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Search results for: DATA MINING IN MUSIC
Self-organizing maps classification of epidemiological data and toenail selenium content monitored on cancer and healthy patients from Poland
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki wielowymiarowej analizy danych pomiarowych (przy wykorzystaniu techniki samoorganizującej sie mapy (SOM))nad oszacowaniem zawartości selenu w próbkach paznokci pobranych od mieszkańców Województwa Pomorskiego ((w tym od grupy osób zdrowych i ze zdiagnozowaną chorobą nowotworową) i Lubuskiego. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy uzyskano podział uczestników ze zdiagnozowanym nowotworem na trzy różne grupy:1...
Decision making techniques for electronic communication: an example for Turkey
PublicationCommunication is the way for people exchanging information with each other by using various tools. Electronic communication or Ecommunication is the process of sending, receiving and processing information or messages electronically. Electronic communication that is closely related to the development levels of countries, has made considerable progress especially in terms technology, innovation and entrepreneur. In this study, it...
Nuclear magnetic shielding constants of Dirac one-electron atoms in some low-lying discrete energy eigenstates
PublicationWe present tabulated data for the nuclear magnetic shielding constants (σ) of the Dirac one-electron atoms with a pointlike, motionless and spinless nucleus of charge Ze. Utilizing the exact general analytical formula for σ derived by us (Stefańska, 2016) valid for an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate, we have computed the numerical values of the magnetic shielding factors for the ground state and for the first and the second...
Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics
PublicationWhen we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...
Przegląd badań dotyczących efektywności i produktywności oświaty (szkół podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych) w Polsce, prowadzonych za pomocą metody Data Envelopment Analysis i indeksu Malmquista
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie i ocena prowadzonych za pomocą metody Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) i indeksu Malmquista badań dotyczących polskich placówek oświatowych. Wykorzystano systematyczny i krytyczny przegląd literatury przedmiotu do zobrazowania postępu badań nad edukacją podstawową i ponadpodstawową. Badania zostały przeanalizowane ze względu na różne kryteria, biorąc pod uwagę: 1) metodę DEA i indeksu Malmquista,...
Analysis of moisture conditions in the lowland areas using high resolution spectral data from the Sentinel-2 satellite and the GIS tools
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Estimation of concentration equilibrium constants of reaction between mutagenic HAA and antimutagenic cabbage phytochemicals based on data from Ames test
PublicationWykorzystano dane testu Amesa, przy pomocy którego oceniono antymutagenne właściwości fitokompleksu kapusty w stosunku do modelowych kancerogennych heterocyklicznych amin aromatycznych (HAA), do oszacowania stężeniowych stałych reakcji HAA z izotiocyjanianami występującymi w tym warzywie. Wyznaczone stężeniowe stałe reakcji wskazują na dużą stabilność powstałych koniugatów, a zatem sugerują, że kapusta może efektywnie chronić organizm...
Characteristics of the onset of the growing season in Poland based on the application of remotely sensed data in the context of weather conditions and land cover types
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Pesticides in precipitation - a review of data from 1975 to 2001 = Stężenia pestycydów w opadach atmosferycznych w latach 1975-2001
PublicationZebrano i opracowano dane literaturowe dotyczące trwałości w środowisku, metodyki analitycznej i przede wszystkim wyników badań pestycydów występujących w próbkach opadów atmosferycznych w różnych regionach. Przeprowadzono analizę danych i przedstawiono stan zanieczyszczenia wód opadowych pestycydami w okresie 1975-2001 na terenie Europy i Ameryki Północnej. Z zebranych danych wynika, że pestycydy występują wszędzie, nie tylko...
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Weighted Ensemble with one-class Classification and Over-sampling and Instance selection (WECOI): An approach for learning from imbalanced data streams
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An insight into craft activities in rural areas of Dalmatia province - first data on iron working at the Roman settlement in Lopar (Island of Rab)
PublicationWithin multidisciplinary research carried out at Podšilo bay in Lopar on the island of Rab (north-eastern Adriatic), on the bases of movable finds and, possibly, geophysical measurements, evidence of ironworking has been detected within a Roman rural site where ceramic building materials production was ascertained before. Preliminary analyses of several samples of slug, iron objects and nearby collected minerals support the...
Comparison of Macintosh and Intubrite laryngoscopes for orotracheal intubation by nurses during resuscitation: preliminary data of a randomized crossover simulation-based study
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Genetic diversity in natural populations of noble crayfish (Astacus astacusL.) in north-western Poland on the basis of combined SSR and AFLP data
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Thermal Niches of Two Invasive Genotypes of the Wheat Curl Mite Aceria tosichella: Congruence between Physiological and Geographical Distribution Data
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Combining data from multiple sources to design a raptor census - the first national survey of the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus in Poland
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Cryptic species within the wheat curl mite Aceria tosichella (Keifer) (Acari : Eriophyoidea), revealed by mitochondrial, nuclear and morphometric data
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Pattern Recognition Methods in Evaluation of the Structure of the Laboratory Data Biominerals, Antioxidant Enzymes, Selected Biochemical Parameters, and Pulmonary Function of Welders
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Simultaneous determination of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of aminopolycarbonate complexes of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) based on isothermal titration calorimetry data
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Comparison of mass spectrometry data and bioinformatics predictions to assess the bona fide localization of proteins identified in cell wall proteomics studies
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Protection of visual data transmission for vessel traffic systems using joint fingerprinting and decryption method based on modified hill cipher
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Analysis of the objects images on the sea using Dempster-Shafer Theory
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of using aerial and satellite imagery or images coming from the marine radar to identify and track vessels at sea. The acquired data were subjected to a highly advanced image analysis. The development of remote sensing techniques allows to gain a huge amount of data. These data are useful information source however usually we have to use different data mining methods to gain interested information....
Magnetic-dipole-to-electric-quadrupole cross-susceptibilities for relativistic hydrogenlike atoms in some low-lying discrete energy eigenstates
PublicationIn this paper we present tabulated data for magnetic-dipole-to-electric-quadrupole cross-susceptibilities (χ_{M1→E2}) for Dirac one-electron atoms with a pointlike, spinless and motionless nucleus of charge Ze. Numerical values of this susceptibility for the hydrogen atom (Z = 1) and for hydrogenic ions with 2 \leqslant Z \leqslant 137 are computed from the general analytical formula, recently derived by us (Stefanska, 2016), valid...
PublicationIn this paper we present our approach to RecSys Challenge 2015. Given a set of e-commerce events, the task is to predict whether a user will buy something in the current session and, if yes, which of the item will be bought. We show that the data preparation and enrichment are very important in finding the solution for the challenge and that simple ideas and intuitions could lead to satisfactory results. We also show that simple...
A Warrior Society: Data From 30 Countries Show That Belief in a Zero-Sum Game Is Related to Military Expenditure and Low Civil Liberties
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Cannot see the diversity for all the species: Evaluating inclusion criteria for local species lists when using abundant citizen science data
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What determines export structure in the EU countries? The use of gravity model in international trade based on the panel data for the years 1995-2015
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Addressing a bottle neck for regulation of nanomaterials: quantitative read-across (Nano-QRA) algorithm for cases when only limited data is available
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Assessment of Grassland Biomass Prediction Using AquaCrop Model: Integrating Sentinel-2 Data and Ground Measurements in Wielkopolska and Podlasie Regions, Poland
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A Genomic and Transcriptomic Study on the DDT-Resistant Trichoderma hamatum FBL 587: First Genetic Data into Mycoremediation Strategies for DDT-Polluted Sites
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Prediction of protein structure with the coarse-grained UNRES force field assisted by small X-ray scattering data and knowledge-based information
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Ensemble fits of restrained peptides’ conformational equilibria to NMR data. Dependence on force fields: AMBER/8 ff03 versus ECEPP/3
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Methods of quality assessment and analysis of data given in customer service process on example of selected urban communication organization - result of research 2016
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On the relationship between the structural and volumetric properties of solvated metal ions in O-donor solvents using new structural data in amide solvents
PublicationThe structures of the N,N-dimethylformamide (dmf), N,N-dimethylacetamide (dma), and N,N-dimethylpropionamide (dmp) solvated strontium and barium ions have been determined in solution using large angle X-ray scattering and EXAFS spectroscopy. The strontium ion has a mean coordination number (CN) between 6.2 and 6.8, and the barium ion has a mean CN between 7.1 and 7.8 in these amide solvents. The non-integer numbers indicates that...
High resolution optical and acoustic remote sensing datasets of the Puck Lagoon
PublicationThe very shallow marine basin of Puck Lagoon in the southern Baltic Sea, on the Northern coast of Poland, hosts valuable benthic habitats and cultural heritage sites. These include, among others, protected Zostera marina meadows, one of the Baltic’s major medieval harbours, a ship graveyard, and likely other submerged features that are yet to be discovered. Prior to this project, no comprehensive high-resolution remote sensing...
Assessment of the water quality of Kłodnica River catchment using self-organizing maps
PublicationRisk assessment of industrial areas heavily polluted due to anthropogenic actions is of increasing concern worldwide. So is the case of Polish Silesia region where mostly heavy industry like smelters, mining, chemical industries as well as heat and electricity production facilities are being located. Such situation raises numerous questions about environmental state of local water bodies with special attention paid to the Kłodnica...
A Study on Audio Signal Processed by "Instant Mastering"
PublicationAn increasing amount of music produced in home- and project-studios results in development and growth of "automatic mastering services". The presented investigation explores changes introduced to audio signal by various online mastering platforms. A music set consisting of 10 songs produced in small facilities was processed by eight on-line automatic mastering services. Additionally, some laboratory-constructed signals were tested....
Dia- and paramagnetic contributions to magnetizabilities of relativistic hydrogenlike atoms in some low-lying discrete energy eigenstates
PublicationIn this paper we present tabulated data for relative diamagnetic and paramagentic contributions to the magnetizability ($\chi$) of the relativistic hydrogenlike atoms with a pointlike, motionless and spinless nucleus of charge $Ze$. Utilizing general analytical formulas for the diamagnetic ($\chi_{d}$) and paramagnetic ($\chi_{p}$) components of $\chi$, recently derived by us [P. Stefa{\'n}ska, 2020] with the aid of the Gordon...
Multimedia services applied to noise and hearing monitoring and measuring
PublicationThe goal of this chapter is to show a research study related to processing of data acquired by the multimedia services engineered at the multimedia systems department (MSD) of the Gdansk University of Technology. This concerns a survey on noise threat employing the multimedia noise monitoring system (MNMS) and hearing tests performed by the "I can hear. . . " system. The obtained results of the noise measurements revealed that...
Analysis of results of large-scale multimodal biometric identity verification experiment
PublicationAn analysis of a large set of biometric data obtained during the enrolment and the verification phase in an experimental biometric system installed in bank branches is presented. Subjective opinions of bank clients and of bank tellers were also surveyed concerning the studied biometric methods in order to discover and to explore relations emerging from the obtained multimodal dataset. First, data acquisition and identity verification...
Static electric and magnetic multipole susceptibilities for Dirac one-electron atoms in the ground state
PublicationWe present tabulated data for several families of static electric and magnetic multipole susceptibilities for hydrogenic atoms with nuclear charge numbers from the range $1\leq Z\leq137$. Atomic nuclei are assumed to be point-like and spinless. The susceptibilities considered include the multipole electric polarizabilities $\alpha_{\mathrm{E}L\to\mathrm{E}L}$ and magnetizabilities (magnetic susceptibilities) $\chi_{\mathrm{M}L\to\mathrm{M}L}$...
Detection of molecular signatures of oral squamous cell carcinoma and normal epithelium - application of a novel methodology for unsupervised segmentation of imaging mass spectrometry data
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Dot-com and AI bubbles: Can data from the past be helpful to match the price bubble euphoria phase using dynamic time warping?
PublicationThe article investigates the existence of a price bubble in the artificial intelligence market, employing the Generalised Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and dynamic time warping methodology. It proposes a method to detect the end of the price bubble euphoria phase, generating an average profit of close to 7% over 5 days and over 10.5% over 20 days, with almost 90% effectiveness. The study found that the AI market experienced...
A Comprehensive Approach to Azo Dichlorotriazine Dye Treatment: Assessing the Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Methods through Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
PublicationThis exploration investigates integrated treatment systems combining advanced oxidation processes (Fenton and photo-Fenton) with biological methods for the effective elimination of stubborn organic compounds in simulated textile wastewater composed of azo Dichlorotriazine dye. A comprehensive optimization of key process factors including catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide quantity, irradiation duration, etc. was systematically...
Hypertension types defined by clinic and ambulatory blood pressure in 14 143 patients referred to hypertension clinics worldwide. Data from the ARTEMIS study
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The wheat curl miteAceria tosichella(Acari: Eriophyoidea) is a complex of cryptic lineages with divergent host ranges: evidence from molecular and plant bioassay data
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Reversed-Phase TLC and HPLC Retention Data in Correlation Studies with in Silico Molecular Descriptors and Druglikeness Properties of Newly Synthesized Anticonvulsant Succinimide Derivatives
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Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Activity of a 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Phospholipid Hybrid Bilayer: Retrieving Orientational Parameters from a DFT Analysis of Experimental Data
PublicationThe vibrational nonlinear activity of films of 2,4-dinitrophenyl phospholipid (DNP) at the solid interface is measured by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG). Hybrid bilayers are formed by a LangmuirSchaefer approach in which the lipid layer is physisorbed on top of a self-assembled monolayer of dodecanethiol on Pt with the polar heads pointing out from the surface. The SFG response is investigated in two vibrational frequency...