Search results for: EVOLUTIONARY PATH PLANNING - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Data Mining Path

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka
    • A. Karpus
    • M. Wróbel
    • A. Przybyłek
    • W. Waloszek
    • A. Landowska

    Within this path, various issues regarding data mining and their practical application in various systems are discussed.   4 semestr specjalności ISI i ZAD

  • Izabela Mironowicz dr hab. inż. arch.



    - Year 2017

    3D visualization is a key element of research and analysis and as the source used by experts in various fields e.g.: experts from water and sewage systems. The aim of this study was to visualize in three-dimensional space model of water supply network with relief. The path of technological development of GESUT data (Geodezyjna Ewidencja Sieci Uzbrojenia Terenu – geodetic records of public utilities) for water supply and measurement...

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  • Modelowanie systemów energetycznych wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła do celów planowania rozwoju - wybrane zagadnienia


    - Year 2023

    Systemy energetyczne wymagają przemian technologicznych w kierunku neutralności klimatycznej. W Polsce, w której systemie elektroenergetycznym i systemach ciepłowniczych dominują przestarzałe elektrownie i ciepłownie węglowe, dążenie do minimalizacji wpływu na środowisko wiąże się z wysokimi kosztami. Dlatego należy szukać optymalnych ścieżek roz-woju energetyki, aby osiągnąć ambitne długoterminowe cele strategiczne, przy minimalizacji...

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  • Basics of Data Warehouses Path

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Nabożny
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka
    • K. Goczyła

    Within this path the basic aspects of data warehouses (architecture, star schema, etc.) are discussed. The course is intended for students of the 1st degree of Informatics Field (semester 5) -  Kurs planowany dla studentów I stopnia kierunku informatyka (semestr 5) - przedmiot Hurtownie danych oraz dla studentów II stopnia kierunku informatyka, specjalność ZAD.

  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: improving the method by adjusting evolutionary techniques and parameters

    The paper presents some of the evolutionary techniques used by the evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories method. In general, this method utilizes a customized evolutionary algorithm to solve a constrained optimization problem. This problem is defined as finding a set of cooperating trajectories (here the set is an evolutionary individual) of all the ships involved in the encounter situation. The resulting trajectories are...

  • Piotr Lorens prof. dr hab. inż. arch.

    Prof. Piotr Lorens - PhD, DSc., urban planner. Lecturer in urban design and development and - since 2007 - Head of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology. His university activities also include coordination of the research and EU Social Fund projects. Based on these projects he was responsible for organization and coordination of the post-graduate studies...

  • Urban Planning


    ISSN: 2183-7635

  • Gabriela Rembarz dr inż. arch.

    Gabriela Rembarz inżynier-architekt, urbanista, naukowiec, dydaktyk i aktywna projektantka, jest doktorem nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie architektura i urbanistyka, Ukończyła studia magisterskie na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, uzupełniając je specjalizacją w Ochronie Środowiska w ramach międzyuczelnianego CENVIG Center of Environmental Studies (Politechnika Gdańska) akredytowanego przez Roskilde...

  • Informal practices in urban planning and governance. Examples from Polish cities


    - Planning Practice and Research - Year 2023

    Planning has a formal, legally defined component and an informal component developed in response to deficiencies in the planning system. Informal practices can contribute to the development of tools that would improve urban governance, especially in areas related to space. This article presents an overview of informal practices that have taken place in Polish cities and towns in recent years and offers an assessment of their impact...

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  • W-dominance: Tradeoff-inspired dominance relation for preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization

    The paper presents a method of incorporating decision maker preferences into multi-objective meta-heuristics. It is based on tradeoffcoefficients and extends their applicability from bi-objective to multi-objective. The method assumes that a decision maker specifies a priori each objective’s importance as a weight interval. Based on this, w-dominance relation is introduced, which extends Pareto dominance. By replacing reference...

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  • Management and economic of engineer projects

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Ossowska

    Lectures  - 05 October-30 November, 2023 1. Project management: Engineers, projects, management, planning and scheduling, personnel and organizational, team building, project control, estimating and ordering. 2. Team building: personality types, team effectiveness. 3. Project management: WBS, Gantt, Earned Value Method, critical path, risk management. 4. Economic Engineering: Establishing economic equivalence, Interest: cost...

  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: Evaluation of Individuals

    The paper presents a description of the evaluation phase of the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. In general, the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and finds an optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. While developing a new version of this method, the authors decided to...

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  • Spatial and Regional Planning Studies

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Haxhiaj
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    The course objective is to teach the basic, practical skills of planning for the architects. Three aspects of planning will be taught during the course: building control, regulatory planning and operational planning. The students will explore the role of planning in granting the building permissions, how to prepare the planning (zoning) regulations and finally what are urban design tools, which can be used to coordinate the development...

  • Local Planning - Summer 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • S. Abbasi
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    Local Planning, Spatial Management Course focuses on the practical aspects of the local planning both spatial and communal. Topics such as policy measures and tools used by the local government to guide provision of the local services and planning will be discussed. The course is complementary to 'Comprehensive Planning'. Course is delivered in English.  

  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: Evaluation of Individuals


    The paper presents a description of the evaluation phase of the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method. In general, the Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories method combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and finds an optimal set of cooperating trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. While developing a new version of this method, the au-thors decided...

  • Collaborative planning? Not yet seen in Poland. Identifying procedural gaps in the planning system 2003–2023


    Collaborative planning aims to increase the legitimacy of decision-making in spatial development. In this approach, planning involves debate and engagement in discourse, and participation and interaction between actors are thus at the heart of the planning process. This article examines whether the planning system in Poland as defined for the period 2003–2025 provides a level of participation and deliberation and other qualities...

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  • The complexity of minimum-length path decompositions



    We consider a bi-criteria generalization of the pathwidth problem, where, for given integers k, l and a graph G, we ask whether there exists a path decomposition P of G such that the width of P is at most k and the number of bags in P, i.e., the length of P, is at most l. We provide a complete complexity classification of the problem in terms of k and l for general graphs. Contrary to the original pathwidth problem, which is fixed-parameter...

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  • Measurement of Latency in the Android Audio Path


    This paper provides a description of experimental investigations concerning comparison between the audio path characteristics of various Android versions. First, information about the changes in each system version in the context of latency caused by them is presented. Then, a measurement procedure employing available applications to measure latency is described comparing to results contained in the Internet. Finally, a comparison...

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  • Path dependence, modularity and the offshoring of (some) physician services


    - Year 2010

    This paper integrates ideas from modularity and path dependency to explain the potential for and limitations of the offshoring of high value added physician services. While not all medical services are amenable to offshoring, a growing number of physician activities can be viewed as modular components which, at least technically, could be performed remotely. As a result, the presumption that concerns for efficiency dictate how...

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  • COLREGS compliance in Evolutionary Sets of Cooperating Ship Trajectories

    In general, Evolutionary Sets of Cooperating Ship Trajectories combine some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and aim to find optimal set of cooperating trajectoriesof all ships involved in an encounter situation. In a two-ship encounter situation the method enables the operator of an on-board collision-avoidance system to predict the most probable behaviour of atarget and to plan the own manoeuvres...

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  • Propagation Path Loss Modeling in Container Terminal Environment

    This paper describes novel method of path loss modeling for radio communication channels in container port area. Multi-variate empirical model is presented, based on multidimensional regression analysis of real path loss measurements from container terminal environment. The measurement instruments used in propagation studies in port area are also described.

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  • Evaluation of Path Based Methods for Conceptual Representation of the Text


    Typical text clustering methods use the bag of words (BoW) representation to describe content of documents. However, this method is known to have several limitations. Employing Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base has shown an improvement of the text representation for data-mining purposes. Promising extensions of that trend employ hierarchical organization of Wikipedia category system. In this paper we propose three path-based...

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  • Planning Around Polarisation: Components of Finding Common Ground Based on Regeneration Projects in London and Gdańsk


    - Urban Planning - Year 2023

    Various forms of public participation in urban design and planning—as presented and discussed in literature—have recently been challenged by the needs and expectations of different stakeholders, including those coming from the private sector. This comes with a redefinition of the public good and the roles and responsibilities of municipal authorities in post‐liberal times. As a result, contemporary participatory processes need...

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  • Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories: problem dedicated operators


    The paper presents the optimization process of the evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories method, with a focus on its problem-dedicated operators. The method utilizes a customized evolutionary algorithm to solve a constrained optimization problem. This problem is defined as finding a set of cooperating trajectories (a set is an evolutionary individual) of all the ships involved in the encounter situation. The resulting trajectories...

  • Cultural Heritage in Spatial Planning


    - Year 2016

    The cultural heritage objects of each country should have a major impact on the development of space. Unfortunately, most often the investment needs prevail and only the most precious historical objects are protected. Thus often a monument is preserved, but its surroundings (which put it in context) are lost forever. This article addressed the issues of cultural heritage in relation to the spatial planning system in Poland. The...

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  • Path Loss Analysis in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environment


    - Year 2015

    This temporary document describes an analysis of path loss in off-body channels in an indoor environment. The influence of body orientation and on-body antenna placement on path loss in off-body communications as well as of different bodies has been investigated. Five static scenarios, six distances between body and antenna and eight body orientations were analysed; moreover, two dynamic scenarios were investigated. The smallest...

  • Path Loss Modelling in the Untypical Outdoor Propagation Environments


    In the paper three ways of path loss modelling in the untypical outdoor environments are presented. The exemplary untypical outdoor environment is analyzed. The investigated environment is characterized, and the measurement campaign are shortly described. The following models have been analyzed: the COST231 Walfisch-Ikegami model, the modified COST231Walfisch-Ikegami model tuned on the basis of empirical data, and the empirical...

  • Evolutionary music composition system with statistically modeled criteria

    The paper concerns an original evolutionary music composition system. On the basis of available solutions, we have selected a finite set of music features which appear to have a key impact on the quality of composed musical phrases. Evaluation criteria have been divided into rule-based and statistical sub-sets. Elements of the cost function are modeled using a Gaussian distribution defined by the expected value and variance obtained...

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  • Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments


    - Year 2014

    This paper presents a measurements of the path loss for validation of a statistical model for off-body radio channels in an indoor multipath environment, which considers the distance dependent mean path loss, and describes body shadowing and fast fading components in a statistical way. The measurement equipment and propagation indoor environment have been presented. Two different bodies and five static and two walking scenarios...

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  • New First - Path Detector for LTE Positioning Reference Signals


    - Year 2014

    In today's world, where positioning applications reached a huge popularity and became virtually ubiquitous, there is a strong need for determining a device location as accurately as possible. A particularly important role in positioning play cellular networks, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). In the LTE Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDOA) positioning method, precision of device location estimation depends on accuracy...

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  • Customized crossover in evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories

    The paper presents selected aspects of evolutionary sets of safe ship trajectories-a method which applies evolutionary algorithms and some of the assumptions of game theory to solving ship encounter situations. For given positions and motion parameters of the ships, the method finds a near optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter. The method works in real time and the solutions must be returned within...

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  • Urban planning and design issues

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Lorens

    This course deals with an overview of the contemporary urban planning and design issues

  • Finding small-width connected path decompositions in polynomial time


    A connected path decomposition of a simple graph $G$ is a path decomposition $(X_1,\ldots,X_l)$ such that the subgraph of $G$ induced by $X_1\cup\cdots\cup X_i$ is connected for each $i\in\{1,\ldots,l\}$. The connected pathwidth of $G$ is then the minimum width over all connected path decompositions of $G$. We prove that for each fixed $k$, the connected pathwidth of any input graph can be computed in polynomial-time. This answers...

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  • Development of planning education in postcommunist Poland.


    - Year 2018

    Although programs in spatial planning at university level have been developed in Poland only after the transformation of 1989, their roots can be traced back to the first half of the twentieth century when the first university departments with a focus on urban and regional planning were established and courses offered. Today, planning education in Poland presents a robust yet dynamic picture with degrees offered by a range of...

  • Development of planning education in postcommunist Poland.


    - Year 2018

    Although programs in spatial planning at university level have been developed in Poland only after the transformation of 1989, their roots can be traced back to the first half of the twentieth century when the first university departments with a focus on urban and regional planning were established and courses offered. Today, planning education in Poland presents a robust yet dynamic picture with degrees offered by a range of both...

  • Path Loss Modelling for Location Service Applications

    The aim of this paper is the path loss modeling for the radiolocation services in radiocommunication networks, particularly in cellular networks. The main results of the measurements obtained in the physical layer of the UMTS are introduced. A new method for the utilization of the multipath propagation phenomenon to improve the estimation of the distance between the mobile station (MS) and the base station (BS) is outlined. This...

  • Landscape protection - the challenge for sustainable planning


    - Year 2010

    Growing spatial chaos reminds us of the need for systematic, complex approaches related to environmental and landscape issues within different planning, organizational, operational, legal and political activities. It has been proved, that LVIA within EIA plays an important role in the enhancement of the spatial planning system, and that there is a need to use the potential of EIA/LVIA in spatial development and management. But...

  • Path Loss Measurements in Wideband Radio Link Designed for Maritime Environment

    In the article, the research and analysis of path loss in designed and evaluated digital radio link for high-speed data transmission in maritime environment is presented. Collected samples of received signal were used to determine the mean path loss and its standard deviation. Measuring campaign was carried out in a real maritime conditions. The mean value of path loss reached 126 dB on a distance of 11.16 km.

  • Planning education, certification and deregulation in Poland


    - Year 2013

    The article describes the issues of planning education in Poland, how reforms are made, what are the main obstacles to teach spatial planners and what new skills are needed, as well as argues on the governmental plans to deregulate planning profession in Poland.

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  • Evolutionary Sets Of Safe Ship Trajectories: A New Approach To Collision Avoidance


    The paper introduces a new method of solving multi-ship encounter situations for both open waters and restricted water regions. The method, called evolutionary sets of safe trajectories combines some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming and aims to find optimal set of safe trajectories of all ships involved in an encounter situation. In a two-ship encounter situation it enables the operator of an on-board...

  • Spatial Planning 2022-2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Wróblewska

    Spatial Planning is a course dedicated to students of full-time MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering (semester I). This course is organized online together with the Rotterdam University of Applied Science in Rotterdam.

  • The Use of Big Data in Regenerative Planning

    With the increasing significance of Big Data sources and their reliability for studying current urban development processes, new possibilities have appeared for analyzing the urban planning of contemporary cities. At the same time, the new urban development paradigm related to regenerative sustainability requires a new approach and hence a better understanding of the processes changing cities today, which will allow more efficient...

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  • Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm in Practice

    The Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA) has already been introduced by the author on earlier TransNav 2009 and 2011 conferences with a focus on theoretical application to a hybrid-propulsion or motor-driven ship. This paper addresses the topic of possible practical weather routing applications of MEWRA. In the paper some practical advantages of utilizing Pareto front as a result of multicriteria optimization...

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  • Teaching infrastructure urbanism to aid participatory planning

    The teaching of urban planning at faculties of architecture entails constant tension, caused by issues related to the priorities among urban design (the form) and urban planning (the process). The authors note that knowledge of the relationship between urban design and infrastructure planning, particularly within the realm of public debate within the local community, is of key importance in educating young urban planners. Described...

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  • Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments


    - Year 2015

    The main goal of the paper is to investigate the influence of body orientation and on-body antenna placement on the path loss in off-body communications. In addition, the influence of different bodies is analysed.

  • Spatial planning on regional level


    Polish spatial planning results from typical for countries of Central and Eastern Europe transition . They have undergone the transformation from decentralized management system based on the dominance of state to the system of representative democracy, based on self-government administration; also territorial on regional level.

  • Is This Distance Teaching Planning That Bad?


    - disP - Year 2021

    In spring 2020, university courses were moved into the virtual space due to the Covid-19 lockdown. In this paper, we use experience from courses at Gdańsk University of Technology and ETH Zurich to identify core problems in distance teaching planning and to discuss what to do and what not to do in teaching planning after the pandemic. We conclude that we will not return to the state of (teaching) affairs that we had previously....

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  • Scenarios in regional planning – theory and practice in Poland

    Abstract. It is important to recognise future conditions in planning because it primes future actions. Scenarios are useful prognostic tools, especially when the social and institutional behaviour plays a crucial role. The aims of the paper are: (1) to indicate the roles and the place of scenarios in the strategic plan building process; (2) to analyse and evaluate the application of scenarios in regional planning in Poland; (3)...

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  • Multi-criterion decision making in distributed systems by quantum evolutionary algorithms

    • J. Balicki
    • H. Balicka
    • J. Masiejczyk
    • A. Zacniewski

    - Year 2010

    Decision making by the AQMEA (Adaptive Quantum-based Multi-criterion Evolutionary Algorithm) has been considered for distributed computer systems. AQMEA has been extended by a chromosome representation with the registry of the smallest units of quantum information. Evolutionary computing with Q-bit chromosomes has been proofed to characterize by the enhanced population diversity than other representations, since individuals represent...