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Search results for: GOLDEN RECTANGLE
Boundary Value Problems for Half-Plane, Strip and Rectangle with Circular Inclusions
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Gulden passer (De)
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Zolotoordynskoe Obozrenie-Golden Horde Review
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Increasing the frost resistance of ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Gala’ and ‘Šampion’ apple cultivars
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Acta Didactica Norden
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Koncert Zimowy – Golden Gate String Quartet
EventsW świąteczny klimat wprowadzi słuchaczy kwartet smyczkowy Golden Gate String Quartet i dwóch świetnych wokalistów.
Polen Konst
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The heritage of wooden architecture in Poland
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia dziedzictwo polskiej architektury drewnianej, granicah obecnych. Obejmuje okres historyczny od powstania do dnia dzisiejszego. Wyodrebniono jako osobny problem ochrony dziedzictwa w ujęciu konserwatorskim oraz rolę skansenów - muzeów na swiezym powietrzu. Opracowanie dotyczy zarówno architektury jak i wnętrz obiektów.
Galen Medical Journal
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Nursing older people
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Working with Older People
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Bricks images dataset
Open Research DataThe set contains 200 images of various wooden bricks of various shapes and colors placed on a background (blanket) with some heart shaped patterns. Each photo is available in 300x300 and 224x224 pixels size in PNG format. Photos are divided in 10 classes – 8 types of bricks photographed form various angles + 2 additional classes (multiple bricks at...
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Od garden city do ecocity
PublicationArtykuł omawia wybrane wątki ewolucji aspektów środowiskowych miasta w okresie od Garden City do czasów obecnych, omawiając narodziny, rozwój i ideę współczesnego miasta. Rozważania obejmują kolejno genezę i istotę miasta-ogrodu, jednostki sąsiedzkiej, modernizmu, postmodernizmu, nowego urbanizmu, oraz analizę współczesnych idei naprawy miast, zawartych w rozmaitych dokumentach, systemach certyfikacji, pozycjach literaturowych,...
Non-destructive Testing of Wooden Elements
PublicationExamining the condition of wooden elements is crucial from the perspective of proper structure performance. If the deterioration in the internal wood condition, which displays no symptoms visible from the outside, is detected, the further spread of the deterioration can be prevented. Test results often point to the necessity of conducting repairs and, renovations, replacing the structure of wooden beams, or even substituting a...
Wooden masterwork of saline in Ciechocinek, Poland
PublicationRys historyczny Saliny Ciechocińskiej. Analiza wartości kulturowych i społeczno-ekonomicznych działającej warzelni soli wraz z zespołem tężni drewnianych z 1827/1859.
Self-defence work of wooden construction
PublicationTrwałość konstrukcji drewnianych, prawidłowo zaprojektowanych i wykonanych zależy przede wszystkim od sposobu ich użytkowania. Brak okresowych remontów może doprowadzić do zniszczenia struktury drewna na skutek korozji biologicznej. Konsekwencją tego są nadmierne przemieszczenia konstrukcji lub utrata jej stateczności a więc zagrożenia awaryjne.
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Molten salt synthesis of conducting and superconducting ceramics
PublicationPublikacja przedstawia wyniki badań nadprzewoników oraz przewodników jonowych metodą syntezy w stopionej soli.
Kszysztof Wróblewski : Danzig / Polen
PublicationKatalog prac artystów, którzy otrzymali stypendium artystyczne miasta Bremy w latach 2003-2008.Katalog liczy 80 stron i zawiera teksty krytyczne w języku niemieckim i angielskim, noty biograficzne w języku niemieckim, 6 reprodukcji czarno-białych oraz 44 reprodukcje kolorowe (praca autora s.28 i 29).
Tourism for older and disabled people
PublicationTourist offer for the older and disabled is getting wider. Many hotels and cities are adjusted to disabled people's needs, but there are not enough safe places for leisure, where they could be surrounded by nature. In comparison with cities - villages and small towns have very little to offer as far as tourism is concerned. This problem is noticed by small local communities that threat it as a chance for their economical development....
Wasseversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung in Polen.
PublicationCharakterystyka polskich unormowań prawnych w zakresie funkcjonowania publicznych wodociągów i kanalizacji. Nowe rozwiązania, braki i zagrożenia.
Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
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Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen
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Quality in Ageing and Older Adults
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The role of a planned management in the protection and preservation of wooden architecture
PublicationArtykul dokumentuje role i zasady ochrony dziedzictwa architektury drewnianej przy uzyciu nowego instruumentu jakim jest plan zarzadzania obiektem zabytkowym. Przedstawione zostalo w powiazaniu z Planem Zarzadzania Koscioła Gotyckiego w Mariance koło Pasłeka, wykonanego we wspolpracy Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz SBH ICOMOS, PKN ICOMOS.
Utilization of molten salt synthesis route in ceramics production
PublicationThe molten salt synthesis method is widely used to prepare ceramic powders for various applications e.g. piezoelectric devices or electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells. The usage of this method workdwide is quite common especially in piezoelectric powder synthesis. In this work several application of the method is presented and the advantages of this route are numbered.
Environmental costs for exploitation variants of Racibórz dry polder
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PublicationThe question investigated in this paper is how to maintain the environmental quality of the polder landscape encompassing the city in the condition of urban pressure on this landscape. On the basis of theoretical approaches, historical surveys and introductory study models new ideas are tested on the case study of Gdansk, a city located in the Vistula River delta in northern Poland. Research shows that the city was created as a...
Re-use of historic wooden verandas in Sopot, Poland
PublicationSopot is the best-known seaside resort in Poland. The city is unique with regard not only to its location and natural values, but also its interesting architecture, which dates back to the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Wooden verandas are one of the characteristic features of Sopot architecture. Their origin is associated with the Swiss style, which was fashionable at the turn of the 20th century and quite...
Modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings
PublicationThe aim of this review paper is to examine the most recent available studies dealing with theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects related to modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings. The main thermophysical, mechanical and hygrometric properties of wood are firstly discussed. Then, the basic governing equations of heat and mass transfer phenomena are presented. A detailed description of the physical...
Surface layer defects on injection-molded plastic components
PublicationProces wtryskiwania jakkolwiek jest powszechnie stosowany w przemyśle nie jest jeszcze do końca przebadany. W pracy przedstawiono model i symulację numeryczna procesu wtryskiwania wykonaną na bazie programu FIDAP. Na tej podstawie przedstawiono proces zachowania się tworzywa podczas procesu wtryskiwania w strefie przyściennej formy. Wyniki z symulacji porównano z danymi ekspermentalnymi.
Risks to Older People in Road Traffic
Publicationhe article looks at road traffic risks and main trends from the perspective of older road users (drivers, cyclists, pedestrians). With a longer time to react, poor eyesight and hearing, impaired mobility, ill health and medication, older road users are put at risk. A comprehensive and pro-active strategy is needed to deal with these risk factors and meet the safety and mobility needs...
Vegetation Dynamics and Diversity Status in Mughal Garden Wah, Pakistan
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Timber - material of the future. Examples of small wooden architecture structures.
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present various types of wood-based products, classified as engineered timber, while specifying the implications of their structural properties for their forms. Timber is used as a construction material due to its fire resistance, good structural characteristics and insulating properties. The advent of new technologies of wood processing and wood-based materials production has converted timber into...
Selected aspects of the surface quality of the wooden elements after planing
PublicationThe quality of the surface of wooden elements, that have been planed, has got a crucial meaning in the whole production process flow, since the obtained effects affect the quality of wooden surface after painting. The emergence of defects in most cases causes need to qualify workpiece as a scrap part or additional work activity must be done. In the paper selected results of the investigation of the effect of the cutting tool wear...
Numerical analysis of the carpentry joints applied in the traditional wooden structures
PublicationThe paper concerns the numerical analysis of the carpentry joints made from spruce wood. The material parameters of the wood have been calculated on the basis of nine independent material constants (an orthotropic material). The contact zone between the individual elements of the connection has been determined using Contact Tables in the MSC.Marc software. Five types of carpentry joints have been analyzed. The main aim of the research...
Bee Pollen and Bee Bread as a Source of Bacteria Producing Antimicrobials
PublicationThe principal objective of the study was the isolation and identification of bacteria that are present in mature bee bread (BB) and dried (ready for selling and consumption) bee pollen (BP). Obtained isolates were screened for their potential to inhibit select human pathogenic bacteria and their ability to produce enzymes of particular industrial importance. Four and five samples of BP and BB, respectively, were used for the study....
Challenge for the sustainable city - is the Garden City idea still relevant?
PublicationTekst ma na celu porównanie europejskiej architektury mieszkaniowej powsta-łej w okresie ostatnich stu lat po obu stronach Żelaznej Kurtyny oraz przy-wołanie historycznych zasad jej kształtowania. Rozważa współczesne tenden- cje i poglądy nt. zrównoważonego projektowania miasta oraz zachęca do ref-leksji nad aktualnością idei Miasta-Ogrodu.
Design of waveguide filters using multiple irises and folded elements.
PublicationW pracy został zaprezentowany przegląd metod projektowania filtrów falowodowych w kontekście zarówno klasycznych metod syntezy jak i współczesnych algorytmów. W szczególności rozważonoanalizę filtrów z wieloaperturowymi przegrodami oraz filtrówzbudowanych w wygiętych odcinkach falowodów. Zaprezentowano przykłady w pełni wykorzystujące zalety wygiętych falowodów a także pokazano wydajne metody optymalizacji oparte na badaniu położeń...
Organisatorische Probleme des Niederschlagwasser – Management in Polen
PublicationIn Polen dominiert in der Kanalisation das Trennsystem. Nur im Zentrum größerer Städte herrscht hauptsächlich das Mischsystem vor. Bezüglich Niederschlagswasser gibt es in Polen keine Festlegungen. Es gibt keine Definition der Verantwortlichkeiten für die Niederschlagswasserentsorgung sowie deren Finanzierung. Trotz Änderungen im Gesetz über die öffentliche Wasserver-und Abwasserentsorgung wurde dieses Problem bislang nicht...
Stadtentwicklung in Polen: Aktuelle Trends und Herausforderungen
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy aktualnych przemian przestrzeni polskich miast ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów rozwoju urbanistycznego i ich lokalnej specyfiki.
International Journal of Older People Nursing
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Miniaturized uniplanar triple-band slot dipole antenna with folded radiator
PublicationA miniaturized uniplanar slot dipole for triple-frequency operation is presented. The antenna consists of a folded slot radiator with an increased number of degrees of freedom that allow for efficient size reduction. Rigorous electromagnetic (EM)-driven design optimization is applied in order to achieve the smallest possible size while maintaining acceptable levels of antenna reflection at the required operating frequencies. The...
Characterization of magnesium doped lanthanum orthoniobate synthesized by molten salt route
PublicationMolten salt synthesis method has been used to prepare the single phase magnesium doped lanthanum orthoniobate. The phase composition has been checked by X-ray diffraction method and the microstructure studies have been performed by scanning electron microscopy. The high temperature properties of the material have been investigated by thermogravimetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A dependence between sample total...
Modelling and Simulation of a New Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling of Flexible Details
PublicationModern industry expectations in terms of milling operations often demand the milling of the flexible details by using slender ball-end tools. This is a difficult task because of possible vibration occurrence. Due to existence of certain conditions (small depths of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may become unstable and self-excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close to dominant...
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling Flexible Details
PublicationEfficient milling of the flexible details (i.e. rotor blades, thin-walled elements) using slender ball-end tools is a difficult task due to possibility of vibration occurrence. Because of the existence of certain conditions (small depths of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may lose stability and self-excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close to dominant natural frequency...
Influence of finishing colour on the efficiency of automated production line for wooden doors
PublicationPorta KMI Poland S.A. company has implemented a fully automated intelligent technological line TechnoPORTA for customized mass-production of technical door leaves. Each door leaf is provided with a unique QR code. It allows the line modules to individually adjust the machining parameters to the currently processed element according to the IT controlling system. Before en-tering the TechnoPorta line, the door leaves are not sorted,...
Bee Bread Exhibits Higher Antimicrobial Potential Compared to Bee Pollen
PublicationThis study aimed at investigation of the antimicrobial potential of ethanolic extracts of bee bread (BB) and bee pollen (BP) and suspensions of these products in MHB (Mueller Hinton Broth). We covered 30 samples of BP and 19 samples of BB harvested in Polish apiaries. Slightly lower activity was observed against Gram-negative bacteria compared to Gram-positive staphylococci. BB extracts exhibited higher inhibitory potential with...
Treatment of Hypertension in Patients 80 Years of Age or Older