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Search results for: co2 equivalent unit
Direct conversion of biomass to nanoporous activated biocarbons for high CO2 adsorption and supercapacitor applications
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Copper oxide thin films as components for heterojunction formation with TiO2 for photocatalytic CO2 reduction
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Cold Plasma Synthesis and Testing of NiOX-Based Thin-Film Catalysts for CO2 Methanation
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The Impact of Energy Development of the European Union Euro Area Countries on CO2 Emissions Level
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Strącanie węglanu wapnia w kolumnowym reaktorze barbotażowym z CO2 jako reagentem
PublicationBadano przebieg procesu precypitacji węglanu wapnia z roztworu wodorotlenku wapnia za pomocą dwutlenku węgla w reaktorze typu airlift. Zbadano wpływ czasu nagazowania, prędkości przepływu dwultenku węgla i przepływu mieszaniny dwutlenku węgla i powietrza na wielkość otrzymywanych cząstek. W czasie procesu mierzono pH mieszaniny reakcyjnej oraz stopień zatrzymania gazu.
Bi-GRU-APSO: Bi-Directional Gated Recurrent Unit with Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Sales Forecasting in Multi-Channel Retail
PublicationIn the present scenario, retail sales forecasting has a great significance in E-commerce companies. The precise retail sales forecasting enhances the business decision making, storage management, and product sales. Inaccurate retail sales forecasting can decrease customer satisfaction, inventory shortages, product backlog, and unsatisfied customer demands. In order to obtain a better retail sales forecasting, deep learning models...
Effect of the Unit Pressure on the Selection Parameters of Intermetallic Coastings NiAl and Ni3Al after Platic Working
PublicationW artykule omówiono wpływ zgniotu na wybrane parametry warstwy międzymetalicznej NiAl i Ni3Al napawanej na stali C45 podanej obróbce plastycznej poprzez prasowanie na zimno.
Analysis of the Sieve Unit Inclination Angle in the Cleaning Process of Oat Grain in a Rotary Cleaning Device
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Revised structure of the repeating unit of the O-specific polysaccharide from Azospirillum lipoferum strain SpBr17
PublicationO-polisacharyd otrzymany poprzez delikatną kwasową hydrolizę lipopolisacharydu wyizolowanego z Azospirillum lipoferum SpBr17 był badany metodami spektroskopii NMR jak również metodą analizy metylacyjnej połączonej z elektroforezą SDS-PAGE. Stwierdzono, że nie jest on liniowym homopolimerem złożonym wyłącznie z (1->3) [alfa]-glikozydowo połączonych cząsteczek L-ramnopiranozy (jak proponowano wcześniej) lecz sekwencją kolejnych bloków...
Design concepts of propulsion and steering system for hotel unit of two-segment inland waterways ship
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono założenia projektowe i dwa rozwiązania koncepcyjne napędu i sterowania barki hotelowej, stanowiącej część dwusegmentowego statku śródlądowego i przybrzeżnego. Obydwa rozwiązania oparto na zastosowaniu dziobowego śrubosteru małej mocy, ze śrubą stałą umieszczoną w dyszy obrotowej. W jednym z rozwiązań śruba napędzana jest silnikiem hydraulicznym, zaś w drugim - silnikiem elektrycznym. Mechanizm obrotu kolumny...
Infraclavicular access to the axillary vein — new possibilities for the catheterization of the central veins in the intensive care unit
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Solvatochromic studies of pull–push molecules containing dimethylaniline and aromatic hydrocarbon linked by an acetylene unit
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Steady-state characteristics and dynamic response of the PEM fuel cell to unit step change of load
PublicationPodano opis układu zasilania opartego na dwóch ogniwach paliwowych typu PEM o łącznej mocy 2.4 kW. Zaprezentowano wybrane charakterystyki statyczne i dynamiczne układu.
Heat transfer enhancement of modular thermal energy storage unit for reversible heat pump cooperation
PublicationThe following article presents experimental comparison research on a hexagonal shelland-tube latent thermal energy storage (TES). Such shape of a shell was deliberately chosen instead of a cylindrical one due to its high modularity and with intent for future applications in automobiles (EV and PHEV) air conditioning systems (HVAC). Two geometries of helical coils, acting as tubes, were studied in this article. One was a simple...
Multi-objective optimization of the cavitation generation unit structure of an advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactor
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) has been widely considered a promising technique for industrial-scale process intensifications. The effectiveness of HC is determined by the performance of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors (HCRs). The advanced rotational HCRs (ARHCRs) proposed recently have shown superior performance in various applications, while the research on the structural optimization is still absent. The present study, for the...
Emerging linezolid-resistant, vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium from a patient of a haematological unit in Poland.
PublicationOksazolidynowy antybiotyk, linezolid, jest stosowany w terapii infekcji powodowanych przez różne Gram-dodatnie bakterie, włączając w to vankomycyno-oporne enterokoki (VRE). Praca pokazuje po raz pierwszy w Polsce izolację szczepu Enterococcus faecium (LRVREF)opornego na linezolid oraz vankomycynę. Stosując techniki PCR-RFLP regionu rDNA i allelo specyficzny PCR domeny V regionu 23S rDNA wykazano obecność mutacji G2576U, identyfikowanej...
Effect of selected ammonia escape inhibitors on carbon dioxide capture and utilization via calcium carbonate precipitation
PublicationCarbon dioxide was used to precipitate CaCO3 with CaCl2 solution in the presence of NH3 as a CO2 absorption promoter. Compounds that were previously indicated as inhibitors of ammonia escape during CO2 absorption were also added to the reaction mixture. Inorganic salts, i.e. ZnCl2, CuCl2, CoCl2, and organic substances, i.e. glycerol, ethylene glycol and triethanolamine were tested inhibitors in this work. A model post-distillation...
High gain/bandwidth off‑chip antenna loaded with metamaterial unit‑cell impedance matching circuit for sub‑terahertz near‑field electronic systems
PublicationAn innovative off-chip antenna (OCA) is presented that exhibits high gain and efficiency performance at the terahertz (THz) band and has a wide operational bandwidth. The proposed OCA is implemented on stacked silicon layers and consists of an open circuit meandering line. It is shown that by loading the antenna with an array of subwavelength circular dielectric slots and terminating it with a metamaterial unit cell, its impedance...
Ag modified ZnO microsphere synthesis for efficient sonophotocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants and CO2 conversion
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Impact of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions on Economic Growth in the Visegrad Countries
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Impact on Economic Growth in the Visegrad Countries of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions
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Potassium citrate-derived porous carbon with high CO2 capture and Congo red adsorption performance
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Relationship among Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, CO2 Emission, and Urbanization: An Econometric Perspective Analysis
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CO2 capture enhancement by metal oxides impregnated coal fly ash: a breakthrough adsorption study
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Mathematical modelling of gasification process of sewage sludge in reactor of negative CO2 emission power plant
PublicationSewage sludge is a residue of wastewater processing that is biologically active and consists of water,organic matter, including dead and alive pathogens, as well as organic and inorganic contaminants suchas polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Due to the nature of sewage sludge and itspossible influence on human health and wellbeing, it is a subject of various regulations. Currently,sewage sludge is considered...
Marek Kubale prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleDetails concerning: Qualifications, Experiences, Editorial boards, Ph.D. theses supervised, Books, and Recent articles can be found at ScholarSylwetka prof. Marka Kubalego Prof. Marek Kubale pracuje na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od roku 1969. W tym czasie napisał ponad 150 prac naukowych, w tym ponad 40 z listy JCR. Ponadto...
Bio-inspired Urban Design: Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Frameworks for a New Urban Unit in Cracow
PublicationIn March 2012, architects João Diniz (Brazil) and Dorota Wiśniewska (Poland) answered a call to competition from the City of Cracow, submitting an entry for the redesign of 5600 ha of the Nowa Huta district in eastern Cracow, focusing on economic revitalization within a framework of smart growth and sustainable development. The scenario included an ArcerolMittal Steelworks and incorporated a strong ecological analysis for the easternmost...
Closed forms of the Green's function and the generalized Green's function for the Helmholtz operator on the N-dimensional unit sphere
PublicationPokazano, że funkcję Greena dla operatora Helmholtza na N-wymiarowej sferze jednostkowej można wyrazić przez funcję Gegenbauera pierwszego rodzaju. W tych przypadkach, w których funkcja Greena nie istnieje, skonstruowano uogólnioną funkcję Greena.
Assessing circadian rhythms during prolonged midazolam infusion in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) children
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NEGATIVE-CO2-PP Negative CO2 emission gas power plant
ProjectsProject realized in Institute of Energy according to NOR/POLNORCCS/NEGATIVE-CO2-PP/0009/2019-00 agreement from 2020-11-17
Enhancing CO2 Conversion to CO over Plasma-Deposited Composites Based on Mixed Co and Fe Oxides
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Monometallic/Bimetallic Co‐ZIFs Synthesis, Characterization, and Application for Adsorption of SO2 and CO2 in Continuous Flow System
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Performance evaluation of phosphonium based deep eutectic solvents coated cerium oxide nanoparticles for CO2 capture
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A Novel Method of Endotoxins Removal from Chitosan Hydrogel as a Potential Bioink Component Obtained by CO2 Saturation
PublicationThe article presents a new approach in the purification of chitosan (CS) hydrogel in order to remove a significant amount of endotoxins without changing its molecular weight and viscosity. Two variants of the method used to purify CS hydrogels from endotoxins were investigated using the PyroGene rFC Enzymatic Cascade assay kit. The effect of the CS purification method was assessed in terms of changes in the dynamic viscosity of...
Synthesis, resolution, and chiroptical properties of hemicryptophane cage controlling the chirality of propeller arrangement of a C 3 triamide unit
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Polyethylene Films Coated with Antibacterial and Antiviral Layers Based on CO2 Extracts of Raspberry Seeds, of Pomegranate Seeds and of Rosemary
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Use of hop cone extract obtained under supercritical CO2 conditions for producing antibacterial all-purpose cleaners
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Selective preparation of biomass-derived porous carbon with controllable pore sizes toward highly efficient CO2 capture
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The Jurassic–Cretaceous transition in the High-Tatric succession (Giewont Unit, Western Tatra Mts, Poland): integrated stratigraphy and microfacies
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Indicators of recent geodynamic activity in the Książ Castle area (Świebodzice Unit, Sudetes) in the light of structural analysis and geodetic measurements
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PCR Melting Profile method for genotyping analysis of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolates from Hematological Unit patients
PublicationW ostatnich latach znacząco wzrasta liczba szczepów Enterococcus opornych na wankomycynę. Stwarzają one problemy medyczne u pacjentów skolonizowanych czy zainfekowanych tymi drobnoustrojami. W przedstawionych badaniach, określiliśmy genetyczne podobieństwo pomiędzy izolatami E. faecium VRE, pozyskiwanymi w okresie od kwietnia 2003 do kwietnia 2005 od pojedynczych pacjentów oddziału Hematologicznego Specjalistycznego Publicznego...
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Usefulness of PCR Melting Profile Method for Genotyping Analysis of Klebsiella oxytoca Isolates from Patients of a Single Hospital Unit
PublicationOpracowanie szybkich i prostych metod typowania jest wymagane w celu identyfikacji potencjalnych źródeł zakażenia ludzi drobnoustrojami oportunistycznymi. Klebsiella spp. należą do grupy bakterii oportunistycznych odpowiedzialnych za wzrost liczby wieloopornych zakażeń szpitalnych. Ostatnio pokazaliśmy wysoką różnorodność genetyczną K. oxytoca używając dużej kolekcji szczepów izolowanych przez 50 lat od pacjentów z kilku szpitali...
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal unit: control of an outbreak using a new ADSRRS technique
PublicationSzczepy Klebsiella pneumoniae (EPKP)produkujące beta-laktamazy o rozszerzonym spektrum substratowym (ESBL)stanowią często problem zakażeń na oddziałach noworodkowych. Izolaty od 149 pacjentów poddano typowaniu nową metodą opartą na zjawisku supresji PCR, ADSRRS-fingerprinting, wykazując pochodzenie klonalne badanych szczepów. Użyteczność techniki ADSRRS-finerprinting została potwierdzona innymi metodami - RAPD i PFGE.
Effective green ammonia synthesis from gaseous nitrogen and CO2 saturated-water vapour utilizing a novel photocatalytic reactor
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Hybrid geothermal-fossil power cycle analysis in a Polish setting with a focus on off-design performance and CO2 emissions reductions
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Research on the Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Road Transport, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption on the Example of the Visegrad Group Countries
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Deep insight into the pore size distribution of N-doped porous carbon materials on electrochemical energy storage and CO2 sorption
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Understanding the synergy between N-doped ultra-microporous carbonaceous adsorbent and nitrogen functionalities for high performance of CO2 sorption
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The impact of potential leakage from the sub-seabed CO2 storage site on the phosphorus transformation in marine sediments – An experimental study