wszystkich: 25
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ancient materials
Analysis of Transparent Concrete as an Innovative Material Used in Civil Engineering
PublikacjaSince the dawn of history concrete has been, right behind stone and brick, one of the oldest building materials. The ancient Romans took advantage of its opportunities. They constructed amazing architectural objects, which survived centuries as whole buildings or parts of them. Concrete is so ubiquitous, that when we are walking in a newer districts of cities we are virtually surrounded by concrete from everywhere. Sometimes...
Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Retrofitting of Masonry and Heritage Structures Based on Their Vulnerability Revealed in the Bam 2003 Earthquake
PublikacjaFor decades, one of the most critical considerations of civil engineers has been the construction of structures that can sufficiently resist earthquakes. However, in many parts of the globe, ancient and contemporary buildings were constructed without regard for engineering; thus, there is a rising necessity to adapt existing structures to avoid accidents and preserve historical artefacts. There are various techniques for retrofitting...
PublikacjaThe paper studies the role of light in architectural creations of contemporary buildings of representative function. Based on the selected projects and completed buildings dedicated to culture and art, it analyzes and systematizes the examples of using light to obtain visual effects that mark the architecture with a universal and timeless message. The method of research is case study and critical analysis of literature. Light plays...
Ewa Wagner-Wysiecka dr hab. inż.
OsobyEwa Wagner-Wysiecka absolwentka Wydziału Chemicznego PG (Kierunek Technologia Chemiczna, kierunek dyplomowania: Technologia Nieorganiczna, specjalność: Analityka Techniczna i Przemysłowa). Pracę magisterską pt. ”Identyfikacja zanieczyszczeń występujących w farmakopealnej sulfachinoksalinie” zrealizowała pod kierunkiem prof. dr hab. inż. Jana F. Biernata. Po ukończeniu studiów magisterskich (1997 r.) rozpoczęła studia doktoranckie....
Freelance technical writing application for a job which I did not get.
PublikacjaIn this essay I am going to explore the different ways in which developments in engineering technology and materials science have improved the quality of learning and at the same time somewhat diminished students innate intellectual ability which came as the result of what we know as A.I. According to the word "education" comes from the conjunction of a Latin words "I lead" or "duco" meaning "I...
Ancient settlements-atavistic solutions for present water supply and drainage problems engendered by urbanism
PublikacjaWater is the most valuable resource available on earth. Although it is present in abundance, its usable volume is very scarce. This is the reason behind the existence of both floods and droughts around the world. However, human settlements face water scarcity issues that are primarily engendered by improper town planning measures. To create a balance between the available fractions of water, it is therefore imperative to have proper...
PublikacjaThe approach of system thinking is completely different from traditional forms of analysis. Even the ancient meaning of word analysis is “a breaking up”. Set of Experience Knowledge Structure is an atomic record of decision event that can be grouped together and form some form of decision DNA of an organization. The question that this paper is trying to answer in how those concepts can be merged.
Applying ground penetrating radar to tracking of ancient architectural transformations: the case of the monastery St. Peter on the Island of Rab (Croatia)
PublikacjaThe ground-penetrating radar (GPR) method has been used for many years in archaeological research. However, thismethod is still not widely used in studies of past architecture. The biggest problem with the implementation of the GPRmethod at such sites is usually connected with extensive debris layers, plant cover and standing relics of walls and otherfeatures that restrict the available measurement area. Despite of these, properly...
Spillover Effect Occurrence in Tricity
PublikacjaThe key topic of this paper is a spillover effect from multinational companies to the local business environment in Tricity. The purpose of the research is to examine whether spillover effect is present in Tricity, to what extent, and, more importantly, what should be the reaction of the local authorities to the results. Based on qualitative interview-based research conducted with the multinational corporations’ employees, spillover...
Geodesy measurement techniques as an enrichment of archaeological research workflow
PublikacjaUse of geodesy techniques is widespread in different fields of science. Especially in such an emerging and dynamic branch of science as archaeology. Warsaw Institute of Archaeology, conducts many archaeological expeditions, among the others Polish-Georgian archaeological expedition in Gonio, where ancient Roman Bath has been discovered and excavated. Gonio is located in Adjara, Georgia, placed on the Black Sea coast. Fortress...
Badania nad proporcjami historycznych założeń urbanistycznych na przykładzie dzielnicy Nowe Miasto w Szczecinie
PublikacjaProportion and mathematical ratio, as elements of beauty, have been used in architecture and urban planning since ancient times. This article presents a case study of this phenomenon in the form of mathematical analysis of spatial parameters in the district of Nowe Miasto in Szczecin (1845). The analysis demonstrates the absence of the use of geometrical proportion principles, while the principle of ratios was applied. The urban...
The ancient formula of master-apprentice relevance in contemporary architecture education.
PublikacjaThe universalization of the methodology for determining the quality of European higher education exposes the aspect of supporting the student in the education process, which takes the form of tutoring or supervising - a modern form of ancient master-apprentice relationship. The 'master' in architectural education has lawful building qualification and is a member in national architect association - a sine qua non with respect to...
Application of the Optimum Dataset Method in Archeological Studies on Barrows
PublikacjaLight Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) became one of the technologies used in archaeological research. It allows for relatively easy detection of archaeological sites that have their own field form, e.g.: barrows, fortresses, tracts, ancient fields [1]. As a result of the scanning, the so-called point cloud is obtained, often consisting of millions of points. Such large measurement datasets are very time-consuming and labor-intensive...
The role of traditional architectural models in the first stages of education.
PublikacjaThe oldest architectural models discovered by scientists date from the Middle Ages, while models or 1:1 scale prototypes were used in ancient times. Architectural miniatures quickly evolved into an indispensable tool for designers that enabled them to creatively express their thoughts and ideas. Mock-ups became a way of helping a designer communicate a concept, and their educational value was also recognised. The method of modelling,...
In search of a new relationship between nature and society
PublikacjaWe live in an era of breakthrough- not only in the literal sense of the word, but the breakthrough of the century or the millennium. New discoveries and the crisis present in the economy, society, religion and ecology forces a review of all universally accepted theories. Nature, ecology and environment are the key words used in every area of human activity. It has led to the development of a new scientific field- the philosophy...
Ogród muz I
PublikacjaNiniejsza książka składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej znajdują się eseje wprowadzające Czytelnika w tematykę obecności tradycji antycznej w Gdańsku wczesnonowożytnym. Ich autorami są młodzi badacze z różnych ośrodków akademickich. Część druga to katalog wystawy, która miała miejsce w siedzibie Polskiej Akademii Nauk Biblioteki Gdańskiej (19 czerwca do 31 lipca 2015 roku). Na ekspozycji zaprezentowano stare druki i rękopisy...
W gdańskim ogrodzie muz. Gimnazjum Akademickie w Gdańsku wobec kultury starożytnych Greków i Rzymian: idee, teksty, artefakty.
PublikacjaNiniejsza książka składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej znajdują się eseje wprowadzające Czytelnika w tematykę obecności tradycji antycznej w Gdańsku wczesnonowożytnym. Ich autorami są młodzi badacze z różnych ośrodków akademickich. Część druga to katalog wystawy, która miała miejsce w siedzibie Polskiej Akademii Nauk Biblioteki Gdańskiej (19 czerwca do 31 lipca 2015 roku). Na ekspozycji zaprezentowano stare druki i rękopisy...
Treatment innovation using solar/UV In book: The Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater: Innovative Technologies and the Adaptation of Treatment Systems
PublikacjaSince ancient times, sunlight irradiation has been widely used for water purification. Apart from solar water disinfection techniques, UV irradiation is of particular interest when considering the photodegradation of various classes of emerging pollutants. Pharmaceutically active compounds are one of the largest classes of micropollutants. The main sources of these contaminants in wastewater and aqueous environments are households,...
Non-Diophantine Arithmetics in Mathematics, Physics and Psychology
PublikacjaFor a long time, all thought there was only one geometry — Euclidean geometry. Nevertheless, in the 19th century, many non-Euclidean geometries were discovered. It took almost two millennia to do this. This was the major mathematical discovery and advancement of the 19th century, which changed understanding of mathematics and the work of mathematicians providing innovative insights and tools for mathematical research and applications...
The value of less Light – Sustainable architectural lighting design
PublikacjaSince its beginning, the art of external illumination has substantially influ-enced the creation and the perception of architecture and the night-time urban environment. In her lecture, the author examines and defines the significant interdisciplinary conditions related to architectural lighting design that have evolved over the years, starting from the first simple exterior lighting projects to the more modern, complex concepts...
PublikacjaIn recent years Gdańsk had sustained economic and social losses due to severe flash floods coming down from moraine hills. The first flood occurred in July 2001 and the second in July 2016. Both events were caused by intense and long rainfall characterized by different from each other rain intensity in time. Among other Gdansk’s streams the Oliwski Stream has the most extended flood protection system consist of 15 small retention...
Ogród muz II
Publikacja"Gdańsk nowożytny a świat antyczny" – to tytuł drugiego tomu publikacji stanowiącej zapis projektu "W nadbałtyckim ogrodzie muz…", zorganizowanego w roku 2015 przez PAN Bibliotekę Gdańską i Katedrę Filologii Klasycznej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. W tomie pierwszym, wydanym w 2016 roku pod tytułem W gdańskim ogrodzie muz, obok podstawowych dla recepcji kultury grecko-rzymskiej sfer ekspresji, jaką jest poezja i sztuka perswazji,...
Gdańsk nowożytny a świat antyczny
Publikacja"Gdańsk nowożytny a świat antyczny" – to tytuł drugiego tomu publikacji stanowiącej zapis projektu "W nadbałtyckim ogrodzie muz…", zorganizowanego w roku 2015 przez PAN Bibliotekę Gdańską i Katedrę Filologii Klasycznej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. W tomie pierwszym, wydanym w 2016 roku pod tytułem W gdańskim ogrodzie muz, obok podstawowych dla recepcji kultury grecko-rzymskiej sfer ekspresji, jaką jest poezja i sztuka perswazji,...
Blue-berried honeysuckle a promising cancer preventing fruit; Polish genotypes as a source of bioactive phytochemicals
PublikacjaFrom the ancient times, plants containing health-oriented compounds in their matrices are used in the treatment of different complaints and diseases. One of these groups are plant secondary metabolites (PSM), especially phenolic compounds, terpenes and terpenoids. A large number of PSM exhibit cytotoxicity against a variety of tumor cells, as well as cancer preventive and anticancer efficacy in preclinical animal models. For this...
Petrophysical analyses of rock construction materials from the Roman rural settlement in Podšilo bay on Rab island (NE Adriatic, Croatia)
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of petrophysical analyses of limestones and sandstones used for the construction of the wall structures of a Roman rural settlement located in Podšilo Bay on Rab Island (Croatia). An on-site analysis of the walls indicated the use of different lithotypes, which is an uncommon case in the area. So far, no petrophysical properties of the applied materials have been tested, and their provenance...