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LanroNET, a non-interventional, prospective study to assess the resource utilization and cost of lanreotide autogel 120 mg in Polish patients with neuroendocrine tumors – results of interim analysis
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Избранные проблемы перевода специальных текстов (на примере польского и русского языков) [Selected problems in translation of specialized texts as exemplified in the Polish and Russian languages]
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Введение во внутреннюю межъязыковую лексическую омонимию (на примере польского и русского языков) [An introduction to the analysis of interlinguistic lexical homonyms (as based on Polish and Russian)]
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Język białoruski w leksykografii polskiej. Bibliografia słowników (za lata 1807–2012) [The Byelorussian language in the Polish lexicography. A bibliography of dictionaries for the years 1807–2012]
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Stage I non-small-cell lung cancer: long-term results of lobectomy versus sublobar resection from the Polish National Lung Cancer Registry†
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The methylation profile of IL4, IL5, IL10, IFNG and FOXP3 associated with environmental exposures differed between Polish infants with the food allergy and/or atopic dermatitis and without the disease
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Comparison of stump closure techniques during laparoscopic appendectomies for complicated appendicitis – results from Pol-LA (Polish laparoscopic appendectomy) multicenter large cohort study
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Zintegrowany Program Operacyjny Rozwoju Regionalnego (ZPORR) w procesie rewitalizacji miast polskich. Integrated Operational Programme For Regional Development in the Process of Polish Cities Revitalization.
PublicationWobec przygotowań do przystąpienia naszego kraju do Unii Europejskiej pojawiły się nowe możliwości wspierania rewitalizacji polskich miast. Jedną z nich jest Zintegrowany Program Operacyjny Rozwoju Regionalnego (ZPORR), które posłużą do realizacji Narodowego Planu Rozwoju na lata 2004-2006. stanowiący część Narodowego Planu Rozwoju na lata 2004-2006. Program ma być współfinansowany z zasobów Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego...
Jarosław Guziński prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJaroslaw Guzinski received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from the Electrical Engineering Department at Technical University of Gdansk, Poland in 1994, 2000 and 2011 respectively. Since 2016 he is Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. Currently he is the head of the Department of Electric Drives and Energy Conversion. From 2006 to 2009 he was involved in European Commission Project PREMAID Marie Curie, ‘Predictive...
PublicationThis paper presents characteristics and purposefulness of supporting the renewable energy sources (OZE) by means of energy stores. The main emphasis was placed on analysis of virtual energy stores available for implementation in Polish economy conditions. A role which management of Demand Side Response (DSR) may play in balancing Polish electric power system, is discussed. Implementation of such solutions together with conventional...
Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of 1283 Pediatric Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 during the First and Second Waves of the Pandemic—Results of the Pediatric Part of a Multicenter Polish Register SARSTer
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Osiągnięcia leksykografów polskich na obczyźnie od wieku XVI do roku 1959 [The achievements of Polish lexicographers living abroad between the 16th century and the year 1959]
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Wierzenia i idee sekciarskie w rosjoznawstwie polskim pierwszych dekad wieku XX [Sectarian Beliefs and Ideas in the Polish Studies of Russia in the First Decades of the 20th century]
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Does the Meeting Centres Support Programme reduce unmet care needs of community-dwelling older people with dementia? A controlled, 6-month follow-up Polish study
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Predicting the Purchase of Electricity Prices for Renewable Energy Sources Based on Polish Power Grids Data Using Deep Learning Models for Controlling Small Hybrid PV Microinstallations
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The impact of Infrastructure Developments in Polish Ports and Motorways and their Effect upon Ferry Services. Wpływ rozwoju infrastruktury polskich portów i autostrad na funkcjonowanie usług promowych.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia charakterystykę obecnego stanu rynku żeglugi promowej wPolsce, sieci dróg i autostrad oraz infrastruktury portów w Gdańsku i Gdyni.W artykule zaprezentowane są ponadto plany rozbudowy infrastruktury trans-portowej i drogowej oraz wpływ tej rozbudowy na przyszły rozwój polskiej że-glugi promowej.
The Polish Journal of Aesthetics
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Projektowanie Urbanistyczne IV
e-Learning CoursesUrban Project IV - course for Erasmus and Polish students
Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering
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Введение в анализ межъязыковых лексических омонимов на примере польского, русского и финского языков [An introduction to the analysis of interlinguistic lexical homonyms (based on Polish, Russian and Finnish)]
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Wstęp do analizy międzyjęzykowych homonimów leksykalnych na przykładzie języków: polskiego, rosyjskiego i fińskiego [An introduction to the analysis of interlinguistic lexical homonyms (based on Polish, Russian and Finnish)]
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Model of the Internet mortgage market optimization
PublicationThe Internet mortgages are currently a fast growing market, allowing selling mortgages cheaper andfaster than in the traditional methods such as in bank departments.Given the specificity of selling mortgages in the Internet, banks try to sell more mortgages by spendingmore money on advertising and paying higher commission to the brokers selling their products. It is important tooptimise the amounts of money in both sectors (the...
Adam Bolt dr hab. inż.
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How to measure ego-resiliency in the face of various life-changing crises: Measurement invariance, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability of the Polish version of the Revised Ego-Resiliency Scale (ER89-R12)
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The Fear of SARS-CoV-2 Infection versus the Perception of COVID-19 Vaccination amongst Older Adults in Urban Areas (CoV-VAC-PL Study): A Polish Community-Based Study
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Kształtowanie formy założeń pomnikowych w przestrzeni polskich miast od połowy XX wieku = Shaping the form of monumental guidelines in the space of polish cities since the middle of the 20th century.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono proces kształtowania się założeń pomnikowych w polskich miastach od połowy XX wieku. Przełomowymi momentami dla rozwoju polskiej sztuki pomnikowej stały się dramatyczne wydarzenia II wojny światowej oraz okres transformacji w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku. Wydarzenia te okazały się impulsem do poszukiwań nowych środków artystycznych formujących miejsca pamięci. W wyniku tych przemian powstały pomniki...
Концепция внутренней межъязыковой омонимии (на материале русского, польского и финского языков) [The conception of internal linguistic homonymy between languages as based on the material from Russian, Polish and Finnish]
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Zapożyczenia homonimów z obcych systemów językowych w zbiorach homonimiki międzyjęzykowej polsko-fińskiej [Homonym borrowings from other language systems in the collections of Polish-Finnish interlingual homonymy]
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Leksykografia polska z językiem ukraińskim w opisie statystycznym. Z bibliografią za lata 1794–2016 [Statistical description of Polish-Ukrainian lexicography. Bibliography for the years 1794–2016]
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Proces integracji języków europejskich wyrażonej w zasobach homonimiki języka polskiego, rosyjskiego i fińskiego [The process of integration of European languages as expressed by the rich homonymy of Polish, Russian and Finnish]
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Cladribine Combined with Low-Dose Cytarabine as Frontline Treatment for Unfit Elderly Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients: Results from a Prospective Multicenter Study of Polish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG)
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Risk factors for serious morbidity, prolonged length of stay and hospital readmission after laparoscopic appendectomy - results from Pol-LA (Polish Laparoscopic Appendectomy) multicenter large cohort study
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Alina Guzik mgr
PeoplePhD candidate at Gdańsk University of Technology Doctoral School. EdTech, digital education and innovative didactics expert, senior product manager, product designer, certified e-learning designer. Conducts scientific research in educational technology, digital education, e-learning, modern teaching methods, innovation and new product development. An author of more than a dozen award-winning EdTech products implemented in international...
Polish Surgery
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Polish Clio
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PublicationCelem pracy jest prezentacja Systemu Płatności BlueCash, którego operatorem jest firma Blue Media S.A.. Wskazuje on również na charakterystykę usługi szybkiego przelewu. Celem szczegółowym jest wskazanie na formy promocji stosowane przez banki w celu poinformowania klientów o dostępności płatności natychmiastowych. Tytułem zebrania danych na temat form promocji, autor przeprowadził badanie ankietowe pośród banków uczestników systemu płatności.
Polskie regulacje prawne, na tle przepisów unii europejskiej, dotyczące zawartości pestycydów w produktach żywnościowych=Polish regulations, comparing with European Union legislation, relating to pesticides content in foodstuffs
PublicationZanieczyszczenia żywności, pestycydy, występują w różnych produktach żywnościowych często w ilościach śladowych, stanowiąc mimo to poważne zagrożenie dla zdrowia człowieka. Prowadzone obecnie badania składu określonych produktów spożywczych i surowców rolniczych oraz występujących w nich zanieczyszczeń wykonywane na zlecenie producentów, importerów i eksporterów żywności, a także organizacji odpowiedzialnych za monitoring...
High efficacy and safety of VTD as an induction protocol in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma eligible for high dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation: A report of the Polish Myeloma Study Group
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When all we have is not enough: a search for the optimal method of quantifying inflation expectations
PublicationAlthough inflation expectations are pivotal variables for central banks, they are not directly observable. Therefore, central banks use qualitative survey results to proxy consumer expectations, and their quantification in this manner is often criticized. In this study, we investigate and identify an optimal quantification procedure for survey results based on a set of regression and probabilistic models. Specifically, we seek...
Małgorzata Szopińska dr inż.
PeopleMałgorzata Szopińska rozwój naukowy rozpoczęła realizując pracę doktorską pod kierunkiem prof. dr hab. inż. Żanety Polkowskiej (Politechnika Gdańska, PG) oraz dr hab. Danuty Szumińskiej (Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy) w Katedrze Chemii Analitycznej, kierowanej wówczas przez prof. dr hab. inż. Jacka Namieśnika. Pracę doktorską pt. „Charakterystyka czynników modyfikujących skład wód powierzchniowych na obszarach...
Błażej Kochański dr
PeopleBłażej Kochański is an assistant professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdańsk University of Technology, banking risk expert. He worked for banks in Poland and Europe, as a risk specialist, planning and analysis manager, chief risk officer, supervisory board member and management consultant. He built numerous credit risk management models, successfully managed credit...
PublicationIn this paper the architecture of the software designed for management of position and identification data of floating and flying objects in Maritime areas controlled by Polish Border Guard is presented. The software was designed for managing information stored in a distributed system with two variants of the software, one for a mobile device installed on a vessel, an airplane or a car and second for a central server. The details...
Jakub Szulwic dr inż.
PeopleJakub Szulwic (born 23 December 1974 in Bydgoszcz, Poland) – is an experienced, licensed Land Surveyor, specialized in construction monitoring by the use of photogrammetric methods and laser scanning technology. His specialization are geomatics and geoinformatics. He is an author about 100 publications including 50 indexed in Web of Science (H-index = 15) In 1993, He graduated from Secondary School in Tuchola, Poland on physics...
Author Correction: Risk factors for serious morbidity, prolonged length of stay and hospital readmission after laparoscopic appendectomy - results from Pol-LA (Polish Laparoscopic Appendectomy) multicenter large cohort study
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Mohammad Malikan dr inż.
PeopleMohammad Malikan studied Ph.D. at the Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures at the Gdańsk University of Technology. He was the first person who graduated in the new form of the doctoral education system of Poland (Doctoral School). He has worked as a mechanical engineer and designer for several years in CAD/CAE fields in various industries, such as feed production lines, machinery, elevator, oil, etc. His main research...
Waldemar Kamrat prof. dr hab. inż.
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Harmonics produced by traction substations – computer modelling and experimental verification
PublicationVoltage and current harmonics have a detrimental effect on the components of a power system. Current harmonics may result in the overload and damage to power transformers. Voltage harmonics may result in, for example, damage to capacitor banks used to compensate reactive power. Devices which contribute to both current and voltage distortion include traction rectifiers. This paper presents results of the computer investigation of...
Beata Zalewska-Piątek dr hab.
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Inflation Forecast or Forecast(s) Targeting?
PublicationThe paper refers to L.E.O. Svensson’s concept of inflation forecast targeting (IFT) and its implementation by central banks of Sweden, Norway and the Czech Republic. The study focuses on (1) inflation forecasts published by selected central banks, i.e.headline inflation and core or monetary policy-relevant (MPR) inflation, which are made on the assumption of endogenous instrument rate, (2) one-year consumer...