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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LPXC
Molecular basis of essentiality of early critical steps in the lipopolysaccharide biogenesis in Escherichia coli K-12: requirement of MsbA, cardiolipin, LpxL, LpxM and GcvB
PublikacjaTo identify the physiological factors that limit the growth of Escherichia coli K-12 strains synthesizing minimal lipopolysaccharide (LPS), we describe the first construction of strains devoid of the entire waa locus and concomitantly lacking all three acyltransferases (LpxL/LpxM/LpxP), synthesizing minimal lipid IVA derivatives with a restricted ability to grow at around 21 °C. Suppressors restoring growth up to 37 °C of Δ(gmhD-waaA)...
Escherichia coli K-12 suppressor-free mutants lacking early glycosyltransferases and late acyltransferases. Minimal lipopolysaccharide structure and induction of envelope stress response.
PublikacjaTo elucidate the minimal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure needed for the viability of Escherichia coli, suppressor-free strains lacking either the 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid transferase waaA gene or derivatives of the heptosyltransferase I waaC deletion with lack of one or all late acyltransferases (lpxL/M/P) and/or various outer membrane biogenesis factors were constructed. Δ(waaC lpxL lpxM lpxP) and waaA mutants exhibited...
A new factor LapD is required for the regulation of LpxC amounts and lipopolysaccharide trafficking
PublikacjaLipopolysaccharide (LPS) constitutes the major component of the outer membrane and is essential for bacteria, such as Escherichia coli. Recent work has revealed the essential roles of LapB and LapC proteins in regulating LPS amounts; although, if any additional partners are involved is unknown. Examination of proteins co-purifying with LapB identified LapD as a new partner. The purification of LapD reveals that it forms a complex...
Suppressors of lapC mutation identify new regulators of LpxC, which mediates the first committed step in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis
PublikacjaGram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, are characterized by an asymmetric outer membrane (OM) with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) located in the outer leaflet and phospholipids facing the inner leaflet. E. coli recruits LPS assembly proteins LapB, LapC and LapD in concert with FtsH protease to ensure a balanced biosynthesis of LPS and phospholipids. We recently reported that bacteria either lacking the periplasmic domain of...
Regulation of the First Committed Step in Lipopolysaccharide Biosynthesis Catalyzed by LpxC Requires the Essential Protein LapC (YejM) and HslVU Protease
PublikacjaWe previously showed that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) assembly requires the essential LapB protein to regulate FtsH-mediated proteolysis of LpxC protein that catalyzes the first committed step in the LPS synthesis. To further understand the essential function of LapB and its role in LpxC turnover, multicopy suppressors of ΔlapB revealed that overproduction of HslV protease subunit prevents its lethality by proteolytic degradation...
Identyfikacja dźwięków serca za pomocą algorytmu LPC oraz sztucznej sieci neuronowej.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono algorytm klasyfikacji sygnału fonokardiograficznego, który umożliwia skuteczną identyfikację 12 różnych stanów. Poprzez połączenie ze sobą algorytmu kodowania liniowego (LPC) wraz ze sztuczną siecią neuronową uzyskano skuteczność klasyfikacji sięgającą 82% oraz pełną skuteczność w rozróżnieniu pomiędzy stanami: braku lub występowania schorzenia. Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano dla jednokierunkowych, dwuwarstwowych...
Wykorzystanie algorytmu kompresji sygnału mowy MP-LPC do modelowania przebiegu fonokardiograficznego
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę modelowania dźwięków serca, która może znaleźć zastosowanie w systemach diagnostyki urządzeń medycznych oraz stanowić podstawę opracowania inteligentnego stetoskopu. Przedstawiona propozycja stanowi rozwinięcie algorytmu MP-LPC wykorzystywanego w kompresji sygnału mowy. Wykazano, że do dokładnego modelowania przebiegu fonokardiograficznego, który pozwala na odwzorowywanie różnorodnych stanów...
Regulation of LPS assembly via controlled proteolysis and sensing of LPS stress in Escherichia coli
PublikacjaLipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a complex glycolipid, essential for the bacterial viability and along with phospholipids, it constitutes the major amphiphilic component of outer membrane (OM) in most of the Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli. LPS molecules confer an effective permeability barrier to the OM and play a crucial role in bacteria-environment and -host interactions. The synthesis and accumulation of this...
Assembly of Lipopolysaccharide in Escherichia coli Requires the Essential LapB Heat Shock Protein
PublikacjaHere, we describe two new heat shock proteins involved in the assembly of LPS in Escherichia coli, LapA and LapB (lipopolysaccharide assembly protein A and B). lapB mutants were identified based on an increased envelope stress response. Envelope stress responsive pathways control key steps in LPS biogenesis and respond to defects in the LPS assembly. Accordingly, the LPS content in ΔlapB or Δ(lapA lapB) mutants was elevated, with...
Checkpoints that regulate balanced biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide and its essentiality in Escherichia coli
PublikacjaThe outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, is essential for their viability. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) constitutes the major component of OM, providing the permeability barrier, and a tight balance exists between LPS and phospholipids amounts as both of these essential components use a common metabolic precursor. Hence, checkpoints are in place, right from the regulation of the first committed step...
Investigations of speech signal parameters with regard to articulation influences
PublikacjaW pracy zostało podjęte zagadnienie parametryzacji sygnału mowy w kontekście ekstrakcji cech biometrycznych. Analizowane parametry to parametry cepstralne (cepstrum liniowe i mel-cepstrum, czyli MFCC), parametry liniowej predykcji (LPC) oraz momenty widmowe i parametr F0. Zastosowano analize w krótkich stałych segmentach sygnału z zastosowaniem dużego zakładkowania, tzw. ''implicite segmentation''. Umożliwiło to zaobserwowanie...
Sterowanie czujnikami pracującymi w sieci zigbee przy pomocy komend glosowych
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono bezprzewodową sieć sensorową, pobierającą i przekazującą informacje z czujników temperatury i oświetlenia sterowanych głosem. Funkcjonalność systemu może zostać wykorzystana do sterowania urządzeniami automatyki domowej. System składa się z trzech zasadniczych elementów: koordynatora sieci ZigBee, urządzenia końcowego (pomiarowego) wyposażonego w czujniki światła i temperatury oraz komputera PC. Użytkownik może zarządzać...
PublikacjaThe quality of voice messages in speech reinforcement and public address systems is often poor. The sound engineering projects of such systems take care of sound intensity and possible reverberation phenomena in public space without, however, considering the influence of acoustic interference related to the number and distribution of loudspeakers. This paper presents the results of measurements and numerical simulations of the...
Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition
PublikacjaThe study addresses the issues related to the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech signal for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and time-frequency signal representation converted to the investigated feature spaces. In particular, waveforms and fractal dimension features of the signal were chosen for the time domain, and...
PublikacjaAn increasing demand for electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices stimulates progress in research on electrode and electrolyte materials. In the field of electrodes materials, silicon is the one of the most promising anode materials for Li-ion batteries. However silicon has the drastic volume variation (around 3 times lower on extraction) during insertion and extraction of lithium ions. As an alternative, nanocomposites...
A comprehensive lipidomic analysis of oilseeds using LC-Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid phase (D-μ-SPE) extraction techniques
PublikacjaGrowing public health awareness increased the demand for natural products with positive health benefits. Vegetable oils containing omega-3 fatty acids (FA) such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has been proposed as a possible source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In this work, a comprehensive lipidome analysis and comparison of seven oilseeds, including flaxseed, chia, hemp, black cumin, white sesame,...