Search results for: off-body channels
Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body fading channel model for Body Area Networks. The proposed model, based on both simulations and measurements at 2.45 GHz in a realistic indoor environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. The first is modelled as a log function of distance, the path loss exponent being in between 0.4 and 1.6. A statistical perspective is taken for the other two components,...
Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body fading channel model for Body Area Networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in an indoor environment (a medium-size room with furniture, mostly consisting of wooden tables and chairs) have been measured:...
Fading modelling in dynamic off-body channels
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Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments
PublicationThis paper presents a measurements of the path loss for validation of a statistical model for off-body radio channels in an indoor multipath environment, which considers the distance dependent mean path loss, and describes body shadowing and fast fading components in a statistical way. The measurement equipment and propagation indoor environment have been presented. Two different bodies and five static and two walking scenarios...
Path Loss Analysis in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environment
PublicationThis temporary document describes an analysis of path loss in off-body channels in an indoor environment. The influence of body orientation and on-body antenna placement on path loss in off-body communications as well as of different bodies has been investigated. Five static scenarios, six distances between body and antenna and eight body orientations were analysed; moreover, two dynamic scenarios were investigated. The smallest...
An Empirical Model for the Polarisation Characteristics of Indoor Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of the polarisation characteristics for the channel in dynamic off-body communications, and an empirical channel model, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an office environment. Body presence and propagation conditions have a strong influence on signal depolarisation. The model assumes three components for the total path loss: mean path loss, represented by a log-distance function with...
Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to investigate the influence of body orientation and on-body antenna placement on the path loss in off-body communications. In addition, the influence of different bodies is analysed.
An Approach to Mean Path Loss Model Estimation for Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an approach to estimation of the mean path loss model parameters in off-body Body Area Networks channels. In this approach, the path loss exponent is constrained to a value obtained for the line-of-sight (LoS) propagation in the co-polarised channel, considering a generalised static scenario. The comparison of the goodness of fit between the proposed approach and other approaches, for a set of measurements obtained...
A Cross-Polarisation Discrimination Analysis of Off-Body Channels in Passenger Ferryboat Environments
PublicationThere is a need for investigating radio channels for Body Area Networks considering the depolarisation phenomenon and new types of environments, since these aspects are becoming very important for systems design and deployment. This paper presents an analysis of cross-polarisation discrimination for off-body channels based on a measurement campaign performed in a passenger ferryboat, i.e., where all walls, floors and ceilings are...
Fading Analysis in Off-Body Channels in a Straight Metallic Corridor in a Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationThis paper presents a fading analysis for Body Area Networks off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The results are based on measurements performed for dynamic scenarios in a straight metallic corridor. Two components, extracted from instantaneous system loss values, have been analysed: small- and large-scales fading, separately for each scenario. Well-known probability distribution functions have...
Measurement Stand and Methodology for Research of the Off-Body and Body-to-Body Radio Channels in WBANs with Different Diversity Schemes
PublicationThe concept of an experimental test bed for system loss and channel impulse response measurements for off-body and body-to-body radio channels in wireless body area networks (WBANs) is fully described. The possible measurement scenarios that may occur in investigation of off-body and body-to-body channels are classified and described in detail. Additionally, an evaluation is provided of the standard and expanded uncertainties of...
Fading Characteristics for Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of the fading characteristics in dynamic body-to-body channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in indoor and outdoor environments. The statistical analysis of the small- and large-scale fading shows that the Nakagami Distribution is the best model for the former and the Log-Normal one for the latter. An important influence of body shadowing...
An Off-Body Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Indoor Environments
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body channel model for body area networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in a realistic indoor office environment containing typical scatterers have been measured: five were static (three standing and two...
Characteristics of the Polarised Off-Body Channel in Indoor Environments
PublicationThis paper addresses the depolarisation effect in off-body Body Area Networks channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment. Seven different scenarios, involving both static and dynamic users, were considered, taking a statistical perspective. The analysis of the cross-polarisation discrimination is performed, as well as the analysis of path loss in co- and cross-polarised channels. Results show...
Characteristics of the polarised off-body channel in indoor environments
PublicationThis paper addresses the depolarisation effect in off-body body area networks channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment. Seven different scenarios, involving both static and dynamic users, were considered, taking a statistical perspective. The analysis of the cross-polarisation discrimination is performed, as well as the analysis of path loss in co- and cross-polarised channels. Results show...
Wideband Off-Body Channel Characteristics with Dynamic User
PublicationThis paper presents the preliminary results of a dynamic off-body channel characterisation study, based on wideband measurements at 5.8 GHz in an indoor environment. The Channel Impulse Response (CIR) was measured for a scenario with the user approaching and departing from the off-body antenna. A CIR deconvolution procedure was performed jointly in two polarisations, and the received signal power, Cross-Polarisation Discrimination...
Performance Evaluation of GAM in Off-Body Path Loss Modelling for Body Area Networks
PublicationThis paper addresses the performance evaluation of an off-body path loss model, based on measurements at 2.45 GHz, which has been developed with the use of the Generalised Additive Model, allowing to model a non-linear dependence on different predictor variables. The model formulates path loss as a function of distance, antennas’ heights, antenna orientation angle and polarisation, results showing that performance is very sensitive...
Badanie i analiza efektu cienia radiowego w sieciach WBAN typu off-body i body-to-body
PublicationW referacie zaprezentowano prosty model matematyczny, opisujący efekt cienia radiowego powodowany przez ciało ludzkie w sieciach WBAN typu off-body i body-to-body. Model ten oparty jest na charakterystyce cienia radiowe-go w postaci funkcji kosinusoidalnej z empirycznie wyznaczonym parametrem amplitudy (maksimum charaktery-styki cienia radiowego), który – jak dowiedziono – jest liniowo zależny od odległości między anteną nasobną...
An Off-Body Narrowband and Ultra-Wide Band Channel Model for Body Area Networks in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn the article an off-body narrowband and ultra-wide band channel model for Body Area Networks in a ferry environment is described. A mobile, heterogeneous measurement stand, that consists of three types of devices: miniaturized mobile nodes, stationary reference nodes and a data acquisition server was developed. A detailed analysis of both radio channels parameters in untypical indoor environment was carried out. An analysis of...
Wideband Channel Measurements for Polarised Indoor Off-Body Communications
PublicationThis paper presents the initial results of wideband channel measurements for polarised off-body communication at 5.8 GHz, in an indoor environment. Channel Impulse Response measurements were performed simultaneously for two orthogonal polarisations of the wearable antenna, and repeated for vertical and horizontal orientations of the off-body one. Four types of measurement scenarios were considered in order to investigate the influence...
Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Off-Body BAN Scenarios
PublicationIn this paper, a measurement campaign for off body communications in an indoor environment is investigated for a set of on-body antennas. The channel impulse response was measured with the user approaching and departing from an off-body fixed antenna using two user dynamics, standing at fixed positions and walking. The processing of the measurement data allowed to evaluate system loss statistics. Different antenna configurations...
System Loss in UWB Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn this paper, the system loss in UWB off-body communications in a ferry environment based on measurements is presented. A mobile measurement set-up, consisting of WBAN nodes with UWB DWM1000 modules, was used. System loss was split into LOS and NLOS conditions. For the former, the smallest mean value, 24.4 dB, was obtained for the user approaching the fixed terminal, with the antenna on his chest, and the largest, 28.1 dB, for...
An Off-Body Narrowband and Ultra-Wide Band Channel Model for Body Area Networks in a Ferryboat Environment
PublicationIn the article an off-body narrowband and ultra-wide band channel model for body area networks in a ferryboat environment is described. Considering the limited number of publications there is a need to develop an off-body channel model, which will facilitate the design of radio links, both from the multimedia services provider and the security point of view, for body area networks in this atypical environment. A mobile heterogeneous...
Radio Channel Measurements in Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Passenger Cabin
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body radio channel measurements in a ferry passenger cabin at 2.45 GHz band, for static sleeping scenarios with different body orientation and on-body antennas placements, and also for upper and lower sleeping berths. The measurements have been performed with two types of on-body wearable receiving antennas: FlexPIFA (flexible planar inverted F antenna), and FlexNotch (flexible adhesive-backed notch antenna)...
User Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Off-Body BAN Scenarios
PublicationIn this paper, a measurement campaign for off-body communications in an indoor environment is investigated for a set of on-body antennas. The channel impulse response was measured with the user approaching and departing from an off-body fixed antenna using two user dynamics: standing at fixed positions and walking. The processing of the measurement data allowed to evaluate system loss statistics. Different antenna configurations...
Impact of radio wave polarisation on off-body communications in indoor environments
PublicationThis paper describes the measurements and the analysis of the impact of radio wave polarisation on off-body communications in Body Area Networks in indoor environments. Measurements on polarisation impact are briefly described. Five investigated scenarios with different body postures and different antenna placements are characterised. The difference between the vertical and horizontal components of the received radio signal are...
Radio Channel Measurements in 868 MHz Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn this paper, a characterization of the 868 MHz off-body radio channel in BANs is presented. Measurements were carried out in a ferry environment using a specific set-up. A method for path loss using radio distance measurements (RDMs) was developed. It allows to automate the measurements process and make it independent from the variable speed of a moving person. Based on the observed path loss as a function of distance, the obtained...
Measurement and Analysis of the Radio Wave Polarisation in Off-Body Communications in Indoor Environment
PublicationThe paper describes an analysis of the radio wave polarisation in off-body communications in indoor environment. The measurement stand for polarisation measurements has been shortly described. Five investigated scenarios with different body postures and different antenna placements have been characterize. The vertical and horizontal components of received radio signal have been analysed. The measure used in analysis is a ratio...
A Compact Circularly Polarized Antenna With Directional Pattern for Wearable Off-Body Communications
PublicationThis letter presents a geometrically simple and compact circularly polarized (CP) antenna with unidirectional radiation characteristics for off-body communications. The proposed antenna is based on a microstrip line monopole extension from a coplanar waveguide (CPW) and a protruded stub from one side of the coplanar ground plane along the length of the monopole. The orthogonal components of equal amplitudes required for circular...
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wąskopasmowy empiryczny model tłumienia propagacyjnego dla sieci WBAN pracujących w środowisku wewnątrzbudynkowym przy częstotliwości 2,45 GHz.
Uwarunkowania propagacyjne w ultraszerokopasmowej komunikacji typu off-body w środowisku trudnym
PublicationW niniejszym referacie przedstawiono analizę uwarunkowań propagacyjnych w ultraszerokopasmowej komunikacji typu off-body w środowisku trudnym pod względem propagacji fal radiowych. Badania przeprowadzono z użyciem mobilnego stanowiska pomiarowego zawierającego węzły sieci WBAN wyposażone w ultraszerokopasmowe moduły radiowe DWM1000 firmy DecaWave. Uzyskane wartości tłumienia systemowego przeanalizowano dla dwóch dynamicznych scenariuszy...
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę polaryzacji fal radiowych i empiryczny wąskopasmowy model propagacyjny dla sieci WBAN typu off-body, dla częstotliwości 2,45 GHz i środowiska biurowego. Zarówno obecność ciała ludzkiego, jak i warunki propagacyjne mają duży wpływ na depolaryzację sygnału radiowego. Model składa się z trzech składowych: tłumienia średniego, wyrażonego przez logarytmiczną funkcję odległości, zaników wolnozmiennych modelowanych...
PublicationTechniki telekomunikacyjne stanowią niezwykle istotną część naszego życia. Ich dynamiczny rozwój w ostatnich latach wpłynął na sposób komunikacji pomiędzy ludźmi, a także pomiędzy ludźmi a maszynami. Komunikacja bezprzewodowa przeżywa rozkwit w erze urządzeń mobilnych oraz rozmaitych sensorów.
Characterization of Slow and Fast Fading in Off-Body Communication at 2.45 GHz with Space Diversity Scheme in an Indoor Environment
PublicationThe characterization of slow and fast fading in wireless body area networks with space diversity scheme has been presented. The analysis, based on the measurements at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment, has shown that for all investigated configurations of receiving wearable antennas, the correlation coefficient values of the received signals’ parameters are below the assumed value of 0.5, being close to zero for the vast majority...
Characterization of slow and fast fading in off-body communication at 2.45 GHz with space diversity scheme in indoor environment
PublicationThe characterization of slow and fast fading in Wireless Body Area Networks with space diversity scheme has been presented. The analysis, based on the measurements at 2.45 GHz in indoor environment, has shown that for all investigated configurations of receiving wearable antennas the correlation coefficient values of received signals’ parameters are below the assumed value of 0.5, being close to zero for the vast majority of cases. It...
Analiza zaników w sieciach WBAN typu off-body z przestrzennym odbiorem zbiorczym w środowisku wewnątrzbudynkowym
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę zaników w sieciach WBAN typu off-body z przestrzennym odbiorem zbiorczym w środowisku wewnątrzbudynkowym. Przeprowadzono analizę zaników szybkozmiennych oraz wolnozmiennych. Wykazano, że zaniki szybkozmienne można scharakteryzować przy użyciu rozkładu Rice’a, natomiast zaniki wolnozmienne za pomocą rozkładu log-normalnego
Design and Characterization of a Planar Structure Wideband Millimeter-Wave Antenna with Wide Beamwidth for Wearable off-body Communication Applications
PublicationThis letter presents the design of a planar single-layer wideband antenna featuring wide beamwidth has well as high and stable in-band gain. The proposed antenna is a planar monopole fed by a bottom-grounded coplanar waveguide to realize wide beamwidth in both the xz- and yz-planes. Simultaneous optimization of all adjustable antenna parameters, carried out at the full-wave electromagnetic simulation level. The constructive interference...
Badanie i analiza kanału radiowego 868 MHz do komunikacji typu off-body w środowisku promu pasażerskiego
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania i analizę kanału radiowego 868 MHz do komunikacji typu off-body w sieciach BAN. Pomiary przeprowadzono w środowisku promu pasażerskiego z wykorzystaniem mobilnego stanowiska pomiarowego. Opracowano metodę pomiaru tłumienia propagacyjnego z wykorzystaniem radiowych pomiarów odległości, które umożliwiają zautomatyzowanie procesu pomiarowego i uniezależnienie go od zmiennej prędkości poruszającej się osoby.
PublicationW referacie zaprezentowano analizę zaników sygnałów dla radiowych sieci BAN pracujących w środowisku promu pasażerskiego na częstotliwości nośnej 2,45 GHz dla komunikacji typu off-body (w łączu pomiędzy węzłem nasobnym, a węzłem zewnętrznym). Wyniki, na podstawie których przeprowadzono analizę, uzyskano w ramach badań pomiarowych dla scenariuszy dynamicznych w korytarzu promu pasażerskiego. Wyznaczono dwie składowe zaników: zaniki...
Badania i analiza polaryzacji fal radiowych w sieciach BAN typu off-body w zamkniętym środowisku propagacyjnym
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono pomiarowe badania i analizę uwarunkowań propagacyjnych w sieciach pracujących w bezpośrednim otoczeniu ciała człowieka, w środowisku wewnątrzbudynkowym. Opisano stanowisko pomiarowe oraz scharakteryzowano badane środowisko propagacyjne. Przeanalizowano siedem scenariuszy pomiarowych (pięć statycznych i dwa dynamiczne) dla dwóch osób o różnej budowie ciała, a także dla przypadku anteny zamontowanej na dielektrycznym...
A competition between two- and three-body dissociation channels in photo-double-ionization of tetrahydro-2H-pyran and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran molecules
PublicationVarious molecules possess structures consisting of the heterocyclic rings containing oxygen atoms. These substances often play a significant role in many different fields of chemistry, medicine, and biology. Due to a specific atomic composition and bond arrangement, many of these molecules retain unique electronic properties, which may be probed by diverse spectroscopic techniques, including those utilizing synchrotron radiation....
<p>Optimal Body Fat Percentage Cut-Off Values in Predicting the Obesity-Related Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study</p>
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The Analysis of Cross-Polarisation Discrimination for Body Area Networks in Cylindrical Metallic Environment
PublicationThe analysis of cross-polarisation discrimination for Body Area Networks in an untypical environment of cylindrical metallic room has been performed in the paper. This analysis was done based on the measurements carried out for dynamic narrowband off-body channels operating at the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The results have shown that there is a strong dependence of the depolarisation effect on the existence of direct component in...
Wojciech Siwicki dr inż.
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Vibrational excitation of acetylene by positron impact
PublicationVibrationally inelastic quantum calculations are carried out at low collision energies for the scattering of a beam of positrons off acetylene gaseous molecules. The normal mode analysis is assumed to be valid and the relative fluxes into the C–C and C–H symmetric vibrational modes are computed within a Body-Fixed (BF) formulation of the dynamics by solving the relevant vibrational Coupled Channels (VCC) equations. The clear dominance...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
Two-body dissociation of isoxazole following double photoionization – an experimental PEPIPICO and theoretical DFT and MP2 study
PublicationThe dissociative double photoionization of isoxazole molecules has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experiment has been carried out in the 27.5–36 eV photon energy range using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation excitation combined with ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry and photoelectron–photoion–photoion coincidence (PEPIPICO) technique. Five wellresolved two-body dissociation channels have...
Compact satellite hydraulic unit
PublicationThe article describes the design and operation of a prototype hydraulic unit. It is based on an inversed kinematics, satellite pump in which the body rotates around the shaft. The pump is placed inside the electric motor. Thanks to that the compact and low mass construction was achieved. Thanks to new commutation unit with enlarged channels, lower pressure losses were obtained. The article presents the construction and results...
Badanie i analiza właściwości kanałów radiowych w sieciach WBAN (część 2)
PublicationW tej części artykułu przeprowadzono analizę zaników wolnozmiennych i szybkozmiennych w sieciach WBAN typu off-body z przestrzennym odbiorem zbiorczym oraz analizę stopnia skorelowania odbieranych sygnałów. Zaprezentowano model kanału radiowego dla wąskopasmowych i szerokopasmowych sieci WBAN typu off-body, pracujących w środowisku promu pasażerskiego. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą zaników wolnozmiennych i szybkozmiennych...
A detector of sleep disorders for using at home
PublicationObstructive sleep apnea usually requires all-ni ght examination in a specialized clinic, under the supervision of a medical staff. Because of those requirements it is an expensive and a non-widely utilized test. Moving the examination procedure to patients’ home with automatic analysis algorithms involved will decrease the costs and make it available for larger group of patients. The developed device allows all-night recordings...