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Search results for: Optimization
Surrogate Modeling and Optimization Using Shape-Preserving Response Prediction: A Review
PublicationComputer simulation models are ubiquitous in modern engineering design. In many cases, they are the only way to evaluate a given design with sufficient fidelity. Unfortunately, an added computa-tional expense is associated with higher fidelity models. Moreover, the systems being considered are often highly nonlinear and may feature a large number of designable parameters. Therefore, it may be impractical to solve the design problem...
PublicationThis paper relates to the CFD calculation of a new turbine type which is in the phase of theoretical analysis, because the working fluid is a mixture of steam and gas generated in wet combustion chamber. At first, this article concentrates on a possibility of streamlining the flow efficiency of a last stage of axial turbine working on gas-steam mixture using a hybrid of the particle swarm optimization algorithm with the Nelder-Mead...
Optimization of the distance between the vertical plates in the convective air heat exchanger
PublicationThis paper examines the influence of the distance between vertical plates on the intensity of free convective heat transfer along with the optimization of this distance. Experimental tests were carried out for one model channel of such an heat exchanger with widths , 0.085 and 0.18 m. This channel, open at the top and sides, was formed by two isothermal symmetrically heated parallel vertical plates of dimensions m and m. The influence...
Bayesian Optimization for solving high-frequency passive component design problems
PublicationIn this paper, the performance of the Bayesian Optimization (BO) technique applied to various problems of microwave engineering is studied. Bayesian optimization is a novel, non-deterministic, global optimization scheme that uses machine learning to solve complex optimization problems. However, each new optimization scheme needs to be evaluated to find its best application niche, as there is no universal technique that suits all...
Trawl-Door Shape Optimization with 3D CFD Models and Local Surrogates
PublicationDesign and optimization of trawl-doors are key factors in minimizing the fuel consumption of fishing vessels. This paper discusses optimization of the trawl-door shapes using high-fidelity 3D computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. The accurate 3D CFD models are computationally expensive and, therefore, the direct use of traditional optimization algorithms, which often require a large number of evaluations, may be prohibitive....
Constrained aerodynamic shape optimization using neural networks and sequential sampling
PublicationAerodynamic shape optimization (ASO) involves computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based search for an optimal aerodynamic shape such as airfoils and wings. Gradient-based optimization (GBO) with adjoints can be used efficiently to solve ASO problems with many design variables, but problems with many constraints can still be challenging. The recently created efficient global optimization algorithm with neural network (NN)-based prediction...
Impact of rotor geometry optimization on the off-design ORC turbine performance
PublicationThe paper describes the method of CFD based Nelder-Mead optimization of a 10 kW single-stage axial turbine operating in an ORC system working on R7100. The total-to-static isentropic efficiency is defined as an objective function. Multi-point linear regression is carried out to determine the significance of the objective function arguments and to pick up the set of particular variables and characteristic quantities (e.g. flow angles)...
Cost-efficient design optimization of compact patch antennas with improved bandwidth
PublicationIn this letter, a surrogate-assisted optimization procedure for fast design of compact patch antennas with enhanced bandwidth is presented. The procedure aims at addressing a fundamental challenge of the design of antenna structures with complex topologies, which is simultaneous adjustment of numerous geometry parameters. The latter is necessary in order to find a truly optimum design and cannot be executed-at the level of high-fidelity...
Fast simulation-driven design optimization of UWB band-notch antennas
PublicationIn this letter, a simple yet reliable and automated methodology for rapid design optimization of ultra-wideband (UWB) band-notch antennas is presented. Our approach is a two-stage procedure with the first stage focused on the design of the antenna itself, and the secondstage aiming at identification of the appropriate dimensions of the resonator with the purpose of allocating the band-notch in the desired frequency range. For the...
Multi-fidelity robust aerodynamic design optimization under mixed uncertainty
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present a robust optimization algorithm for computationally efficient airfoil design under mixed (inherent and epistemic) uncertainty using a multi-fidelity approach. This algorithm exploits stochastic expansions derived from the Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos (NIPC) technique to create surrogate models utilized in the optimization process. A combined NIPC expansion approach is used, where both...
Inverse Modeling and Optimization of CSRR-based Microwave Sensors for Industrial Applications
PublicationDesign optimization of multivariable resonators is a challenging topic in the area of microwave sensors for industrial applications. This paper proposes a novel methodology for rapid re-design and parameter tuning of complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs). Our approach involves inverse surrogate models established using pre-optimized resonator data as well as analytical correction techniques to enable rapid adjustment of geometry...
Fast Design Optimization of Waveguide Filters Applying Shape Deformation Techniques
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient design of microwave filters by means of geometry optimization using shape deformation techniques. This design procedure allows for modelling complex 3D geometries which can be fabricated by additive manufacturing (AM). Shape deforming operations are based on radial basis function (RBF) interpolation and are integrated into an electromagnetic field simulator based on the 3D finiteelement method (FEM)....
Low-Cost EM-Simulation-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of Antennas
PublicationA surrogate-based method for efficient multi-objective antenna optimization is presented. Our technique exploits response surface approximation (RSA) model constructed from sampled low-fidelity antenna model (here, obtained through coarse-discretization EM simulation). The RSA model enables fast determination of the best available trade-offs between conflicting design goals. A low-cost RSA model construction is possible through...
Multi-objective optimization of microwave couplers using corrected domain patching
PublicationPractical design of microwave components and circuits is a compromise between various, often conflicting objectives. In case of compact structures, the trade-offs are typically concerned with the circuit size and its electrical performance. Comprehensive information about the best possible trade-offs can be obtained by means of multi-objective optimization. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient technique for identifying...
Multiobjective Aerodynamic Optimization by Variable-Fidelity Models and Response Surface Surrogates
PublicationA computationally efficient procedure for multiobjective design optimization with variable-fidelity models and response surface surrogates is presented. The proposed approach uses the multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that works with a fast surrogate model, obtained with kriging interpolation of the low-fidelity model data enhanced by space-mapping correction exploiting a few high-fidelity training points. The initial Pareto...
Optimization-based antenna miniaturization using adaptively-adjusted penalty factors
PublicationThe continuing trend for miniaturization of electronic devices necessitates size reduction of the comprising components and circuitry. Specifically, integrated circuit-antenna modules therein require compact radiators in applications such as 5G communications, implantable and on-body devices, or internet of things (IoT). The conflict between the demands for compact size and elec-trical and field performance can be mitigated by...
Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Delaying Dynamic Stall of Airfoils by Regression Kriging
PublicationThe phenomenon of dynamic stall produce adverse aerodynamic loading which can adversely affect the structural strength and life of aerodynamic systems. Aerodynamic shape optimization (ASO) provides an effective approach for delaying and mitigating dynamic stall characteristics without the addition of auxiliary system. ASO, however, requires multiple evaluations time-consuming computational fluid dynamics models. Metamodel-based...
Performance-driven yield optimization of high-frequency structures by kriging surrogates
PublicationUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, as manufacturing toler-ances may affect the characteristics of the structure. Therefore, quantification of these effects is in-dispensable for adequate assessment of the design quality. Toward this end, statistical analysis is performed, for reliability reasons, using full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Still, the computational expenditures associated...
Global Optimization for Recovery of Clipped Signals Corrupted With Poisson-Gaussian Noise
PublicationWe study a variational formulation for reconstructing nonlinearly distorted signals corrupted with a Poisson-Gaussian noise. In this situation, the data fidelity term consists of a sum of a weighted least squares term and a logarithmic one. Both of them are precomposed by a nonlinearity, modelling a clipping effect, which is assumed to be rational. A regularization term, being a piecewise rational approximation of the ℓ0 function...
Fast Full-Wave Multilevel Zero-Pole Optimization of Microwave Filters
PublicationA new concept is proposed for the full-wave computer-aided design of microwave filters. The method consists of two stages and operates on the zeros and poles of the transfer function and their derivatives. These quantities are evaluated from the response computed by a full-wave electromagnetic solver with two levels of accuracy. The two stages make use of different models that are optimized using a low-accuracy electromagnetic...
Three-objective antenna optimization by means of kriging surrogates and domain segmentation
PublicationIn this paper, an optimization framework for multi-objective design of antenna structures is discussed which exploits data-driven surrogates, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, response correction techniques for design refinement, as well as generalized domain segmentation. The last mechanism is introduced to constrain the design space region subjected to sampling, which permits reduction of the number of training data samples...
PublicationThe paper presents usage of a Particle Swarm Optimization [1] based algorithm for spectral-based modal parameters identification. The main algorithm consists of two groups of swarms, namely, scouts and helpers. For the first group additional penalizing process is provided to force separation of scouting swarms in frequency space. The swarms have an ability to communicate with each other. At first stage, each swarm focuses on a...
Expedited design of microstrip antenna subarrays using surrogate-based optimization
PublicationComputationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. The proposed design approach aims at simultaneous adjustment of all relevant geometry parameters of the subarray, which allows us to take into account the effect of the feeding network on the subarray radiation pattern (in particular, the side lobe level, SLL). In order to handle a large number of variables involved in the design process,...
Rapid antenna design optimization using shape-preserving response prediction
PublicationAn approach to rapid optimization of antennas using the shape-preserving response-prediction (SPRP) technique and coarsediscretization electromagnetic (EM) simulations (as a low-fidelity model) is presented. SPRP allows us to estimate the response of the high-fidelity EM antenna model, e.g., its reflection coefficient versus frequency, using the properly selected set of so-called characteristic points of the low-fidelity model...
Accurate simulation-driven modeling and design optimization of compact microwave structures
PublicationCost efficient design optimization of microwave structures requires availability of fast yet reliable replacement models so that multiple evaluations of the structure at hand can be executed in reasonable timeframe. Direct utilization of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations is often prohibitive. On the other hand, accurate data-driven modeling normally requires a very large number of training points and it is virtually infeasible...
Bearing capacity of working platform using distinct layout optimization method
PublicationBearing capacity of the working platforms from sandy soil resting on NC and OC clays was analyzed using LimitState GEO program. Different failure modes are considered using distinct layout optimization (DLO) method, which forms the upper bound solution of limit state analysis. Different mechanisms of failure were observed as a function of the platform thickness, angle of internal friction of the platform material and undrained...
Preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization in ship weather routing
PublicationIn evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) the aim is to find a set of Pareto-optimal solutions. Such approach may be applied to multiple real-life problems, including weather routing (WR) of ships. The route should be optimal in terms of passage time, fuel consumption and safety of crew and cargo while taking into account dynamically changing weather conditions. Additionally it must not violate any navigational constraints...
PublicationThe implementation of smart charging of electric vehicles allows operators of local power networks and electricity suppliers to implement new business models for the interaction of electric vehicles with the network. In addition to the optimal selection of Microgrid capacities when charging electric vehicles, it is also important to use different charging methods. To satisfy the interests of all participants of local systems from...
The Simulation of Activated Sludge System for Optimization of Predictive Aeration at Large WWTP
PublicationEffective use of biodegradable substrates as an internal carbon sources (ICS) for denitrification and EBPR and predicting performance of aeration systems during nitrification in activated sludge bioreactors, may be useful in realization the sustainable development by potentially saving energy consumption at WWTPs. A large number of WWTPs use activated sludge systems with an integrated removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus...
Testing Stability of Digital Filters Using Optimization Methods with Phase Analysis
PublicationIn this paper, novel methods for the evaluation of digital-filter stability are investigated. The methods are based on phase analysis of a complex function in the characteristic equation of a digital filter. It allows for evaluating stability when a characteristic equation is not based on a polynomial. The operation of these methods relies on sampling the unit circle on the complex plane and extracting the phase quadrant of a function...
Extended Hopfield models of neural networks for combinatorial multiobjective optimization problems
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Features of Machine Cyclogram Optimization with the Account of Interaction of Mechanism Links with Stops
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Optimization of a three-bed adsorption chiller by genetic algorithms and neural networks
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An efficient approach to optimization of semi‐stable routing in multicommodity flow networks
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Evolutionary design and optimization of combinational digital circuits with respect to transistor count.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania algorytmu ewolucyjnego do projektowania i optymalizacji cyfrowych układów kombinacyjnych w odniesieniu do liczby tranzystorów. Zastosowano chromosomy o budowie wielowarstwowej zwiększające wydajność algorytmu. Zaprojektowano, wykorzystując zaproponowaną metodę, cztery układy kombinacyjne o tabelach logicznych wybranych z literatury. Uzyskane wyniki są w wielu przypadkach lepsze...
An automated microwave planar filter design based on space mapping optimization
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1+1 Protection of Overlay Distributed Computing Systems: Modeling and Optimization
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono autorską koncepcję ochrony transmisji od krańca do krańca (ang. 1+1 protection) dla systemów przetwarzania rozproszonego (ang. distributed computing systems). Artykuł prezentuje nowatorskie rozwiązanie dedykowane systemom typu ''overlay'', w których system przetwarzania rozproszonego stanowi warstwę najwyższą w warstwowej architekturze sieci, korzystającą z usług warstwy sieci transportowej....
Optimal Power Flow Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
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Optimization of the Fast Image Binarization Method Based on the Monte Carlo Approach
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Optimization of Degraded Document Image Binarization Method Based on Background Estimation
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Random Forest Based Power Sustainability and Cost Optimization in Smart Grid
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Random forest based power sustainability and cost optimization in smart grid
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The application of response surface method to optimization of precision ball end milling
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Design of dimensionally stable composites using efficient global optimization method
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Optimization of river network representation data models for web-based systems
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The Use of Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization in the Modern Entrepreneurial Economy: Interdisciplinary Perspective
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Optimization of multilayer rail substrate under moving load, using metamaterials.
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Response Surface Methodology Application for Bacteriophage–Antibiotic Antibiofilm Activity Optimization
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Selected multiobjective methods for multiperiod portfolio optimization by mixed integer programming
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Survey of multi-objective portfolio optimization by linear and mixed integer programming