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Search results for: EUROPEAN UNION
Impact of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption on the Production of the Agricultural Sector in the European Union
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Impact of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption on the Production of the Agricultural Sector in the European Union
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Chemical recycling of plastic waste as a mean to implement the circular economy model in the European Union
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Determinants of innovativeness of the “new” European union countries between 2004 and 2016 – comparative analysis
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Monitoring of essential and toxic elements in multi-ingredient food supplements produced in European Union
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The European Union Development Policy and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations
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The Impact of Energy Development of the European Union Euro Area Countries on CO2 Emissions Level
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On Enhancing the COVID-19 Certification System for the Digitally-Illiterate People Inclusion in the European Union
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Level and significance of European Union means in the budgets of non-urban poviats of Pomeranian voivodeship
PublicationJednym z warunków prowadzenia działań mających na celu rozwój obszaru jest posiadanie środków finansowych pozwalających realizować zadania, które ten rozwój determinują. Środki te pochodzić mogą z różnych źródeł. Jednym z tych źródeł jest wsparcie pochodzące z budżetu Unii Europejskiej przyznawane w określonych ramach czasowych zwanych okresem programowania. Polska już po raz drugi korzystać może z pomocy udzielanej w tej formie....
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Visegrad Countries towards Internationalisation Challenges in the European Union
PublicationThe chapter characterises and compares SMEs in Visegrad Countries and their international behaviours.
The Impact of Trade Integration with the European Union on Productivity in a Posttransition Economy: The Case of Polish Manufacturing Sectors
PublicationThis paper addresses the relationship between productivity growth in Polish manufacturing sectors and forces stemming from trade integration with the European Union. Empirical analysis (1995-2006) is based on sector-level bilateral data concerning both domestic (Polish) and foreign (partner countries from the enlarged European Union) markets' characteristics and their degree of openness. The main results indicate that, both in...
Quality of Consumed Energy as a Key Element in the Development of Processes of Energy Transformation in the European Union Countries
PublicationThe process of energy transformation is one of the crucial elements of the process of improvement of the quality of consumed energy. The aim of the research is to assess the European Union countries in terms of the quality of their consumed energy and the speed of adaptation of this aspect of the energy transformation process. We assess the quality of consumed energy by means of the synthetic measure obtained by means of the dynamic...
The TEMPUS PROGRAM - Computational Geometry for Ships i.e. our first step towards the European Union.
PublicationPraca prezentuje genezę, zakres merytoryczny i realizację europejskiego programu TEMPUS pt. "Geometria Komputerowa dla Statków" zorganizowanego i przeprowadzonego na Wydz. OiO PG w latach 1993-95. Projekt miał charakter dydaktyczny i oferował zaawansowany kurs nowoczesnej metodologii modelowania geometrycznego i analizy hydrodynamicznej kształtu kadłuba okrętu dla studentów wydziału i młodych inżynierów polskiego przemysłu okrętowego....
Trade of the European Union with the Post-Soviet Republics of Central Asia in the Second Decade of the 21st Century
Publication.The article presents the European Union's trade with five Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kigistan and Uzbekistan in the two decades of the 21st century.
Innovativeness and Competitiveness of the New European Union States in Variable Economic Situation between 2006 and 2013
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The Role of Trade in Intra-Industry Productivity Growth-the Case of Old and New European Union Countries
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The role of trade in intra industry productivity growth - the case of old and new European Union countries.
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the role of trade in productivity growth in a sample of 30 sectors in 25 EU countries in the period of rapid East–West integration (1995–2007). Shift-share analysis is used to show that changes in value added per hour worked in these countries appear to be mainly due to positive developments (rising productivity) within single industries and only to a lower extent result from a shift towards...
Direction of Changes in the Settlements for Prosumers of Photovoltaic Micro-Installations: The Example of Poland as the Economy in Transition in the European Union
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Long-Term Impact of Wind Erosion on the Particle Size Distribution of Soils in the Eastern Part of the European Union
PublicationWind erosion is the leading cause of soil degradation and air pollution in many regionsof the world. As wind erosion is controlled by climatic factors, research on this phenomenon isurgently needed in soil and land management in order to better adapt to climate change. In thispaper, the impact of wind erosion on the soil surface in relation to particle size distribution wasinvestigated. Changes in percentage of sand, silt and...
Poverty and social exclusion in the transition Baltic States during the implementation of the European Union Lisbon Strategy - comparative analysis
PublicationThe problem of poverty and social exclusion in the Baltic States generates serious social, economic and political consequences. The scope of the analysis includes primarily the scale and structure of poverty and social exclusion in the Baltic Region in the years 2004-2010 in the context of the Lisbon Strategy of the European Union. The results show that during the transition and implementation of the Lisbon Strategy, the problem...
Functioning and legal regulations of perpetual usufruct right in Poland in relation to similar rights in other countries of the European Union
Publication1 May 2004, Poland became part of the European Union, which main aim is the political, economic and social integration of democratic European countries as well as the construction of a common market ensuring of persons, goods, services and capital move freely. The Accession Treaty provides some transitional periods for the adjustment of the right of Member States to the EU regulations. Next year, 12 years after joining the EU,...
Sustainable Urban Development on the Example of the Housing Deveopment of Zielona Góra (Poland), as a Response to the Climate Policy of the European Union
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A Preliminary Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Selected Innovativeness Indicators on the Example of Four European Union Countries
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Current situation in Polish nuclear medicine and Polish example of model Nuclear Medicine Centre meeting European Union requirements
PublicationNuclear medicine is currently a well-established part of medicine. It is applied in many fields of clinical medicine and science like endocrinology, oncology, cardiology, molecular medicine and engineering, radiopharmacy, physics and information science. Due to its increasing importance and application, several regulation and supervision bodies have been founded to ensure safe usage of radiation and to improve diagnostic and therapeutic...
The significance of the underground experience: Selection of reference design cases from the underground public transport stations and interchanges of the European Union
PublicationAbstract Background Recent research into the way public transport users appreciate stations and interchanges has highlighted several key aspects. Importantly, the optimization of these facilities should not simply aim to resolve dissatisfiers, but should also focus on addressing satisfiers, through the incorporation of factors such as comfort and experience. ‘Soft requirements,’ which have emerged in architecture and urban design,...
Toxic metal pollution of aquatic ecosystems of European Union nature protection areas in a region of intensive agriculture (Lake Gopło, Poland)
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Economic conditions for the development of energy efficient civil engineering using RES in the policy of cohesion of the European Union (2014–2020). Case study: The town of Zielona Gora
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Przeciwdziałanie procederowi prania pieniędzy na przykładzie wybranych regulacji prawnych Unii Europejskiej i Polski. Action against Money laundering as Exempliefied by selected legal Regulations of the European union and Poland
PublicationW opracowaniu omówiono zjawisko prania pieniędzy oraz jego negatywny wpływw na sktor finansowy i gospodarkę, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Polski i Unii Europejskiej.Krajowe regulacje bankowe w zakresie zwalczania tego procederu są w znacznym stopniu zgodne zarówno z regulacjami międzynarodowymi w tym FATF, jak i Unii Europejskiej.
Polskie regulacje prawne, na tle przepisów unii europejskiej, dotyczące zawartości pestycydów w produktach żywnościowych=Polish regulations, comparing with European Union legislation, relating to pesticides content in foodstuffs
PublicationZanieczyszczenia żywności, pestycydy, występują w różnych produktach żywnościowych często w ilościach śladowych, stanowiąc mimo to poważne zagrożenie dla zdrowia człowieka. Prowadzone obecnie badania składu określonych produktów spożywczych i surowców rolniczych oraz występujących w nich zanieczyszczeń wykonywane na zlecenie producentów, importerów i eksporterów żywności, a także organizacji odpowiedzialnych za monitoring...
The impact of European Monetary Union on Price Convergence.
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy skutków wprowadzenia wspólnej waluty euro. Bada zarówno skutki krótkookresowe tj. odczucia co do podwyżek cen przez konsumentów i inflację w okresie przejścia na jedna walutę, jak i skutki długookresowe związane z redukcją kosztów tranzakcyjnych, eliminacją ryzyka kursowego i większą przejrzystością cen.
The European Union’s Economic Development Strategy and Cooperation with the Countries of Central Asia
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GAMBIT's position within the European Union's III Road Safety Plan
PublicationOtwarcie Seminarium GAMBIT 2006, poświęcone wnioskom z dotychczasowych działań oraz planom na przyszłość, zawartym w najnowszym Krajowym Programie GAMBIT 2005. Prace nad nim rozpoczęto w sierpniu 2004, czyli tuż po wejściu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. W kwietniu 2005 Rada Ministrów przyjęła GAMBIT 2005 jako program dla Polski na lata 2005-2013, skonstruowany zgodnie z metodyką opracowaną dla tych krajów UE-25, których poziom zagrożenia...
Determinants of the European Union’s Trade - evidence from a panel estimation of the gravity model
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The geo-economic approach to the European Union’s strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region
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The publication of the European Commission's guidelines in an official language of a new Member State as a condition for their application.Case comment to the order of the Polish Supreme Court of 3 September 2009 (Ref. No. III SK 16/09) to refer a preliminary question to the Court of Justice of the European Union (C-410/99 Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa sp. z o.o. v Prezes Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej)
PublicationThe case comment concentrates on two issues. In the first place, it contains an analysis of the legal character of the European Commission Guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power under the Community regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. Secondly, it analyses the consequences of the lack of publication of those Guidelines in Polishlanguage in the Official Journal...
Activation of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBS) – the ecosystem module**The study was supported by the Polish State Committee of Scientific Research (grants: N N305 111636, N N306 353239). Partial support was also provided by the Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment – the SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund contract No. POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09.
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Variability in the distribution of phytoplankton as affected by changes to the main physical parameters in the Baltic Sea**The study was financially supported by the Polish State Committee of Scientific Research (grants: No. N N305 111636, N N306 353239) and ECOOP IP WP 10.1.3 Project. Partial support for this study was also provided by the Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment – SatBatłyk project founded by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund contract No. POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09.
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SatBałtyk – A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system – an ongoing project in Poland. Part 2: Practical applicability and preliminary results**This work was carried out within the framework of the SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund, (contract No. POIG.01.01.02-22-011/09 entitled ‘The Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment’) and also as a part of IO PAS’s statutory research.The paper was presented in part at the 6th International Conference ‘Current Problems in the Optics of Natural Waters’, St. Petersburg, Russia, 6–10 September 2011.
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SatBałtyk – A Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system – an ongoing project in Poland. Part 1: Assumptions, scope and operating range**This work was carried out within the framework of the SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund, (contract No. POIG.01.01.02-22-011/09 entitled ‘The Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment’) and also as a part of IO PAS’s statutory research.The paper was presented in part at the 6th International Conference ‘Current Problems in the Optics of Natural Waters’ St. Petersburg, Russia, 6–10 September 2011.
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Activation of the operational ecohydrodynamic model (3D CEMBS) – the hydrodynamic part **The original version of this paper appeared in the Geoscientific Model Development Discussion; here, we present the revised version, which takes all the reviewers’ comments into account.The study was supported by the Polish State Committee of Scientific Research (grants: N N305 111636, N N306 353239). Partial support was also provided by the Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment – SatBałtyk project funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund contract No. POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09.
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The European Union's Water Framework Directive - A new challenge in monitoring water quality. Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna Unii Europejskiej - Nowe wyzwanie w monitoringu jakości wody
PublicationMonitoring jakości wody polega zwykle na punktowym pobieraniu próbek z użyciem odpowiednich próbników, po którym następuje etap analizy w celu określenia stężenia zanieczyszczeń. Pomimo wielu zalet, metoda ta ma ograniczenia w zakresie badania rozkładu czasowego i przestrzennego zanieczyszczeń oraz w zakresie oceny biodostępności zanieczyszczeń. Wdrożenie Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej (2000/60/EC)w krajach Unii Europejskiej będzie wymagało...
EU-Turkey Customs Union and Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment Flows
PublicationMain aim of this text is presentation of the effects of customs union between the European Union and turkey on bilateral FDI flows in light of the theory of linkages between economic integration and FDI flows. First section of the text is a survey of main theoretical links between economic integration and FDI flows. Second section focuses on the history and scope of the customs union. Third and fourth sections are empirical and...
ZEUS Concept and Its Wider European Application
PublicationThe objectives of the ZEUS project and the resulting concept of an integrated system of transport safety are recapitulated in the article. The context for transport safety management that has evolved since this became a concern of the European Union under the Treaty of Union in 1993 is outlined, and some issues related to applying the ZEUS concept across Europe are discussed. It is concluded that there is scope for exploring ways...
Does migration lead to economic convergence in an enlarged European market?
PublicationThis paper examines the relationship between migration and convergence for the enlarged internal market of the European Union (EU27) for the period 1990-2007. The impact of migration on growth is estimated in two ways: by including the migration rate in a growth regression and examining its impact on the convergence coefficient; and from the actual coefficient on migration, which can be interpreted as the effect of migration on...
What fosters firm-level labour productivity in Eastern European and Central Asian countries?
PublicationThis study examines labour productivity performance and its determinants in Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) firms using micro-level data. We find significant differences in labour productivity among members of the European Union in Eastern Europe and other Eastern European and Central Asian countries. We also confirm the important impact of foreign ownership, exporter status, and highly skilled workers on productivity...
Does one currency mean one price? An analysis of the euro effect on price dispersion and convergence
PublicationThis paper examines price differentials in the European Union to investigate whether the European Monetary Union has lowered the degree of price dispersion in the euro zone and increased the speed of price convergence. Both euro effects are evaluated using difference-in-difference methodology. Applied to the issue of introducing a single currency, the euro effects identified are the estimated differences in price dispersion and...
PublicationThe article aims to show the specificity of the internationalization of Kazakh enterprises, in particular, the pace, scope, intensity, and forms of their internationalization in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). The EEU is a relatively young grouping that was established in 2015 by the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. EEU creators try to give...
Global value chains and inward FDI: An empirical investigation of European firms
PublicationThis paper empirically investigates whether and how the level of GVC integration of a given market may explain the presence of foreign-owned firms. Using firm-level data from 28 European Union countries during the period 2008–2014, we provide evidence that a greater country-sector-level GVC participation, via both backward and forward linkages, exerts a positive effect on a firm's likelihood to receive FDI. These findings appear...
PublicationThe station was established as part of a project co-financed by the European Union with the funds of the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme titled: “Establishment of state-of-the-art technical infrastructure for the Engineers of the Future learning programme at the Gdańsk University of Technology” executed in 2013-2015.
Threats to Armenia’s Security in the National Strategy and Practice with Special Emphasis on External Security,
PublicationThe national security strategy adopted in 2007 provided a detailed definition of security and identified its threats. The key threat to the Armenian state was considered to be the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The document indicated the Collective Security Treaty Organisation main guarantor of security, with Russia being Armenia’s main partner in bilateral relations. The second position in the strategy was assigned to cooperation...