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Assessing Industry 4.0 Features Using SWOT Analysis
PublicationThis paper assesses some features of industry 4.0 by using SWOT analysis that affects the adoption and implementation of industry 4.0. The paper identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to industry 4.0. By the consideration of these four groups of factors, the industrial practitioners can understand how to implement industry 4.0. Moreover, industrial practitioners can use the strengths/opportunities...
Ecological and Economic Aspects of the Application of Sewage Sludge in Energetic Plant Plantations - A Swot Analysis
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An ANN-Based Method for On-Load Tap Changer Control in LV Networks with a Large Share of Photovoltaics—Comparative Analysis
PublicationThe paper proposes a new local method of controlling the on-load tap changer (OLTC) of a transformer to mitigate negative voltage phenomena in low-voltage (LV) networks with a high penetration of photovoltaic (PV) installations. The essence of the method is the use of the load compensation (LC) function with settings determined via artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms. The proposed method was compared with other selected...
The assessment of solar photovoltaic in Poland: the photovoltaics potential, perspectives and development
PublicationThe following article explains the current condition of the photovoltaics sector both in Poland and worldwide. Recently, a rapid development of solar energy has been observed in Poland and is estimated that the country now has about 700,000 photovoltaics prosumers. In October 2021, the total photovoltaics power in Poland amounted to nearly 5.7 GW. The calculated technical potential of photovoltaics in Poland is 153.484 PJ (42.634...
Anna Kuczyńska-Łażewska dr inż.
PeopleAnna Kuczyńska-Łażewska graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technologyin the field of Chemistry (1st degree) and Environmental Protection Technologies, specialization: environmental protection systems (2nd degree). She completed an internship at the Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse in Rostock. She defended her doctorate in recycling of 1st and 2nd generation modules in 2018 at the Department of Energy...
Emilia Miszewska dr inż.
PeopleEmilia Miszewska was born in 1986 in Gdańsk. She graduated from Primary School No. 17 in Gdańsk with sports classes specializing in swimming and Janusz Kusociński Sports Secondary School No. 11 in Gdańsk. In 2005, she started uniform master's studies at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which she completed in 2011, defending her diploma thesis entitled "Analysis and development of fire protection guidelines and...
Koncepcja logistycznego usprawnienia magazynu cross-dockowego przedsiębiorstwa X
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji logistycznego usprawnienia magazynu cross- -dockowego przedsiębiorstwa X. W oparciu o informacje dotyczące stanu faktycznego maga- zynu zostały przeprowadzone badania procesów magazynowych. Po przeprowadzeniu identyfikacji problemów zostały zaproponowane usprawnienia wybranego procesu magazynowego, które polegały na propozycji zmiany sposobu zagospodarowania magazynu. Do tego...
Czynniki rozwojowe w dokumentach strategicznych miast powiatowych na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego
PublicationAutor postawił dwa cele: 1) zweryfikowanie hipotezy, że każde terytorium posiada endogeniczny potencjał rozwojowy; 2) sprawdzenie, czy sposób rozpoznawania i analizy czynników rozwojowych są odpowiednie dla sformułowanie właściwej strategii. Autor badał czynniki rozwojowe miast powiatowych ze względu na ich rolę w aktywizacji obszarów peryferyjnych (czyli poza obszarem metropolitalnym). Głównym źródłem informacji były elementy...
PublicationThis report presents the results of investigations carried out for polymer- and low-weightmolecular materials prepared in the form of thin films by various methods, namely the thermalvacuum evaporation and chemical vapour deposition. The influence of the technologicalconditions on the structure, surface morphology, and electronic properties of selected organic thinfilms, including polyazomethines, phthalocyanines, and perylene...
Analiza SWOT jako metoda oceny pozycji konkurencyjnej apteki
PublicationW artykule opisana jest metoda analizy SWOT i jej zastosowanie w zarządzaniu apteką.
Postrzegana sytuacja gmin na podstawie analizy SWOT przedstawionej w strategiach rozwoju lokalnego.
PublicationAnaliza SWOT uważana jest za kompleksową metodę służącą do badania otoczenia organizacji oraz analizy jej wnętrza. Artykuł prezentuje wnioski płynące z badania analizy SWOT przedstawionej w strategiach rozwoju lokalnego. Na ich podstawie zobrazowano obecną sytuację gmin województwa pomorskiego oraz prognozę kierunku ich rozwoju w przyszłości.
Effect of Polymerization Statistics on the Electronic Properties of Copolymers for Organic Photovoltaics
PublicationStatistical block copolymers, composed of donor (D) and acceptor (A) blocks, are a novel type of material for organic photovoltaics (OPVs) devices. In particular a new series of polymers based on PBTZT-stat-BDTT-8, recently developed by Merck, offers high solubility in different solvents, and a high power conversion efficiency (PCE) in different device architectures. Although it is known that the electronic properties of these...
Organic photovoltaics - chosen aspects
PublicationThere are many types of organic and organic/inorganic (hybrid) photovoltaic devices that possess many beneficial properties over inorganic solar cells. That makes the former suitable for a broad range of applications and hence so much attention is paid to their development. In spite of intensive research carried on this field of science and technology there are still many crucial problems that need to be solved. Extensive knowledge...
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EPJ Photovoltaics
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Wybór strategii rozwoju Portu Gdańsk opartej na analizie TOWS/SWOT
PublicationMorski port w Gdańsku, będący podmiotem o podstawowym znaczeniu dla polskiej gospodarki narodowej, odgrywa również znaczącą rolę jako ogniwo Transeuropejskiego Korytarza Transportowego nr VI łączącego kraje skandynawskie z południowo-wschodnią Europą. Aktualnie podmiot ten utrzymuje pozycję zdecydowanego lidera wśród polskich portów pod względem obsłużonej masy ładunkowej. Aby tę pozycję zachować, spotęgować dalszy dynamiczny...
Analiza SWOT i analiza 5 sił Portera dla rynku podstawowej opieki medycznej na obszarze miasta Gdańska
PublicationIn recent years we have seen the dynamic development of medical services sector inPoland. Private health centres focus on aggressive development strategy. The role of primaryhealth care facilities, which provide services financed from public funds, declined. The purpose of article is to describe medical services market in Gdańsk, especially in Gdańsk-South district. Itincludes demographics, the number and characteristics...
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Financial Analysis exercises - New
e-Learning CoursesTo obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial and economic analysis. Methods of economic analysis: Elements of production and human resources analysis, tangible assets analysis, inventory analysis, which would enable to understand the business case, to measure them and find suitable decision. To obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial analysis.
15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
EventsRegistration for the workshops with Sponsors, which will take place during the free time on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 2:30 PM, will be conducted by signing up on a list at the registration desk. We kindly inform you that posters should be prepared in size B1 (707 x 1000 mm). Templates:pptx, pdf Please submit your presentations...
Financial Analysis exercises - New (copy)
e-Learning CoursesTo obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial and economic analysis. Methods of economic analysis: Elements of production and human resources analysis, tangible assets analysis, inventory analysis, which would enable to understand the business case, to measure them and find suitable decision. To obtain theoretical and practical experience of financial analysis.
Decisions Analysis 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThis is content to the subject: "Decisions Analysis" to be used as a template for futher courses.
Qualitative data analysis methods
e-Learning CoursesThis is the continuation of Qualitatative Data Analysis Methods course provided online
Decisions Analysis STAC 22/23
e-Learning CoursesThis is content to the subject: "Decisions Analysis" 22/23
Deep learning-enabled integration of renewable energy sources through photovoltaics in buildings
PublicationInstalling photovoltaic (PV) systems in buildings is one of the most effective strategies for achieving sustainable energy goals and reducing carbon emissions. However, the requirement for efficient energy management, the fluctuating energy demands, and the intermittent nature of solar power are a few of the obstacles to the seamless integration of PV systems into buildings. These complexities surpass the capabilities of rule-based...
Data Analysis 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesData Analysisdr inż. Karol Flisikowski, prof. PG - winter semester 2023/24
Macroeconomic analysis
e-Learning Courses -
Market analysis
e-Learning CoursesKurs przeznaczony dla studentów studiów stacjonarnych Inżynierii Danych, I stopnia, semestr 7 (zimowy) w roku akademickim 2021/2022.
Financial Analysis
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Decision analysis
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Investigating the potential of CuSCN as hole transport layer for perovskite solar cells for applications in indoor photovoltaics
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New D−π–D−π–A Systems Based on Phenothiazine Derivatives with Imidazole Structures for Photovoltaics
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Decision analysis (l/lab) winter 2020/21
e-Learning CoursesDecision analysis (l/lab)_winter 2020/21
Can a city reach energy self-sufficiency by means of rooftop photovoltaics? Case study from Poland
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Deep neural networks for data analysis
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the methods of deep learning for advanced data analysis. Typical areas of application of these types of methods include: image classification, speech recognition and natural language understanding. Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z metodami głębokiego uczenia maszynowego na potrzeby zaawansowanej analizy danych. Do typowych obszarów zastosowań tego typu metod należą:...
e-Learning CoursesMETHODS OF QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (TEAM PROJECT) - Economic Analytics, Lecture and Lab, Winter Semester 2022/2022. Teacher: dr Piotr Paradowski
Selected aspects of modern X-ray structural analysis 2024
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis
Selected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis 2023
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis
Fundamentals of microscopic analysis
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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
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Ireneusz Kreja dr hab. inż.
PeopleGraduated from the mathematical class at the Nicolaus Copernicus High School in Gdańsk (1974). Master of Sciences in Civil Engineering after studies at Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland (1974-1979). Since 1979 became an employee of the GUT. In 1989 earned a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering (with grade "Summa cum Laude") from the GUT. In 2008 obtained a D. Sc. (Habilitation) degree in Civil Engineering (with grade...
Simulating Power Generation from Photovoltaics in the Polish Power System Based on Ground Meteorological Measurements—First Tests Based on Transmission System Operator Data
PublicationThe Polish power system is undergoing a slow process of transformation from coal to one that is renewables dominated. Although coal will remain a fundamental fuel in the coming years, the recent upsurge in installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) systems should draw significant attention. Owning to the fact that the Polish Transmission System Operator recently published the PV hourly generation time series in this article, we aim...
Analiza decyzyjna/Decision analysis
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Market Analysis 2022/23
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Financial Analysis (lectures, 2022)
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Financial Analysis (22/23)
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Market Analysis 2024/25
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Financial Analysis (summer 2024)
e-Learning Courses