wszystkich: 211
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OFFSHORE
PublikacjaSome problems of the foundations of offshore wind turbines are considered in this paper. A short review is presented on the two basic types of foundations, i.e. monopiles and gravity foundations, including their basic features and applications as well as general design considerations. Also, some issues regarding analysis are discussed, including geotechnical problems and modelling techniques. A numerical model of offshores turbine...
PublikacjaThere is an ever growing industrial demand for quantitative assessment of fatigue endurance of critical structural details. Although FEA-based calculations have become a standard in engineering design, problems involving the Low-To-Medium cycle range (101-104) remain challenging. This paper presents an attempt to optimally choose material data, meshing density and other algorithm settings in the context of recent design of the...
Plasticity of Bead-On-Plate Welds Made with the Use of Stored Flux-Cored Wires for Offshore Applications
PublikacjaExtreme atmospheric conditions in the marine and offshore industry are harmful to engineering materials, especially to welded joints, and may cause degradation of their properties. This article presents the results of research on the plasticity of bead-on-plate welds made using two types of seamless, copper plated flux-cored wires. Before welding, spools with wire were stored for 1 month in two distinct locations with different...
Potential of silicon carbide MOSFETs in the DC/DC converters for future HVDC offshore wind farms
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Thermodynamic Analysis of a Closed-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Plant for Offshore Platforms
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Design of Structure of Tension Leg Platform for 6 MW Offshore Wind Turbine Based On Fem Analysis
PublikacjaThe article presents the calculation and design stages of the TLP platform serving as a supporting construction of a 6 MW offshore wind turbine. This platform is designed to anchor at sea at a depth of 60 m. The authors presented the method of parameterization and optimization of the hull geometry. For the two selected geometry variants, the load and motion calculations of the platform subjected to wind, wave and current under...
Stability Analysis of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structure of Cell Spar Type During its Installation
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of selected works related to the wider subject of the research conducted at the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology, which concerns design and technology of construction, towing, and settlement on the seabed, or anchoring, of supporting structures for offshore wind farms. As a result of this research, several designs of this type of objects were...
The correlation between impact energy and the meters of hardening of extra high strength steels for ship and offshore welded structures.
PublikacjaUdowodniono tezę, że można wyznaczyć wystarczająco dokładne dla praktyki projektowania i budowy konstrukcji okrętowych i oceanotechnicznych związki ilościowe odbiorczych właściwości mechanicznych i mikrostruktury blach grubych kategorii 420¸690 oraz ich złączy spawanych. Uzyskane w pracy związki mierników umocnienia (cementytem, roztworowe, wydzieleniowe, wymiarem ziarna ferrytu) z odbiorczymi właściwościami mechanicznymi (Rm,...
Kriging-assisted hybrid reliability design and optimization of offshore wind turbine support structure based on a portfolio allocation strategy
PublikacjaIn recent years, offshore wind power generation technology has developed rapidly around the world, making important contributions to the further development of renewable energy. When designing an Offshore Wind Turbine (OWT) system, the uncertainties in parameters and different types of constraints need to be considered to find the optimal design of these systems. Therefore, the Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) method...
An innovative method of measuring the extension of the piston rod in hydraulic cylinders, especially large ones used in the shipbuilding and offshore industry
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of selected works related to the wider subject of research conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding at the Gdańsk University of Technology, regarding designing various on board devices with hydraulic drive for ships and other offshore facilities. One of the commonly used these mechanisms are hydraulic actuators with the measurement of the piston rod extension. The issue...
The abrasive wear resistance of coatings manufactured on high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) offshore steel in wet welding conditions
PublikacjaSome marine and offshore structure elements exploited in the water cannot be brought to the surface of the water as this will generate high costs, and for this reason, they require in-situ repairs. One of the repair techniques used in underwater pad welding conditions is a wet welding method. This paper presents an investigation of the abrasive wear resistance of coatings made in wet welding conditions with the use of two grades...
Influence of pitting corrosion on fatigue and corrosion fatigue of ship and offshore structures. Part II: Load - pit crack interaction
PublikacjaIn the paper has been discussed influence of stresses on general corrosion rate and corrosion pit nucleation and growth rate, whose presence has been questioned by some authors but accepted by most of them. Influence of pit walls roughness on fatigue life of a plate suffering pit corrosion and presence of so called "non damaging" pits which never lead to initiation of fatigue crack, has been presented. Possibility of prediction...
Dzień Kariery OFFSHORE na Politechnice Gdańśkiej
WydarzeniaZapraszamy studentów, absolwentów oraz osoby zainteresowane morską energetyką wiatrową do udziału w Dniu Kariery OFFSHORE, który odbędzie się w dniu 16 stycznia 2024r., w godz. 10-14, w budynku WIMiO (bud. nr 30)
The influence of selected strain-based failure criteria on ship structure damage resulting from a collision with an offshore wind turbine monopile
PublikacjaOffshore wind farms are developing well all over the world, providing green energy from renewable sources. The evaluation of possible consequences of a collision involves Finite Element computer simulations. The goal of this paper was to analyse the influence of selected strain-based failure criteria on ship damage resulting from a collision with an offshore wind turbine monopile. The case of a collision between an offshore supply...
Opracowanie i wprowadzenie nowoczesnego systemu utrzymania ruchu urządzeń opartego na strategii planowo – zapobiegawczej na obiekcie offshore
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodykę utrzymania ruchu maszyn i urządzeń na obiekcie offshore. Opracowany autorski system utrzymania ruchu, który został wdrożony na morskiej platformie wydobywczej „Petrobaltic” gdzie do przesyłu i przetwarzania danych wykorzystano dostępną infrastrukturę informatyczną. Założenia realizowano z wykorzystaniem metod naukowych takich jak analiza case study, metody eksperckie i inne. Pracę zrealizowano w ośmiu...
Actual field corrosion rate of offshore structures in the Baltic Sea along depth profile from water surface to sea bed
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of field electrochemical investigations on the corrosion rate of carbon steel in seawater of the Baltic Sea at the location of the Baltic Beta production rig. The measurements were conducted throughout the year in seawater at different depths from the sea surface to the sea bed (about 75 m). The results revealed corrosion aggressiveness of the seawater along the entire depth profile. There was...
Reduction of CO2 Emissions from Offshore Combined Cycle Diesel Engine-Steam Turbine Power Plant Powered by Alternative Fuels
PublikacjaDiverse forms of environmental pollution arise with the introduction of materials or energy that exert adverse effects on human health, climate patterns, ecosystems, and beyond. Rigorous emission regulations for gases resulting from fuel combustion are being enforced by the European Union and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), directed at maritime sectors to mitigate emissions of SOx, NOx, and CO2. The IMO envisions...
Destructiveness of Profits and Outlays Associated with Operation of Offshore Wind Electric Power Plant. Part 1: Identification of a Model and its Components
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Corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate characteristics for weldable ship and offshore steels with regard to the influence of loading frequency and seawater temperature
PublikacjaAfter Vosikovsky (1975), the corrosion fatigue crack growth rate (CFCGR) characteristics have been divided into three regions. The region-III rates are very close to mechanical fatigue crack growth rates. CFCGR formulae, including the long-crack length effect (in region I only), the loading frequency effect (in region II only), and the saltwater temperature effect, have been proposed. It has been assumed that CFCGR is proportional...
Dzień Kariery OFFSHORE 2022 – Catch the big fish!
WydarzeniaWarsztaty, spotkania z pracodawcami i wyjątkowe atkacje. Zbliża się pierwsza edycja Dnia Kariery OFFSHORE na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Chcesz budować swoją przyszłość w branży offshore? Odwiedź aż 13 stoisk.
Czasopisma -
PublikacjaW artykule poruszono kwestię planowania zasobów przedsiębiorstwa z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania ERP. Efektywne planowanie zarządzania całością zasobów przedsiębiorstwa polega głównie na: - zapewnieniu wysokiej jakości produktów, - maksymalizacji ekonomicznego okresu użytkowania parku maszynowego, -maksymalizacji zdolności produkcyjnych, - minimalizacji kosztów utrzymania sprzętu w sprawności operacyjnej, - zapewnieniu bezpiecznych...
Offshore benthic habitat mapping based on object-based image analysis and geomorphometric approach. A case study from the Slupsk Bank, Southern Baltic Sea
PublikacjaBenthic habitat mapping is a rapidly growing field of underwater remote sensing studies. This study provides the first insight for high-resolution hydroacoustic surveys in the Slupsk Bank Natura 2000 site, one of the most valuable sites in the Polish Exclusive Zone of the Southern Baltic. This study developed a quick and transparent, automatic classification workflow based on multibeam echosounder and side-scan sonar surveys to...
Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures II W2021/22
Kursy OnlineLecture and Lab classes - Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures II W2021/22
Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I S2020/21
Kursy OnlineLectures and exercises from the course "Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I"
Technologia konstrukcji offshore, W, sem.05, zima 24/25, PG_00056296
Kursy OnlineWykłady dotyczą zagadnień związanych z wymaganiami przepisów i konwencji charakterystycznych dla branży offshore, różnorodność obiektów oraz wymagań eksploatacyjnych, stosowanych materiałów i technologii przetwarzania, wymogów bezpieczeństwa konstrukcji jak i oddziaływania na środowisko
Lecture on Offshore Power Engineering - W, sem. 01, letni 24/25
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Technologia konstrukcji offshore, W, OCE, sem. 06, lato 22/23, PG_00046545,
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Technologia konstrukcji offshore,W,P,L,Sem.5,zima23/24,(PG_00056296)
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Technologia konstrukcji offshore, W, OCE, sem. 05, zima 22/23, (O:098280)
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SYSTEMY OFFSHORE, SiUO, I st., inż., stacj. sem. 6, 2023/24 (PG_0056425)
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Systemy offshore, specj. BO, I st, inż., stacj., 2023/24, sem. 6 (PG_0056429)
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Krzysztof Lis, WIMIO, Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures, II st. 1 sem., 2024/25lThursday
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An improved methodology for accelerated marine immersed corrosion testing of ship structural components
PublikacjaCorrosion degradation is a prominent ageing mechanism in engineering structures (e.g. ships and offshore structures), leading to safety concerns and significant economic expenses. This study presents an improved methodology for indoor accelerated corrosion testing of structural components. The method involves controlling natural factors (oxygen saturation, temperature, salinity, and flow rate) to accelerate the corrosion in a controlled...
Application analysis of a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine system for marine power plants
PublikacjaThe results of theoretical studies of the possibilities of using hybrid solid oxide fuel cell–gas turbine (SOFC-GT) systems for marine power plants are presented. A 500 kW auxiliary marine power plant scheme using stacks of SOFCs in combination with a regenerative gas turbine operating with over-expansion based on our recent patent application is proposed. The results of mathematical modelling showed the opportunity to obtain a...
A comparative analysis of numerically simulated and experimentally measured static responses of a floating dock
PublikacjaTwo numerical methods, dynamic and static analyses, are proposed to calculate the static responses of a floating dock under different ballast water distributions. Model-scale experimental tests were conducted to compare with these numerical methods. The dynamic analysis includes a 6-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) model, a hydrostatic force model and a hydrodynamic force model to simulate the dock's freely floating processes. The dock's...
Analysis of the correlation between instantaneous resistance-increase in waves and ship motion for reducing fuel consumption
PublikacjaReducing fuel consumption is crucial for greening water transport. Wind, waves and currents affect fuel usage, with wave-induced resistance being significant. Typically, added resistance is estimated as the time average of resistance increase in waves over calm water. However, this average lacks real-time utility for engine adjustments. This study analyses time-series correlations between wave-induced resistance-increase and ship...
Systemy offshore, specj. BOiJ, I st., inż., niestacj., 2023/24, sem. 8 (O:098560n)
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Systemy offshore - w; specj,: BO (WIMiO), I st.; inż.; stacj.; 2024/25; sem. 6; (PG_00056429)
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Systemy offshore; spec.: Budowa Okrętów i Jachtów (WOiO I st., inż., stacj., 2022/2023, sem. 6
Kursy OnlineMateriały do przedmiotu SYSTEMY OFFSHORE.
Placement Okręty i Konstrukcje Morskie w j. angielskim (Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures) II st. 1 sem.
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Systemy offshore - w/ćw/proj; specj,: SiUO (WIMiO), I st.; inż.; stacj.; 2024/25; sem. 6; (PG_00056425)
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Lean Manufacturing; group 2; 11.00; Mechatronics; Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures, W, sem. 03, letni 24/25 (PG_00062997)
Kursy OnlineRozwój Systemów Produkcyjnych i Lean Management. Strategie optymalizacji procesów. Metody analityczne. Zasady i metody Lean. Zarządzanie zmianami. Strategie wdrażania Lean Manufacturing. Całkowite zarządzanie produktywne.
Toward a Method Evaluating Control Actions in STPA-Based Model of Ship-Ship Collision Avoidance Process
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A Study of the Roll Motion by Means of a Free Decay Test
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Katedra Mechatroniki Morskiej
Zespoły Badawcze* urządzenia okrętowe * wyposażenie pokładowe i pomocnicze * systemy ratunkowe i ewakuacyjne * niekonwencjonalne układy napędowe * napędy hybrydowe i zasilanie wielo-źródłowe * morska energetyka odnawialna * tribologia a szczególnie ślizgowe łożyskowanie wałów * kotwiczenie obiektów offshore * modelowanie * nawigacja i unikanie kolizji * optymalizacja i zagadnienia sztucznej inteligencji
Jakub Montewka prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyJakub Montewka is an associate professor at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland and visiting processor at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland and Wuhan University of Technology in China. Jakub is researching in the field of maritime traffic risk and safety. His primary interests lie in the risk assessment of maritime transportation, quantification of safety of maritime navigation, route optimization for ships in ice-covered...
Krzysztof Lipiński dr hab. inż.
Osoby -
Karol Niklas dr hab. inż.
OsobyKarol NIKLAS jest profesorem Politechniki Gdańskiej (Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa, Instytut Budowy Okrętów). Pracę dyplomową magisterską na kierunku "Budowy okrętów morskich" w specjalności "Budowa małych statków i jachtów" obronił w 2007 roku. W 2008 roku ukończył studia podyplomowe w specjalności "Nowoczesne Metody Symulacyjne w Technice" na Wydziale Fizyki i Matematyki Stosowanej. W 2014 roku obronił rozprawę...
Numerical modelling of moored floating structures using SPH. Preliminary results
PublikacjaThis article presents partial results of the works carried out under the research project "The development of the methodof modeling the dynamics of the floating (offshore) objects subjected to the environment influence", which aims at developing computational methods for modeling the dynamics of offshore structures.The article contains the description of the method of modeling the hydrodynamic impacts using SPH method and the description...