dr inż. Aleksandra Romanowska
- Assistant professor at Department of Transportation Engineering
Research fields
total: 30
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Interventions reducing car usage: Systematic review and meta-analysis
PublicationThis systematic literature review aimed to investigate the extent to which transport-related interventions induced a reduction in car use. Both qualitative synthesis and meta-analysis were employed. The synthesis included 31 original studies, while the meta-analysis included 21. Of the qualitatively synthesised studies, 74 % demonstrated that interventions were effective in reducing car use. The pooled estimates of the effects...
Investigating trip and parking characteristics of hospitals: A case study from Tri-City, Poland
PublicationThis research aims to investigate public hospitals’ trip and parking characteristics based on the study conducted in Poland in September 2021 on the example of the Tri-City agglomeration. The main objective of the research was to build models of the relationship between the number of trips during peak transport hours and the number of beds. The second research element was the analysis of transport behavior in these areas. The research...
Zarządzanie dostępnością Zintegrowanych Węzłów Przesiadkowych
PublicationPodstawowym celem badawczym opisanym w monografii było przedstawienie stanu prawnego (obowiązującego w Polsce na dzień dzisiejszy), stanu technicznego oraz organizacyjnego w zakresie planowania, projektowania, budowy/przebudowy oraz eksploatacji węzłów przesiadkowych w dużych miastach, z uwzględnieniem bezpieczeństwa i komfortu podróżowania osób ze szczególnymi potrzebami. Planując budowę/rozbudowę Zintegrowanego Węzła Przesiadkowego,...
Year 2023
Analysis of road accident causes in the voivodships in the years 2014-2021 in the aspect of socio-economic costs – towards the implementation of sustainable development
PublicationThe article addresses the topic of road safety. The objective of the research was to assess road accidents caused by voivodships. The analysis took account of the socio-economic differences in the voivodships, which deter-mine the unit costs of fatalities and injuries. A descriptive analysis is given to show the dynamics of changes in the years 2014-2021 in the voivodships and how different factors influenced change. The article...
Year 2022
Activity of Patents in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production in the Context of Passenger Car Fleet in the V4 Countries
PublicationThe hydrogen market in the world today is capable ovule and em-pirical evidence on activity of patents in fuel cells and hydrogen production islimited so far. Patent applications in zero-emission mobility in the aspect of fuelcells include: DAFC/DMFC&DMFC, PEMFC, SOFC, AFC, PAFC. As for thepatents relating to the hydrogen production, they concern low carbon, electrol-ysis and inorganic. The purpose of the study was to investigate...
Determinants and effects of Poland’s road accidents in the context of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development – poviat level analysis for the years 2010-2019
PublicationThe objective of the research was to assess how selected factors influence road safety in Poland’s poviats. To that end, an analysis was conducted of road accident determinants and effects in the poviats in the years 2010-2019. The time horizon fits in with Goal 3.6. of Agenda 2030, which is to halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2020. The article pres-ents the analysis results for the...
Health Enhancing Physical Activity Policies in Poland: Findings from the HEPA PAT Survey
PublicationInsufficient physical activity (PA) is one of major risk factors for serious diseases and premature mortality worldwide. Public policies to enhance PA across society are recognized as an effective tool against the problem. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of national-level PA policy approach in Poland. A standardized survey of Word Health Organization named the Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Policy...
Impact evaluation of a cycling promotion campaign using daily bicycle counters data: The case of Cycling May in Poland
PublicationThe promotion of active and sustainable transport modes as an alternative to motorised individual transport has become a key policy priority in Europe, to reduce air pollution, road congestion, noise, traffic injuries, and the adverse health outcomes of sedentary lifestyles. Policymakers are implementing a wide range of measures to encourage this shift in attitudes and behaviours. These interventions are most valuable when targeting...
Investigating the Impact of Weather Conditions and Time of Day on Traffic Flow Characteristics
PublicationAdverse weather such as rain, snow, and fog may significantly reduce visibility or change adhesion properties and, as a consequence, affect drivers’ sense of safety, driving comfort, and their reaction to a changing driving environment (i.e., lower speed and increased headways). The changed behavior of individual drivers affects both traffic flow characteristics, that is, average speed and headways, and parameters related to highway...
Vision Zero in Poland
PublicationPoland’s experience of road safety work is relatively short. In the early 1990s road deaths soared to a staggering 8000 a year. A diagnosis found that Poland’s lack of systemic road safety action was to blame for those figures. In response, the state set up road safety bodies and commissioned road safety programs. In 2005, Poland followed the example of Sweden and adopted Vision Zero as a far-reaching concept of changes in road...
Year 2021
Comparison of Traffic Flow Models with Real Traffic Data Based on a Quantitative Assessment
PublicationThe fundamental relationship of traffic flow and bivariate relations between speed and flow, speed and density, and flow and density are of great importance in transportation engineering. Fundamental relationship models may be applied to assess and forecast traffic conditions at uninterrupted traffic flow facilities. The objective of the article was to analyze and compare existing models of the fundamental relationship. To that...
Year 2020
Development of the New Polish Method for Capacity Analysis of Motorways and Expressways
PublicationThe paper presents development of the new Polish method for performing capacity analysis of basic segments of dual carriageway roads (motorways and expressways). The method is based on field traffic surveys conducted at 30 motorway and expressway sites (class A and S roads) in Poland. Traffic flows, composition and travel times were observed in 15-min intervals at each site using ANPR filming method. These data were used to calibrate...
Year 2019
A Study of Transport Behaviour of Academic Communities
PublicationAn important challenge to achieving sustainable university campuses is ensuring that the academic community makes sustainable transport choices. The objective of this study was to investigate the daily commuting patterns, identify the potential for change, and determine the factors and criteria affecting the transport decisions of academic communities of two universities located in Gdansk, Poland. This paper summarizes the results...
Experiences and Challenges in Fatality Reduction on Polish Roads
PublicationAccording to the UN, road safety is the key to achieving sustainable development goals, yet the complexity of how road accidents happen makes this a difficult challenge leaving many countries struggling with the problem. For years, Poland has infamously been one of the EU’s top countries for road-accident fatality rates. Despite that, it has made significant progress in the last thirty years with a fatality reduction of more than...
Makroskopowe modele ruchu potoku pojazdów na odcinkach międzywęzłowych autostrad i dróg ekspresowych
PublicationAutostrady i drogi ekspresowe stanowią rdzeń sieci drogowej kraju, zapewniając podstawowe międzynarodowe i międzyregionalne połączenia transportowe. Dynamiczny rozwój sieci tych dróg w Europie i USA w drugiej połowie XX wieku spowodował. że inżynierowie ruchu drogowego i naukowcy zaczęli obserwować ruch pojazdów na tych drogach poszukując: modeli opisujących ruch potoku pojazdów, metod szacowania przepustowości i metod oceny warunków...
Review of methods for assessing traffic conditions on basic motorway and expressway sections
PublicationMotorways and expressways are the core of each country’s road system. Road planning, design and management requires tools to ensure that roads have the right geometry, traffic layout and equipment. These include methods for capacity estimation and assessing traffic conditions. Because the paper focusses on the basic segments of motorways and expressways (sections located between interchanges and outside of their influence), its...
Year 2018
Analysing the impact of traffic incidents on express road traffic flow using FREEVAL
PublicationTraffic incidents occurring on motorways or express roads cause disruptions and deteriorate traffic conditions. The impact will differ depending on the type of incident, its duration and space blocked on the roadway and can be measured with e.g. average speed reduction, extension of travel time, time lost or overall costs of traffic disruptions. The aim of the paper is to analyse this impact, based on data from the Tri-City Ring...
Analysis of the impact of socio-economic development on road safety based on the example of Baltic Sea Region countries
PublicationBaltic Sea Region (BSR) is a specific region of Europe, bringing together countries with different levels of socio-economic development. The main common point is territorial access to the Baltic Sea and the importance of maritime transport in the transportation of goods. The region consists of 9 countries, including Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia (more specifically, Kaliningrad...
Assessing Highway Travel Time Reliability using Probe Vehicle Data
PublicationProbe vehicle data (also known as “floating car data”) can be used to analyze travel time reliability of an existing road corridor in order to determine where, when, and how often traffic congestion occurs at particular road segments. The aim of the study is to find the best reliability performance measures for assessing congestion frequency and severity based on probe data. Pilot surveys conducted on A2 motorway in Poland confirm...
Impact of adverse winter weather on traffic flow
PublicationThe paper aims to analyse the impact of adverse weather in winter on traffic flow using data from a dual carriageway section of an express road located in Gdansk. For the purposes of the analysis, traffic and meteorological data were collected for a period of 15 months in 2014-2015 and aggregated to 5 minutes intervals. The impact of winter weather conditions on traffic flow was assessed by comparing aggregated traffic stream parameters...
Integration of a Multilevel Transport System Model into Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
PublicationWhen planning their transport policy, cities usually focus on developing sustainable transport systems and reducing the negative consequences of transport. One way to deliver transport policies is to use the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), a strategic document designed to meet the demand for mobility whilst ensuring adequate quality of life for the residents. The process of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP process)...
Wpływ niekorzystnych warunków atmosferycznych występujących zimą na ruch potoku pojazdów
PublicationNiekorzystne warunki atmosferyczne, poprzez ograniczenie widoczności czy zmniejszenie przyczepności pojazdu, mogą znacząco wpływać na poczucie bezpieczeństwa wśród kierowców. W przypadku intensywnych opadów deszczu, deszczu ze śniegiem czy deszczu, mokrej lub oblodzonej nawierzchni wielu z nich będzie wybierało niższą prędkość i utrzymywało większe odstępy między pojazdami. To z kolei będzie wpływało na przepustowość drogi i poziom...
Year 2017
Pedestrian safety management using the risk-based approach
PublicationThe paper presents a concept of a multi-level pedestrian safety management system. Three management levels are distinguished: strategic, tactical and operational. The basis for the proposed approach to pedestrian safety management is a risk-based method. In the approach the elements of behavioural and systemic theories were used, allowing for the development of a formalised and repeatable procedure integrating the phases of risk...
The Effect of University Campuses on the Modal Split of Polish Cities
PublicationThe article considers the effect Polish public universities have on the characteristics of urban traffic. The article describes how the public university community has changed over 25 years and its share in the urban population. The characteristics of the modal split in Polish university towns is given based on selected cases. The relation between the share of transport modes in the modal split and the size of towns or university...
Universities as Part of the Urban Transport System—Analysis Using the Example of the Gdansk University of Technology and Medical University of Gdansk
PublicationMany cities perceive academic function as a distinctive feature, representing the rank and prestige of the city. Universities provide places for work and learning for a high number of people and represent a significant proportion compared to the total city population (even 22%). Many of Polish universities are located in the urban structure in the form of spatially concentrated campuses, where the number of people working and studying...
Year 2016
Segmentation of academic community for the purposes of mobility plan development – case study of Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationThe objective of the paper is to analyse the structure of academic community for its transport behaviour and attitudes using the example of the Gdansk University of Technology (the GUT) in Poland. Once understood, the group can be divided into homogenous sub-groups and studied for their potential and ways to influence their behaviour, attitudes and transport patterns. The results may be used to develop dedicated actions designed...
Year 2015
Działania dla rozwoju zrównoważonej mobilności miejskiej w Gdyni
PublicationWspółczesne planowanie mobilności, ze względu na konieczność silnego zaangażowania interesariuszy, szerokich konsultacji społecznych i przygotowania kompleksowego planu, jest procesem niezwykle złożonym i czasochłonnym. W odróżnieniu od tradycyjnego planowania transportu proces ten powinien koncentrować się nie tylko na zapewnieniu lepszych warunków ruchu, ale przede wszystkim na dążeniu do zapewnienia jak najwyższej jakości życia...
Wielkopowierzchniowe obiekty handlowe - zwykłe generatory ruchu czy źródła problemów transportowych?
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano dane na temat funkcjonowania dużych centrów handlowych w miastach, uzyskane z polskich i obcojęzycznych źródeł literatury oraz badań realizowanych w Polsce i za granicą. Przedstawione zagadnienia pozwalają na zapoznanie się z podstawową wiedzą na temat zachowań klientów oraz poznanie uwarunkowań określania oferty parkingowej wielkopowierzchniowych obiektów handlowych. Przedstawiono także charakterystyki...
Year 2012
Problemy modelowania liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych na przykładzie Gdańska
PublicationJedną z podstawowych danych niezbędnych do planowania elementów systemu transportowego jest informacja o liczbie podróży odbywanych na analizowanym obszarze. Dane te uzyskiwane są najczęściej za pomocą symulacyjnych modeli transportowych. Jednym z istotnych elementów i pierwszym etapem najczęściej stosowanego, klasycznego modelu czterostopniowego jest modelowanie liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych, podczas którego to...
Ruchotwórczość wielkopowierzchniowych obiektów handlowych trzeciej generacji na przykładzie Trójmiasta
PublicationWielkopowierzchniowe obiekty (handlowe, usługowe itp.) generują ruch o dużych natężeniach, które często przekraczają możliwości przepustowe przyległego układu ulicznego. Wpływają w ten sposób na znaczne pogorszenie się warunków ruchu w najbliższym otoczeniu obiektu i zakłócenia w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu systemu transportowego miasta. Wobec braku polskich doświadczeń konieczne jest badanie wpływu wybranych czynników demograficznych,...
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