Search results for: PAIN
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Prognostic value of measuring the angles of lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis with the Saunders inclinometer in patients with low back pain
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Bifunctional Opioid/Melanocortin Peptidomimetics for Use in Neuropathic Pain: Variation in the Type and Length of the Linker Connecting the Two Pharmacophores
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Occurrence of Weak Links of Biokinematics Chain and Pain Feeling in The Lumbar Spine in Kayakers and Female Rowers – Preliminary Observation
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Sex Differences In Central Inflammatory Pain Sensitization Are Associated With Differential Expression Of Glycine Receptors And Glp-1 At The Spinal Cord
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Vaginal delivery or caesarean section – Severity of early symptoms of postpartum depression and assessment of pain in Polish women in the early puerperium
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Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache
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Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders
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MYOPAIN-A journal of myofascial pain and fibromyalagia
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Associations between Diet and Changes in Pain Levels among Young Women with Premenstrual Syndrome—A Preliminary Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Multicolumn Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Back and Leg Pain in Patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Visceral Therapy and Physical Activity for Selected Dysfunctions, with Particular Emphasis on Locomotive Organ Pain in Pregnant Women—Importance of Reducing Oxidative Stress
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Targeted Motor Control Considering Sternal Position Improves Spinal Alignment in Pregnant Women at Risk for Preterm Birth with Low Back Pain
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Targeted Motor Control Considering Sternal Position Improves Spinal Alignment in Pregnant Women at Risk for Preterm Birth with Low Back Pain
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Quadratus Lumborum Block Reduces Postoperative Opioid Consumption and Decreases Persistent Postoperative Pain Severity in Patients Undergoing Both Open and Laparoscopic Nephrectomies—A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Doświadczanie bólu a aktywność fizyczna u osób z chorobą dyskową odcinka krzyżowo – lędźwiowego kręgosłupa/ Experience of pain and physical activity in people suffering from the disc disease of the lumbosacral spine
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Impact of paint matrix composition and thickness of paint layer on the activity of photocatalytic paints
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Canadian Journal of Pain-Revue Canadienne de la Douleur
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Demograficzne uwarunkowania stosowania ćwiczeń fizycznych w profilaktyce bólu w chorobie dyskowej odcinka krzyżowo – lędźwiowego kręgosłupa / Demographic determinants of using exercise as the prophlaxis of the cross section of the disk – lumbar spine’s pain
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PublicationThe painting as a curtain (...) A contradiction is therefore what constitutes a painting, and ambiguity is its right. As a young artist, I intuitively defined the work of art as a boundary. Over the years that intuition changed into a conviction that the particular form of art which is painting at the same time reveals and hides; it exists at this intersection of functions as a see-through curtain. We don’t know why there are some...
Photocatalytic decomposition of benzo-[a]-pyrene on the surface of acrylic, latex and mineral paints. Influence of paint composition
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Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine
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A pilot study of mechanical chest compression with the LifeLine ARM device during simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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Sprawiedliwość agrarna Thomasa Paine’a i narodziny dyskursu egalitarnego
PublicationThomas Paine napisał Sprawiedliwość agrarną we Francji w roku 1796 w szczycie posttermidoriańskiego zamętu, krótko po wprowadzeniu Konstytucji Roku III. W swoim ostatnim wielkim pamflecie domaga się opodatkowania wielkich właścicieli ziemskich i pomoc biednym oraz wywłaszczonym. Artykuł krótko omawia propozycję Paine i analizuje jego strukturę argumentacyjną. Stawiam w niej tezę, że Paine nie do końca świadomie przechodzi od dowodu...
Novel Polyurethanes as Antifouling Paint Matrices
PublicationThe new poly(ester-ether urethane)s (PEEUR) were prepared in two stage synthesis from formerly obtained oligo(alkylene ester-ether)diols (OAEE) and 4,4‘-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). PEEUR samples were subjected to crosslinking with styrene in the presence of radical polymerization initiators: methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKPO) or cobalt 2-ethyl cyclohexanoate (EtHCo). Crosslinked PEEUR were characterized by their physicochemical...
Journal of Contemporary Painting
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Paint and Coatings Industry
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Paint and Resin Times
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Risk assessment of biocides in roof paint. Part 1
PublicationSzereg pokryć dachowych, jak farby dachowe, zawiera w swoim składzie biocydy. Dotychczas nie wiadomo do jakiego stopnia biocydy wymywane są z farb dachowych, a ponadto jakie ich stężenie może występować w systemach zbierających wodę deszczową. Zbadano podatność na wymywanie biocydów z różnych niemieckich farb dachowych oraz oszacowano ich stężenie w zebranej wodzie deszczowej
Improvement of photocatalytic activity of silicate paints by removal of K2SO4
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Protective paints from natural resources: composition and properties
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Architectural Space of Ideas in the Author’s Structures Presented at the Fire Painted Images Art Festival: A Case Study
PublicationThe article is aimed to discuss the place of architecture in the space of ideas. The present work discusses a specific place, the Zaspa housing estate in Gdańsk, and refers to a specific person, namely, the author of artistic installations tem- porarily exhibited in the Zaspa housing estate. Also, the wider context of the specific situations in which the exhibitions were...
Application of photocatalytic paint for destruction of benzo[a]pyrene. Impact of air humidity
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Improvement of electrochemical action of zinc-rich paints by addition of nanoparticulate zinc
PublicationThe influence of nanosized particles on electrochemical action of standard zinc-rich paints by means of SEM as well as potential and impedance measurements has been investigated. The motivation for doing this was to obtain additional electrical connection between the spherical microparticles themselves and zinc particles and steel substrate. Overall zinc content was at the level of 92% by weight. Samples with different concentration...
Photodegradation of Benzo-[a]-pyrene on the Surface of the Photocatalytic Paints and Analysis of the Degradation Products
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Preparation of silver nanoparticles in reverse micelles and antibacterial activity of silver modified-paints
PublicationW publikacji została opisana metoda otrzymywania nanocząstek srebra oraz farb modyfikowanych srebrem i ich wpływ na zahamowanie rozwoju wybranych bakterii i grzybów. Podjęto również próbę porównania wpływu rodzaju prekursora srebra oraz substancji powierzchniowo czynnej na stabilność otrzymanych nanocząstek srebra. Przygotowane mikroemulsje zawierały od 500 do 2000 ppm srebra
A preliminary study on antifungal effect of TiO2-based paints in natural indoor light
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New trifunctional acrylic water-based paint with self-cleaning, biocidal and magnetic properties
PublicationIn the present study, we report the synthesis and application of ZnFe2O4/SiO2-TiO2 nanocomposites with nonstoichiometric content of Fe to Zn used for the first time for the preparation of new generation trifunctional paints with self-cleaning, biocidal and magnetic properties. Currently, there are no compositions on the market for obtaining protective coatings in the form of paint, which simultaneously exhibit biocidal, magnetic...
Underwater Electrochemical Offshore Tests of a Paint Coating Applied in Water on the Legs of an Oil Production Platform
PublicationThis paper presents the methodology developed for underwater measurements using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique, aimed at determining the resistance of an epoxy coating applied in seawater to the legs of an oil production platform. Performing such underwater tests in an offshore environment was technically challenging. The results of measurements obtained on the platform were confronted with comparative results...
Bulk processing of ZnO nanostructures via microwave assisted oxidation of mechanically seeded Zn dust for functional paints and coatings
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Identification and characterization of the Indian Yellow dyestuff and its degradation products in historical oil paint tube by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
PublicationAn analytical protocol for identification of dyes using reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure electrospray ionization (LC-ESI/MS) is presented. The developed method has been successfully applied in identification of euxanthic acid and euxanthone, the main components of the Indian Yellow dye in a historical oil paint tube produced by Richard Ain`es, a recognizable French company supplying...
From Gdansk to Istanbul Artists linked with the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk = Z Gdańska do Istanbułu Artyści związani z Wydziałem Malarstwa Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku. - Turcja, grudzień 2010r.
PublicationKatalog wystawy [ISBN:978-83-62759-02-6], która odbyła się w Istambule w Turcji w grudniu 2010 roku. Wystawa prezentuje twórczość artystów związanych z Akademią Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsk (z Wydziałem Malarstwa), a także z Katedrą Sztuk Wizualnych Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Katalog liczy 40 stron i zawiera teksty krytyczne i noty biograficzne w języku angielskim oraz 36 kolorowych reprodukcji prac.
Differential ability of cytostatics from anthraquinone group to generatefree radicals in three enzymatic systems: NADH dehydrogenase, NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase, and xantine oxidase.
PublicationZbadano szereg cytostatyków z grupy antrachinonu pod względem ich zdolności do pośredniczenia w przeniesieniu jednoelektronowym i generowaniu wolnych rodników tlenowych pod wpływem trzech oksydoreduktaz. Zdefiniowano czynniki strukturalne związków odpowiedzialne za ten proces katalizowany przez poszczególne enzymy.
A multi-analytical approach to the characterization of natural organic dyestuffs and inorganic substrates present in the 19th-century artistic oil paints manufactured by a French art materials supplier Richard Aines
PublicationThis paper presents a comprehensive analysis of artistic paints produced in the 19th century by a French art materials supplier Richard Ain`es. Improved mild extraction with hydrofluoric acid enabled the observation of intact organic dyes. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography with diode-array and mass spectrometry detection was utilised for the identification of 35 dyes present in yellow and red paint samples, and in selected plant...
The ability of new sugar-modified derivatives of antitumour anthracycline, daunorubicin, to stimulate NAD(P)H Oxidation in Different Cellular Oxidoreductase Systems: NADH Dehydrogenase, NADPH Cytochrome P450 Reductase, and Xanthine Oxidase.
PublicationUboczne działanie cytostatyków z grupy antracyklin prowadzi do uszkodzenia serca (kardiotoksyczność) w wyniku pośredniczenia przez te związki przeniesienia jednoelektronowego ze zredukowanych nukleotydów do tlenu i powstania reaktywnych anionorodników tlenowych. Proces ten jest katalizowany głównie przez trzy enzymy: dehydrogenazę NADH, reduktazę NADPH/cytochrom P450 oraz oksydazę ksantynową. W publikacji przedstawione są wyniki...
NADPH-Cytochrome P-450 reductase in strongly involved in activating metabolic transformatios of 9-amino-1-nitroacridine antitumor agents
PublicationCelem pracy było wyjaśnienie roli reduktazy cytochromu P-450 jaką odgrywa ten enzym w przemianach metabolicznych dwóch związków przeciwnowotworowych z grupy pochodnych 1-nitroakrydyny. Zastosowano metodę HPLC do rozdziału metabolitów, a badania struktur przeprowadzono stosując metodę ESI-MS. Wykazano, że badana reduktaza jest zaangażowana bardziej w metabolizm aktywacyjny 1-nitroakrydyn niż metabolizm detoksykacyjny.
Chapter 13. Immunological determination of the pharmaceutical diclofenac in environmental and biological samples
PublicationOpracowano wysoce specyficzną i czułą metodę immunologiczną oznaczania przeciwzapalnego leku diklofenaku. Jest to jeden z najczęściej wykrywanych farmaceutyków w środowisku. Granicę wykrywalności oraz wartość IC50 określono na poziomie 6 ng/L oraz 60 ng/L dla wody wodociągowej, odpowiednio. W badaniu porównawczym, stosując test ELISA oraz GC-MS określono poziomy stężeń diklofenaku w wodach ściekowych z 21 oczyszczalni ścieków i...
Phytochemical Constituents, Biological Activities, and Health-Promoting Effects of the Melissa officinalis
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Safety and efficacy of a Ventralight ST echo ps implant for a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair – a prospective cohort study with a one-year follow-up
Publicationing new products Thus, every mesh prior to introduction in clinical settings should be tested with a dedicated tacker to discover the proper fixation algorithm. The aim of the study was to assess the safety and efficacy of the Ventralight ST implant with an ECHO positioning system and a dedicated fixation device, the SorbaFix stapler, in a prospective cohort of patients. Material and methods. The study was a prospective single...