Search results for: approximations
Triple correlation states between in-situ tested soil parameters
PublicationWhen testing soil parameters, the measured parameter values are only approximations of the true values. The measurand is determined based on metrological uncertainties or using statistical models for analysing data. Some parameters of the soil state present strong correlations, but others do not always provide simple correspondences. Multiple correlations between geotechnical parameters can provide a new perspective regarding the...
Two- and three-dimensional elastic networks with rigid junctions: modeling within the theory of micropolar shells and solids
PublicationFor two- and three-dimensional elastic structures made of families of flexible elastic fibers undergoing finite deformations, we propose homogenized models within the micropolar elasticity. Here we restrict ourselves to networks with rigid connections between fibers. In other words, we assume that the fibers keep their orthogonality during deformation. Starting from a fiber as the basic structured element modeled by the Cosserat...
Overcoming gender bias in the digital economy. Empirical evidence for European countries
PublicationThis study aims to contribute to understanding the gender biases that emerge in the digital technology-related field. More specifically we concentrate on examining whether gender gaps are diminishing or are persistent in terms of women’s enrollment in technology-related programs at the tertiary level of education and for female STEM graduates. Next, this evidence is confronted with gender biases in the labor market regarding changing...
Electron Scattering from Methyl Formate (HCOOCH3): A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study
PublicationElastic low-energy electron collisions with methyl formate have been studied theoretically at the level of various theories. The elastic integral cross section was calculated using Schwinger multichannel and R-matrix methods, in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization levels of approximations for energies up to 15 eV. The absolute total cross section for electron scattering from methyl formate has been measured...
Cost-Efficient Design Methodology for Compact Rat-Race Couplers
PublicationIn this article, a reliable and low-cost design methodology for simulation-driven optimization of miniaturized rat-race couplers (RRCs) is presented. We exploit a two-stage design approach, where a composite structure (a basic building block of the RRC structure) is first optimized using a pattern search algorithm, and, subsequently, the entire coupler is tuned by means of surrogate-based optimization (SBO) procedure. SBO is executed...
Theoretical and experimental study on scattering of low-energy electrons by dimethyl and diethyl ethers
PublicationWe report a joint theoretical and experimental investigation on low-energy electron scattering by dimethyl and diethyl ethers. The experimental elastic differential cross sections were measured at impact energies from 1 eV up to 30 eV and scattering angle range of 10◦ to 130◦. Theoretical elastic differential, integral and momentum-transfer cross sections are calculated at impact energies up to 30 eV, employing the Schwinger multichannel...
Thermal visualization of Ostwald-de Waele liquid in wavy trapezoidal cavity: Effect of undulation and amplitude
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the numerical simulations of Ostwald-de Waele fluid flow in a wavy trapezoidal cavity in the presence of a heated cylinder situated at the center of the cavity. The work consists in characterizing the mixed convection as a function of the intensity of heat flow. The flow behaviour and temperature distribution in a cavity are the main focus of this study. The lower wall of the cavity is fixed...
Low energy elastic scattering of electrons from hexafluoropropene (C3F6)
PublicationWe present cross sections from a joint experimental and theoretical study on elastic electron scattering from hexafluoropropene (C3F6) in the gas phase. The experimental results, using low energy electron spectroscopy, were obtained at incident electron energies of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20 eV, for scattering angles ranging from 10°to 130°. The theoretical method used in the computation of the integral, momentum...
Analysis of IMS/NGN call processing performance using phase-type distributions
PublicationThis work is a continuation of our research on the traffic model dedicated for design and analysis of the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for distribution of current and future multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Our analytical and simulation models allow evaluation of mean Call Set-up Delay E(CSD) as well as mean Call Disengagement Delay E(CDD) in a single domain of IMS/NGN. Ensuring...
Discrete and continuous fractional persistence problems – the positivity property and applications
PublicationIn this article, we study the continuous and discrete fractional persistence problem which looks for the persistence of properties of a given classical (α=1) differential equation in the fractional case (here using fractional Caputo’s derivatives) and the numerical scheme which are associated (here with discrete Grünwald–Letnikov derivatives). Our main concerns are positivity, order preserving ,equilibrium points and stability...
Multi-fidelity aerodynamic design trade-off exploration using point-by-point Pareto set identification
PublicationAerodynamic design is inherently a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Determining the best possible trade-offs between conflicting aerodynamic objectives can be computationally challenging when carried out directly at the level of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations. This paper presents a computationally cheap methodology for exploration of aerodynamic design trade-offs. In particular, point-by-point...
Joint experimental and theoretical study on electron scattering from titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) molecule
PublicationAbsolute grand-total cross section for electron scattering from titanium tetrachloride, TiCl4, molecule was measured at electron-impact energies ranging from 0.3 to 300 eV, in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The elastic integral, differential, momentum transfer, and total ionization cross sections for TiCl4 molecule were also calculated for low and intermediate collisional energies at the level of various theories. The...
Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations in optic fibers theory
PublicationIn this paper a detailed derivation and numerical solutions of CoupledNonlinear Schr¨odinger Equations for pulses of polarized electromagnetic wavesin cylindrical fibers has been reviewed. Our recent work has been compared withsome previous ones and the advantage of our new approach over other methods hasbeen assessed. The novelty of our approach lies is an attempt to proceed withoutloss of information within the frame of basic...
Expedited EM-Driven Design of Miniaturized Microwave Hybrid Couplers Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
PublicationMiniaturization of microwave hybrid couplers is important for contemporary wireless communication engineering. Using standard computer-aided design methods for development of compact structures is extremely challenging due to a general lack of computationally efficient and accurate simulation models. Poor accuracy of available equivalent circuits results from neglecting parasitic cross-couplings that greatly affect the performance...
Fast Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Optimization Using Sequential Domain Patching and Multifidelity Models
PublicationExploration of design tradeoffs for aerodynamic surfaces requires solving of multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems. The major bottleneck here is the time-consuming evaluations of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model used to capture the nonlinear physics involved in designing aerodynamic surfaces. This, in conjunction with a large number of simulations necessary to yield a set of designs representing the best possible...
PublicationThe paper addresses non-linear vibrations of offshore jack-up drilling platforms loaded by sea waves and wind in their stationary condition using the perturbation method. Non-linearity of dynamic equations of motion for fixed offshore platforms yields from two factors. The first is load excitation generating non-linear velocity coupling in a dynamic system. This coupling is inherent in the modified Morison equation, involving the...
Hybrid no-signaling-quantum correlations
PublicationFundamental investigations in non-locality have shown that while the no-signaling principle alone is not sufficient to single out the set of quantum non-local correlations, local quantum mechanics and no-signaling together exactly reproduce the set of quantum correlations in the two-party Bell scenario. Here, we introduce and study an intermediate hybrid no-signaling quantum set of non-local correlations that we term HNSQ in the...
Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Molecular Simulation
PublicationAdvanced potential energy surfaces are defined as theoretical models that explicitly include many-body effects that transcend the standard fixed-charge, pairwise-additive paradigm typically used in molecular simulation. However, several factors relating to their software implementation have precluded their widespread use in condensed-phase simulations: the computational cost of the theoretical models, a paucity of approximate models...
On Tradeoffs Between Width- and Fill-like Graph Parameters
PublicationIn this work we consider two two-criteria optimization problems: given an input graph, the goal is to find its interval (or chordal) supergraph that minimizes the number of edges and its clique number simultaneously. For the interval supergraph, the problem can be restated as simultaneous minimization of the path width pw(G) and the profile p(G) of the input graph G. We prove that for an arbitrary graph G and an integer t ∈ {1,...
Estimation of Broadband Complex Permeability Using SIW Cavity-Based Multimodal Approach
PublicationIn this article, an attractive multimodal substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based methodology is presented for the characterization of magnetic materials in the broadband microwave frequency. The proposed approach employs a modified feed under-coupled SIW cavity instead of conventional feed over-coupled multiple SIW cavities; it uses the modified closedform expression, developed from the first principle to consider the effect...
Karolina Lademann mgr
PeopleCurriculum vitae
Density functional theory-based simulations of sum frequency generation spectra involving methyl stretching vibrations: effect of the molecular model on the deduced molecular orientation and comparison with an analytical approach
PublicationThe knowledge of the first hyperpolarizability tensor elements of molecular groups is crucial for a quantitative interpretation of the sum frequency generation (SFG) activity of thin organic films at interfaces. Here, the SFG response of the terminal methyl group of a dodecanethiol (DDT) monolayer has been interpreted on the basis of calculations performed at the density functional theory (DFT) level of approximation. In particular,...
Static electric multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationThe ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom, placed in a weak, static electric field of definite $2^{L}$ polarity, is studied within the framework of the first-order perturbation theory. The Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 825 (1997); erratum R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 2747 (1997)] is used to derive closed-form analytical...
Massively parallel linear-scaling Hartree–Fock exchange and hybrid exchange–correlation functionals with plane wave basis set accuracy
PublicationWe extend our linear-scaling approach for the calculation of Hartree–Fock exchange energy using localized in situ optimized orbitals [Dziedzic et al., J. Chem. Phys. 139, 214103 (2013)] to leverage massive parallelism. Our approach has been implemented in the ONETEP (Order-N Electronic Total Energy Package) density functional theory framework, which employs a basis of non-orthogonal generalized Wannier functions (NGWFs) to achieve...
Semantics for an Interdisciplinary Computation
PublicationSemantics for an interdisciplinary computation is becoming increasingly difficult to capture while dealing with multi-domain problems. Expertise from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and other disciplines merges as engineering challenges in modern systems, such as, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Cities, and Bionic Systems must be tackled in a methodological manner. In this paper, a paradigm for formalization...
Structural properties of hydration shell around various conformations of simple polypeptides
PublicationIn this paper we investigate structural properties of water within the solvation shell around the peptide core created by a well-defined conformation of polypeptide chain. The following secondary structures are investigated: linear (straight chain), and three helices PII (polyproline-like), 310, and α. We propose using the two-particle contribution to entropy as a rational measure of the water structural ordering within the solvation...