wszystkich: 2633
wybranych: 442
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Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d pellet
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d (STF90) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF90 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d pellet
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d (STF50) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF50 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Thermographic images during testing measuring instrument boards
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents thermografic images acquired during testing the prototype of measuring instrument for resistiometric corrosion monitoring. The testing was performed in the room temperature. VIGOcam v50 thermal imaging camera (VIGO System S.A., Ozarow Mazowiecki, Poland) was used for taking the pictures. These pictures were used as preliminary tests...
XPS study of the lithium titanate doped by copper
Dane BadawczeLithium titanate doped by copper was measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. For sol-gel synthesis lithium acetate dehydrate from Alfa Aesar GmbH &Co and titanium (IV) butoxide 97% from Aldrich were used as reagents. Copper (II) nitrate from Alfa Aesar was used as a source of Cu dopant. It was added in the proper weight to get an x index equal...
Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for nitrogen dioxide sensing
Dane BadawczeNetworks consisting of randomly oriented carbon nanotubes (CNN) were investigated toward nitrogen dioxide detection by means of electrical and low-frequency noise measurements. UV-activation of CNN layers improved gas sensitivity and reduced the limit of detection, especially by employing 275 nm-LED. This data set includes DC resistance measurements...
Phylogenetic trees of genus Oncidium Sw. based on analysis of DNA sequences
Dane BadawczeGenus Oncidium Sw. is widely regarded as a polyphiletic, and the taxonomic boundaries between him and such genera as Odontoglossum Kunth. or Miltonia Lindley remain blurred. The goal of the study was to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Oncidium s.lato based on the DNA sequences analysis. The correlation between molecular data...
The XRD diffraction patterns of Ce(Pr,Sm)O2-s samples
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes XRD diffraction patterns of Ce(Pr,Sm)O2-s samples of various stoichiometries of Pr and Sm dopants. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method).
XRD data of V2AlC, Mo3AlC2, Mo3CTx and V2AlCTx
Dane BadawczeRaw data for XRD diffractograms of MAX phases: V2AlC and Mo3AlC2 and corresponding MXenes after selective etching of Al.
The AC motor voltage and audible noise waveforms in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
Nitrogen sorption isotherm for V2CTx
Dane BadawczeData of points for nitrogen sorption isotherm for sample V2CTx (only sorption branch). The V2CTx was prepared via selective etching of aluminium from MAX matrice V2AlC using 50% HF for 96 h at room temperature.
XRD and electrochemical results for MoO3 films deposited using pulsed laser deposition system
Dane BadawczeThe attached data contains XRD and electrochemical results for MoO3 films deposited on fluorine-doped tin oxide glasses. Films were deposited using a pulsed laser deposition system at different conditions. Part of the samples was deposited at room temperature and then annealed at 575°C for given times (samples labeled PLD_RT_575C_xmin, where x stands...
The XRD diffraction patterns of as-prepared (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials synthesized via the solid state reaction method
Dane BadawczeThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
The influence of chitosan hydrogel coating on different redox probes kinetics
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains cyclic voltammetry studies of three redox probes: 1 mM K3[Fe(CN)6], [K4Fe(CN)6], C12H14FeO2, and [Ru(NH3)6]Cl2 dissolved in 0.1 M KCl or PBS as the primary electrolyte. The studies are made for glassy carbon electrode (GC) and glassy carbon electrode covered with thin chitosan hydrogel membrane (C2A2). Cyclic voltammograms were...
The XAS spectra of O-K edges, Fe-L edges in pristine, La-, and Nb-doped SFM in 3 states: as-prepared, reduced and reoxidized
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains the normalized and exported to *.txt spectra for x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The samples analyzed were strontium ferrite molybdate based, doped with lanthanum and niobium. The powders were measured in as-prepared state (denoted in filename as AP), reduced (red) and reoxidized (reox). The filenames are written accordingly: Edge_(optional:...
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials after reduction at 900 deg.C in hydrogen
Dane BadawczeThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials after reduction at 1100 deg.C in hydrogen
Dane BadawczeThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen
Dane BadawczeThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance of some FTO/MoS2/SnO2 electrodes
Dane BadawczeTo demonstrate the electrochemical performance of the FTO/MoS2/SnO2 for HER (hydrogen evolution reaction), the LSV (linear sweep voltammetry) was performed. The polarization curves of the obtained composite were measured in 1 M H2SO4 at room temperature with a scan rate 10 mV/s. For comparison, the LSV for the FTO, pure MoS2 and Pt plate electrode were...
The SEM micrographs of the cavitation erosion-corrosion process of selected copper alloys degradation
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains Scanning Electron Micrographs of CuZn40Mn3Fe brass compared with Superston and Novoston bronze after cavitation erosion-corrosion exposure using a vibratory transducer (in accordance with ASTM G32). The micrographs compare the topography of samples subjected cavitation erosion in 3% NaCl at room temperature, leading to the surface...
The topography of as-quenched and heat treated 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 and 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glasses measured with confocal microscope
Dane BadawczeThe topography of as-quenched and heat treated 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 and 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glasses measured with confocal microscope.
The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing nanocrystallites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with X-ray diffraction method
Dane BadawczeThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing Bi2VO5.5 nanocrystallites was measured by XRD.
The topography of as-quenched and heat treated 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 and 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glasses measured with AFM
Dane BadawczeThe topography of as-quenched and heat treated 50(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-50SrB4O7 and 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glasses measured with AFM.
FTIR spectra of V2O5 nanostructures
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains FTIR spectra of vanadium pentaoxide nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different annealing temperatures under synthetic air.
The α-µ model of the multipath fading channel
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of simulations that are part of the research on modelling the multipath fading in the communication channel. The envelope of the α-µ fading process is generated using the Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) in the LabVIEW programming environment.
Sound signals generated during lapping of technical ceramics using electroplated tools with diamond grains
Dane BadawczeData contains the recordings of sound generated during single-sided lapping with the use of electroplated diamond tools. This relationship was examined with the use of spectral analysis of the sound signal in the frequency domain with a focus on the Ra parameter of the surface roughness. The estimated sound coefficient increased as the surface roughness...
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of ammonium vanadate
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the high-resolution XPS studies of the ammonium vanadate nanostructures obtained by the hydrothermal method. XPS analyses were carried out with an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (Omicron NanoTechnology) with a 128-channel collector. The measurements were performed at room temperature in an ultra-high vacuum condition (below 1.1x10-8...
XPS analysis of the GO based materials
Dane BadawczeGraphene oxides samples were measured by XPS method. The X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were carried out with Omicron NanoTechnology UHV equipment. The hemispherical spectrophotometer was equipped with a 128-channel collector. The XPS measurements were performed at room temperature at a pressure below 1.1 × 10−8 mBar. The photoelectrons...
FTIR spectra of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the FTIR spectra of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different reaction conditions. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The xerogel powder was annealing under argon atmosphere in the temperature range 400-1000C. The results show that the morphology...
SEM images of Ni-Mo2CTx/Mo3AlC2 before and after catalytic dry reforming of methane
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes SEM images of Ni-Mo2CTx/Mo2Ga2C catalysts before and after the dry reforming of methane.
Chemical composition of La-Sr-Ce-Ni-Ti ceramics material measured by XPS method
Dane BadawczeLa-Sr-Ce-Ni-Ti (LSCNT) based ceramics sample was manufactured by standard solid state reaction.Prepared powder was pressed into pilled and sintered in a furnace in air atmosphere for 10h. Annealing temperature was 1200 Celsius degree. To calculate chemical composition and determine valence states of the elements, X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS)...
XRD patterns for Ni- and Co-doped LSFM: as-prepared and reduced in hydrogen
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the XRD diffractograms collected at room temperature for LSFM doped with cobalt or nickel, at different doping levels (from 5 to 20 mol. %)
Destruction of AFM probes during normal operation
Dane BadawczeThe quality of the images obtained with the use of an atomic force microscope is determined by the state of the blade interacting with the tested material. Image artifacts can be generated by various reasons, such as oxidation, contamination or an error in blade fabrication, but also appear as a result of the repeated scanning process and inevitable...
Rhetoric at school - a selection of the syllabi from the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk - transcription and photographs
Dane BadawczeThe following data set comprises a transcription (in txt and docx formats) and photographs (in jpg format) of the selected records from the Latin-language teaching syllabi termed 'Typus' or 'Catalogus lectionum' (an abbreviated title). Rhetoric is the main thematic criterion behind this choice. Various topics related to rhetoric have been taught not...
Examples of AFM applications in liquid environment
Dane BadawczeImportant advantage of atomic force microscopy (also tunneling microscopy) is the ability to work in different environments (vacuum, controlled atmosphere, liquid environment). The last one, open interesting possibilities, such as imaging of delicate biological materials in their natural state. The use of electrochemical mode allows for the modification...
Hydrometeorological and hydrochemical conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of Vistula river mouth in July of 1977
Dane BadawczeSome results of the complex measurements in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of the Vistula river mouth are included in this archival data set. The measurements were carried out by Institute of the Oceanography of the University of Gdańsk (IO UG) in July of 1977. The list of parameters includes wind direction and speed, Secchi...
Structure of ammonium vanadate synthesis by LPE-IonEx method
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns, FTIR spectra of NH4VO3 crystals with different morphology obtained by the LPE-IonEx method.
Study of the chemical state of Gd in a Ba-La-Gd-Co based ceramic
Dane BadawczeBarium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium precursors were used for production of ceramic materials. Samples were produced by standard solid state reaction. Samples were annealed at 300 Celsius degree in wet and dry atmosphere. Annealing takes 72h or 2h. Results of annealing on a Gadolinum were observed by X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), OmicronNanotechnology....
Graphene oxide thin films deposited on a PCB board - chemical analysis
Dane BadawczeGraphene oxides based films were measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) method. TheXPS measurements were carried out with the Omicron NanoTechnology UHV equipment. The hemispherical spectrophotometer was equipped with a 128-channel collector. The XPS measurements were performed at room temperature at a pressure below 1.1 × 10−8 mBar. The...
Chemical investigation of the Al2O3 ultra-thin films
Dane BadawczeUltra-thin layers of oluminum oxide (Al2O3) were deposited by ALD method. Atomic layer deposition provides precise thickness control down to a single atomic layer. The precursors used were trimethylaluminum (Sigma-Aldrich) and purified water. The deposition of the atomic layer was carried out at 200 °C. Samples with a thickness of 2 and 8 nm of alumina...
Microorganisms in the air within the Gdańsk-Szadółki landfill and adjacent area in 2016
Dane BadawczeThe data collection contains the results of microbiological examination of air samples collected at Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill (Poland). The Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill is one of the biggest of facilities of this type in the country. It occupies an area of 75 hectares and serves around 500 thousand of local residents. The landfill receives around 250 million...
The electrochemical studies for chitosan hydrogel membranes on glassy carbon substrates
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains various electrochemical studies carried out to investigate the preconcentration of [Fe(CN)6]3- ions by chitosan hydrogel membranes coating the glassy carbon electrodes. The glassy carbon electrode (GCE, 3.0 mm diameter) was first polished with Al2O3 powder (0.3 mm) using a polishing kit from Buehler, rinsed with deionized...
The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with X-ray diffraction method
Dane BadawczeThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by XRD.
The structure of strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing crystalites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with X-ray diffraction and SEM methods
Dane BadawczeThe structure of strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing Bi2VO5.5 crystallites was measured by XRD and SEM.
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap- Gdansk University of Technology campus photogrametry test field- MP1
Dane BadawczeDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: The photogrametry test field within Gdansk University Of Technology CampusLocation: Gdansk, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 17.05.2022Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: YESGCP Quality: RTKCamera Name:...
Laser microscope profilometry of SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode surface after quickly drying
Dane BadawczeThe dataset consists of a surface image, topography and profilometry obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for SrTi0.3Fe0.7O3-d electrode (STF70). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable...
Laser microscope profilometry of (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 surface before polishing
Dane BadawczeThe dataset consists of a surface image and topography obtained using a Keyence VK-X1000 confocal laser microscope for (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 substrate (CGO-20). Imaging was performed to determine surface roughness. The Keyence VK-X1000 uses a 404 nm laser to map and measure the surface of samples via confocal scanning or a wide-field variable focus. The...
Microorganisms in the air within the Gdańsk-Szadółki landfill and adjacent area in 2019
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains the results of microbiological examination of air samples collected at Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill (Poland) in 2019. The range of examination included qualitative and quantitative assesment of selected species of bacteria and mold fungi, with particular focus on pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The collected...
Microorganisms in the air within the Gdańsk-Szadółki landfill and adjacent area in 2018
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains the results of microbiological examination of air samples collected at Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill (Poland) in 2018. The range of examination included qualitative and quantitative assesment of selected species of bacteria and mold fungi, with particular focus on pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The collected...
Microorganisms in the air within the Gdańsk-Szadółki landfill and adjacent area in 2015
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains the results of microbiological examination of air samples collected at Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill (Poland) in 2015. The range of examination included qualitative and quantitative assesment of selected species of bacteria and mold fungi, with particular focus on pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The collected...
Microorganisms in the air within the Gdańsk-Szadółki landfill and adjacent area in 2017
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains the results of microbiological examination of air samples collected at Gdańsk Szadółki Landfill (Poland) in 2017. The range of examination included qualitative and quantitative assesment of selected species of bacteria and mold fungi, with particular focus on pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The collected...