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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROPAGATION PATH LOSS

  • Propagation Path Loss Modeling in Container Terminal Environment

    This paper describes novel method of path loss modeling for radio communication channels in container port area. Multi-variate empirical model is presented, based on multidimensional regression analysis of real path loss measurements from container terminal environment. The measurement instruments used in propagation studies in port area are also described.

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  • Propagation Path Loss Modelling in Container Terminal Environment

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  • Path Loss Modelling in the Untypical Outdoor Propagation Environments


    In the paper three ways of path loss modelling in the untypical outdoor environments are presented. The exemplary untypical outdoor environment is analyzed. The investigated environment is characterized, and the measurement campaign are shortly described. The following models have been analyzed: the COST231 Walfisch-Ikegami model, the modified COST231Walfisch-Ikegami model tuned on the basis of empirical data, and the empirical...

  • Modification of Selected Propagation Models in Terms of Path Loss Estimation in Container Terminal


    It is particularly important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio networks in container terminal environment. Selected propagation models have been investigated. Firstly - basing on measurements results - they have been evaluated in this scope and the analysis has shown, that the adjustment is needed. This modification improved significantly the accuracy of path loss modelling. For the...

  • Path Loss Modelling for Location Service Applications

    The aim of this paper is the path loss modeling for the radiolocation services in radiocommunication networks, particularly in cellular networks. The main results of the measurements obtained in the physical layer of the UMTS are introduced. A new method for the utilization of the multipath propagation phenomenon to improve the estimation of the distance between the mobile station (MS) and the base station (BS) is outlined. This...

  • Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments


    - Rok 2014

    This paper presents a measurements of the path loss for validation of a statistical model for off-body radio channels in an indoor multipath environment, which considers the distance dependent mean path loss, and describes body shadowing and fast fading components in a statistical way. The measurement equipment and propagation indoor environment have been presented. Two different bodies and five static and two walking scenarios...

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  • Path Loss Analysis for the IoT Applications in the Urban and Indoor Environments

    The Internet of Things (IoT) networks concept implies their presence in a various and untypical locations, usually with a disturbed radio signals propagation. In the presented paper an investigation of an additional path loss observed in an underground environment was described. The proposed measurement locations correspond to the operation areas of rapidly growing narrowband IoT (NBIoT) networks, the ones using the Long Term Evolution...

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  • Path Loss Analysis in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environment


    - Rok 2015

    This temporary document describes an analysis of path loss in off-body channels in an indoor environment. The influence of body orientation and on-body antenna placement on path loss in off-body communications as well as of different bodies has been investigated. Five static scenarios, six distances between body and antenna and eight body orientations were analysed; moreover, two dynamic scenarios were investigated. The smallest...

  • Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments


    - Rok 2015

    The main goal of the paper is to investigate the influence of body orientation and on-body antenna placement on the path loss in off-body communications. In addition, the influence of different bodies is analysed.

  • An Approach to Mean Path Loss Model Estimation for Off-Body Channels


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an approach to estimation of the mean path loss model parameters in off-body Body Area Networks channels. In this approach, the path loss exponent is constrained to a value obtained for the line-of-sight (LoS) propagation in the co-polarised channel, considering a generalised static scenario. The comparison of the goodness of fit between the proposed approach and other approaches, for a set of measurements obtained...

  • Calculation of the propagation loss in urban radio-access systems


    Zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie modele propagacyjne opracowane dla telefonii komórkowej w mieście, stosowane przy analizach projektowych systemów dostępowych. Przeprowadzono obszerne badania pomiarowe i zebrano prawie 19 tys. pomiarów. Na tej podstawie, stosując wielowymiarową analize regresji oraz zaproponowaną charakterystykę propagacyjną radiowych łączy dostępowych, opracowano nowy wielowariantowy model propagacyjny przeznaczony...

  • Path Loss Measurements in Wideband Radio Link Designed for Maritime Environment

    In the article, the research and analysis of path loss in designed and evaluated digital radio link for high-speed data transmission in maritime environment is presented. Collected samples of received signal were used to determine the mean path loss and its standard deviation. Measuring campaign was carried out in a real maritime conditions. The mean value of path loss reached 126 dB on a distance of 11.16 km.

  • On the Usefulness of the Generalised Additive Model for Mean Path Loss Estimation in Body Area Networks


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2020

    In this article, the usefulness of the Generalised Additive Model for mean path loss estimation in Body Area Networks is investigated. The research concerns a narrow-band indoor off-body network operating at 2.45 GHz, being based on measurements performed with four different users. The mean path loss is modelled as a sum of four components that depend on path length, antenna orientation angle, absolute difference between transmitting...

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  • Performance Evaluation of GAM in Off-Body Path Loss Modelling for Body Area Networks


    - Rok 2021

    This paper addresses the performance evaluation of an off-body path loss model, based on measurements at 2.45 GHz, which has been developed with the use of the Generalised Additive Model, allowing to model a non-linear dependence on different predictor variables. The model formulates path loss as a function of distance, antennas’ heights, antenna orientation angle and polarisation, results showing that performance is very sensitive...

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  • Empirical formulas for determination of the propagation loss in urban radio access links


    - Rok 2005

    Opisano wielowariantowy model empiryczny tłumienia propagacyjnego przeznaczonego do analizowaniai projektowania radiowych systemów dostępwych w warunkach zabudowy miejskiej, opracowanego na podstawie obszernych pomiarów tego tłumienia w rzeczywistych warunkach takiej zabudowy. Scharakteryzowano przydatność użytkową tego modelu.

  • Propagation Loss and Interference Analysis for 5G Systems in the Context of C-ITS System Implementation


    - Rok 2019

    The article presents the concept of implementing subsequent phases of services for the C-ITS system (the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems), based on the European Parliament resolution of March 2018. Next, the 5G systems, in the context of their possible cooperation with C-ITS systems, were discussed. Numerical propagation analysis was performed for V2V and V2I type communication based on two different propagation models....

  • An Empirical Propagation Model for Corridors in Office Buildings

    This paper presents an empirical propagation path loss model for corridors in office buildings. The proposed model estimates changeable character of radio signal attenuation, based on a special approach as a combination of the simple free-space model with the author’s model. The measurement stand and measurement scenario are described. The propagation path loss research have been made in corridor for different frequencies in range...

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  • Characteristics of Propagation Conditions in the Container Terminal Environment


    In the paper a characteristics of propagation conditions in the container terminal environment is presented. The investigated environment is characterized on the example of Gdansk Deepwater Container Terminal in Poland. An empirical propagation model for path loss calculation in mobile radio links in a container terminal environment is presented.

  • Selected Propagation Models Modification for Application in Container Terminal


    It is particularly important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio systems in container terminal environment. The selected propagation models have been investigated. The applied research methodology has been described too. Results of the statistical adjustment in terms of signal loss determination in such environment have been analysed. The analysis have proved effectiveness of adjustment...

  • Empirical Adjustment of the Selected Propagation Models for Application in the Peculiar Environment of the Container Terminal


    - Rok 2012

    It is important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio systems in container terminal environment. Selected propagation models have been investigated. The applied research methodology has been described too. Results of the statistical adjustment in terms of signal loss determination in such environment have been analysed. The analysis has proved effectiveness of adjustment by increasing...

  • Empirical Propagation Model for the Container Terminal Environment


    In the paper the empirical propagation model for mobile radio links in a container terminal environment is presented and the investigated environment Deepwater Container Terminal in Gdansk, Poland) is characterized. Described empirical model was elaborated on the basis of almost 290 thousand propagation path measurements in real conditions. The diversity of conditions occurring in different places of the container terminal has...

  • An Empirical Model for the Polarisation Characteristics of Indoor Off-Body Channels


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an analysis of the polarisation characteristics for the channel in dynamic off-body communications, and an empirical channel model, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an office environment. Body presence and propagation conditions have a strong influence on signal depolarisation. The model assumes three components for the total path loss: mean path loss, represented by a log-distance function with...

  • Badania i analiza uwarunkowań propagacyjnych w środowisku uprzemysłowionym


    - Rok 2013

    Główne osiągnięcia rozprawy: - wykonanie – zgodnie z wymaganiami normatywnymi zawartymi w zaleceniach ITU-R – nowatorskich badań tłumienia sygnału radiowego na terenie Głębokowodnego Terminalu Kontenerowego (ang. Deepwater Container Terminal - DCT) w Gdańsku i zebranie obszernego materiału pomiarowego, liczącego blisko 290 tysięcy przypadków propagacyjnych, - przeprowadzenie statystycznych badań przydatności wybranych znanych modeli...

  • Theoretical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in plate-like structures with sinusoidal thickness variations


    Guided waves have attracted significant attention for non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to travel relatively long distances without significant energy loss combined with their sensitivity to even small defects. Therefore, they are commonly used in damage detection and localization applications. The main idea of incorporating guided waves in NDT and SHM is based on processing...

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  • An Off-Body Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Indoor Environments



    This paper presents an off-body channel model for body area networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in a realistic indoor office environment containing typical scatterers have been measured: five were static (three standing and two...

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  • Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels


    - Rok 2015

    This paper presents an off-body fading channel model for Body Area Networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in an indoor environment (a medium-size room with furniture, mostly consisting of wooden tables and chairs) have been measured:...

  • Radio Channel Measurements in Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Passenger Cabin


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an off-body radio channel measurements in a ferry passenger cabin at 2.45 GHz band, for static sleeping scenarios with different body orientation and on-body antennas placements, and also for upper and lower sleeping berths. The measurements have been performed with two types of on-body wearable receiving antennas: FlexPIFA (flexible planar inverted F antenna), and FlexNotch (flexible adhesive-backed notch antenna)...

  • Characteristics of the Polarised Off-Body Channel in Indoor Environments


    - Rok 2016

    This paper addresses the depolarisation effect in off-body Body Area Networks channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment. Seven different scenarios, involving both static and dynamic users, were considered, taking a statistical perspective. The analysis of the cross-polarisation discrimination is performed, as well as the analysis of path loss in co- and cross-polarised channels. Results show...

  • Characteristics of the polarised off-body channel in indoor environments


    This paper addresses the depolarisation effect in off-body body area networks channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment. Seven different scenarios, involving both static and dynamic users, were considered, taking a statistical perspective. The analysis of the cross-polarisation discrimination is performed, as well as the analysis of path loss in co- and cross-polarised channels. Results show...

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  • Measuring research on radio wave propagation


    - Rok 2010

    Telecommunication connections are increasingly based on the wireless links, both fixed and mobile, carried out under different radio systems. This kind of solution has many advantages. However, the propagation medium is a factor that causes many difficulties in designing wireless networks, because of large diversity of propagation environments. Transmission loss in each environment is determined by many variables phenomena and...

  • Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    In this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...

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  • An Empirical System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in a Passenger Ferry Environment


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents a general empirical system loss model for estimating propagation loss in Body Area Networks in off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The model is based on measurements, which were carried out in dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The model consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on...

  • An Empirical System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in a Passenger Ferry Environment


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents a general empirical system loss model for estimating propagation loss in Body Area Networks in off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The model is based on measurements, which were carried out in dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The model consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on...

  • Radio Channel Measurements in 868 MHz Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment


    - Rok 2017

    In this paper, a characterization of the 868 MHz off-body radio channel in BANs is presented. Measurements were carried out in a ferry environment using a specific set-up. A method for path loss using radio distance measurements (RDMs) was developed. It allows to automate the measurements process and make it independent from the variable speed of a moving person. Based on the observed path loss as a function of distance, the obtained...

  • Numerical and experimental investigation of guided ultrasonic wave propagation in non-uniform plates with structural phase variations


    - ULTRASONICS - Rok 2023

    The article presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations of guided wave propagation in aluminum plates with variable thickness. The shapes of plate surfaces have been specially designed and manufactured using a CNC milling machine. The shapes of the plates were defined by sinusoidal functions varying in phase shift, which forced the changes in thickness variability alongside the propagation path. The main aim...

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  • Burst loss probability for the combination of extended offset time based service differentiation scheme and PPS in optical burst switching network


    In the paper analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for the combination of two service differentiation schemes for OBS network namely: extended offset time based scheme and PPS (Preemption Priority Schemes) is revised. Moreover authors introduce analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for an optical path when OBS network employs both service differentiation schemes and JET signaling. The comparison...

  • Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea


    - Rok 2013

    Propagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...

  • Statistical Tuning of Walfisch-Ikegami Model for the Untypical Environment


    - Rok 2014

    The Walfisch-Ikegami model has been investigated in terms of mobile radio systems designing in the untypical environment such as the maritime container terminal. The measurement equipment and procedures have been described as well as characteristics of investigated environment. Results of the statistical tuning in terms of path loss estimation in such environment have been analysed. The analysis has proved improvement of the path...

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  • Statistical Tuning of Walfisch-Ikegami Model for the Untypical Environment


    The Walfisch-Ikegami model has been investigated in terms of mobile radio systems designing in the untypical environment such as the maritime container terminal. The measurement equipment and procedures have been described as well as characteristics of investigated environment. Results of the statistical tuning in terms of path loss estimation in such environment have been analysed. The analysis has proved improvement of the path...

  • Detection and size estimation of crack in plate based on guided wave propagation

    The paper presents results of the comprehensive theoretical and experimental investigation of crack detection in metallic plate using guided wave propagation. The main aim of the paper is to develop the novel method which would allow for linear crack size estimation with the use of minimal number of the transducers. In general, there exists the relation between length of the propagation path and the wave amplitude value. However,...

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  • Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels


    - Rok 2016

    This paper presents an off-body fading channel model for Body Area Networks. The proposed model, based on both simulations and measurements at 2.45 GHz in a realistic indoor environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. The first is modelled as a log function of distance, the path loss exponent being in between 0.4 and 1.6. A statistical perspective is taken for the other two components,...

  • The conducted EMI in DC-DC converters


    - Rok 2018

    This book presents the phenomena of conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) generation in DC-DC converters. The measurement and simulation are used to analyze the impact of the most important parameters on the character, level and propagation path of interference. In this book, the analysis of the interference generation and propagation is presented on the example of three basic converters. The wide banded behavior of all...

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  • Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios


    - Rok 2016

    This paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...

  • Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios


    - Rok 2016

    This paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...

  • Routing decisions independent of queuing delays in broadband leo networks


    - Rok 2009

    This paper presents an analysis of queuing and propagation delays of Inter-Satellite Links (ISLs) in broadband Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks. It is shown that queuing delays are negligible in all reasonable working conditions of the broadband ISL network. This fact makes it possible to simplify the routing protocols in such networks and permits using already known multi-commodity flow solutions for routing. The performance...

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  • BP-EVD: Forward Block-Output Propagation for Efficient Video Denoising

    Denoising videos in real-time is critical in many applications, including robotics and medicine, where varying light conditions, miniaturized sensors, and optics can substantially compromise image quality. This work proposes the first video denoising method based on a deep neural network that achieves state-of-the-art performance on dynamic scenes while running in real-time on VGA video resolution with no frame latency. The backbone...

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  • Fast Fading Characterization for Body Area Networks in Circular Metallic Indoor Environments


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2020

    With the increasing development of 5G and Body Area Network based systems being implemented in unusual environments, propagation inside metallic structures is a key aspect to characterize propagation effects inside ships and other similar environments, mostly composed of metallic walls. In this paper, indoor propagation inside circular metallic structures is addressed and fast fading statistical distributions parameters are obtained...

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  • Performance analysis of an rfid-based 3d indoor positioning system combining scene analysis and neural network methods

    The main purpose of this research is to improve localization accuracy of an active Radio Frequency Identification, RFID tag, in 3D indoor space. The paper presents a new RFID based 3D Indoor Positioning System which shows performance improvement. The proposed positioning system combines two methods: the Scene Analysis technique and Artificial Neural Network. The results of both simulation using Log-Distance Path Loss Model and...

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    • M. Figurski
    • M. Gałuszkiewicz
    • P. Kamiński
    • K. Kroszczyński

    - Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia - Rok 2007

    The paper presents a computer module for GPS slant delay determination using data from COAMPS (Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System) mesoscale non-hydrostatic model of the atmosphere which is run on IA64 Feniks computer cluster in the Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the Military University of Technology. The slant delay is the result of integrating the ray (eikonal) equation for the spatial function...

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  • Multi-Taper-Based Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements

    Prototype measurements belong to the key steps in the development of antenna structures. Although accurate validation of their far-field performance can be realized in dedicated facilities, such as anechoic chambers, the high cost of their construction and maintenance might not be justified if the main goal of measurements is to support teaching or low-budget research. Instead, they can be performed in non-anechoic conditions and...

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