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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: north-eastern Poland
Determining the Seasonal Variability of the Territorial Sea Baseline in Poland (2018–2020) Using Integrated USV/GNSS/SBES Measurements
PublikacjaThe Territorial Sea Baseline (TSB) allows coastal states to define the maritime boundaries, such as: contiguous zone, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and territorial sea. Their delimitations determine what rights (jurisdiction and sovereignty) a given coastal state is entitled to. For many years, the problem of delimiting baseline was considered in two aspects: legal (lack of clear-cut regulations and different interpretations)...
Polska 1944/45-1989. Studia i Materiały
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Revitalization of Residential Buildings Dating Back to the Late19th and Early 20th Century on the Example of “Willa Halina” in Sopot (Poland)
PublikacjaResidential buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century constitute an important element of the urban composition of many European cities, often determining their overall spatial expression. These buildings often require revitalization and sometimes also reconstruction or extension. Such activities make it possible to restore historical buildings to their former glory, but also to create new architecture, inscribed...
Practice in the Field of Thermal Retrofitting in Historic Buildings and Preservation of the Authentic Tissue of Façades of Historic Buildings in Poland
PublikacjaThe pursuit to reduce emissions of harmful substances to the atmosphere resulting from the combustion of fuels for heating purposes makes a building more ecological and environmentally friendly. All operations aimed to limit emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are motivated by the growing environmental awareness of developed societies and alarming reports on the global warming and its effects. In Poland, legal regulations...
Narratives on cutting down trees on private land. A comparison of urban and rural municipalities in Poland using the Q-deliberation method
PublikacjaIncreased development in rural and urban areas leads to a decrease in tree cover and reduces the ecosystem services that trees provide. Municipal authorities must consider managing trees on private land to ensure that residents have access to trees and green spaces. In doing so, they must frequently confront conflicting stakeholder views, which are driven by diverse public and private interests and impacted by the type of landscape...
Occurrence and levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in house dust and hair samples from Northern Poland; an assessment of human exposure
PublikacjaPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are among most ubiquitous compounds to be found in indoor environment and ingestion of household dust is considered an important route of exposure to PBDEs, especially in toddlers and young children. The present work reported concentration levels of PBDE congeners (PBDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154, -183 and -209) in hair and dust samples from selected households from Northern Poland. The...
Chemical characterization of dew water collected in different geographic regions of Poland
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań składu chemicznego próbek rosy zebranych na terenie Polski w okresie od 2004 do 2006 roku na terenach: rolniczym (Wrocław, Dziemiany), miejskim w strefie wybrzeża (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot), miejskim, położonym poza strefą wybrzeża (Bytów, Kraków, Mława). Próbki rosy badano w celu uzyskania informacji o składzie jakościowym i ilościowym. Celem badań było dostarczenie informacji o składzie chemicznym (i wybranych...
Rime and hoarfrost chemistry in Poland - an introductory analysis from meteorological perspective
PublikacjaPróbki szronu i sadzi pobierano odpowiednio w 6 i 3 miejscach, które reprezentują zarówno nizinne jak i górzyste części Polski. Niższe stężenia jonów stwierdzono zarówno w próbkach szronu jak i sadzi pobranych na terenie nizinnym. Wynika to ze stosunkowo wysokiej inwersji temperatury i mniej intensywnego krążenia atmosferycznego w tym regionie. Stwierdzono również różne wartości stosunku Na/Cl w próbkach sadzi i szronu zebranych...
Chemical characterization of dew water collected in different geographic regions of Poland
PublikacjaOkreślono poziomy stężeń składników śladowych obecnych w próbkach rosy zebranych na terenach wyraźnie różniących się pod względem położenia geograficznego jak również poziomem antropopresji. Próbki rosy były zbierane na terenie ośmiu stacji pomiarowych w cyklu dobowym w okresie od sierpnia 2004 do listopada 2006 roku. W zależności od położenia miejsc zbierania próbek oraz charakteru tła emisji zanieczyszczeń dokonano podziału na...
Does public offering improve company’s financial performance? The example of Poland
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Molecular epidemiology of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in northern Poland
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Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Poland in the View of Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour
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Circular Fashion – Consumers’ Attitudes in Cross-National Study: Poland and Canada
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New challenges in palliative care in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Polyphasic toxicological screening of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Aphanizomenon gracile isolated in Poland
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The evolution of market integration between the eu and poland - price and trade approach
Publikacjaw artykule przedstawiono dwa podejscia do mierzenia integracji ekonomicznej tj. podejscie od strony cen i podejscie od strony przepływów handlowych. na podstawie 49 wyselekcjonowanych cen produków oraz danych o wolumenie i wartosci eksportu i importu tych produktów autorki wyliczyły przy zastosowaniu wybranych modeli panelowych stopień rynkowej integracji między Polską a krajami UE15.
Reflections on the relationship-level between national- and voivodship-level planning In Poland
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono stan i ocenę procesu planowania, przesłanki i zamierzenia zmian oraz wybrane propozycje w zakresie relacji między planowaniem krajowym a planowaniem rozwoju i zagospodarowania przestrzennego na poziomie województwa.
Hoarfrost and rime chemistry in Poland - An introductory analysis from metrological perspective
PublikacjaW publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomów stężeń składników śladowych obecnych w próbkach osadów atmosferycznych (szronu i sadzi) zebranych na terenach wyraźnie różniących się pod względem położenia geograficznego jak również poziomem antropopresji. Zbadano wpływ czynników meteorologicznych tj. rodzaj mas powietrza, typ pola barycznego na chemizm tych form mokrej depozycji. Porównano skład chemiczny różnych form osadów atmosferycznych...
Optical fiber technology in Poland: four decades of development 1975-2015
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Radar sensors planning for the purpose of extension of River Information Services in Poland
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Electronics and telecommunications in Poland, issues and perspectives: Part I. Society and education
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A Regional Scale Analysis of Economic Convergence in Poland in the Years 2004–2012
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Application of economic distance for the purposes of a spatial analysis of the unemployment rate for Poland
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Evaluation of Caffeine Consumption among Pregnant Women from Southern Poland
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Is the Naturalization of the Townscape a Condition of De-Industrialization? An Example of Bytom in Southern Poland
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Medical Students' Voluntary Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland
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Evolution of Hydropower Support Schemes in Poland and Their Assessment Using the LCOE Method
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Occurrence of reovirus (ARV) infections in poultry flocks in Poland in 2010–2017
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Copula-based geohazard assessment – case of flood-prone area in Poland
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Scenarios of mercury emission to air, water and soil in Poland to year 2020
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Involving social participation in the preservation of heritage: the experience of Greater Poland and Kujavia
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Municipal Waste Management in Poland Compared to Other European Union Countries
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Indoor allergens in settled dust from kindergartens in city of Łódź, Poland
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Waste Fires in Poland and Some of their Environmental Implications: A Ten-Year Perspective
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Magnetic Susceptibility of Spider Webs and Dust: Preliminary Study in Wrocław, Poland
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Challenges facing management practice in the light of Industry 4.0: The example of Poland
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Collusion and bid rigging in the construction industry: case studies from Poland
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The Impact of COVID-19 on Road Freight Transport Evidence from Poland
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Variability in Prevalence ofHelicobacter pyloriStrains Resistant to Clarithromycin and Levofloxacin in Southern Poland
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Efficiency of the Education System (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) in Particular Voivodeships of Poland
PublikacjaThe reform of the Polish education system (both lower and higher education) that was carried out in recent years has shown the need to improve the efficiency of schools. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyse and evaluate the efficiency of educational centres...
Irrigation Effects of Red Beet as Affected by Rainfall in Different Regions of Poland
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Water needs of Sambucus nigra L. grown in the reclaimed areas in Poland
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Fees for Advertisements in Public Space Incurred by a Given Bank Brand in Poland
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Financing Housing Support Programs in Poland in the Light of National Housing Resources
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The Actual Demand for the Elimination of Architectural Barriers among Senior Citizens in Poland
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Characteristics of sleep disturbances in Poland – results of the National Health Interview Survey
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First recurrent large genomic rearrangement in the BRCA1 gene found in Poland
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Temporal and spatial complementarity of wind and solar resources in Lower Silesia (Poland)
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R&D in a post centrally-planned economy: The macroeconomic effects in Poland