Search results for: COLE–COLE RELATION
Enhanced expression of the proline synthesis gene P5CSA in relation to seed osmopriming improvement of Brassica napus germination under salinity stress
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Personality traits in relation to anxiety and depressive symptoms in people who have undergone short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in daycare conditions
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Operating conditions-induced changes in product yield and characteristics during thermal-conversion of peanut shell to biochar in relation to economic analysis
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Assessment of potentially cutting GHG emissions from shipping in relation to energy consumption trends using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
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Acid–Base Equilibrium and Self-Association in Relation to High Antitumor Activity of Selected Unsymmetrical Bisacridines Established by Extensive Chemometric Analysis
PublicationUnsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) represent a novel class of anticancer agents previously synthesized by our group. Our recent studies have demonstrated their high antitumor potential against multiple cancer cell lines and human tumor xenografts in nude mice. At the cellular level, these compounds affected 3D cancer spheroid growth and their cellular uptake was selectively modulated by quantum dots. UAs were shown to undergo metabolic...
Genetic Background and Antibiotic Resistance Profiles of K. pneumoniae NDM-1 Strains Isolated from UTI, ABU, and the GI Tract, from One Hospital in Poland, in Relation to Strains Nationally and Worldwide
PublicationIn recent years, there has been an observed increase in infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia (Kp) strains. The aim of this study was the phenotypic and genotypic analysis of eight K. pneumoniae NDM (Kp NDM) isolates, recovered in Poland during the years 2016 and 2018 from seven patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs), asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), or colonization of the gut. PCR melting profile...
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PM10 concentration and microbiological assessment of air in relation to the number of acute cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Preliminary report
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Chemical Composition and Physical Characteristics of Fruits of Two Cultivars of Blue Honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) in Relation to their Degree of Maturity and Harvest Date
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Estrogen Receptor Type 1 and Type 2 Presence in Paravertebral Skeletal Muscles: Expression Level and Relation to Phenotype in Children with Idiopathic Scoliosis
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Regional and sectoral assessment on climate-change in Pakistan: Social norms and indigenous perceptions on climate-change adaptation and mitigation in relation to global context
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Effects of biochar on uptake, acquisition and translocation of silver nanoparticles in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in relation to growth, photosynthetic traits and nutrients displacement
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Contrasting effects of biochar, compost and farm manure on alleviation of nickel toxicity in maize (Zea mays L.) in relation to plant growth, photosynthesis and metal uptake
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Expression of genes encoding zona pellucida glycoproteins and cortical granule distribution in porcine oocytes isolated from small and medium follicles in relation to puberty status of donors
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Spatial allocation of nature-based solutions in the form of public green infrastructure in relation to the socio-economic district profile–a GIS-based comparative study of Gdańsk and Rome
PublicationWith increasing environmental and climate change threats to urban areas, Nature-based Solutions (NbS), including public greenery, are becoming integral components of green infrastructure (GI) networks. These solutions provide multiple benefits in different aspects, including stormwater management, enhanced air quality and improved societal well-being, offering cost-effective and adaptable alternatives to resource-intensive and...
Spatial allocation of nature-based solutions in the form of public green infrastructure in relation to the socio-economic district profile–a GIS-based comparative study of Gdańsk and Rome
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Electronic and ionic relaxations in strontium-borate glass and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides
PublicationThe topography, microstructure and electrical properties of strontium-borate glass and SBO glass containing bismuth and vanadium oxides, were studied. The structure was measured using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods. The A.C. complex conductivity was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency. The influence of the quantity of bismuth...
Mixed ionic-electronic conductivity and structural properties of strontium-borate glass containing nanocrystallites of Bi2 VO5.5
PublicationSamples of strontium borate glass containing bismuth vanadate nanocrystallites were prepared. Nanocomposites containing up to 45mol% of the Bi2VO5.5 phase exhibit electrical properties closer to the strontium-borate glass than to the ferroelectric Bi2VO5.5 ceramic. The glass matrix still may contain some part of bismuth and vanadium ions even after crystallization process and there is too little of crystalline phase to observe...
Rtęć w rozwoju osobniczym kormorana czarnego i jej biomagnifikacja w odniesieniu do ryb w ekosystemie Zalewu Wiślanego = Mercury in the individual development of Great Cormorants and its biomagnification in relation birds- fish in the Vistula Lagoon
PublicationRtęć jest pierwiastkiem, który wykazuje zdolność do kumulacji w glebie, roślinach i organizmach zwierzęcych. Jej związki charakteryzują się zróżnicowanymi właściwościami chemicznymi i fizycznymi, włączane są w różnego rodzaju cykle przyrodnicze. Bardzo szkodliwe sa pary rtęci dostające się do organizmów poprzez drogi oddechowe. Substancje toksyczne mogą zostać również wchłonięte wraz z treścią pokarmową i poprzez krew rozprowadzane...
e-Learning CoursesThe main goal of the course is to make students aware of the different aspects of integrated planning processes in relation to the local scale
Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi dr inż.
PeopleMohammad Hossein Ghaemi Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi (1967), is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology - WIMiO (till 2020: Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology), Department of Automatics and Marine Energy Engineering. He studied first at Tehran University, where was graduated in the field of Mechanical Engineering (Solid Mechanics). Then he received his MSc degree in the area...
Jarosław Gawdzik Ph.D.
PeopleDiplomas and degrees obtained: a) 21 Sept. 1990 – MSc. Eng. – Cracow University of Technology Title of the MA thesis: Numerical method of catalyst deactivation computation (in Polish) Su-pervisor: Associated Prof. Wanda Kramarz, PhD, Eng. b) 24 Oct. 2001 – Doctor of technical sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Kielce University of Technology. Title of the doctoral dissertation: Investigations into oil derivative migration...
Theoretical study of the energetics of the reactions of triplet dioxygen with hydroquinone, semiquinone, and their protonated forms: relation to the mechanism of superoxide generation in the respiratory chain = Badanie teoretyczne energii z energii reakcji dioksygenu potrójnego z wodorem, półkiną i ich formami protony: relacja z mechanizmem wytwarzania supertlenku w łańcuchu oddechowym
PublicationW pracy prezentujemy wyniki obliczeń kwantowych ab initio i półempirycznych energetyki reakcji redukcji jednoelektronowej tlenu trypletowego. Zaproponowaliśmy cztery możliwe mechanizmy redukcji i przeprowadziliśmy obliczenia kwantowe. Z obliczeń wynika, że najprawdopodobniejszy mechanizm reakcji wiedzie poprzez przeniesienie elektronu z anionu hydrochinonu po deprotonacji lub też z rodnika semichinonowego na tlen cząsteczkowy,...
Conjectured strong complementary-correlations tradeoff
PublicationWe conjecture uncertainty relations that restrict correlations between the results of measurements performed by two separate parties on a shared quantum state. The first uncertainty relation bounds the sum of two mutual informations when one party measures a single observable and the other party measures one of two observables. The uncertainty relation does not follow from the Maassen-Uffink uncertainty relation and is much stronger...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with single fingers - elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Second Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 28 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Second Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with single fingers - elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 28 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with single fingers - elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 28 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Woman 28 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Second Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Woman 28 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Woman 27 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 28 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Second Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with single fingers - elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Second Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Second Man 29 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Woman 24 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...
PULSE and ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 53 age
Open Research DataThe data set presents the measurements of the pulse and the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of a proprietary measuring system based on the AD8232 chip, a set of green diode and a phototransistor made on the STM32 microcontroller. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the...