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Search results for: computational chemical physics
Lattice dynamics and elasticity of silver thiogallate (AgGaS2) from ab initio calculations
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Nuclear quantum effects in a HIV/cancer inhibitor: The case of ellipticine
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Highly efficient exciplex phosphorescence from organic light-emitting diodes
PublicationW pracy badano fluorescencję ekscypleksową w układzie dendrymer aminowy m-MTDATA(donor elektronu):fenantrolina BPT (akceptor) oraz fosforescencję ekscypleksową w układzie m-MTDATA:organiczny kompleks platyny PtL2Cl. Opisano konstrukcję dwuwarstwowej diody elektrofosforescencyjnej o kwantowej (użytecznej) wydajności świecenia 2.4%.
Dissociative electron attachment of furan, tetrahydrofuran, and fructose
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania wychwytu dysocjacyjnego elektronów w cząsteczkach furanu, tetrahydrofuranu i fruktozy w przedziale energii 0-14eV. Stwierdzono, że w przypadku wychwytu elektronów o energiach poniżej progu wzbudzenia (< 3eV), jedynie fruktoza jest podatna na rozerwanie pierścienia cukrowego. W cząsteczkach furanu i tetrahydrofuranu struktury rezonansowe odpowiadające fragmentom pierścienia pojawiają się dla energii elektronów...
Ttotal dissociative electron attachment cross sections of selected amin acids
PublicationZaprezentowano całkowite przekroje czynne na dysocjacyjny wychwyt elektronów przez aminokwasy: glicynę, alaninę, prolinę, tryptofan oraz fenyloalaninę. Wartości przekrojów czynnych wyznaczono z pomiarów wydajności w produkcji jonów dodatnich oraz normalizację do całkowitych przekrojów czynnych na jonizację, obliczonych metodą BEB.
Electro-photoluminescence in organics
PublicationElektro-fotoluminescencję zaobserwowano w układzie ITO(+)/emiter/Ca(-), gdzie emiter wzbudzany światłem UV (350nm) zawierał dendrymer aminowy m-MTDATA, pochodną fenantroliny BPT i organiczny kompleks platyny PtL2Cl. Widmo fotoluminescencji pochodzi od singletowych ekscypleksów m-MTDATA:BPT i trypletowych ekscypleksów m-MTDATA:PtL2Cl. Ze wzrostem pola elektrycznego następuje wygaszanie ekscypleksów na skutek ich dysocjacji na nośniki...
Electric field effect on luminescence, and photoconduction in electron donor - electron acceptor organic solid films
PublicationZaobserwowano silne wygaszenie fotoluminescencji (80%) i duże fotoprądy (1mA/cm2) w układzie dendrymer aminowy m-MTDATA (donor elektronu) : pochodna fenantroliny BPT (akceptor elektronu) niedomieszkowanym oraz zawierającym domieszkę w postaci organicznego kompleksu platyny PtL2Cl. W interpretacji wyników uwzględniono elektrycznopolową dysocjację singletowych ekscypleksów m-MTDATA:BPT i trypletowych ekscypleksów m-MTDATA : PtL2Cl...
Bayesian separation algorithm of THz spectral sources applied to D-glucose monohydrate dehydration kinetics
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Nuclear quantum effects in a HIV/cancer inhibitor: The case of ellipticine
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Excitation energy migration in uniaxially oriented polymer films.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów i symulacji Monte Carlo anizotropii emisji dla procesu bezpromienistego transportu energii w orientowanych osiowo foliach polimerowych. Badany układ stanowiły molekuły DTCI (3,3´-diethylthiacarbocyamine iodine) umieszczony w folii PVA (poliwinyl). Za przestrzenny rozkład orientacji dipoli emisji molekuł w symulacjach Monte Carlo przyjęto rozkład Tanizaki.
Magnetic hyperfine modulation of charge photogeneration in solid films of Alq3.
PublicationZewnętrzne pole magnetyczne (B=100mT) zwiększa fotoprzewodnictwo w hydro-sychinolinowym kompleksie aluminium (Alq3) o 6%. W silniejszych polach magnetycznych (B>100mT) wielkość efektu osiąga stałą wartość. Zaobserwowane wyniki doświadczalne wyjaśniono biorąc pod uwagę magnetyczno-polową modulację oddziaływań nadsubtelnych singletowych i trypletowych par elektron-dziurawy tworzonych w procesie fotogeneracji ładunku.
Magnetic field effects on emission and current in Alq3 - based electroluminescent devices.
PublicationW pracy zaobserwowano stromy wzrost natężenia elektroluminescencji w polach magnetycznych nie przekraczających 300mT. Efekt ten wywołany jest magnetyczno polową redukcją stopnia zmieszania singletowych i trypletowych par elektron dziura, wymuszonego przez nadsubtelne oddziaływanie spinów elektronowych z ich otoczeniem jądrowym.
Assessing therapeutic relevance of biologically interesting, ampholytic substances based on their physicochemical and spectral characteristics with chemometric tools
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Covalent conjugation of graphene oxide with methotrexate and its antitumor activity
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Single-wall carbon nanotubes based anticancer drug delivery system
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Iron filled single-wall carbon nanotubes – A novel ferromagnetic medium
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Carbon nanotubes decorated by mesoporous cobalt oxide as electrode material for lithium-ion batteries
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Theoretical design of nanocatalysts based on (Fe2O3)n clusters for hydrogen production from ammonia
PublicationThe catalytic activities of high-spin small Fe(III) oxides have been investigated for efficient hydrogen production through ammonia decomposition, using the artificial force induced reaction method within the framework of density functional theory with the B3LYP hybrid exchange–correlation functional. Our results reveal that the adsorption free energy of NH3 on (Fe2O3 )n (n = 1–4) decreases with increasing cluster size up to n...
Excitation of the 1deltaU (V1B2) state of carbon disulfide by electron impact in the 3-12 eV energy range
PublicationZbadano wzbudzenie cząsteczek dwusiarczku węgla do stanu 1deltaU (V1B2). W pomiarach wykorzystano metodę optyczną, w której rejestrowano emisję fluorescencji w zakresie 300-600 nm.
Homogeneous nucleation rate of methane hydrate formation under experimental conditions from seeding simulations
PublicationIn this work, we shall estimate via computer simulations the homogeneous nucleation rate for the methane hydrate at 400 bars for a supercooling of about 35 K. The TIP4P/ICE model and a Lennard-Jones center were used for water and methane, respectively. To estimate the nucleation rate, the seeding technique was employed. Clusters of the methane hydrate of different sizes were inserted into the aqueous phase of a two-phase gas–liquid...
Mechanism of antifreeze protein functioning and the “anchored clathrate water” concept
PublicationIn liquid water, there is a natural tendency to form aggregates that consist of water molecules linked by hydrogen bonds. Such spontaneously formed aggregates are surrounded by a "sea" of disordered water molecules, with both forms remaining in equilibrium. The process of creating water aggregates also takes place in the solvation water of proteins, but in this case the interactions of water molecules with the protein surface shift...
Long-range, water-mediated interaction between a moderately active antifreeze protein molecule and the surface of ice
PublicationUsing molecular dynamics simulations, we show that a molecule of moderately active antifreeze protein (type III AFP, QAE HPLC-12 isoform) is able to interact with ice in an indirect manner. This interaction occurs between the ice binding site (IBS) of the AFP III molecule and the surface of ice, and it is mediated by liquid water which separates these surfaces. As a result, the AFP III molecule positions itself at a specific orientation...
Unveiling the electron-induced ionization cross sections and fragmentation mechanisms of 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran
PublicationThe interactions of electrons with molecular systems under various conditions are essential to interdisciplinary research fields extending over the fundamental and applied sciences. In particular, investigating electron-induced ionization and dissociation of molecules may shed light on the radiation damage to living cells, the physicochemical processes in interstellar environments, and reaction mechanisms occurring in combustion...
Reduced diameter distribution of single-wall carbon nanotubes by selective oxidation
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Efficient production of B-substituted single-wall carbon nanotubes
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Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase tetrahydrofuran: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublicationIn this paper we report new quantum calculations of the dynamics for low-energy positrons interacting with gaseous molecules of tetrahydrofuran. The new quantum scattering cross sections are differential and integral cross sections at collision energies between 1.0 and 25.0 eV and include a careful treatment of the additional effects on the scattering process brought about by the permanent dipole moment of the target molecule....
The hydrogen bond network structure within the hydration shell around simple osmolytes: Urea, tetramethylurea, and trimethylamine-N-oxide, investigated using both a fixed charge and a polarizable water model
PublicationDespite numerous experimental and computer simulation studies, a controversy still exists regarding the effect of osmolytes on the structure of surrounding water. There is a question, to what extent some of the contradictory results may arise from differences in potential models used to simulate the system or parameters employed to describe physical properties of the mixture and interpretation of the results. Bearing this in mind,...
Linear-scaling calculation of Hartree-Fock exchange energy with Non-orthogonal Generalised Wannier Functions
PublicationWe present a method for the calculation of four-centre two-electron repulsion integrals in terms of localised non-orthogonal generalised Wannier functions (NGWFs). Our method has been imple- mented in the ONETEP program and is used to compute the Hartree-Fock exchange energy component of Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations with hybrid exchange-correlation functionals. As the NGWFs are optimised in situ...
The hydrogen bond network structure within the hydration shell around simple osmolytes: Urea, tetramethylurea, and trimethylamine-N-oxide, investigated using both a fixed charge and a polarizable water model
PublicationDespite numerous experimental and computer simulation studies, a controversy still exists regarding the effect of osmolytes on the structure of surrounding water. There is a question, to what extent some of the contradictory results may arise from differences in potential models used to simulate the system or parameters employed to describe physical properties of the mixture and interpretation of the results. Bearing this in mind,...
Theoretical pKa prediction of O-phosphoserine in aqueous solution
PublicationSprawdzono zdolność modelu polaryzowalnego kontinuum (PCM) do przewidywania wartości pKa w roztworze wodnym dla O-fosfoseryny (P-Ser). Obliczenia przeprowadzono w ramach teorii funkcjonału gęstości (DFT) przy użyciu funkcjonałów B3LYP i M06-2X oraz baz 6-31+G(d) and 6-31+G(d,p). Obliczenia na poziomie B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) przy użyciu modelu solwatacji SMD zapewniają doskonałą zgodność z doświadczeniem, pod warunkiem uwzględnienia...
A first-principles study of electron attachment to the fully hydrated bromonucleobases
PublicationDegradation mechanism of four brominated nucleobases (BrX), potential DNA radiosensitizers, is studied in explicit water solution, using ab initio molecular dynamics. Several fs long dynamics is needed to localize an electron on the nucleobase. Produced by electron attachment BrX anion radical degrades through the bromide anion abstraction, barrier-free (purines) or with low barrier (pyrimidines), to a reactive nucleobase radical....
Unusual structural properties of water within the hydration shell of hyperactive antifreeze protein
PublicationMany hypotheses can be encountered explaining the mechanism of action of antifreeze proteins. One widespread theory postulates that the similarity of structural properties of solvation water of antifreeze proteins to ice is crucial to the antifreeze activity of these agents. In order to investigate this problem, the structural properties of solvation water of the hyperactive antifreeze protein from Choristoneura fumiferana were...
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic and theoretical study of water interactions with glycine and its N-methylated derivatives
PublicationZbadano hydratację glicyny i jej metylowych pochodnych: N-metyloglicyny (NMG), N,N-dimetyloglicyny (DMG) i N,N,N-trimetyloglicyny (TMG) przy wykorzystaniu spektroskopii FTIR, z zastosowaniem cząsteczki HDO jako sondy molekularnej. Ilościowa wersja metody widm różnicowych pozwoliła na wyizolowanie widma wody zaburzonej przez substancję rozpuszczoną. Wyniki widmowe zostały skonfrontowane z obliczeniami teoretycznymi w ramach teorii...
Electronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules studied by electron collisions
PublicationElectronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules were studied in the excitation energy range 5.5-10 eV using the technique of electron energy loss spectroscopy in the gas phase. Excitation from the two conformations, C2 and Cs, of the ground state of the molecule are observed in the measured energy loss spectra. The vertical excitation energies of the 3(no3s) triplet state from the C2 and Cs conformations of the ground state of the...
Electrostatic interactions in finite systems treated with periodic boundary conditions: Application to linear-scaling density functional theory
PublicationWe present a comparison of methods for treating the electrostatic interactions of finite, isolated systems within periodic boundary conditions (PBCs), within density functional theory (DFT), with particular emphasis on linear-scaling (LS) DFT. Often, PBCs are not physically realistic but are an unavoidable consequence of the choice of basis set and the efficacy of using Fourier transforms to compute the Hartree potential. In such...
Photophysics and Halide Quenching of Soret-excited ZnTPPS4- in Aqueous Media
PublicationSteady state S2-S0 and S1-S0 absorption and emission spectra and picosecond S2 decay and S1 fluorescence rise times have been measured for the model porphyrin ZnTPPS4− in water and in aqueous iodide solutions of constant ionic strength. The dynamics of S1 quenching by iodide are well-modeled by a Stern-Volmer mechanism yielding kQ = 1.75 × 109 M−1 s−1. The S2 state is quenched on a ps time scale by a static electron-transfer mechanism...
Analysis of the image force effects on the recombination at the donor-acceptor interface in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
PublicationWe consider the influence of image force effects on the recombination at the donor-acceptor interface in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. The conclusion is that the charge carriers of one sign located in the material with lower permittivity recombine at the boundary between donor and acceptor phases. This process competes with the recombination of opposite sign charge carriers, leading to the reduction of the Langevin-type...
Fragmentation of isoxazole molecules by electron impact in the energy range 10-85 eV
PublicationBadano fragmentację cząsteczek isoxazolu w zderzeniach z elektronami metodą wzbudzenia optycznego. Obserwowano linie wzbudzonego wodoru z serii Balmera oraz pasma emisyjne fragmentów CH oraz CN. Zmierzono bezwzględne wartości emisyjnych przekrojów czynnych.
Dissociative electron attachment to the radiosensitizing chemotherapeutic agent hydroxyurea
PublicationDissociative electron attachment to hydroxyurea was studied in the gas phase for electron energies ranging from zero to 9 eV in order to probe its radiosensitizing capabilities. The experiments were carried out using a hemispherical electron monochromator coupled with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Diversified fragmentation of hydroxyurea was observed upon low energy electron attachment and here we highlight the major dissociation...
Structure of solvation water around the active and inactive regions of a type III antifreeze protein and its mutants of lowered activity
PublicationWater molecules from the solvation shell of the ice-binding surface are considered important for the antifreeze proteins to perform their function properly. Herein, we discuss the problem whether the extent of changes of the mean properties of solvation water can be connected with the antifreeze activity of the protein. To this aim, the structure of solvation water of a type III antifreeze protein from Macrozoarces americanus (eel...
A study of the electronic states of pyrimidine by electron energy loss spectroscopy
PublicationThe electron energy loss spectra were measured in pyrimidine at the constant electron residual energy varied from 15 meV to 10 eV and in the scattering angle range 0–180°. The spectra were analysed applying an iteration fitting procedure to resolve the energy loss bands corresponding to excitation of the electronic states of pyrimidine. The vertical excitation energies of the singlet states of pyrimidine and of a number of the...
Unusual dynamic properties of water near the ice-binding plane of hyperactive antifreeze protein
PublicationThe dynamical properties of solvation water of hyperactive antifreeze protein from Choristoneura fumiferana (CfAFP) are analyzed and discussed in context of its antifreeze activity. The protein comprises of three well-defined planes and one of them binds to the surface of ice. The dynamical properties of solvation water around each of these planes were analyzed separately; the results are compared with the dynamical properties...
Electron collisions with methyl-substituted ethylenes: Cross section measurements and calculations for 2-methyl–2-butene and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene
PublicationWe report electron-scattering cross sections determined for 2-methyl–2-butene [(H3C)HC==C(CH3)2] and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene [(H3C)2C=C(CH3)2] molecules. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured for incident electron energies in the 0.5–300 eV range, using a linear electron-transmission technique. The experimental TCS energy dependences for the both targets appear to be very similar with respect to the shape. In each...
Refined theoretical study of radiative association: Cross sections and rate constants for the formation of SiN
PublicationRadiative association of silicon mononitride (SiN) in its two lowest molecular electronic states is studied through quantum and classical dynamics. Special attention is paid to the behavior of the cross section at high collision energies. A modified expression for the semiclassical cross section is presented which excludes transitions to continuum states. This gives improved agreement with quantum mechanical perturbation theory...
The significance of the properties of water for the working cycle of the kinesin molecular motor
PublicationExplicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations were performed in this study to investigate and discuss several aspects of the influence of the properties of water on the working cycle of a molecular motor from the kinesin superfamily. The main objects of attention were: the binding of the neck linker and the association of the kinesin and the tubulin. The docking of the neck linker is considered a crucial event during the working...
Crystal structure and physical properties of a novel ternary compound La15MoxGe9
PublicationWe present the synthesis, structural characterization and physical properties measurements of a new compound, La15MoxGe9 in Mn5Si3-type derived structure with interstitial Mo. The sample was synthesized by arc-melting method. La15MoxGe9 crystallizes in non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure P63mc (#186) with lattice parameters a = b = 15.495(5) Å and c = 6.917(2) Å. The refinement on single X-ray diffraction data show that interstitial...
Dissociative electron attachment to benzoic acid (C7H6O2)
PublicationThe dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) has been studied using an experimental crossed beam setup of a quadrupole mass spectrometer and a trochoidal electron monochromator. Relative partial cross sections for the DEA to produce negative ion fragments show the main channels for dissociation. The comparison of the present results with the ultraviolet photoelectron spectrum of benzoic acid [J. Meeks,...
Kinetics of molecular decomposition under irradiation of gold nanoparticles with nanosecond laser pulses—A 5-Bromouracil case study
PublicationABSTRACT Laser illuminated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) efficiently absorb light and heat up the surrounding medium, leading to versatile applications ranging from plasmonic catalysis to cancer photothermal therapy. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the thermal, optical, and electron induced reaction pathways is required. Here, the electrophilic DNA nucleobase analog 5-Bromouracil (BrU) has been used as a model compound to...
Communication: Inside the water wheel: Intrinsic differences between hydrated tetraphenylphosphonium and tetraphenylborate ions
PublicationTetraphenylphosphonium tetraphenylborate (TPTB) is a common reference electrolyte in physical chemistry of solutions allowing for a convenient partitioning of thermodynamic properties into single-ion contributions. Here, we compute on the basis of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations the infrared (IR) spectra for hydrated constituent ions of the TPTB assumption. Using spectral decomposition techniques, we extract important...
Low energy differential elastic electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN)
PublicationMeasurements of elastic differential cross sections for electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN) have been performed utilizing a crossed electron-molecular beam experiment and with the relative flow method, for the incident electron energy range of 0.7 eV–30 eV and the scattering angle range of 10◦–130◦. These differential cross sections have been used to calculate the elastic integral and momentum- transfer cross sections,...