wszystkich: 968
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SURFACE SCIENCE
Clickable polysaccharides for biomedical applications: A comprehensive review
PublikacjaRecent advances in materials science and engineering highlight the importance of designing sophisticated biomaterials with well-defined architectures and tunable properties for emerging biomedical applications. Click chemistry, a powerful method allowing specific and controllable bioorthogonal reactions, has revolutionized our ability to make complex molecular structures with a high level of specificity, selectivity, and yield...
Method of selective fading as a educational tool to study the behaviour of prestressed concrete elements under excess loading
PublikacjaPrestressed structures are a key to realization of the boldest architectural ideas, characteristic feature of prestressed structure is better use of concrete material properties by insertion of internal forces. Learning about pre-stressed reinforced concrete structures is an integral part of Graduate Studies Program in construction engineering. Know-how of geometry change patterns in prestressed concrete elements under certain...
FTIR spectra and IGC chromatograms for chemically reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOA)
Dane BadawczeThe effect of selected synthesis parameters on reduced graphene oxide aerogels properties was investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and dynamic adsorption method (Inverse Gas Chromatography, IGC). Samples were synthesized by sol-gel method by reduction induced self-assembly of graphene oxide. As a reductant l-ascorbic acid was used....
Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters
Dane BadawczeThe data set contains the simulation files related to the research paper “Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters”,
To donate or not to donate? Future healthcare professionals’ opinions on biobanking of human biological material for research purposes
PublikacjaBackground Over the last few decades biobanks have been recognised as institutions that may revolutionisebiomedical research and the development of personalised medicine. Poland, however, still lacks clear regulationsregarding the running of biobanks and the conducting of biomedical research. While the awareness of the generalpublic regarding biobanks is low, healthcare professions and medical students also...
Long-term hindcast simulation of sea level in the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of sea level fluctuations over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic model...
The luminescence study of Sc2(1–x)Ga2xO3:Cr3+/4+ coumpounds
Dane BadawczeThe growing interest in the use of near-infrared (NIR) radiation for spectroscopy, optical communication, and medical applications spanning both NIR-I (700–900 nm) and NIR-II (900–1700 nm) has driven the need for new NIR light sources. NIR phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes (pc-LEDs) are expected to replace traditional lamps mainly due to their...
HRV and BPV indices in differentiating OSA patients from healthy controls
Dane BadawczeThe various HRV and BPV indices computed for the purpose of the analyses described in the paper “Differentiating patients with obstructive sleep apnea from healthy controls based on heart rate–blood pressure coupling quantified by entropy-based indices” by P. Pilarczyk, G. Graff, J.M. Amigó, K. Tessmer, K. Narkiewicz, and B. Graff.
Freelance technical writing application for a job which I did not get.
PublikacjaIn this essay I am going to explore the different ways in which developments in engineering technology and materials science have improved the quality of learning and at the same time somewhat diminished students innate intellectual ability which came as the result of what we know as A.I. According to the word "education" comes from the conjunction of a Latin words "I lead" or "duco" meaning "I...
Can augmented democracy fulfil the ideal of deliberative democracy?
PublikacjaNew technologies can broaden the scope of human limits. We can fly to the moon thanks to rocket science, we can communicate with each other by mobile phones and WiFi and we can exceed human life with medical equipment like pacemakers. But there are aspects of our life that still are very distrustful of implementing new technology into functioning. An example of such a field of our everyday life is...
A system for Direction-Of-Arrival estimation in ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band based on ESPAR antenna and SDR technology
PublikacjaDetermination of the direction of the signal arrival (DOA) finds many applications in various areas of science and industry. Knowledge of DOA is used, among others to determine the position of a satellite with a low Earth orbit (LEO), localization of people and things as well as in research of wireless communication systems, for instance the determination of the number of...
Aiswarya Manohar
OsobyI joined as a PhD student in Gdansk tech university of Technology in 2022. In my scientific work, I am primarily focusing on studies related to 3D printing, laser induced graphene, electrochemical sensors and biosensors as well as micro arc oxidation, corrosion, and degradation with emphasis on impedance spectroscopy studies of electrode processes. I am specializing in Materials and surface modifications and characterization. ...
PublikacjaThe book "Bodyguard Profession: A Guide to the Art of Personal Protection" is a comprehensive guide that introduces readers to the intricacies of professional personal protection. The author thoroughly discusses both the physical and psychological aspects of a bodyguard's work, covering elements such as stress management, self-defense techniques, and the use of modern technology in VIP protection. The guide presents...
Биополитика согласно Чеславу Милошу
PublikacjaThe paper shows the origins of the transformation of history into biohistory as well as politics into biopolitics in the writings of Miłosz. It takes into account his view of history when he was a child and his social experiences when he was at school. It proves that the fact that Miłosz comprehends the world within the categories of biopolitics results from projecting Darwinism on the historical past, and then projecting on...
O bliżej nieznanej faunie z Państwa Środka
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy arkana zwierząt ze wzgórz Daba oraz informacji praktycznych o nieznanej faunie z Państwa Środka. Jest to charakterystyka priorytetów badawczych z uwzględnieniem europejskiego wkładu naukowego. Oczywiście fauna i flora z gór środkowej części państwa mandaryńskiego wymaga dokładnego zbadania, ale zwróćmy też uwagę na dzikie gatunki ze wschodu. O okiełznanie bliżej nieznanych drapieżników ssaczych, przeżuwaczy,...
Should we publish in Chinese? –answers exemplified by articles on OSH and electromagnetism indexed in selected databases
PublikacjaThe article addresses the issues of scientific communication, including the indexing of articles in international databases (Web of ScienceCC, Scopus) and Chinese institutions, including technical universities. One of the important issues in assessing the quality of a scientist's work is the...
Hydrological indicators of water zones in inundation, historical water levels, and forcing data for the 1881-2099 period in the lower Biebrza valley
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains hydrological (1) indicators of water source extents in the Biebrza River floodplain (NE Poland) simulated using an integrated hydrological model (IHM), (2) forcing data for the IHM, and (3) water levels in the Osowiec station from the period 1881-1910.
Instytucje demokracji bezpośredniej, partycypacyjnej i deliberacyjnej w Gdańsku od 2010 roku
PublikacjaTematem tej pracy doktorskiej jest studium przypadku stanu demokracji w Gdańsku. Miasto Gdańsk jest uważane jako jedno z najbardziej demokratycznych miast w Polsce, jednak czy to założenie pokrywa się z faktami? Analiza Autora rozprawy doktorskiej jest skupiona na instytucjach demokratycznych na poziomie lokalnym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obywatelskiej inicjatywy uchwałodawczej jako instrumentu...