in guppies (Poecilia reticulata): Persistent effects on anxiety but not on reproductive behaviour
PublicationThe effects of endocrine disruptors may vary with the timing of exposure. The physiological implications of adult exposure are present during and shortly after exposure while embryonic exposure can imprint changes manifested in adulthood. In this study, guppy (Poecilia reticulata) embryos were exposed to 2 and 20 ng/L of 17α-ethinylestradiol during development via the mother and reared in clean water from gestation until 6 months...
Personality traits in relation to anxiety and depressive symptoms in people who have undergone short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in daycare conditions
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Depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress during the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian war, a comparison between populations in Poland, Ukraine, and Taiwan
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Determinants of anxiety levels among young males in a threat of experiencing military conflict–Applying a machine-learning algorithm in a psychosociological study
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The relationship between chronotype, dispositional mindfulness and suicidal ideation among medical students: mediating role of anxiety, insomnia and social dysfunction.
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Common model of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms in pregnant women from seven high-income Western countries at the COVID-19 pandemic onset
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The Portrait of Cyberchondria—A Cross-Sectional Online Study on Factors Related to Health Anxiety and Cyberchondria in Polish Population during SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
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PublicationObjectives: The COVID-19 outbreak is an example of a crisis that triggered an increase in generalized anxiety disorder. The study aims to validate the Polish version of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7) by Spitzer et al. among a non-clinical sample of employees and examine the invariance depending on the gender and age of working adults. Material and Methods: For assessing factor structure of the Polish version...
Changes in psychological distress among Polish medical university teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic
PublicationOur study aims to update knowledge about psychological distress and its changes in the Polish group of academic medical teachers after two years of a global pandemic. During the coronavirus disease, teachers were challenged to rapidly transition into remote teaching and adapt new assessment and evaluation systems for students, which might have been...
Emotional distress, burnout and sense of safety during the COVID-19 pandemic in teachers after the reopening of schools
PublicationThe COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on people's psychological well-being and mental health. This study aimed to identify factors linked to emotional distress, burnout and sense of safety in teachers related to the reopening of Polish schools after lockdown, remote work, and the holiday period between March and August 2020. A total of 1,286 teachers from different educational institutions participated in the...
EEG-Based Analysis of ASMR Stimuli: A Pilot Study of Neuropsychological Responses through Conventional vs. Bone-Conduction Headphones
PublicationIn this study, the impact of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) experiences delivered through different types of headphones was evaluated with respect to neural responses and anxiety levels. The EEG data of a 24-year-old participant was recorded while he underwent ASMR stimulation using conventional and bone-conduction headphones. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) assessed anxiety levels before and after ASMR stimulation,...
Exploring the influence of personal factors on physiological responses to mental imagery in sport
PublicationImagery is a well-known technique in mental training which improves performance efficiency and influences physiological arousal. One of the biomarkers indicating the amount of physiological arousal is skin conductance level (SCL). The aim of our study is to understand how individual differences in personality (e.g. neuroticism), general imagery and situational sport anxiety are linked to arousal measuring with SCL in situational...
Hedging Strategies of Derivatives Instruments for Commodity Trading Entities
PublicationHedging as an outcome of risk management arises to account several questions. Mentioned aspect of size of the hedging is one of them. Latter questioning refers to whether producer of manufacturer are willing to secure entire exposure, when the hedging should start, now or later in the future, what is the vision on market like direction of market, time of interest, magnitude of exposure, what would be the preferred instruments of...
Compulsive sexual behavior and dysregulation of emotion
PublicationIntroduction Dysregulation of emotion (DE) is commonly seen in individuals suffering from compulsive sexual behavior (CSB), as well as represents a crucial element of its common comorbidities like mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders. Aim To investigate the links between CSB and DE. Methods A review of pertinent literature on CSB and DE was performed using EBSCO, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases. Main Outcome Measure...
Wypalenie zawodowe: czy potrzebne jest leczenie?
PublicationProfessional burnout syndrome is an indicator of a process of health deterioration related to work. According to the Job Demands-Resources Theory, professional burnout develops in the workplace as a result of excessive job demands that are not balanced by personal and organizational resources. Professional burnout can affect employees across various sectors and organizations. The World Health Organization defines burnout as a syndrome...
COVID‐19: A systematic review and update on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
PublicationSince the rapid onset of the COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the world in 2019, extensive studies have been conducted to unveil the behavior and emission pattern of the virus in order to determine the best ways to diagnosis of virus and thereof formulate effective drugs or vaccines to combat the disease. The emergence of novel diagnostic and therapeutic techniques considering the multiplicity of reports from one side and contradictions...
Green Therapy w projektowaniu ośrodków medycznych Green Therapy in complex design of health centres
PublicationKoncepcja przestrzenna ogrodu terapeutycznego podporządkowana jest generalnej idei otwierania się projektantów na poszukiwanie nowych możliwości poprawy samopoczucia odbiorcy - poprzez zapewnienie użytkownikom poczucia bezpieczeństwa, komfortu i odprężenia, harmonii. Dotyczy to nie tylko grupy osób chorych, które dręczone są przez niepokoje i napięcia wywołane przez niepełnosprawność czy chorobę, ale także pacjentów w różnym wieku...
Public art in the era of urban transformations. A case study of Eduardo Paolozzi’s artistic output in Edinburgh and in London
PublicationUrban space dedicated to cultural life, entertainment or business is currently exposed to dynamic urbanistic transformations. Monumental works of art within the boundaries of cities, for years embedded in the urban landscape and awareness of viewers, are moved to other places or even destroyed. Decisions about a change of their location and context, which are fundamental aspects for the impression made by a given work of art, cause...
Fatigue and burnout in police officers: the mediating role of emotions
PublicationPurpose – The policing profession is associated with psychosocial hazard. Fatigue and burnout often affect police officers, and may impair the functioning of the organization and public safety. The relationship between fatigue and burnout may be modified by job-related emotions. While negative emotions have been extensively studied, the role of positive emotions at work is relatively less known. Additionally, there is insufficient...
Long-Term Stability of Benzodiazepines and Z-Hypnotic Drugs in Blood Samples Stored at Varying Temperatures
PublicationBenzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs are among the most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals in the world and are considered standard care for various mental illnesses and for treatment of sleeping and anxiety disorders, alcohol withdrawal, muscle spasms and epilepsy. Some BZDs are not allowed as pharmaceuticals in many countries, and they are used as "designer benzodiazepines" (DBZDs). All these compounds are typically screened in...