wszystkich: 412
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: baltic sea
Elemental and organic carbon in aerosols over urbanized coastal region (southern Baltic Sea, Gdynia)
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Temporal changes in the content of labile and stabile mercury forms in soil and their inflow to the southern Baltic Sea
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High-Resolution Ecosystem Model of the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)—Hydrodynamic Component Evaluation
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Selective inhibition of cancer cells' proliferation by compounds included in extracts from Baltic Sea cyanobacteria
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Distribution of mercury in different environmental compartments in the aquatic ecosystem of the coastal zone of the Southern Baltic Sea
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Temporal Satellite Images in The Process of Automatic Efficient Detection of Changes of the Baltic Sea Coastal Zone
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Risk Analysis Of Collision Between Passenger Ferry And Chemical Tanker In The Western Zone Of The Baltic Sea
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Bioindicative potential of shell abnormalities occurring in the clam Macoma balthica (L.) from the Baltic Sea
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The present condition of the Vistula river catchment area and its impact on the Baltic Sea coastal zone
PublikacjaPraca przeglądowa - opisuje stan zlewiska rzeki Wisły i morza Bałtyckiego, pod względem geograficznym, środowiskowym i socjo-ekonomicznym.
PublikacjaModern granulometry opens a new way of analysing images by means of morphological filters. In this paper a closer look has been presented on the problem of interpreting information about the features and conditions of marine environment from images taken at the sea coast and shallow water. Using this method allows for example selection of the objects on the image according to the differences in shape. Processes occurring in the...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublikacjaThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deep based on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea as Baltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial. The other two factors...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublikacjaThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deepbased on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in thescientific literature.The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea asBaltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial....
Application of Web-GIS and Geovisual Analytics to Monitoring of Seabed Evolution in South Baltic Sea Coastal Areas
PublikacjaRegular surveys of coastal zone seabed deliver important information about geomorphologic processes such as silting of waterways. The recent introduction of the Sentinel series of sensors has allowed for the use of satellite sensing for shallow bathymetry morphology monitoring. In this context, this article presents a dedicated Geographic Information System for Baltic Sea shallow water depth monitoring on the basis of Sentinel-2...
Mercury concentration in the sediments as a function of changing climate in coastal zone of Southern Baltic Sea – preliminary results
PublikacjaMercury, despite of its many uses in industry, is also highly toxic. It is highly neurotoxic, and because of the ability of mercury to penetrate placental barrier, in some countries ban on predatory fish consumption (the main route of mercury into human organism) by pregnant women was introduced. There are very little publications describing the consequences of weather anomalies on contaminants cycles. No research was published...
Analysis of the impact of socio-economic development on road safety based on the example of Baltic Sea Region countries
PublikacjaBaltic Sea Region (BSR) is a specific region of Europe, bringing together countries with different levels of socio-economic development. The main common point is territorial access to the Baltic Sea and the importance of maritime transport in the transportation of goods. The region consists of 9 countries, including Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia (more specifically, Kaliningrad...
Impact of new, navigable canal through the Vistula spit on the hydrologic balance of the Vistula lagoon (Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaThe object of research - the Vistula Lagoon is one of the two lagoons on the Polish coast, which is of great importance not only from an economic point of view, but also an environmental one. The purpose of the paper is to provide calculations on the current water balance for the Vistula Lagoon, before and after construction of a canal through the Vistula Spit. This is important because the construction of a new connection between...
Towards a multi-basin SWAT model for the migration of nutrients and pesticides to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaBackground This paper analyzes the impact of changes in fertilization on crop yields and the runoff of nutrients from a small agricultural catchment (176 km2) to a shallow bay, using the SWAT model. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. The whole area of Puck Bay (364 km2) is protected (Natura 2000) yet despite this it suffers from eutrophication problems due to the relatively minimal depth and...
Mercury concentration in the sediments as a function of changing climate in coastal zone of Southern Baltic Sea – preliminary results
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Specific Chemical and Genetic Markers Revealed a Thousands-Year Presence of Toxic Nodularia spumigena in the Baltic Sea
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Combining Satellite Imagery and Numerical Modelling to Study the Occurrence of Warm Upwellings in the Southern Baltic Sea in Winter
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Waste disposal sites as sources of mercury in the atmosphere in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea)
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<title>Satellite monitoring of spatial variability in the Baltic Sea ecosystem: possible applications of the DESAMBEM algorithm</title>
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Long-term changes and distribution of mercury concentrations in surface sediments of the Gdansk Basin (Southern Baltic Sea)
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Challenges for universities in the face of knowledge-based economy - directions for higher education institutions in the Baltic Sea Region
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present new challenges that are faced by universities in the knowledge-based economy. There are several phenomena that can presently be observed like the need for life-long learning or interdisciplinary approach, and universities should prepare their graduates for those challenges. One of the crucial questions that universities need to ask is how to teach and what to teach. Knowledge becomes obsolete...
Challenges for universities in the face of the knowledge-based economy - Directions for higher education institutions in the Baltic Sea Region
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present new challenges that are faced by universities in the knowledge-based economy. There are several phenomena that can presently be observed like the need for life-long learning or interdisciplinary approach, and universities should prepare their graduates for those challenges. One of the crucial questions that universities need to ask is how to teach and what to teach. Knowledge becomes obsolete...
Diversity and community composition of pico- and nanoplanktonic protists in the Vistula River estuary (Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea)
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Toxicity Assessment by Microtox® in Sediments, Pore Waters and Sediment Saline Elutriates in the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea)
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Geochemical Changes in Aquatic Environment Caused by Deep Dredging - A Case Study: The Puck Bay (Baltic Sea)
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Characterizing surface and air temperature in the Baltic Sea coastal area using remote sensing techniques and GIS
PublikacjaEstimation of surface temperature using multispectral imagery retrieved from satellite sensors constitutes several problems in terms of accuracy, accessibility, quality and evaluation. In order to obtain accurate results, currently utilized methods rely on removing atmospheric fluctuations in separate spectral windows, applying atmospheric corrections or utilizing additional information related to atmosphere or surface characteristics...
Recent trends in prevalence of neoplasia in the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea).
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Nutrient loss from three small-size watersheds in the southern Baltic Sea in relation to agricultural practices and policy
PublikacjaAgriculture is the major contributor of waterborne nutrient fluxes into the Baltic Sea, one of the world’s most eutrophication-sensitive areas. Poland, as a large, densely populated state ohf the Baltic Region, with dominating agricultural land use, largely contributes to riverborne loads of N and P. The aim of our study was to examine the input of nutrients from three small first-order agricultural watersheds (Bladzikowski Stream,...
Habitat-related patterns of soft-bottom macrofaunal assemblages in a brackish, low-diversity system (southern Baltic Sea)
PublikacjaCoastal areas provide a high variety of sedimentary habitats that influence the structure of resident fauna even on small geographical scales. Therefore, examinations of spatial variations in benthic assemblages require background knowledge of the environmental and biotic heterogeneity of habitats in order to understand ecological processes in such areas. The effect of habitat-related abiotic and biological variables on macrofaunal...
Mobility and bioavailability of mercury in sediments of the southern Baltic sea in relation to the chemical fractions of iron: Spatial and temporal patterns
PublikacjaMarine sediments play a significant role as reservoirs for mercury (Hg), a bioaccumulative toxic pollutant that poses risks to human and ecosystem health. Iron (Fe) has been recognized as an influential factor in the complexation and bioavailability of Hg in sediments. However, limited studies have investigated the interactions between the chemical fractions of these elements in natural settings. This study aims to examine the...
Empirical Model for Phycocyanin Concentration Estimation as an Indicator of Cyanobacterial Bloom in the Optically Complex Coastal Waters of the Baltic Sea
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Estimation of Potential Leakage from Dumped Chemical Munitions in the Baltic Sea Based on Two Different Modelling Approaches
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Deep submarine groundwater discharge indicated by pore water chloride anomalies in the Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea
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Phosphate exchange across the sediment-water interface under oxic and hypoxic/anoxic conditions in the southern Baltic Sea
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Benthic fluxes of oxygen and nutrients under the influence of macrobenthic fauna on the periphery of the intermittently hypoxic zone in the Baltic Sea
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Porewater dissolved organic and inorganic carbon in relation to methane occurrence in sediments of the Gdańsk Basin (southern Baltic Sea)
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Mobility and bioavailability of mercury in sediments of the southern Baltic sea in relation to the chemical fractions of iron: Spatial and temporal patterns
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Pore water alkalinity below the permanent halocline in the Gdańsk Deep (Baltic Sea) - Concentration variability and benthic fluxes
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Multi-Temporal Analysis of Changes of the Southern Part of the Baltic Sea Coast Using Aerial Remote Sensing Data
PublikacjaUnderstanding processes that affect changes in the coastal zone and the ability to predict these processes in the future depends on the period for which detailed monitoring is carried out and on the type of coast. This paper analyzes a southern fragment of the Baltic coast (30 km), where there has been no anthropogenic impact (Slowinski National Park). The study was carried out covering a time interval of 65 years. Historic and...
Shell deformation in the baltic clam Macoma balthica from southern Baltic Sea (the Gulf of Gdansk): hypotheses on environmental effects
PublikacjaWysokorozdzielcza fotografia cyfrowa i analiza obrazu graficznego została zastosowana w celu zdefiniowania zewnętrznych cech morfologicznych deformacji muszli w czterech populacjach małży bałtyckiej Macoma balthica z Zatoki Gdańskiej. Proponowane indeksy deformacji małży (shell deformation indices - SDI), które opierały się na obliczeniu stosunku wybranych średnic przednich i tylnich części małży, ukazały przynajmniej trzy morfologiczne...
Microstructure–Property Relationship of Polyurethane Foams Modified with Baltic Sea Biomass: Microcomputed Tomography vs. Scanning Electron Microscopy
PublikacjaIn this paper, novel rigid polyurethane foams modified with Baltic Sea biomass were compared with traditional petro-based polyurethane foam as reference sample. A special attention was focused on complex studies of microstructure, which was visualized and measured in 3D with high-resolution microcomputed tomography (microCT) and, as commonly applied for this purpose, scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The impact of pore volume,...
Methylmercury and total mercury content in soft tissues of two bird species wintering in the Baltic Sea near Gdansk, Poland
PublikacjaOf the various forms of Hg occurring in nature, (mono) methylmercury (MeHg) is an especially toxic form and practically all forms of Hg can be converted into MeHg as a result of natural processes. Total mercury (THg) and MeHg were determined in tissues of two piscivorous birds: razorbill Alca torda and black-throated loon Gavia arctica to provide baseline data on current mercury concentrations for liver, kidneys and pectoral muscle...
Lithostatistical variability of beach gravels along the Polish coast of Baltic Sea: The Pogorzelica–Dziwnów dataset (363.0–391.4 km)
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Microstructure–Property Relationship of Polyurethane Foams Modified with Baltic Sea Biomass: Microcomputed Tomography vs. Scanning Electron Microscopy
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Prediction of near-bottom water salinity in the Baltic Sea using Ordinary Least Squares and Geographically Weighted Regression models
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First record of the deep-water shark Etmopterus spinax (Chondrichthyes: Etmopteridae) from the southern Baltic Sea (Pomeranian Bay)
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PCBs in fish from southern Baltic Sea: Levels, bioaccumulation features and temporal trends during the 1997-2006 period
PublikacjaW próbkach 5 gatunków ryb bałtyckich pobranych w latach 1997-2006 oznaczono zawartość 7 wskaźnikowych polichlorowanych bifenyli. Zaobserwowano wyraźny trend spadku zawartości cięższych kongenerów w latach 1997-2001 dla różnych gatunków ryb za wyjątkiem dorsza. W próbkach szprota i śledzia stwierdzona statystycznie istotny spadek zawartości PCB 101, 118, 153, 138 i 180. Stwierdzono występowanie gatunkowospecyficznej bioakumulacji...