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Search results for: MONTE-CARLO SIMULATION
Distributed Simulation Symposium
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Annual Simulation Symposium
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Executing Multiple Simulations in the MERPSYS Environment
PublicationThe chapter investigates the steps necessary to perform a simulation instance in the MERPSYS environment and discusses potential limitations in case when vast numbers of simulations are required. An extended architecture is proposed which includes a JMS-based simulation queue and multiple distributed simulators, overcoming the potential bottlenecks. The chapter introduces also methods for preparing suites of multiple simulations...
International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (European Simulation MultiConference [ESM])
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Study of New Oxytocin Antagonist Barusiban (Fe200 440) Affinity Toward Human Oxytocin Receptor Versus Vasopressin V1a and V2 Receptors - Molecular Dynamics Simulation in POPC Bilayer
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Neuronowa symulacja temperatury i ciśnienia pary w upuście parowego bloku energetycznego = Neural simulation of pressure and temperature fluctuations at steam extraction of power units with steam turbine
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę symulacji neuronowej dla zastosowań w diagnostyce on-line bloków energetycznych. Model neuronowy opiera się na statycznych jednokierunkowych sieciach neuronowych (SSN) oraz na danych z parowego bloku energetycznego o mocy 200 MW. SSN obliczają wartości referencyjne parametrów cieplno-przepływowych dla aktualnego obciążenia obiektu. Określono wpływ architektury sieci i danych uczących na jakość symulacji...
Muon spin rotation/relaxation measurements of the noncentrosymmetric superconductorMg10Ir19B16
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Signal propagation in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order models
PublicationIn this paper, signal propagation is analysed in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs). Maxwell’s equations with FO constitutive relations are introduced in the time domain. Then, their phasor representation is derived for one-dimensional case of the plane wave propagation. With the use of the Fourier transformation, the algorithm for simulation of the non-monochromatic wave propagation is introduced....
Marcin Andrzej Madziała dr n. o zdr.
PeopleResearch and teaching activities Emergency Medicine;Resuscitation; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; CPR; Airway Management; Emergency Management; Emergency Medical Services; Intubation; Trauma; Emergency Treatment; EMS; Prehospital Medicine; Mechanical Ventilation; Ventilation; Medical Simulation; Wounds; Disaster Management; Disaster Planning; Disaster Preparedness; Disaster Safety and Management; Sociology of Medicine
Wykład „The future of wind energy”
EventsCentrum Morskiej Energetyki Wiatrowej PG oraz Związek Uczelni Fahrenheita serdecznie zapraszają na wykład otwarty pt. “The future of wind beyond economic competitiveness”, ktory wygłosi prof. Carlo Bottasso.
Modelling and simulations in time-fractional electrodynamics based on control engineering methods
PublicationIn this paper, control engineering methods are presented with regard to modelling and simulations of signal propagation in time-fractional (TF) electrodynamics. That is, signal propagation is simulated in electromagnetic media described by Maxwell’s equations with fractional-order constitutive relations in the time domain. We demonstrate that such equations in TF electrodynamics can be considered as a continuous-time system of...
Summer Computer Simulation Conference
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Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging
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Simulation Technology and Training Conference
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International Congress on Modelling and Simulation
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World Congress on Systems Simulation
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Algorithms for processing and visualization of Critical Infrastructure security data as well as simulation and analysis of threats = Algorytmy przetwarzania i wizualizacji danych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa infrastruktur krytycznych oraz symulacji i analizy zagrożeń
PublicationRozprawa traktuje o algorytmach przetwarzania danych dotyczących różnego rodzaju zagrożeń, w szczególności wyników analiz ryzyka infrastruktur krytycznych, pozwalających na przestrzenną analizę tych danych w kontekście geograficznym za pomocą dedykowanego Systemu Informacji Przestrzennej. Prezentowane metody analizy zgrupowań Infrastruktur Krytycznych oraz propagacji ich zagrożeń wykorzystują wyniki syntetycznej analizy podatności...
The dataset of simulations for optimal and non-optimal rotating receiver angles of multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer system
Open Research DataThe provided dataset is part of the simulation results shown in related journal paper "Optimal Rotating Receiver Angles Estimation for Multicoil Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer".
On possible applications of media described by fractional-order models in electromagnetic cloaking
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to open a scientific discussion on possible applications of media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs) in electromagnetic cloaking. A 2-D cloak based on active sources and the surface equivalence theorem is simulated. It employs a medium described by FOM in communication with sources cancelling the scattered field. A perfect electromagnetic active cloak is thereby demonstrated with the use...
Diaryl Sulfide Derivatives as Potential Iron Corrosion Inhibitors: A Computational Study
PublicationThe present work aimed to assess six diaryl sulfide derivatives as potential corrosion inhibitors. These derivatives were compared with dapsone (4,4′-diaminodiphenyl sulfone), a common leprosy antibiotic that has been shown to resist the corrosion of mild steel in acidic media with a corrosion efficiency exceeding 90%. Since all the studied compounds possess a common molecular backbone (diphenyl sulfide), dapsone was taken as the...
Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation
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Conference for the International Simulation and Gaming Association
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International Workshop on MultiAgent Based Simulation
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Dataset on Folding Patterns of Automotive Airbags for Frontal Crash Simulations
Open Research DataThe dataset is organized into three main folders (1_zig_zag, 2_top_roll, and 3_flat), each containing LS-DYNA input files (*.k), binary outputs (binout0000, binout0004, etc.), and sequential d3plot files documenting the simulation of each airbag folding pattern. These simulations were validated against pendulum test data, and the corresponding experimental...
Jacek Stefański prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJJacek Stefański received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in telecommunications engineering from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 1993, 2000 and 2012, respectively. Awarded title of Professor by the President of Poland in 2020. Currently, he works as a professor at the Department of Radio Communication Systems and Networks (DRCSN) in GUT. From 2005 to 2009, he worked as an assistant professor in the National Institute...
The dataset of coupling coefficients for rotating receiver of multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer system
Open Research DataThe provided dataset is part of the simulation results shown in related journal paper "Optimal Rotating Receiver Angles Estimation for Multicoil Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer".
The analysis of the operational process of a complex fire alarm system used in transport facilities
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Influence of input data on airflow network accuracy in residential buildings with natural wind - and stack - driven ventilation.
PublicationW artykule omówiono wpływ danych wejściowych na dokładność modelu przepływu sieciowego powietrza w budynkach mieszkalnych z naturalną i kominową wentylacją. Zastosowano połączony model AFN-BES. Wyniki numeryczne omówiono dla 8 różnych przypadków z różnymi danymi ciśnienia wiatru. Wyniki pokazały, że ogromny wpływ danych wejściowych dotyczących ciśnienia wiatru na wyniki numeryczne.
Zdzisław Kowalczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleZdzislaw Kowalczuk received his M.Sc. degree in 1978 and Ph.D. degree in 1986, both in Automatic Control from Technical University of Gdańsk (TUG), Gdańsk, Poland. In 1993 he received his D.Sc. degree (Dr Habilitus) in Automatic Control from Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland, and the title of Professor from the President of Poland in 2003. Since 1978 he has been with Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics...
Measurements of raising of 160EC pantograph type
Open Research DataIn this description the results of the experiment and also simulation performed on the total assembly of the 160 EC pantograph type is given. Multibody dynamics of pantograph rising due to external torque and forces are measured for parameter validation of the pantograph model.
Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters
Open Research DataThe data set contains the simulation files related to the research paper “Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters”,
International Conference on Web-based Modelling and Simulation
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International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems
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International Workshop on Enterprise and Organizational Modelling and Simulation
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Symposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems
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ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation)
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Dariusz Mikielewicz prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Dariusz Mikielewicz – born on February 6, 1967. in Gdansk. Here in 1974 he enrolled first to the Elementary School No. 17, and then in the Grammar School No. 5, named after Stefan Żeromski in Gdansk-Oliwa. After graduating from the Secondary School, with honors, in 1985 he successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Technical University of Gdansk, where he graduated with a very good...
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation
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The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Meeting
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International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
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International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications
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Symposium Model Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems
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Quantitative loss analysis of opaque perovskite solar cells using transient and steady-state characterization [dataset]
Open Research DataThe dataset contains all experimental and simulation results presented in the publication titled "Quantitative Loss Analysis of Opaque Perovskite Solar Cells Using Transient and Steady-State Characterization," published in Physical Review Applied, 22 (2024) 5, 054025.
Dynamics near nonhyperbolic fixed points or nontransverse homoclinic points
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Protection System Design of Induction Motor for Industries
PublicationThe fundamental and durable structures of induction motor, as well as their low manufacturing cost, make them popular components in a wide range of current applications. Providing a safety net for employees is a must-have for businesses. This project’s motivation for improvement is to provide industrial motors, lift motors, pumps, and so on with safety. An induction motor’s primary goal is to protect it from problems, such as...
A Hierarchical Multiscale Approach to Protein Structure Prediction: Production of Low‐Resolution Packing Arrangements of Helices and Refinement of the Best Models with a United‐Residue Force Field
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Optimal Distribution of the Nonoverlapping Conducting Disks
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Conductivity of Fibre Composites with Fractures on the Boundary of Inclusions
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Physical vapor deposition of thin gold film on crystalline silicon
Open Research DataThis dataset contains supporting materials for the article entitled as "A novel method for realistically simulating the deposition of thin films from the gas phase and its application to study the growth of thin gold film on crystalline silicon" authored by S. Winczewski et al.
WRF forecasting data of severe weather event in Central Europe on 11 August 2017
Open Research DataThis dataset is related to the forecasting of weather conditions in Central Europe on 11 August 2017. During that day, the severe and devastating weather phenomenon (derecho) occurred in Poland. The simulations were carried out using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.2.1 with the initial and boundary conditions from the Global...