Search results for: DE-CISION ALGORITHMS - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: DE-CISION ALGORITHMS

Search results for: DE-CISION ALGORITHMS

  • Projektowanie tras tramwajowych przy wykorzystaniu Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych

    W pracy przedstawiono metodykę projektowania tras tramwajowych dostosowaną do rozwijanej w Zespole Naukowym metody Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych. Opisano badania inwentaryzacyjne wykonane na torach tramwajowych, których wyniki posłużyły jako dane wejściowe w procesie projektowania. Pokazano, w jaki sposób dostosowano analityczne algorytmy projektowania tras kolejowych do specyfiki układów geometrycz-nych występujących w torach...

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  • Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.

  • Protocolo de Preparación y Evaluación de Pilas de Combustible de Óxido Sólido

    • A. Fuerte
    • R. X. Valenzuela
    • P. Ferreira-Aparicio
    • B. Bochentyn

    - Year 2022

    Este protocolo describe la metodología para la preparación de celdas de óxido sólido y su evaluación como pila de combustible (SOFC). Es fruto del estudio realizado en el marco de los proyectos FCTESTNET [1] y SOFCNET [2] del V Programa Marco, en el Comité IEC/TC105 [3] e investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el laboratorio. Las pilas de combustible son dispositivos capaces de transformar la energía química de un combustible en energía...

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  • Algorithms and Data Structures 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Ostrowski
    • K. Manuszewski
    • T. Pikies
    • K. Wereszko
    • A. Jastrzębski
    • M. Jurkiewicz
    • T. Goluch

    WETI, DS, Algorithms and Data Structures

  • As causas do trincamento a frio de um ação submetido a soldagem subaquática

    A soldagem subaquàtica usada na confeccao de juntas de acos de alta resistencia aumenta a sua susceptibilidade ao trincamento a frio, um efeito decorrente da transferencia de calor muito mais rapida a partir da area de soldagem e da presenca de hidrogenio difusivel, o que causa aumento da fragilidade do metal. Este trabalho avalia esta propensao ao trincamento a frio do aco S355G10+N usado na construcao de estrururas hidrotecnicas...

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  • Synthesis of 7-oxo-7h-naphto[1,2,3-de]quinoline derivatives as potential anticancer agents active on multidrug resistant cell lines


    Opierając się na naszym wcześniejszym stwierdzeniu, że tetracykliczne analogi antrachinonów z wbudowanym pierścieniem pirydynowym wykazują aktywną cytotoksyczność względem komórek z indukowaną opornością, przeprowadzono syntezę pochodnych 7-oxo-7h-nafto[1,2,3-de]chinoliny (3, 6-8, 10-12, 14,15 i 18) posiadających jeden lub dwa zasadowe łańcuchy boczne i różne podstawniki w pierścieniu pirydynowym, związków o potencjalnym działaniu...

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  • Palao de las Artes.


    Omówiono najnowszą realizację S. Calatravy Paleo de las Artes", stanowiącą wraz z trzema innymi obiektami przykład rewitalizacji terenów dawnego koryta rzeki Turia w centrum Walencji w Hiszpanii.

  • Effets de variabilite d'adhesion et de viellissement en collage structural


    - Year 2011

    Divers essais peuvent etre employes afin d'evaluer la resistance a la fracture des joints adhesifes. Generalement, ces essais sont symetriques: les substrats sont identiques. Nous avons utilise une version asymetrique, ou un adherend flexible est colle a aderend rigide. Nous discutons ici du comportement d'un joint d'adhesion variable. Des resultats assez surprenants font le sujet prinicpal de cet article.

  • Algorithms


    ISSN: 1999-4893

  • Essais de fissuration sur adhésif au moyen d'un essai de clivage en coin instrumente, mise en œuvre et application.


    - Year 2009

    L'essai de clivage en coin, plus communément appelle 'boeing wedge' test, est une méthode de référence pour qualifier la tenue mécanique a long terme des collages structuraux. Cette technique est particulièrement appréciée de par son faible cout et la simplicité de sa mise en ouevre. Elle consiste a précontraindre la colle en insérant un coin entre deux plaques assembles. L'énergie élastique ainsi stockée dans la structure...

  • de mininis state aid for entrepreneurs in EU law

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset will provide basic information on the legislation regarding the de minimis state aid under EU law, and some literature explaining the nature and effects of the de minimis state aid for entrepreneurs in some EU Member States in the budgetary period 2014-2020. As this kind of state aid admissible under the GBER, the individual decisions of...

  • El empleo en el marco de la transformación digital: Gig Economy vs Open Collaboration ¿dos caras de una misma moneda?


    - Year 2021

    Tal y como plantea Pérez [43, 44], estamos viviendo los efectos de una revolución tecnológica ligada al desarrollo de las TICs. Los procesos de innovación, describe, se retroalimentan colectivamente, involucrando diferentes actores (productores, proveedores, distribuidores y consumidores) entrelazados en clústeres o redes dinámicas y complejas. Estos procesos colectivos ayudan a desarrollar e implementar tecnologías y magnifican...

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  • Ship’s de-perming process using coils lying on seabed


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Year 2019

    A ship built from ferromagnetic steel disturbs the uniformity of the Earth’s magnetic field. Changes of ship’s signature are due to the magneto-mechanical interaction of the hull with the Earth’s magnetic field. The ship’s magnetic field can be detected by a magnetic naval mine. For this reason, the vessel has to be demagnetized. There are several methods of ship’s de-perming. The results of experimental and computer simulations...

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  • Efecto contagio en el uso del voto electrónico en Estonia: de las elecciones a otros niveles de la administración pública y la sociedad


    - Year 2019

    Estonia, cuarto país más pequeño de la Unión Europea tras Luxemburgo, Chipre y Malta, con una población que no alcanza el millón y medio de habitantes, ha sido en los últimos años objeto de atención mediática internacional por considerarlo the World’s more digital country (GREENWALD, 2018) , the first “Digital” Country (LUFKIN, 2017) o the Digital Republic (HELLER, 2017); así como uno de los referentes en el mundo académico en...

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  • Finite-window RLS algorithms


    - SIGNAL PROCESSING - Year 2022

    Two recursive least-squares (RLS) adaptive filtering algorithms are most often used in practice, the exponential and sliding (rectangular) window RLS algorithms. This popularity is mainly due to existence of low-complexity versions of these algorithms. However, these two windows are not always the best choice for identification of fast time-varying systems, when the identification performance is most important. In this paper, we...

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  • Tecnología y Democracia ¿Un amor de pandemia o una relación estable?


    - Year 2020

    Prologar una obra como esta es un privilegio y una responsabilidad. Es un privilegio en tanto que da paso a un seguido de contribuciones de gran calado y relevancia académica que contribuyen a la mejora del conocimiento existente acerca de la relación entre la tecnología y el funcionamiento de la democracia. Es una responsabilidad en el sentido que debe poner sobre la mesa algunas de las cuestiones abiertas de la disciplina y como...

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  • Description of the Dataset Hanow – Praecepta de Arte Disputandi – Transcription and Photographs


    - Year 2022

    This article briefly characterises the “Hanow – Praecepta de arte disputandi – transcription and photographs” research dataset. The dataset was created based on photographs and transcriptions of the manuscript of the Latin lectures on the rules of effective discussion (the title of the manuscript: Praecepta de arte disputandi) by Michael Chris-toph Hanow (1695–1773), professor of Gdańsk Academic Gymnasium. The original document...

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  • Electrochemical investigations on corosivity of de-icing liquids for railway infrastructure


    - Ochrona przed Korozją - Year 2022

    The paper presents the results of electrochemical tests of the de-icing fluid for railway infrastructure. DC and AC electrochemical tests were performed to determine the corrosion rates of structural steel, cast iron and aluminium in the newly produced fluid. The results were compared with the corrosion rates of the same materials in the fluid without corrosion inhibitors. The obtained test results indicate a low corrosion risk...

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  • Marine and Cosmic Inspirations for AI Algorithms


    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a scientific area that currently sees an enormous growth. Various new algorithms and methods are developed and many of them meets practical, successful applications. Authors of new algorithms draw different inspirations. Probably the most common one is the nature. For example, Artificial Neural Networks were inspired by the structure of human brain and nervous system while the classic Genetic Algorithm...

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  • Comparison and Analysis of Service Selection Algorithms


    - Year 2013

    In Service Oriented Architecture, applications are developed by integration of existing services in order to reduce development cost and time. The approach, however, requires algorithms that select appropriate services out of available, alternative ones. The selection process may consider both optimalization requirements, such as maximalization of performance, and constraint requirements, such minimal security or maximum development...



    ISSN: 1017-1398 , eISSN: 1572-9265

  • New Algorithms for Adaptive Notch Smoothing

    The problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary complex sinusoidal signal buried in noise is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of signal estimation can be increased if the results obtained from ANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithms can be employed...

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  • Interoperability Constraints in Service Selection Algorithms


    - Year 2012

    In Service Oriented Architecture, composite applications are developed by integration of existing, atomic services that may be available in alternative versions realizing the same functionality but having different Quality of Service (QoS) attributes. The development process requires effective service selection algorithms that balance profits and constraints of QoS attributes. Additionally, services operate in a heterogeneous environment,...

  • De la façon dont les réseaux sociaux se croisent dans la vie des migrants


    - Year 2022

    Éste es un texto muy complicado de titular. A pesar de lo sugerente de la idea de escribir acerca de dos conceptos intensamente relacionados, como son el de migración y el de redes. Esta misma intensidad en su interrelación implica una multiplicidad de sentidos que complican el trabajo explicativo del científico social, por su cuantioso número de opciones, y el trabajo comprensivo del lector, por la posible confusión que esta situación...

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  • Toxinas de setas


    - Year 2021


  • Evolutionary Algorithms in MPLS network designing


    - Year 2008

    MPLS technology become more and more popular especially in core networks giving great flexibility and compatibility with existing Internet protocols. There is a need to optimal design such networks and optimal bandwidth allocation. Linear Programming is not time efficient and does not solve nonlinear problems. Heuristic algorithms are believed to deal with these disadvantages and the most promising of them are Evolutionary Algorithms....

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  • On zero-error codes produced by greedy algorithms

    We present two greedy algorithms that determine zero-error codes and lower bounds on the zero-error capacity. These algorithms have many advantages, e.g., they do not store a whole product graph in a computer memory and they use the so-called distributions in all dimensions to get better approximations of the zero-error capacity. We also show an additional application of our algorithms.

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  • Swarm Algorithms in Modern Engineering Optimization Problems


    Complexity of today engineering problems is constantly increasing. Scientists no longer are facing issues, for which simple, mathematical programming methods are sufficient. Issues like autonomic vehicle navigation or classification are considered to be challenging, and although there exist valid means to solve them, in some cases there still is some place for improvement. With emergence of a new type of optimization techniques...

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  • Extending Service Selection Algorithms with Interoperability Analysis

    Application development by integration of existing, atomic services reduces development cost and time by extensive reuse of service components. In Service Oriented Architecture, there exist alternative versions of services supplying the same functionality but differing in Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, which enables developers to select services with optimal QoS. Existing algorithms of service selection focus on the formal...

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  • Nonrelational Databases DE 2022_2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka

    Within this course the four types of non-relational databases (i.e. document, graph, key-value and column-oriented) are discussed. The course is aimed at students of the 5th semester of data engineering.

  • Nonrelational Databases DE 2024_2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka
    • A. Landowska

    This course discusses three types of non-relational databases (i.e., document, graph, and key-value). The course is aimed at students in the 5th semester of data engineering.

  • Nonrelational Databases DE 2023_2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka

    This course discusses three types of non-relational databases (i.e., document, graph, and key-value). The course is aimed at students in the 5th semester of data engineering.

  • Parallelization of video stream algorithms in kaskada platform


    - Year 2011

    The purpose of this work is to present different techniques of video stream algorithms parallelization provided by the Kaskada platform - a novel system working in a supercomputer environment designated for multimedia streams processing. Considered parallelization methods include frame-level concurrency, multithreading and pipeline processing. Execution performance was measured on four time-consuming image recognition algorithms,...

  • A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms

    Open Research Data
    version 1.0 open access

    This dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.

  • Extinction Event Concepts for the Evolutionary Algorithms


    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Year 2012

    The main goal of this present paper is to propose a structure for a tool helping to determine how algorithm would react in a real live application, by checking it's adaptive capabilities in an extreme situation. Also a different idea of an additional genetic operator is being presented. As Genetic Algorithms are directly inspired by evolution, extinction events, which are elementary in our planet's development history, became...

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  • Avaliação das propriedades de impulso e freqüência em sistemas de aterramento


    - Year 2008

    Bezpieczne uziemienia projektowane dla celów ochrony odgromowej powinny odprowadzać prądy wyładowań atmosferycznych przy możliwie niewielkim spadku napięcia. Dla oceny ich skuteczności należy brać pod uwagę nie tylko ich rezystancję, lecz przede wszystkim impedancję. W pracy porównano wyniki symulacji komputerowych i pomiarów na obiektach rzeczywistych impedancji uziemień mierzonych przy wymuszeniach udarowych oraz wysokoczęstotliwościowych.

  • Comparison of edge detection algorithms for electric wire recognition


    Edge detection is the preliminary step in image processing for object detection and recognition procedure. It allows to remove useless information and reduce amount of data before further analysis. The paper contains the comparison of edge detection algorithms optimized for detection of horizontal edges. For comparison purposes the algorithms were implemented in the developed application dedicated to detection of electric line...

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  • Parameters optimization in medicine supporting image recognition algorithms


    - Year 2011

    In this paper, a procedure of automatic set up of image recognition algorithms' parameters is proposed, for the purpose of reducing the time needed for algorithms' development. The procedure is presented on two medicine supporting algorithms, performing bleeding detection in endoscopic images. Since the algorithms contain multiple parameters which must be specified, empirical testing is usually required to optimise the algorithm's...

  • De profundis ad astra


    - Year 2016

  • Algorithms & Data Structures 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Janczewski
    • K. Manuszewski
    • M. Jurkiewicz

  • Algorithms & Data Structures 23/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Ostrowski
    • K. Manuszewski
    • A. Jastrzębski
    • M. Jurkiewicz
    • T. Goluch

  • L'Italie. Gagner à tout prix. L'industrie de l'armenent italien pendant la Grande Guerre


    - Year 2018

    The chapter outlines the economic and technological transformations of the Italian armament industry during the First World War

  • A Fortran-95 algorithm to solve the three-dimensional Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time

    Open Research Data
    open access

    A numerically efficient finite-difference technique for the solution of a fractional extension of the Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time is designed. The model under investigation is a multidimensional equation with Riesz fractional derivatives of orders in (0,1)U(1,2], which considers a generalized potential and a time-dependent diffusion...

  • Algorithms of chemicals detection using raman spectra

    Raman spectrometers are devices which enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices utilize the Raman phenomenon to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives)without the necessity of their preparation. Now, Raman devices can be portable and therefore can be more widely used to improve security at public places. Unfortunately, Raman spectra measurements is a challenge...

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  • Comparison of thresholding algorithms for automatic overhead line detection procedure


    The article presents an overview of the thresholding algorithms. It compares the algorithms proposed by Pun, Kittler, Niblack, Huang, Rosenfeld, Remesh, Lloyd, Riddler, Otsu, Yanni, Kapur and Jawahar. Additionally, it was tested how the tuning of the Pun, Jawahar and Niblack methods affects the thresholding efficiency and proposed a combination of the Pun algorithm with a priori algorithm. All presented algorithms have been implemented...

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  • Face detection algorithms evaluation for the bank client verification


    Results of investigation of face detection algorithms in the video sequences are presented in the paper. The recordings were made with a miniature industrial USB camera in real conditions met in three bank operating rooms. The aim of the experiments was to check the practical usability of the face detection method in the biometric bank client verification system. The main assumption was to provide as much as possible user interaction...

  • New approach to railway noise modeling employing Genetic Algorithms


    Main goal of this paper was to describe an innovative method of noise prediction based on Genetic Algorithms. First part of the paper addresses the problem of growing noise, mainly in the context of a unified method for measuring noise. Further, Genetic Algorithms are described with regards to their fundamental features. Further a description is provided as to how Genetic Algorithms were used in the area of noise modeling. Next...

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  • Detailed experimental investigations on frictional pressure drop of R134a during flow boiling in 5 mm diameter channel: The influence of acceleration pressure drop component =Études expérimentales détaillées sur la chute de pression frictionnelle du R134a lors de l'ébullition en écoulement dans un canal de 5 mm de diamètre : influence de la composante d'accélération de la chute de pression

    This article presents detailed two-phase diabatic pressure drop data for refrigerant R134a at a saturation pressure of 5.5 bar corresponding to the saturation temperature of 19.4 °C. Study cases have been set for a mass flux varying from 100 to 500 kg m−2 s−1. The obtained data are used as a validation of the void fraction literature models, a set of graphs shows comparisons, for a representative set of experimental conditions,...

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  • Efficiency comparison of selected endoscopic video analysis algorithms

    In the paper, selected image analysis algorithms were examined and compared in the task of identifying informative frames, blurry frames, colorectal cancer and healthy tissue on endoscopic videos. In order to standardize the tests, the algorithms were modified by removing from them parts responsible for the classification, and replacing them with Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks. The tests were performed in...

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  • Data Warehouses DE 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Nabożny
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka

    The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the development process of data warehouses for BI systems. The course is prepared for students of Data Engineering.