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Search results for: meniscus geometry
The influence of a change in the meniscus cross-sectional shape on the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint and meniscal extrusion
PublicationObjective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a change in the meniscus cross sectional shape on its position and on the biomechanics of a knee joint. Methods One main finite element model of a left knee joint was created on the basis of MRI images. The model consisted of bones, articular cartilages, menisci and ligaments. Eight variants of this model with an increased or decreased meniscus height were then...
Biomechanics of the medial meniscus in the osteoarthritic knee joint
PublicationBackground. Increased mechanical loading and pathological response of joint tissue to the abnormal mechanical stress can cause degradation of cartilage characteristic of knee osteoarthritis (OA). Despite osteoarthritis is risk factor for the development of meniscal lesions the mechanism of degenerative meniscal lesions is still unclear. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate the influence of medial compartment knee OA...
The Influence of Articular Cartilage Thickness Reduction on Meniscus Biomechanics
PublicationObjective Evaluation of the biomechanical interaction between meniscus and cartilage in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Methods The finite element method was used to simulate knee joint contact mechanics. Three knee models were created on the basis of knee geometry from the Open Knee project. We reduced the thickness of medial cartilages in the intact knee model by approximately 50% to obtain a medial knee osteoarthritis...
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Influence of meniscus shape in the cross sectional plane on the knee contact mechanics
PublicationWe present a three dimensional finite element analysis of stress distribution and menisci deformation in the human knee joint. The study is based on the Open Knee model with the geometry of the lateral meniscus which shows some degenerative disorders. The nonlinear analysis of the knee joint under compressive axial load is performed. We present results for intact knee, knee with partial and complete radial posterior meniscus root...
High meniscal slope angle as a risk factor for meniscal allograft extrusion
PublicationA meniscal graft extrusion is still an unresolved problem that affects most patients after a meniscal transplantation. Despite the advances in surgical techniques, together with the improved methods for a meniscal allograft sizing, success is only observed in up to 75% of patients after they experience a meniscal allograft transplantation. Because a meniscal extrusion is associated with a cartilage deterioration and the progression...
A method for measurements of geometry and positions of circular saw teethMetoda merania geometrie a polohy zubov v tele piloveho kotuca
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono sposób określania geometrii i położenia ostrzy piły tarczowej. Opisano metodę bazująca na numerycznej obróbce zarejestrowanych obrazów ostrzy pił w sposób automatyczny na automatycznym urządzeniu WKOPTar.
Geometry of cycling track
PublicationThe paper describes the problems related to shaping of the geometry of the cycling track. The method of selection of the angle at the track curve is presented. Issues related to the selection of the appropriate transition curve and the superelevation section along the transition curve are presented. Reference to the recommendations presented in the literature and scientific papers has been made. Special attention...
Journal of Geometry
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Algebraic Geometry
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Information Geometry
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Selection of descriptive geometry textbooks
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję badania podręczników do geometrii wykreślnej bazującą na psycholingwistycznej teorii komunikatu. Zaprezentowane podejście umożliwia analizę podręczników na sześciu poziomach odnoszących się do głównych funkcji komunikacji międzyludzkiej. W artykule skupiono się na postrzeganiu językowej funkcji podręczników geometrii wykreślnej i w tym zakresie stwierdzono wiele cech zbieżnych.
Proximal fibular osteotomy as a treatment for degenerative meniscal extrusion
PublicationMeniscal extrusion treatment is a key focus area for research and clinical study of degenerative knee pathology. The contact forces between the meniscus and the bones cause external displacements of the meniscus that are resisted by the circumferential fibres. The main risk factors for the excessive deformation of the meniscus are meniscal root tears, disruption of the circumferential fibres, knee malalignment and high body mass...
Nobel Medicus
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The Journal of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics
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Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie-Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
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Molecular Biology of Meniscal Healing: A Narrative Review
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Preparation of Descriptive Geometry Course in English
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wybrane różnice stosowane w zapisie konstrukcji geometrycznych w podręcznikach do geometrii wykreślnej w różnych krajach.
Bad geometry effect in TDOA systems
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ tzw. złej geometrii (ZG) rozmieszczenia stacji bazowych na dokładność estymacji położenia terminala w sieciach komórkowych, wykorzystujących metodę TDOA. Zdefiniowano podstawowe parametry opisujące złą geometrię oraz przedstawiono praktyczne wskazówki jak poprawić dokładnośc estymacji położenia terminala ruchomego w przypadku wystąpienia ZG.
Between Descriptive Geometry and CAD 3D
PublicationDescriptive geometry provides methods to analyse three-dimensional space through two-dimensional drawings and prepares to create technical documentation. Geometric form of an engineering project is presented by the means of projection methods based on a 3D model, which is present in designer’s imagination. The forthcoming era of Building Information Modelling (BIM) brings changes in the way the engineer works, as the vision is...
System for control of the saw tooth geometry.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono sposób i urządzenie do sprawdzania geometrii ostrzy pił tarczowych z wykorzystaniem komputerowej rejestracji obrazów ostrzy i ich obróbką cyfrową.
Impossible objects in geometry and graphic education
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono propozycję wprowadzenia do programu nauczania z geometrii przestrzennej i grafiki inżynierskiej obiektów niemożliwych (tworzonych między innymi przez M.C. Eschera). Celem analizy fenomenu obiektów niemożliwych w kontekście odwzorowań płaskich obiektów przestrzennych, a także percepcji przestrzeni jest wzbogacenie wyobrażni przestrzennej i kreatywności studentów.
Assessment of the Relationship between the Shape of the Lateral Meniscus and the Risk of Extrusion Based on MRI Examination of the Knee Joint
PublicationBackground Meniscus extrusion is a serious and relatively frequent clinical problem. For this reason the role of different risk factors for this pathology is still the subject of debate. The goal of this study was to verify the results of previous theoretical work, based on the mathematical models, regarding a relationship between the cross-section shape of the meniscus and the risk of its extrusion. Materials and Methods Knee...
Rotor Blade Geometry Optimisation in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThe paper presents the description of method and results of rotor blade shape optimisation. The rotor blading constitutes a part ofturbine flow path. Optimisation consists in selection of the shape that minimises ratio of polytrophic loss. Shape of the blade isdefined by the mean camber line and thickness of the airfoil. Thickness is distributed around the camber line based on the ratio ofdistribution. Global optimisation was done...
Geometry design in rerfractive capillary optical fibers
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The influence of contact geometry on friction and wear characteristics
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If Gravity is Geometry, is Dark Energy just Arithmetic?
PublicationArithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), as well as the calculus they imply, are non-unique. The examples of four-dimensional spaces, R^4 and (−L/2,L/2)^4, are considered where different types of arithmetic and calculus coexist simultaneously. In all the examples there exists a non-Diophantine arithmetic that makes the space globally Minkowskian, and thus the laws of physics are formulated in terms...
Examples of Original Descriptive Geometry Task Items
PublicationThe paper presents several descriptive geometry drawing tasks and a comprehensive approach to their evaluation. The results as the task profile include the most important features and enable interpretation of the tasks in the educational system.
Mulimedia manuals for descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
PublicationThe article discusses issues connected with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) implementation in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics Education. The presentation of the issues is supported by the author's multimedia manuals made in Multimedia Flash MX technology and published on the Gdańsk University of Technology net.
Simulation of wood structure geometry after machining
PublicationW niniejszym artykule została przedstawiona nowa metoda trójwymiarowych symulacji geometrii powierzchni drewna. Zaprezentowano wpływ parametrów obróbkowych oraz drgań podczas strugania obrotowego drewna. Chropowatość powierzchni była charakteryzowana poprzez parametry profilu chropowatości Ra oraz Rz. Posuw na ostrze oraz średnica narzędzia są najbardziej wpływającymi czynnikami na wielkość nierówności podczas maszynowej obróbki...
Pseudopotentials via Moutard Transformations and Differential Geometry
Programming Geometry as a Creative Play with Architectural Form
PublicationIn the twenty-first century "programming" is the key word that opens unprecedented opportunities for design and materialization of geometrically complex architectural objects. From the digital designer perspective programming geometry can be seen as a creative play with a form and a process of generation/exploration as well as the possibility of applying the computing power as a co-designer in the process of finding solutions for...
Chosen Methods Supporting Didacts of Descriptive Geometry
PublicationThe article presents reflections on the practical ways of supporting the teaching processes of descriptive geometry in the context of psychological theories of learning and motivation.
The Use of Photographs in the Teaching/Learning of Descriptive Geometry
PublicationThe article presents the concept of enriching the Descriptive Geometry course with photographs and several simplified real-life engineering tasks. The photographic images used for the exercises are tightly linked to engineering structures, the given specialization and the surrounding world. The photo image as a record of central projection of a real space can be useful for presentation and analysis of the properties of perspective....
Chip geometry while sawing frozen wood.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę geometrii wiórów zebranych podczas przecierania pryzm sosnowych o temperaturach -5 st. C, -20 st. C, + 18 st. C na pilarce ramowej przecieranych za pomocą cienkich pił. Analizowano rozkład wiórów w funkcji ich wymiarów podłużnych oraz pola powierzchni. W badaniach wykorzystywano kamere cyfrową, a obrazy z niej uzyskane obrabiano za pomoca oprogramowania opracowanego w srodowisku LabView. W widmach...
Wpływ geometrii i szorstkości ścian na wielkość naporu materiału sypkiego na dno silosu = Influence of geometry and wall roughness of silo wall on bottom vertical pressure
PublicationW pracy przedstwiono analizę wpływu wysokości i szorstkości ścian silosu cylindrycznego na rozkład naporu na ściany i dno. Badania przeprowadzono dla piasku bezkohezyjnego.
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Journal of Fractal Geometry
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Journal of Computational Geometry
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Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
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Groups Geometry and Dynamics
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Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
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Journal of Symplectic Geometry
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Journal of Noncommutative Geometry
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