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Search results for: early decay time
Asphalt concrete subjected to long-time loading at low temperatures – Deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle
PublicationThe article presents the observed deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle of asphalt concretes, tested in the bending beam creep test at low temperatures for a long time of loading. In almost all tested asphalt concretes, deviations appeared after 500 s of loading at the temperature of -10 C. Some types of bitumen presented deviations at other temperatures – usually the harder the grade of the bitumen, the...
A BODIPY‐Based Molecular Rotor in Giant Unilamellar Vesicles: A Case Study by Polarization‐Resolved Time‐Resolved Emission and Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
PublicationBODIPY and BODIPY-derived systems are widely applied as fluorophores and as probes for viscosity detection in solvents and biological media. Their orientational and rotational dynamics in biological media are thus of vital mechanistic importance and extensively investigated. In this contribution, polarization-resolved confocal microscopy is used to determine the orientation of an amphiphilic BODIPY-cholesterol derivative in homogeneous...
Metabolomic Signature of Early Vascular Aging (EVA) in Hypertension
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Early detection of imminent threats in social relation graphs
PublicationWczesne wykrywanie zagrożeń i anomalii w sieciach społecznych jest dziś prawdziwym wyzwaniem. Ludzie w realnym świecie tworzą wiele złożonych relacji społecznych, które mogą być przedstawione za pomocą grafów, w których węzły reprezentują aktorów (pojedyncze osoby lub organizacje) a krawędzie wskazują na powiązania pomiędzy nimi. Analiza nieustannie zmieniających się relacji pomiędzy aktorami może wskazać konkretne nadciągające...
A successful vaginal myomectomy of cervical leiomyoma in early pregnancy
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Birds in Early Medieval Greater Poland: Consumption and Hawking
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Modeling of substrate noise block properties for early rediction.
PublicationZaproponowano nowe podejscie do modelowania zakłóceń podłozowych we wczesnym etapie projektowania systemów na wspólnym podłożu krzemowym. Modelowanie zakłóceń oparto na założeniu, że głównym źródłem zakłóceń podłożowych jest sieć zasilająca. W oparciu o przeprowadzone symulacjie wykazano słusznosć takiej metody.
Substrate noise modeling in early floorplanning of MS-SOCs.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano model częstotliwościowy bloków analogowych wrażliwych na zakłócenia oraz bloków cyfrowych generujących zakłócenia w systemach mieszanych realizowanych na wspólnym podłożu krzemowym. Zaproponowane modele zostały wykorzystane w oprogramowaniu optymalizującym rozmieszczenie bloków funkcjonalnych na struktórze krzemowej. Dzieki użyciu procedur optymalizacyjnych uzyskano znaczącą redukcje poziomu zakłóceń przy...
Sustainable Fashion in Poland—Too Early or Too Late?
PublicationThis article presents an analysis of the concept of sustainable fashion from the Polish consumer’s perspective. The aim of this research is to investigate how Polish fashion consumers approach the concepts of sustainability, such as organic, fair-trade, and carbon emissions. Exploring the experience of the Polish consumption context provides a richer understanding of the evolution of fashion sustainability concepts in this and...
Asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA) method
PublicationA new method for a location service in the asynchronous wireless sensor networks is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables calculation of the position of a mobile node without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring sensors. The ATDOA method is based on the measurement of time difference of arrival between the node and the same sensor at the discrete...
Residence time distribution in rapid multiphase reactors
PublicationResidence time distribution (RTD) provides information about average hydraulic residence time and the distribution of material in the reactor. A method for determining RTD for reactors with very short hydraulic residence times is deconvolution based on extraction of real RTD by the analysis of a non-ideal input signal. The mean residence time and dispersion were determined for the spinning fluids reactor (SFR). For the first time...
Revitalization of Residential Buildings Dating Back to the Late19th and Early 20th Century on the Example of “Willa Halina” in Sopot (Poland)
PublicationResidential buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century constitute an important element of the urban composition of many European cities, often determining their overall spatial expression. These buildings often require revitalization and sometimes also reconstruction or extension. Such activities make it possible to restore historical buildings to their former glory, but also to create new architecture, inscribed...
Equations with Separated Variables on Time Scales
PublicationWe show that the well-known theory for classical ordinary differential equations with separated variables is not valid in case of equations on time scales. Namely, the uniqueness of solutions does not depend on the convergence of appropriate integrals.
Real-time speech-rate modification experiments
PublicationAn algorithm designed for real-time speech time scale modification (stretching) is proposed, providing a combination of typical synchronous overlap and add based time scale modification algorithm and signal redundancy detection algorithms that allow to remove parts of the speech signal and replace them with the stretched speech signal fragments. Effectiveness of signal processing algorithms are examined experimentally together...
Early American Literature
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Journal of the Early Republic
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Early Music History
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Early Science and Medicine
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Early Medieval Europe
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Early Education and Development
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Early Medieval China
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Journal of Early Adolescence (The)
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Nonreciprocal cavities and the time-bandwidth limit: comment
PublicationIn their paper in Optica 6, 104 (2019), Mann et al. claim that linear, time-invariant nonreciprocal structures cannot overcome the time-bandwidth limit and do not exhibit an advantage over their reciprocal counterparts, specifically with regard to their time-bandwidth performance. In this Comment, we argue that these conclusions are unfounded. On the basis of both rigorous full-wave simulations and insightful physical justifications,...
Cosmic-Time Quantum Mechanics and the Passage-of-Time Problem
PublicationA new dynamical paradigm merging quantum dynamics with cosmology is discussed.
Minute and diverse in fossil sticky stuff: Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae) from early Eocene Indian Cambay amber
PublicationWe here present a pioneering systematic review of fossil dipterans of the tribe Tanytarsini (family Chironomidae) discovered in Indian amber from Cambay. The specimens examined belong to five species: Gujaratomyia miripes, Stempellina stebneri sp. nov., Stempellinella pollex sp. nov., Tanytarsus forfex sp. nov. and Tanytarsus ramus sp. nov., which are described. All species belong to the oldest known Tanytarsini and come from the...
Real Time Operating Systems - Seminar 2021/22L
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2022/2023 Global Digital Transformation-part time
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2022/2023 Global Digital Transformation-Full time
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Real time operating systems Seminars 2020-2021
e-Learning CoursesRTOS seminary classes.
Bounds on the Cover Time of Parallel Rotor Walks
PublicationThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node maintains a cyclic ordering of its outgoing arcs, and successively propagates walkers which visit it along its outgoing arcs in...
Web-based real-time simulation system
PublicationThe paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...
Approach to evaluation of time to the critical degradation of ship pipelines
PublicationIn the article an approach to the problem of estimating time to the critical degradation of ship pipelines is considered. Such an assessment would consist of six stages. The fundamental idea is to include to the estimation of time to failure of pipelines such elements like: materials that the pipelines are made, destructive physical phenomena taking place in them and applied means of protection. The result of that evaluation should...
Bounds on the cover time of parallel rotor walks
PublicationThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node successively propagates walkers visiting it along its outgoing arcs in round-robin fashion, according to a fixed ordering. We consider...
Modelling the time-dependent behaviour of soft soils
PublicationTime-dependence of soft soils has already been thoroughly investigated. The knowledge on creep and relaxation phenomena is generally available in the literature. However, it is still rarely applied in practice. Regarding the organic soils, geotechnical engineers mostly base their calculations on the simple assumptions. Yet, as presented within this paper, the rate-dependent behaviour of soft soils is a very special and important...
Monitoring of the Process of System Information Broadcasting in Time
PublicationOne of the problems of quantum physics is how a measurement turns quantum, noncopyable data, towards copyable classical knowledge. We use the quantum state discrimination in a central system model to show how its evolution leads to the broadcasting of the information, and how orthogonalization and decoherence factors allow us to monitor the distance of the state in question to the one perfectly broadcasting information, in any...
Investigation of noises in the EPN weekly time series
PublicationThe constantly growing needs of permanent stati ons’ velocities users cause their stability level to increase. To this research we included more than 150 stations located across Europe operating within the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) w ith weekly changes in the ITRF2005 reference frame. The obvious long-range dependencies in the stochastic part of GPS time series were p roven by Ljung-Box...
A new optimal algorithm for a time-dependent scheduling problem
PublicationIn this article a single machine time-dependent scheduling problem with total completion time criterion is considered. There are n given jobs j_1, ..., j_n and the processing time pi of the i-th job is given by p_i = 1 + b_is_i, where si is the starting time of the i-th job, i = 1, ..., n. If all jobs have different and non-zero deterioration rates and bi > bj => bi >= (b_min+1)/(b_min) b_j + 1/b_min, where b_min = min{b_i}, then...
Stability by linear approximation for time scale dynamical systems
PublicationWe study systems on time scales that are generalizations of classical differential or difference equations and appear in numerical methods. In this paper we consider linear systems and their small nonlinear perturbations. In terms of time scales and of eigenvalues of matrices we formulate conditions, sufficient for stability by linear approximation. For non-periodic time scales we use techniques of central upper Lyapunov exponents...
Improved method for real-time speech stretching
Publicationn algorithm for real-time speech stretching is presented. It was designed to modify input signal dependently on its content and on its relation with the historical input data. The proposed algorithm is a combination of speech signal analysis algorithms, i.e. voice, vowels/consonants, stuttering detection and SOLA (Synchronous-Overlap-and-Add) based speech stretching algorithm. This approach enables stretching input speech signal...
PublicationThanks to the ability to collect information about large areas and with high frequency in time areas threatened by floods can be closely monitored. The effects of flooding are socio-economic losses. In order to reduce those losses, actions related to the determination of building zones are taken. Moreover, the conditions to be met by facilities approved for implementation in such areas are determined. Therefore, satellite data...
Tetrapod trackways from the early Middle Devonian period of Poland
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Man in Early Islamic Philosophy: Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi
PublicationMan was, neither for Al-Kindi, nor for Al-Farabi, a clearly isolated object of philosophical reflection. This does not mean, however, that both Islamic philosophers were not at all concerned with the uniqueness of man, his nature or the purpose of his existence. In order to understand and analyze in depth the philosophies of man voiced by Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi, one must focus primarily on their epistemologies, on their philosophical...
The activity of superoxide dismutases (SODs) at the early stages of wheat deetiolation
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Dynamics of Oxidative Damage at Early Stages of Estrogen-dependant Carcinogenesis
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Characterization of the natural chemical and osmotic environment of early wheat embryogenesis
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Early Oceanographical Data Collected by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk
PublicationThree data sets entitled Water currents in Głębinka Passage in late spring of 1975, Hydrometeorological and hydrochemical conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of Vistula river mouth in July of 1977, and Gulf of Gdańsk monitoring conducted by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, in 1981–1994 contain archival field measurement results from the Gulf of Gdańsk (the southern Baltic). The data can be used...
A Translational Model to Improve Early Detection of Epithelial Ovarian Cancers
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Supply current spectrum estimation of digital cores at early design
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową aproksymacyjną metodę obliczania widma prądu zasilania układów cyfrowych. Metoda oparta jest na charakterystyce impulsów prądowych w kategoriach ich czasu narastania, opadania i długości impulsu. Górną granicę widma (obwiednię) można obliczyć posługując się gęstością prawdopodobieństwa zmian stanu sygnałów w węzłach układu cyfrowego. W odróżnieniu od znanych metod, metoda proponowana wykorzystuje ograniczoną...
Serum mass profile signature as a biomarker of early lung cancer