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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MICROWAVE FILTERS
Kriging Models for Microwave Filters
PublikacjaSurrogate modeling of microwave filters’ response is discussed. In particular, kriging is used to model either the scattering parameters of the filter or the rational representation of the filter’s characteristics. Surrogate models for these two variants of kriging are validated in solving a microwave filter optimization problem. A clear advantage of surrogate models based on the rational representation over the models based on scattering...
Low-Cost Surrogate Models for Microwave Filters
PublikacjaA novel low-cost kriging-based multivariable parametric macromodeling technique for microwave filters is presented. Kriging is used to model both the residues and poles of a microwave filter's reflection coefficient, and the zeros of the transmission coefficient. The proposed residue-pole-zero (RPZ) technique is demonstrated to efficiently model a high dimensional (8D) microwave filter with pseudoelliptic characteristics.
The Design of Cavity Resonators and Microwave Filters Applying Shape Deformation Techniques
PublikacjaThis article introduces shape deformation as a new approach to the computer-aided design (CAD) of high-frequency components. We show that geometry deformation opens up new design possibilities and offers additional degrees of freedom in the 3-D modeling of microwave structures. Such design flexibility is highly desirable if the full potential of additive manufacturing (AM) is to be exploited in the fabrication of RF and microwave...
Fast Full-Wave Multilevel Zero-Pole Optimization of Microwave Filters
PublikacjaA new concept is proposed for the full-wave computer-aided design of microwave filters. The method consists of two stages and operates on the zeros and poles of the transfer function and their derivatives. These quantities are evaluated from the response computed by a full-wave electromagnetic solver with two levels of accuracy. The two stages make use of different models that are optimized using a low-accuracy electromagnetic...
Low order autoregressive (AR) models for FDTD analysis of microwave filters.
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje zastosowanie modeli AR w celu poprawy efektywności analizy struktur filtrujących metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu (FD-TD). Opisanych jest szereg kryteriów pozwalających na automatyczne tworzenie modeli AR sygnałów czasowych, w tym wybór fragmentu odpowiedzi układu stanowiący podstawę ekstrakcji współczynników modelu, współczynnika decymacji oraz rzędu modelu. Skuteczność wprowadzonych kryteriów...
Efficient Multi-Fidelity Design Optimization of Microwave Filters Using Adjoint Sensitivity
PublikacjaA simple and robust algorithm for computationally efficient design optimiza-tion of microwave filters is presented. Our approach exploits a trust-region (TR)-based algorithm that utilizes linear approximation of the filter response obtained using adjoint sensitivity. The algorithm is sequentially executed on a family of electromagnetic (EM)-simulated models of different fidelities, starting from a coarse-discretization one, and...
A Novel Synthesis Technique for Microwave Bandpass Filters with Frequency-Dependent Couplings
PublikacjaThis paper presents a novel synthesis technique for microwave bandpass filters with frequency-dependent couplings. The proposed method is based on the systematic extraction of a dispersive coupling coefficient using an optimization technique based on the zeros and poles of scattering parameters representing two coupled resonators.The application of this method of synthesis is illustrated using two examples involving four and five-pole...
Inline Microwave Filters With N+1 Transmission Zeros Generated by Frequency-Variant Couplings: Coupling-Matrix-Based Synthesis and Design
PublikacjaA general coupling-matrix-based synthesis methodology for inline Nth-order microwave bandpass filters (BPFs) with frequency-variant reactive-type couplings that generate N+1 transmission zeros (TZs) is presented in this brief. The proposed approach exploits the formulation of the synthesis problem as three inverse nonlinear eigenvalue problems (INEVPs) so that the coupling matrix is built from their sets of eigenvalues. For this...
Dimensional Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Pseudoelliptic Microwave Bandpass Filters with Constant and Dispersive Couplings
PublikacjaIn this paper, we propose a novel technique for the dimensional synthesis of coupled-resonator pseudoelliptic microwave filters with constant and dispersive couplings. The proposed technique is based on numerical simulations of small structures, involving up to two adjacent resonators, and it accounts for a loading effect from other resonators by replacing them with terminations coupled through appropriately scaled inverters. The...
Frequency-Variant Double-Zero Single-Pole Reactive Coupling Networks for Coupled-Resonator Microwave Bandpass Filters
PublikacjaIn this work, a family of frequency-variant reactive coupling (FVRC) networks is introduced and discussed as new building blocks for the synthesis of coupled-resonator bandpass filters with real or complex transmission zeros (TZs). The FVRC is a type of nonideal frequency-dependent inverter that has nonzero elements on the diagonal of the impedance matrix, along with a nonlinear frequency-variation profile of its transimpedance...
Automated Design of Linear Phase Filters
PublikacjaThis paper presents a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters with linear phase. The proposed method exploits the cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of the filter’s transfer and reflection function. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with two illustrative examples.
Automated microwave planar filter design with generalized Chebyshev characteristics.
PublikacjaIn this paper a technique of automatization of design of microwave filters with generalized Chebyshev characteristics is presented. A full wave electromagnetic simulator linked with the Matlab computing environment is used to ensure a rigorous numerical analysis while at the same time allowing automatization. To decrease time of optimization and overall design process, the Cauchy interpolation technique was used. An automated design...
Step on It Bringing Fullwave Finite-Element Microwave Filter Design up to Speed
PublikacjaThere are many steps in the design of a microwave filter: mathematically describing the filter characteristics, representing the circuit as a network of lumped elements or as a coupling matrix, implementing the distributed elements, finding the initial dimensions of the physical structure, and carrying out numerical tuning using electromagnetic (EM) simulators. The whole process is painstaking and time-consuming, and it requires...
Zero-Pole Space Mapping for CAD of Filters
PublikacjaIn this paper, we propose a new space-mapping technique tailored to the CAD of microwave filters. The goal of space mapping is to achieve a satisfactory design with the minimal number of fine model evaluations. In our approach, the filter is represented by a rational function. To quickly align the coarse and fine models, and to speed up the direct optimization of the coarse model, we propose matching the zeros and poles of a rational...
Zero-Pole Approach in Microwave Passive Circuit Design
PublikacjaIn this thesis, optimization strategies for design of microwave passive structures including filters, couplers, antenna and impedance transformer and construction of various surroogate models utilized to fasten the design proces have been discussed. Direct and hybrid optimization methodologies including space mapping and multilevel algorithms combined with various surrogate models at different levels of fidelity have been utilized...
Computationally-Efficient Statistical Design and Yield Optimization of Resonator-Based Notch Filters Using Feature-Based Surrogates
PublikacjaModern microwave devices are designed to fulfill stringent requirements pertaining to electrical performance, which requires, among others, a meticulous tuning of their geometry parameters. When moving up in frequency, physical dimensions of passive microwave circuits become smaller, making the system performance increasingly susceptible to manufacturing tolerances. In particular, inherent inaccuracy of fabrication processes affect...
Frequency-dependent coupling model for microwave band-pass filter
PublikacjaThe goal of this work was to create a circuit model which represents frequency-dependent coupling between microwave resonators. Our models are designed for in-line filters. The frequency-dependent coupling enables one to realize a transmission zero which is not possible in classical approach with frequency independent inverters. In addition, the proposed model allows us to observe out-of-band behavior, e.g. spurious resonance....
Fast Design Optimization of Waveguide Filters Applying Shape Deformation Techniques
PublikacjaThis paper presents an efficient design of microwave filters by means of geometry optimization using shape deformation techniques. This design procedure allows for modelling complex 3D geometries which can be fabricated by additive manufacturing (AM). Shape deforming operations are based on radial basis function (RBF) interpolation and are integrated into an electromagnetic field simulator based on the 3D finiteelement method (FEM)....
An Efficient Framework For Fast Computer Aided Design of Microwave Circuits Based on the Higher-Order 3D Finite-Element Method
PublikacjaIn this paper, an efficient computational framework for the full-wave design by optimization of complex microwave passive devices, such as antennas, filters, and multiplexers, is described. The framework consists of a computational engine, a 3D object modeler, and a graphical user interface. The computational engine, which is based on a finite element method with curvilinear higher-order tetrahedral elements, is coupled with built-in...
Computationally Efficient Design Optimization of Compact Microwave and Antenna Structures
PublikacjaMiniaturization is one of the important concerns of contemporary wireless communication systems, especially regarding their passive microwave components, such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc., as well as antennas. It is also very challenging, because adequate performance evaluation of such components requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation, which is computationally expensive. Although high-fidelity EM analysis...
Substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) filter design using space mapping
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a fast technique for an automated design of microwave filters in substrate integrated wave (SIW) technology. The proposed methodology combines the space mapping technique with a cost function defined using the location of complex zeros and poles of filter’s transfer and reflection function and uses a rectangular waveguide as a surrogate model. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is presented with...
Accurate simulation-driven modeling and design optimization of compact microwave structures
PublikacjaCost efficient design optimization of microwave structures requires availability of fast yet reliable replacement models so that multiple evaluations of the structure at hand can be executed in reasonable timeframe. Direct utilization of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations is often prohibitive. On the other hand, accurate data-driven modeling normally requires a very large number of training points and it is virtually infeasible...
Miniaturized bandpass substrate integrated waveguide filter with frequency-dependent coupling realized using asymmetric GCPW discontinuity
PublikacjaAn asymmetric GCPW discontinuity is proposed to provide frequency-dependent coupling in microwave bandpass filters. Wider and narrow sections introduce, respectively, the capacitive and inductive component to the equivalent circuit representing coupling. By selecting the dimensions of the discontinuity and width of the inductive window in substrate integrated waveguide, an additional transmission zero can be introduced at prescribed...
A Novel Coupling Matrix Synthesis Technique for Generalized Chebyshev Filters With Resonant Source–Load Connection
PublikacjaThis paper reports a novel synthesis method for microwave bandpass filters with resonant source–load connection. In effect, a network realizing N+1 transmission zeros (where N is the number of reflection zeros) is obtained. The method is based on a prototype transversal coupling matrix (N+2, N+2) with source and load connected by a resonant circuit formed by a capacitor in parallel with a frequency-invariant susceptance. To complement...
Zero-Pole Electromagnetic Optimization
PublikacjaA fast technique for the full-wave optimization of transmission or reflection properties of general linear timeinvariant high-frequency components is proposed. The method is based on the zeros and poles of the rational function representing the scattering parameters of the device being designed and it is the generalization of the technique developed for the design by optimization of microwave filters. The performance of the proposed...
Inverse Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Framework for the Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Filters With Nonresonant Nodes and Arbitrary Frequency-Variant Reactive Couplings
PublikacjaA novel, general circuit-level description of coupledresonator microwave filters is introduced in this article. Unlike well-established coupling-matrix models based on frequency-invariant couplings or linear frequency-variant couplings (LFVCs), a model with arbitrary reactive frequencyvariant coupling (AFVC) networks is proposed. The engineered formulation is more general than prior-art ones—with the only restriction that the coupling...
Deflated Preconditioned Solvers for Parametrized Local Model Order Reduction
PublikacjaOne of steps in the design of microwave filters is numerical tuning using full-wave simulators. Typically, it is a time-consuming process as it uses advanced computational methods, e.g. the finite-element method (FEM) and it usually requires multiple optimization steps before the specification goals are met. FEM involves solving a large sparse system of equations at many frequency points and therefore its computational cost is...
Monitoring and analytics of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in indoor air
PublikacjaThis paper reviews literature information on the behaviour of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the indoor environment, as well as the most likely emission sources. The consecutive stages of analytical procedures used for monitoring SVOCs in indoor environments are described. The most common approaches used for collecting samples from the gas and particulate phases are mentioned. The paper discusses and compares various...
Automated CAD of coupled resonator filters
PublikacjaGradientowa metoda optymalizacji wraz z nową definicją funkcji celu opartą na rozkładzie biegunów oraz zer funkcji transmitancji obwodu, została zastosowana do pełnofalowej syntezy filtrów falowodowych pasmowo-przepustowych. Ekstrakcja biegunów wykonywana jest w oparciu metodę Cauchyłego. Przestawiona technika pozwana na znalezienie wymiarów geometrycznych struktur filtrujących o zadanej topologii bez konieczności wcześniejszej...
Synthesis of coupled lossy resonator filters.
PublikacjaA technique for fast synthesis of coupling matrix low-pass prototypes of generalized. Chebyshev bandpass filters with lossy resonators is presented in this letter. The coupling matrix is found by solving a nonlinear least squares problem based on zeros and poles of filter's transfer functions.
Gradient-based optimization of filters using FD-TD software
PublikacjaW artykule opisane jest nowe podejście do zagadnienia optymalizacji filtrów mikrofalowych pasmowo-przepustowych. Optymalizacja prowadzona jest z wykorzystaniem metody gradientowej poszukiwania minimum wartości funkcji celu oraz przy założeniu pełnofalowej symulacji obwodów metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu. W artykule pokazane jest, że stosując zaawansowane techniki cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów możliwa jest optymalizacja...
Novel microstrip low-pass filters with fractal defected ground structures
PublikacjaIn this study, three microstrip low-pass filters (LPFs) containing fractal-shaped defected ground structures have been designed and manufactured. To improve the performance of microstrip LPF, cascades of inductively coupled fractal resonators have been applied. Simultaneously, to achieve relatively constant microstrip impedance resulting in essentially low reflection losses, a modification of the strip geometry has been introduced....
Generalized Chebyshev Bandpass Filters With Frequency-Dependent Couplings Based on Stubs
PublikacjaThis paper presents an accurate synthesis method for inline and cross-coupled generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with frequency-dependent couplings implemented via open and short stubs. The technique involves the synthesis of a lumped-element prototy pe in the form of a coupling matrix with a frequency-dependent term and the conversion of this prototype to a distributed-element mode l composed of sections of TEM lines. This...
Coupled-resonator filters with frequency-dependent couplings: coupling matrix synthesis
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Compact Quasi-Elliptic-Type Inline Waveguide Bandpass Filters With Nonlinear Frequency-Variant Couplings
PublikacjaThis work presents the design techniques to synthesize a class of compact inline quasi-elliptic-type waveguide cavity bandpass filters based on novel nonlinear frequency-variant couplings (NFVCs). These highly dispersive frequency-variant couplings (FVCs) are realized by means of a pair of partial-height posts that are placed at the junctions between every two cavity resonators. Each NFVC produces a transmission pole in between...
Coupled-Resonator Waveguide Filter in Quadruplet Topology With Frequency-Dependent Coupling - A Design Based on Coupling Matrix
PublikacjaThis letter presents an application of a recently developed coupling matrix synthesis technique to design of coupled-resonator filters with dispersive inter-resonator couplings. This technique is used to design a novel coupled-cavity bandpass filter. Measurements validate the design and confirm effectiveness of the synthesis method. The filter is a four-pole generalized Chebyshev filter with three transmission zeros. Resonators...
Inline Waveguide Filter With Transmission Zeros Using a Modified-T-Shaped-Post Coupling Inverter
PublikacjaThis letter reports the design techniques for a class 2 of inline waveguide bandpass filters with sharp-rejection capabil3 ities at the lower stopband based on a novel nonlinear-frequency4 variant-coupling (NFVC) structure. The proposed NFVC consists 5 of a modified-T-shaped metallic post (MTP) that is placed at the 6 center of the waveguide broad wall with its open arms lying 7 along the waveguide width. The engineered NFVC structure 8...
Low-Cost Method for Internal Surface Roughness Reduction of Additively Manufactured All-Metal Waveguide Components
PublikacjaIn this study, a novel low-cost polishing method for internal surface roughness reduction of additively manufactured components, developed for waveguide (WG) circuits operating in the millimeter frequency range is proposed. WG components fabricated using powder bed fusion (PBF) generally feature roughness of ten to fifty microns, which influences the increase of roughness-related conductor power losses having a major effect on...
A Systematic Search for New Coupling Schemes of Cross-Coupled Resonator Bandpass Filters
PublikacjaIn this paper, a systematic approach to an extensive search for topologies of cross-coupled filters with generalized Chebyshev response is presented. The technique applies graph theory to find unique, nonisomorphic filter configurations, and tests whether a specific frequency response can be realized in a given set of topologies. The results of the search are then stored in a database of possible filter configurations.
Highly-Compact Dual-Band Bandpass Waveguide Filter Based on Cross-Shaped Frequency-Dependent Coupling
PublikacjaThis work reports the design of an original class of highly-compact dual-band bandpass filter based on dual-mode waveguide resonators inter-coupled through a novel type of frequency-dependent coupling (FDC). The devised FDC consists of a cross-shaped metallic structure placed in the broad wall of a rectangular waveguide. This FDC produces two additional poles and three extra transmission zeros (TZs). Specifically, each pole is...
Local response surface approximations and variable-fidelity electromagnetic simulations for computationally efficient microwave design optimisation
PublikacjaIn this study, the authors propose a robust and computationally efficient algorithm for simulation-driven design optimisation of microwave structures. Our technique exploits variable-fidelity electromagnetic models of the structure under consideration. The low-fidelity model is optimised using its local response surface approximation surrogates. The high-fidelity model is refined by space mapping with polynomial interpolation of...
Modulation of dielectric properties in low-loss polypropylene-based composites at GHz frequencies: theory and experiment
PublikacjaPolymer composites with high dielectric constant and low loss tangent are highly regarded as substrates for modern high-speed electronics. In this work, we analyze the high-frequency dielectric properties of two types of composites based on polypropylene infused with high-dielectric-constant microparticles. Two types of fillers are used: commercial ceramics or titanium oxide ( TiO2) with different concentrations. The key observation...