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Search results for: ROTATIONAL FLOW METER
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=6.4, b=0.45) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=7.3, b=0.49) and a silencer (C=7.0) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=5.3, b=0.38) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=4.4, b=0.42) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve (C=7.3, b=0.49) and a silencer (C=1.4) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a silencer arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) pressure source...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of a pressure relief valve with (C=5.3, b=0.38) and a air blow gun from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in-line. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Evaluation of the Effects of Body Forces and Diffusion Mechanisms on Droplet Separation in a Two-Phase Annular–Mist Flow
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Impedance plethysmography as a tool for assessing exertion-related blood flow changes in the lower limbs in healthy subjects
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Evaluating the comfort of use of protective footwear: Validation of a method based on microclimate parameters and peripheral blood flow
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Groundwater flow modelling of multi-aquifer systems for regional resources evaluation: the Gdansk hydogeological system, Poland
PublicationW celu oceny regionalnych zasobów gdańskiego systemu hydrogeologicznego zbudowano matematyczny model przepływu wód. Obszar badań objął około 2800 km2. Dane pozyskano z ponad 1700 otworów badawczych. Na podstawie modelu oszacowano zasoby dla wszystkich pieter wodonośnych: plejstoceńskiego, neogeńsko-paleogeńskiego i kredowego. Na podstawie analizy równania Bredehoef'a ustalono, że aktualna eksploatacja jest zbliżona do poziomu ''zrównoważonego...
Heat transfer and pressure drop during flow boiling of refrigerant/oil mixture inside smooth tube
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań współczynnika przejmowania ciepła i spadku ciśnienia podczas wrzenia czystych oraz zaolejonych czynników chłodniczych (R22, R134a, R407C) wrzących w poziomej stalowej rurce.
Comparison of properties of magnetoacoustic emission and mechanical Barkhausen effects for P91 steel after plastic flow and creep
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki pogłębionej analizy sygnału szumowego efektu Barkhausena dla próbek ze stali krzemowej Fe-2%Si po deformacji plastycznej. Badane były próbki po walcowaniu na zimno powodującym odkształcenie względne w zakresie do 8%. Pierwsze podejście polegało na analizie w dziedzinie czasu widma badanego sygnału. Analiza ta została uzupełniona o analizę liczby zliczeń impulsów w funkcji napięcia progowego, zarówno...
Simulation of unsteady flow over floodplain using the diffusive wave equation and the modified finite element method
PublicationWe consider solution of 2D nonlinear diffusive wave equation in a domain temporarily covered by a layer of water. A modified finite element method with triangular elements and linear shape functions is used for spatial discretization. The proposed modification refers to the procedure of spatial integration and leads to a more general algorithm involving a weighting parameter. The standard finite element method and the finite difference...
Analysis of the bulk solid flow during gravitational silo emptying using X-ray and ECT tomography
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w prostokątnym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem kontynualnego promieniowania rentgenowskiego oraz z użyciem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania wykonano dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczególny nacisk położono na zachowanie sie materiału...
Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Blood Flow, ECG and Respiratory Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks
PublicationThe estimation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure using artificial neural network is considered in the paper. The blood pressure values are estimated using pulse arrival time, and additionally RR intervals of ECG signal together with respiration signal. A single layer recurrent neural network with hyperbolic tangent activation function was used. The average blood pressure estimation error for the data obtained from 21 subjects...
Inverse method for 2D viscous flow design problem using stream-function coordinates for axisymmetric model
PublicationOpracowano metodę odwrotną dla przepływów lepkich nieściśliwych w osiowosymetrycznej konfiguracji. Użyto współrzędnych funkcji prądu mających tą właściwość, iż możliwe jest zastapienie jednej współrzędnej geometrycznej zmienną zależną od prędkości przepływu. W związku z czym możliwe jest rozwiązanie zadania projektowego. Metodę rozwiązano numerycznie dla przypadku testowego jak i pokazano możliwości metody dla bardziej skomplikowanego...
Comprehensive studies on the properties of apple juice treated by non-thermal atmospheric plasma in a flow-through system
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Technical and Training Related Aspects of Resistance Training Using Blood Flow Restriction in Competitive Sport - A Review
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Short-Term Blood Flow Restriction Increases Power Output and Bar Velocity During the Bench Press
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Enabling a Stable High-Power Lithium-Bromine Flow Battery Using Task-Specific Ionic Liquids
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Experimental Investigations of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer under Near-Critical Pressure for Selected Working Fluids
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Development of linear projecting in studies of non-linear flow. Acoustic heating induced by non-periodic sound
PublicationRównanie bilansu energii rozkłada się na sumę dwóch równań, opisujących dynamikę fali akustycznej i wywołanego przez nią ogrzewania. Nowe równanie dynamiczne stosowane jest dla opisu dźwięku nieokresowego zarówno jak okresowego. Rozpatruje się geometrię wiązkową. Omówiane są poszczególne udziały przewodnictwa cieplnego i lepkości w ogrzewaniu akustycznym. Równania stanu ośrodka propagacji są uwzględniane w najbardziej ogólnej postaci.
Monometallic/Bimetallic Co‐ZIFs Synthesis, Characterization, and Application for Adsorption of SO2 and CO2 in Continuous Flow System
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Two-phase flow phenomena assessment in minichannels for compact heat exchangers using image analysis methods
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Precise Evaluation of Gas–Liquid Two-Phase Flow Pattern in a Narrow Rectangular Channel with Stereology Method
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Preliminary results from HEDGEHOG REXUS Project - sounding rocket experiment on accelerations, vibrations and heat flow
PublicationAs access to space conditions becomes more available, both technically and economically, scientists' interest in launching finer and more sophisticated experiments grows. This applies now more than ever to fragile by nature biological and chemical experiments. To be qualified for launch, such experiments need to be carefully tested prior to the event. The tests should represent actual launch conditions as closely and in as detailed...
Preliminary results from HEDGEHOG REXUS project – A sounding rocket experiment on accelerations, vibrations and heat flow
PublicationDuring flight, a sounding rocket is subject to a unique environment - severe vibrations and substantial heat flux. In order to design payloads, precise measurement of these conditions is required. This paper presents preliminary results from HEDGEHOG REXUS Project, whose scientific goal was to characterise the thermal and dynamic environment of REXUS sounding rockets. For this purpose, two new sensors have been designed - mechanical...
Improved finite element method for flow, heat and solute transport of Prandtl liquid via heated plate
PublicationIn the current study, a vertical, 3D-heated plate is used to replicate the generation of heat energy and concentration into Prandtl liquid. We discuss how Dufour and Soret theories relate to the equations for concentration and energy. In order to see how efectively particles, interact with heat and a solvent, hybrid nanoparticles are used. It does away with the phenomena of viscous dissipation and changing magnetic felds. The motivation...
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a surge in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research into how urban morphology affects ventilation in cities. However, studies are scattered, with varying parameter definitions, limiting their application in architectural and urban design. This article aims to review and assess the relevance of geometric parameters studied in aerodynamics field to urban planning and architectural design in polish...
Monometallic/Bimetallic Co‐ZIFs Synthesis, Characterization, and Application for Adsorption of SO2 and CO2 in Continuous Flow System
PublicationSulfur dioxide is serious ultimatum to human health as well as environment, while carbon dioxide is viewed as one of the primary drivers of the worldwide temperature alteration. Therefore, capturing of these gases is a dynamic research subject attracting much consideration from scientists. Herein, we report synthesis of a series of Co-ZIF and bimetallic M-Co-ZIF adsorbents and application for room temperature adsorption of SO2...
Cross-Lingual Knowledge Distillation via Flow-Based Voice Conversion for Robust Polyglot Text-to-Speech
PublicationIn this work, we introduce a framework for cross-lingual speech synthesis, which involves an upstream Voice Conversion (VC) model and a downstream Text-To-Speech (TTS) model. The proposed framework consists of 4 stages. In the first two stages, we use a VC model to convert utterances in the target locale to the voice of the target speaker. In the third stage, the converted data is combined with the linguistic features and durations...
The pollutant transport equation for a steady, gradually varied flow in an open channel network: a solution of high accuracy
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę rozwiązania jednowymiarowego równania adwekcji-dyfuzji opisującego transport zanieczyszczeń w warunkach przepływu ustalonego wolnozmiennego w sieci kanałów otwartych. Zastosowano technikę dekompozycji. Zlineoryzowane równanie adwekcji-dyfuzji rozwiązano stosując całkę Duhamela, zaś równanie zacierające człon źródłowy-metodą różnic skończonych. Metoda zapewnia bardzo dużą dokładność rozwiązania nawet...
Experimental and numerical simulations of flow and heat transfer in heat exchanger elements using liquid crystal thermography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono założenia oraz sposób prowadzenia eksperymentu i obliczeń numerycznych wymiany ciepła w modelu wymiennika ciepła przy użyciu termografii ciekłokrystalicznej.
Method to solve the non-linear systems of equations for steady gradually varied flow in open channel network.
PublicationW artykule omówiono rozwiązanie systemu równań nieliniowych opisujacych przepływ ustalony wolnozmienny w sieci kanałów otwartych. Niewiadomymi są glębokości w poszczególnych przekrojach oraz natężenia przepływów w poszczególnych gałęziach systemu. Układ musi być rozwiązywany iteracyjnie. Klasyczne metody Picarda i Newtona mogą okazać się nieskuteczne ze względu na oscylacje rozwiązania w kolejnych iteracjach i związany z tym brak...
FE-investigations of granular flow in silos using an uncoupled ALE-formulation and a non-local hypoplastic model
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki naporu materiału sypkiego podczas przepływu w silosach z i bez wkładek. Obliczenia wykonano wykorzystując niepołączone sformułowanie ALE na bazie prawa sprężysto-plastycznego według Druckera-Pragera. Zbadano wpływ kształtu i położenia wkładki na wielkość naporu i rodzaj przepływu.
Quantitative estimation of volume changes of granular materials during silo flow using X-ray tomography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad zmianami objętościowymi materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu tomografii rentgenowskiej. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi przy zastosowaniu cyfrowej obróbki zdjęć płynącego materiału.
Modelling of Capillary Pressure-driven Water Flow in Unsaturated Concrete Using Coupled DEM/CFD Approach.
PublicationSformułowano nowatorskie, połączone podejście do modelowania dwufazowego przepływu wody napędzanego kapilarami w nienasyconym betonie. Dzięki połączeniu metody elementów dyskretnych (DEM) z obliczeniową dynamiką płynów (CFD) w warunkach izotermicznych proces został zbadany numerycznie w mezoskali w warunkach dwuwymiarowych. Niewielkie próbki betonu o uproszczonej mezostrukturze cząstek poddano w pełni sprzężonym hydromechanicznym...
Jan Stąsiek prof. dr hab. inż.
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Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=6.40, b=0.45) and (C=6.00, b=0.25) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.10, b=0.14) and (C=6.40, b=0.45) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.80, b=0.25) and (C=6.40, b=0.45) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=3.30, b=0.40) and (C=6.00, b=0.25) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a pressure relief valve and a air blow gun (with nozzle removed) arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> PRV -> ambient...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=5.70, b=0.32) and (C=6.20, b=0.38) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.10, b=0.14) and (C=7.30, b=0.49) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.40, b=0.26) and (C=2.10, b=0.14) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=5.50, b=0.37) and (C=6.40, b=0.45) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=5.70, b=0.32) and (C=6.40, b=0.45) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.80, b=0.25) and (C=3.30, b=0.40) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.80, b=0.25) and (C=2.00, b=0.11) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being...
Determination of flow properties of a parallel connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.00, b=0.11) and (C=6.20, b=0.38) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of parallel connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in parallel. Three test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...