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Search results for: photovoltaic solar cells
Total DNA Methylation Changes Reflect Random Oxidative DNA Damage in Gliomas
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The Phenotype of the Adipocytes Derived from Subcutaneous and Visceral ADMSCs Is Altered When They Originate from Morbidly Obese Women: Is There a Memory Effect?
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Platelets in fetal growth restriction: role of reactive oxygen species, oxygen metabolism, and aggregation.
PublicationFetal growth restriction (FGR) is mainly caused by failure of the uteroplacental unit. Theexact pathogenesis remains unclear. The cause is thought to be related to abnormal platelet activation,which may...
Effect of Drought and Heavy Metal Contamination on Growth and Photosynthesis of Silver Birch Trees Growing on Post-Industrial Heaps
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Impaired Generation of Transit-Amplifying Progenitors in the Adult Subventricular Zone of Cyclin D2 Knockout Mice
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Effect of miR-223-3p and miR-328a-3p Knockdown on Allergic Airway Inflammation in Rat Precision-Cut Lung Slices
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Neutrophil Counts, Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio, and Systemic Inflammatory Response Index (SIRI) Predict Mortality after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
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Bile Acids: Key Players in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases?
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SP-1, a Serine Protease from the Gut Microbiota, Influences Colitis and Drives Intestinal Dysbiosis in Mice
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Neuroinflammation in Dementia—Therapeutic Directions in a COVID-19 Pandemic Setting
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Telomere Length and Risk of Major Adverse Cardiac Events and Cancer in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients
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Role of Platelets in Osteoarthritis—Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Role of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Osteoarthritis
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The Anti-Tumoral Potential of Phosphonate Analog of Sulforaphane in Zebrafish Xenograft Model
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Western blot analysis of autophagy-related proteins of A549, H226 and H460 cells after exposure to C4
Open Research DataThe dataset includes measurements of the density of autophagy-related proteins in A549, H226, and H460 cell lines following exposure to compound C4.
A Novel Ru(II) Polypyridine Black Dye Investigated by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and TDDFT Calculations
PublicationThe optical properties of a new(bipyridine)2Ru(4H-imidazole) complex presenting a remarkablebroad absorption in the visible range are investigated. Thestrong overlap of the absorption with the solar radiationspectrum renders the studied complex promising as a blackabsorber and hence as a starting structure for applications inthe field of dye-sensitized solar cells. The correlations betweenstructural and electronic features for...
The role of regulatory T cells and genes involved in their differentiation in pathogenesis of selected inflammatory and neoplastic skin diseases. Part III: Polymorphisms of genes involved in Tregs’ activation and function
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Antitumor imidazoacridinone derivative C-1311 induces cell cycle arrest and cellular senescence-like phenotypic changes in human non-small lung A549 cancer cells
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu zbadanie rodzaju odpowiedzi komórkowej indukowanej przez pochodną C1311 w komórkach ludzkiego, niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuc A549, wyselekcjonowanych do badań ze względu na wysoką wrażliwość na działanie pochodnej C-1311. Wszystkie eksperymenty przeprowadzone zostały przy stężeniu hamującym proliferację komórek nowotworowych w 80%. Badania z wykorzystaniem techniki cytometrii przepływowej oraz...
Oxidative modification induced by photodynamic therapy with Photofrin®II and 2-methoxyestradiol in human ovarian clear carcinoma (OvBH-1) and human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cells
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Immunocytochemical and biochemical detection of EMMPRIN in the rat tooth germ: differentiation-dependent co-expression with MMPs and co-localization with caveolin-1 in membrane rafts of dental epithelial cells
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A Pertussis Outer Membrane Vesicle-Based Vaccine Induces Lung-Resident Memory CD4 T Cells and Protection Against Bordetella pertussis, Including Pertactin Deficient Strains
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Identification of X-DING-CD4, a new member of human DING protein family that is secreted by HIV-1 resistant CD4+ T cells and has anti-viral activity
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Programmed metalloporphyrins for self-assembly within light-harvesting stacks: 5,15-dicyano-10,20-bis(3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl)-porphyrinato zinc(II) and its push-pull 15-N,N-dialkylamino-5-cyano congeners obtained by a facile direct amination.
PublicationThe title dicyano compound was synthesized via cyanation and it self-assembles in nonpolar solvents giving red-shifted and broad absorption maxima just as the bacteriochlorophylls which are encountered in the light-harvesting organelles of early photosynthetic bacteria. In the crystal, stacks are formed through a hierarchic combination of π-stacking and a CNZn electrostatic interaction. Push−pull 15-N,N-dialkylamino-5-cyano congeners...
Floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC) batch experiment: plant microscopy observations
Open Research DataThis data collection includes plant root microscope findings. Species chosen for observation: Iris pseudacorus (IP) and Phragmites australis (PA). The anatomical measurements were taken with an optical microscope (Delta Optical Genetic Pro with 3MP camera; Delta Optical, Poland) that had lens magnifications of 4x and 10x and an ocular magnification...
Resistance of human prostate carcinoma cells to a new antitumor compound capridine beta is associated with changed drug metabolism combined with both inherent and drug-induced overexpression of ABC transporters
PublicationW pracy charakteryzujemy mechanizm oporności na nową pochodną 1-nitroakrydyny, związku capridine beta (C-1748) o wysokiej aktywności przeciwnowotworowej, znajdującego się w badaniach klinicznych. Nasze dane wskazują, że oporność na ten związek jest wynikiem zmienionego metabolizmu inaktywującego C-1748 oraz wzrostem ekspresji pompy błonowej ABCG2 a także innych białek transportowych typu ABC.
Pulse-Modulated Radio-Frequency Alternating-Current-Driven Atmospheric-Pressure Glow Discharge for Continuous-Flow Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Evaluation of Their Cytotoxicity toward Human Melanoma Cells
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Ceragenin CSA-13 as free molecules and attached to magnetic nanoparticle surfaces induce caspase-dependent apoptosis in human breast cancer cells via disruption of cell oxidative balance
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Short-term Cultivation of Porcine Cumulus Cells Influences the Cyclin-dependent Kinase 4 (Cdk4) and Connexin 43 (Cx43) Protein Expression—A Real-time Cell Proliferation Approach
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<p>Mechano-signalling, induced by fullerene C<sub>60</sub> nanofilms, arrests the cell cycle in the G2/M phase and decreases proliferation of liver cancer cells</p>
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Evolution of left ventricular function after Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells transcoronary administration: 5-year follow up in a pilot cohort of CIRCULATE-AMI Randomized Trial
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The activity of latent benzoperimidine esters to inhibit P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 dependent efflux of pirarubicin from several lines of multidrug resistant tumor cells.
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki badań biologicznych przeprowadzonych dla nowej grupy związków: estrów benzoperymidyny z zastosowaniem wybranych linii komórek nowotworowych: wrażliwych i opornych o oporności P-gp-zależnej, MRP1-zależnej i o oporności związanej z nadekspresją białek MRP1/LRP. Metodą spektrofluorymetryczną zbadano zdolność estrów benzoperymidyny do hamowania eksportu aktywnego pirarubicyny z komórek opornych. Estry benzoperymidyny...
Diminished toxicity of C-1748, 4-methyl-9-hydroxyethylamino-1-nitroacridine, compared with its demethyl analog, C-857, corresponds to its resistance to metabolism in HepG2 cells
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Anna Kuczyńska-Łażewska dr inż.
PeopleAnna Kuczyńska-Łażewska graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technologyin the field of Chemistry (1st degree) and Environmental Protection Technologies, specialization: environmental protection systems (2nd degree). She completed an internship at the Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse in Rostock. She defended her doctorate in recycling of 1st and 2nd generation modules in 2018 at the Department of Energy...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer H460 cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer H460 cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal PNT1A cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal PNT1A cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer LNCaP cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer LNCaP cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells
Open Research DataThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells
Open Research DataTis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Instalacje fotowoltaiczne w budownictwie wielorodzinnym
PublicationArtykuł opisuje wpływ instalacji fotowoltaicznych na bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji budynków wielorodzinnych. W oparciu o projekty rzeczywistych obiektów przeprowadzono analizę zwiększenia ryzyka strat odgromowych, zmiany obciążenia konstrukcji dachu i wzrostu zagrożenia pożarowego na skutek montażu systemu fotowoltaicznego. Przeprowadzone obliczenia wskazują na konieczność kompleksowego podejścia do projektowania instalacji fotowoltaicznych....
Toll-like receptor 9 agonists and IL-15 promote activation, proliferation, secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and differentiation of B cells isolated from bone marrow of rheumatoid arthritis patients
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Acute myocardial infarction reparation/regeneration strategy using Wharton’s jelly multipotent stem cells as an ‘unlimited’ therapeutic agent: 3-year outcomes in a pilot cohort of the CIRCULATE-AMI trial
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Badania stabilności chemicznej kompozytowego elektrolitu 3-YSZ-Al2O3 w stosunku do materiałów elektrodowych do zastosowania w średniotemperaturowych ogniwach paliwowych
PublicationJednym z podstawowych wymogów stawianych mate- riałom na elektrolity do średniotemperaturowych ogniw paliwowych IT-SOFC (ang. intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells) jest ich kompatybilność chemiczna z elektrodami w temperaturach zarówno eksploatacji, jak i wytwarzania ogniw. W celu sprawdzenia, czy badany w pracy kompozytowy elektrolit o osnowie z częściowo stabilizowanego ditlenku cyrkonu i z wtrąceniami tlenku glinu...
Sustainable energy system combined biogas-feedSolid Oxide Fuel Cell and Microalgae technology
PublicationIn the new frontier of energy and environmental safety, new efficient and clean safe energy conversion systems are required. In this sense, the present work is framed within the context of Circular Economy and proposes a multidisciplinary study for the development of more efficient, economically viable and non-polluting energy conversion systems, based on the synergetic combination of different technologies: fuel cells, biofuels,...
Determination of cytotoxic activity of new bisacridines IKE18, IKE19, IKE21 and IE10 against human kidney HEK-293 (ATCC® CRL-1573™) and liver cells HEPG2 (ATCC® HB-8065™)
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining in vitro cytotoxic activity of compounds using human cell lines assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, a method that evaluates cell viability by measuring cellular oxidoreductase activity. Initially, cells were seeded in 96-well culture plates and allowed...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal MRC-5 cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal MRC-5 cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer Du-145 cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer Du-145 cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst Du-145 cancer cells
Open Research DataTis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Electric transport in organic system with planar DBP/F16ZnPc junction on the basis of direct current and small signal admittance spectra analysis
PublicationThe objective of this work was to determine electric transport in the organic device based on a planar junction of electron donor and electron acceptor materials, namely ITO/MoO3/DBP/F16ZnPc/BCP/Ag. The analysis reported herein was based on direct current-voltage measurements and small-signal admittance spectra in the dark and under illumination. Such analysis may provide information on potential barriers, parasitic resistances...
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst MRC-5 normal cells
Open Research DataTis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst MRC-5 normal cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Effect of heterocycle donor in 2-cyanoacrylic acid conjugated derivatives for DSSC applications
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Surface properties tuning of exfoliated graphitic carbon nitride for multiple photocatalytic performance