Search results for: arts-led regeneration, creative placemaking, urban art - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: arts-led regeneration, creative placemaking, urban art

Search results for: arts-led regeneration, creative placemaking, urban art

  • Redesigning Informal Beirut: Shaping the Sustainable Transformation Strategies

    Lebanon is distinguished by its strategic geographical location among the Arab countries. Beirut, as the capital city and the major commercial and cultural centre of the country, is a point of interest for migrants. The region has witnessed many changes since the end of World War II, which have resulted in internal and external conflicts, migrations, the centralization of the country’s economy, etc. Furthermore, the city has witnessed...

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  • Magdalena Podwojewska dr inż. arch.

    Magdalena Podwojewska is a senior lecturer in the Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 2016 she has served as Vice Dean for Student Affairs. She is a member of the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Architects. Her research and publications focused on the adaptation of railway and post-industrial buildings and infrastructure, as well as to the potential...

  • Public Spaces - Coexistence and Participation


    The paper is an attempt to answer two questions: (1) how to develop positive social relations and citizenship among residents of cities in Poland and (2) howsuitable shaping of public space affects the activation and integration of local residents.The specificity of the post-war process of urbanization in Poland - a country traditionally agricultural - was its political dimension (forced 'nationalisation' of agriculture and industrialization...

  • Deep Eutectic Solvents: Properties and Applications in CO2 Separation

    Nowadays, many researchers are focused on finding a solution to the problem of global warming. Carbon dioxide is considered to be responsible for the “greenhouse” effect. The largest global emission of industrial CO2 comes from fossil fuel combustion, which makes power plants the perfect point source targets for immediate CO2 emission reductions. A state-of-the-art method for capturing carbon dioxide is chemical absorption using...

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  • Anita Jaśkiewicz-Sojak dr inż. arch.

    Anita Jaśkiewicz-Sojak (PhD Eng Arch) architect, architectural historian and conservator, assistant professor in the Department of History, Theory of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology. Education: graduate studies and doctoral studies in architecture and urban planning (Gdańsk University of Technology), graduate studies in history (University of Gdańsk) and post graduate...



    - Year 2018

    The following paper investigates the idea of reducing the human digital intervention to a minimum during the advanced design process. Augmenting the outcome attributes beyond the designer's capabilities by computational design methods, data collection, data computing and digital fabrication, altogether imitating the human design process. The primary technical goal of the research was verification of restrictions and abilities used...

  • Functionalized nanodiamonds as a perspective green carbo-catalyst for removal of emerging organic pollutants

    Rapid industrial and urban development jointly with rising global population strongly affect the large-scale issues with drinking, groundwater, and surface water pollution. Concerns are not limited to environmental issues but also human health impact becoming serious global aspect. Organic pollution becomes a primarily serious hazard, therefore, the novel sophisticated approaches to treat them are thoroughly investigated. Among...

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  • Changes in the structure of Armenia’s labour resources between 1993 and 2020


    The article characterises the structure of Armenia’s labour resources in the period between1993 and 2020. It aims to assess the changes on the Armenian labour market by means of a deductive analysis of historical data and observation of changes in the structure of resources based on generally available macroeconomic data. The authors evaluate these processes against the background of demographic and economic changes, by presenting...

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  • The Future of the University? Social Activism among Young Polish Scholars


    - Year 2017

    The question “Quo vadis, Academia?” is posed by scholars, research administrators, journalists and is also ofound in public opinion in Poland in different contexts. Authors of the article do not call into question the necessity of changes of contemporary universities, but they think that the source of changes should be characterized by a bottom-up approach, especially by those who have already achieved extraordinary scientific...

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  • Karol Grębowski dr inż.

     Karol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded  by struck or explosion in the context...

  • Flora i fauna w sztuce cystersów Pomorza Gdańskiego. Flora and fauna in the art of Pomerelian Cistercians.


    - Year 2016

    W sztuce cystersów pomorskich bardzo często spotyka się motywy odnoszące się do flory i fauny. W okresie średniowiecza miały one najczęściej znaczenie symboliczne, związane ze Starym i Nowym Testamentem. Ich głównym zadaniem było przypomnienie zakonnikom o miłosierdziu Pańskim oraz treści związanych z tymi fragmentami życia Jezusa, które są wskazówkami jak powinni żyć chrześcijanie. Sygnalizowano też konieczność wykazywania stałej...

  • Wielkie wydarzenia jako katalizator procesów rewitalizacji

    Celem referatu jest naświetlenie procesów rewitalizacji towarzyszących organizacji wielkich wydarzeń w dwóch aspektach: 1) rewitalizacja jako motor lub jako skutek działań; 2) lokalność i regionalność procesów rewitalizacji. Omówieniu tych zjawisk służą przykłady miast-organizatorów wielkich wydarzeń, Sydney (IO 2000), Pekin (IO 2008), Londyn (IO 2012) oraz Gdańsk (Euro 2012) i Szczecin (The Tall Ships Races 2013). Kluczową kwestią...

  • Ogród muz II


    - Year 2017

    "Gdańsk nowożytny a świat antyczny" – to tytuł drugiego tomu publikacji stanowiącej zapis projektu "W nadbałtyckim ogrodzie muz…", zorganizowanego w roku 2015 przez PAN Bibliotekę Gdańską i Katedrę Filologii Klasycznej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. W tomie pierwszym, wydanym w 2016 roku pod tytułem W gdańskim ogrodzie muz, obok podstawowych dla recepcji kultury grecko-rzymskiej sfer ekspresji, jaką jest poezja i sztuka perswazji,...

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  • Gdańsk nowożytny a świat antyczny


    - Year 2017

    "Gdańsk nowożytny a świat antyczny" – to tytuł drugiego tomu publikacji stanowiącej zapis projektu "W nadbałtyckim ogrodzie muz…", zorganizowanego w roku 2015 przez PAN Bibliotekę Gdańską i Katedrę Filologii Klasycznej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. W tomie pierwszym, wydanym w 2016 roku pod tytułem W gdańskim ogrodzie muz, obok podstawowych dla recepcji kultury grecko-rzymskiej sfer ekspresji, jaką jest poezja i sztuka perswazji,...

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  • Driverless Mobility: The Impact on Metropolitan Spatial Structures


    Diffusion of emerging technologies is following the need of solving particular problems. Each innovation produce also some undesirable consequences. Many examples from the past have shown that along with the spread of each technology their side effects are accumulating until the level they need to be solved. One of the examples is automobile, which advantages and disadvantages were already described including its spatial consequences....

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  • Exposure to cooking emitted volatile organic compounds with recirculating and extracting ventilation solutions

    • W. Wojnowski
    • A. Yang
    • T. Mikoviny
    • A. Wisthaler
    • K. Thunshelle


    Energy-efficient urban development leads to the compact design of apartments. Recirculating ventilation solutions are an attempt to minimize the space required for ventilation ducting, but more data on their performance are needed. Cooking is a major source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions. It is necessary to assess how well recirculating kitchen hoods perform in reducing the residents' exposure to cooking fumes compared...

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  • Smart Garden Suburb_Urban design II 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • R. Ozdemir
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    In the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...

  • Urban Design II _ New Urban Living 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    In the twenty-first century the idea of living in a perfect place combines the need for beauty&identity of the place with the ecology. Metropolises around the world are waiting for concepts that will expose the landscape values and give life in the suburbs high quality including energy efficiency and climate neutrality. A new concepts of are being discussed. Join this trend and look for solutions which merge expression of beauty...



    The buildings considered as raising the prestige and promoting cities are those related to culture. Their impact on urban life is undeniable, which is reflected in a continuous increase in the number of new museum buildings. Apart from places intrinsically linked with culture, which, as such, may be considered as standard - like museum, theatres or galleries - there also appear alternative places of development and promotion of...

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  • Kształtowanie nowej tożsamości regionalnej w przestrzeniach dominacji wody na Żuławach Delty Wisły


    - Year 2022

    Celem naukowym rozprawy jest sformułowanie kierunku zagospodarowania przestrzennego regionu Żuław Delty Wisły. To unikatowy w skali europejskiej region, który jest fenomenem cywilizacji hydraulicznej i dominacji wody. Proces polderyzacji, który rozpoczął się już w XIII wieku doprowadził do utworzenia historycznych układów urbanistycznych. W roku 1945 nastąpiło przerwanie ciągłości kulturowej. Współcześnie na obszarze Żuław istnieją...

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  • Poszukiwanie układów obiektów architektonicznych zgodnych z uwarunkowaniami przyrodniczymi Pojezierza Kaszubskiego. Studium autorskie

    Studium docelowych form zamieszkiwania oparto o obserwacje przyrodnicze i próbę ich kulturowej transpozycji poprzez działania artystyczne. Metaforyczne wyobrażenia form zamieszkiwania prezentowane w wielu wariantach ukazują jej adaptowalność do różnorodnych, unikalnych uwarunkowań przyrodniczych. Kontekst stanowi zarówno inspirację jak i zadanie problemowe, na które odpowiedzią jest konkretna forma układu, spasowana do swojego...

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  • Developing Polycentricity to Shape Resilient Metropolitan Structures: The Case of the Gdansk–Gdynia–Sopot Metropolitan Area


    Making the metropolitan area resilient, in many cases, calls for amending its spatial structures. This may take various forms, including both reshaping the metropolitan core and redeveloping the entire regional network of cities and centres, making them part of a coherent structure. The latter strategy is associated with reinforcing secondary urban centres as well as shaping new connections between them. In this case, the term...

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  • Machine-learning-based precise cost-efficient NO2 sensor calibration by means of time series matching and global data pre-processing

    Air pollution remains a considerable contemporary challenge affecting life quality, the environment, and economic well-being. It encompasses an array of pollutants—gases, particulate matter, biological molecules—emanating from sources such as vehicle emissions, industrial activities, agriculture, and natural occurrences. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a harmful gas, is particularly abundant in densely populated urban areas. Given its...

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  • Sopot - is it possible to retain the unique image of the city?


    Sopot is the best-known seaside resort in Poland. The city is unique with regard not only to its location and natural values, but also its interesting architecture, which dates back to the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The relic of that era is the largest in the country number of buildings characteristic for the Northern European seaside resorts. The architecture of historic Sopot is dominated by eclectic...


    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Sasin

    Komponent modułu przedmiot Kompozycja - koordynator modułu: prof. Krzysztof Wróblewski Prowadzący: dr hab. Janusz Tkaczuk, prof. uczelni  mgr Paweł Sasin  english version below Kompozycja rzeźbiarska w przestrzeni: zaprojektowanie rzeźbiarskiego układu jednej lub kilku form abstrakcyjnych wynikających z inspiracji sztuką land art’u. Miejscem zbudowania kompozycji jest środowisko naturalne. Punkt wyjścia to określenie wzajemnej...

  • Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego


    - Year 2015

    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi   Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than...

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    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Macikowski

    HISTORIA ARCHITEKTURY WSPÓŁCZESNEJ Cykl wykładów jest poświęcony jest tematyce rozwoju myśli architektonicznej w okresie XIX i XX wieku. Złożoność procesów i dynamika przemian ideowych, społecznych i technicznych wpłynęła w sposób znaczący na przemiany i rozwój w dziedzinie architektury i urbanistyki. W ramach cyklu wykładów streszczony zostanie ten niezwykle ciekawy czas, omówione zostaną zarówno dzieła jak i postaci, które do...