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Search results for: NON-ADIABATIC EFFECTS
Photodissociation of polyatomic systems: non-adiabatic effects and conical intersection
PublicationPodano przykłady mechanizmów fotodysocjacji w cząsteczkach chloru bromoacetylowego i rodnika winiksydowego. Zastosowano kwantowe symulacje dynamiczne.
Non-adiabatic Effects in Pressure Drop Calculations in Flow Boiling and Flow Condensation in Minichannels
PublicationConsiderations presented in the paper relate both to the case of flow boiling and flow condensation in conventional channels as well as small diameter ones. Authors devoted all the possible attention that the modeling presented is applicable to the whole range of quality variation in both cases of condensation and boiling. The form of two-phase flow multiplier, which is a major factor in modeling presented here, should be capable...
PublicationFlow boiling and flow condensation are often regarded as two opposite or symmetrical phenomena involving the change of phase. There is a temptation to describe both these phenomena with one only correlation. From amongst the structures present in flow boiling and flow condensation at least the annular flow structure seems to be mostly appropriate to the common modeling. However, the shear stress acting between vapor phase and liquid...
Determination of pressure drop in flow condensation of HFE7000 in minichannels with account of non-adiabatic effects
PublicationFlow boiling and flow condensation are often regarded as two opposite or symmetrical phenomena involving the change of phase. There is a temptation to describe both these phenomena with one only correlation, however such method has yet to be suggested. From amongst the structures present in flow boiling and flow condensation at least the annular flow structure seems to be mostly appropriate to the common modeling. However, the shear...
Analytical model with non-adiabatic effects for pressure drop and heat transfer during boiling and condensation flows in conventional channels and minichannels
PublicationIn the paper a method developed earlier by authors is applied to calculations of pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient for boiling flow and condensation flow with account of non- adiabatic effects for some recent data collected from literature. The first effect, the modification of interface shear stresses in annular flow pattern is considered through incorporation of the so called "blowing parameter". The mechanism of...
Non-adiabatic superconductivity in the electron-doped graphene
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The description of non-linear interactions of wave and non-wave modes in a non-adiabatic plasma flow
PublicationThe method of derivation of non-linear equations for interacting modes is explained and applied to a plasma's flow affected by a magnetic field. It is based on the linear projecting of the total perturbation field into specific variations of variables in individual modes of a flow. The method may be applied in many examples of fluid flows with different mechanisms of non-adiabaticity. It is of special importance in complex flows...
A non-adiabatic wavepacket dynamical study of the low energy chargetransfer process in the S3+ + H collision
PublicationThe collisional system S3+ + H?S2+ + H+ has been studied using a time-dependent wavepacket methodologyin two-dimensions. Using available potential energy surfaces and coupling matrix elementsobtained from multireference ab initio calculations, five non-adiabatically coupled electronic states of1P symmetry have been included in the dynamical simulations. The collision has been studied in thelow energy regime of 1-10 eV. The wavepacket...
Non-isothermal effects in condensation inside tubes
PublicationWrzenie i kondensacja w przepływie są zjawiskami symetrycznymi, aczkolwiek ich opis za pomocą jednej korelacji w konfrontacji z eksperymentem nie dawał dobrych rezultatów. W pracy zmodyfikowano naprężenia styczne na granicy rozdziału faz w ten sposób, że uwzględniono wymianę pędu na granicy rozdziału faz i możliwym stała się adaptacja wcześniej zaproponowanego przez autorów modelu wrzenia w przepływie do obliczeń wymiany ciepła...
Effects of Non-Opioid Analgesics on the Cell Membrane of Skin and Gastrointestinal Cancers
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Parallel in vitro and in silico investigations into anti-inflammatory effects of non-prenylated stilbenoids
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Modelling of size effects in concrete using elasto-plascity with non-local softening
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia numeryczne symulacje MES efektów skali w materiałach kruchych takich jak beton , wykonane w warunkach płaskiego stanu odkształceń. Materiał był modelowany w ramach sprężysto-plastyczności z izotropowym wzmocnieniem i osłabieniem. W obszarze ściskania przyjęto liniowe kryterium Druckera-Pragera z niestowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia a w obszarze rozciągania liniowe kryterium Rankina ze stowarzyszonym prawem płynięcia....
Effects of rapid heating on non-equilibrium microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms of titanium alloy
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Effects of Resveratrol Supplementation in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease—A Meta-Analysis
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Effects of acute hypercapnia on the amplitude of cerebrovascular pulsation in humans registered with a non-invasive method
PublicationCelem pracy jest przedstawienie wpływu silnego zwiększenia ciśnienia dwutlenku węgla we krwi na amplitudę tętnienia naczyń mózgowych zarejestrowanego metodą bezinwazyjną.
Non-Typical Fluorescence Effects and Biological Activity in Selected 1,3,4-thiadiazole Derivatives: Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies on Substituent, Molecular Aggregation, and pH Effects
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Study of Slip Effects in Reverse Roll Coating Process Using Non-Isothermal Couple Stress Fluid
PublicationThe non-isothermal couple stress fluid inside a reverse roll coating geometry is considered. The slip condition is considered at the surfaces of the rolls. To develop the flow equations, the mathematical modelling is performed using conservation of momentum, mass, and energy. The LAT (lubrication approximation theory) is employed to simplify the equations. The closed form solution for velocity, temperature, and pressure gradient...
Soil pH effects on the comparative toxicity of dissolved zinc, non-nano and nano ZnO to the earthwormEisenia fetida
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Fiscal Contractions in Eurozone in the Years 1995–2013: Can Non-Keynesian Effects Be Helpful in Future Deleverage Process?
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Effects of different omeprazole dosing on gastric pH in non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: A randomized prospective study
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Non-isothermal effects in a common method for calculation of heat transfer coefficient in flow boiling and flow condensation in minichannels
PublicationW pracy przestawiono efekty nieizotermiczne w metodzie wyznaczania współczynnika przejmowania ciepła podczas wrzenia w przepływie oraz kondensacji w przepływie w minikanałach. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z badaniami eksperymentalnymi z literatury, uzyskując dobrą zgodność.
Concrete beams under bending - calculations of size effects within stochastic elasto-plasticity with non-local softening
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy efektów skali (efektu deterministycznego i stochastycznego) w belkach betonowych nacięciem poddanych zginaniu z uwzględnieniem lokalizacji odkształceń. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i sprężysto-plastycznego modelu z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Pokazano wpływ wielkości belek betonowych na nośność.
Notched concrete beams under bending - calculations of size effects within stochastic elasto-plasticity with non-local softening
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy efektów skali (efektu deterministycznego i stochastycznego) w belkach betonowych nacięciem poddanych zginaniu z uwzględnieniem lokalizacji odkształceń. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i sprężysto-plastycznego modelu z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Pokazano wpływ wielkości belek na nośność z uwzględnieniem stochastycznego rozkładu wytrzymałości na...
Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring as a guide to drug treatment of uncontrolled hypertensive patients: effects on home blood pressure in the BEAUTY study
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Particle rotation effects in Cosserat-Maxwell boundary layer flow with non-Fourier heat transfer using a new novel approach
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Non-adiabatic coupling elements between the diatomic silver anion and neutral silver dimer plus continuum electron
Open Research DataThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
FE analysis of size effects in reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement based on stochastic elasto-plasticity with non-local softening.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy MES dotyczącej deterministycznego i statystycznego efektu skali w żelbetowych belkach bez zbrojenia na ścinanie. W analizie zastosowano prawo sprężysto-plastyczne z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Wyniki analizy porównano z doświadczeniami i modelem skali Bazanta.
Thermal and solutal performance of Cu/CuO nanoparticles on a non-linear radially stretching surface with heat source/sink and varying chemical reaction effects
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Analysis of effects of formation of non-condensable gases and water vapor during a severe accident in a boiling water nuclear reactor Analiza skutków powstawania niekondensujących gazów i pary wodnej podczas ciężkiej awarii wrzącego reaktora jądrowego
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On the Nonlinear Effects of Magnetoacoustic Perturbations in Optically Thin Quasi-Isentropic Plasmas
PublicationNonlinear effects of planar magnetosound perturbations in a plasma are discussed. Plasma is non-adiabatic due to optically thin radiation and external heating. For these reasons, thermal instability of a plasma may appear which makes it acoustically active. The plasma is assumed to be initially homogeneous ideal gas with infinite electrical conductivity permeated by a straight magnetic field which is orthogonal to the trajectories...
Calculation of adiabatic potentials of Li2
PublicationPrezentujemy adiabatyczne krzywe energii potencjalnej jonu cząsteczki litu. Krzywe zostały stabelowane według odległości międzyatomowej: od 2ao do 100ao. Nasze teoretyczne wyniki zostały porównane z wynikami innych autorów oraz z krzywymi potencjałów energii uzyskanymi w wyniku eksperymentów. Wszystkie obliczenia zostały wykonane przy użyciu programu MOLPRO.
Calculation of adiabatic potentials of Li2
PublicationInformujemy o adiabatycznych krzywych energii potencjalnej cząsteczki litu. Nasze krzywe są stabelowane według odległości międzyatomowej od 3,2 a0 do 88a0. Porównujemy nasze wyniki teoretyczne z wynikami obliczonymi przez innych autorów oraz krzywymi energii potencjalnej wyprowadzonymi z eksperymentów. W naszym podejściu używamy metody konfiguracji wzajemnego oddziaływania, gdzie tylko elektrony walencyjne atomu Li są traktowane...
The adiabatic potentials of low-lying electronic states of the NaRb molecule
PublicationAdiabatic potential energy curves and spectroscopic constants have been calculated for the NaRb molecule. The results of ten states of the symmetry Σ+, six states of the symmetry Π, and two states of the symmetry Δ are obtained by the nonrelativistic quantum chemical method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction of valence electrons with atomic cores. Analysis is based on a comparison with the results of other theoretical...
Adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the vinoxy radical
PublicationZostały obliczone powierzchnie energetyczne stanu podstawowego i dwóch najniższych stanów wzbudzonych.
Study of the effect of adiabatic heating on the operation of the electrodynamic actuator
PublicationElectrodynamic actuators are used in hybrid switching systems where a very quick contact separation as well as operation repeatability and long-term reliability are required. The article presents selected results of thermal studies in the electrodynamic drive system. Study was carried out on the basis of the 3D electromagneto-thermal model implemented in the Ansys_Maxwell environment. The present model allows to determine the critical...
Rotational excitation of N2 by positron impact in the adiabatic rotational approximation
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Breakdown of Adiabatic Superconductivity in Ca-Doped h-BN Monolayer
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Experimental investigations on adiabatic frictional pressure drops of R134a during flow in 5mm diameter channel
PublicationThe article presents detailed two-phase adiabatic pressure drops data for refrigerant R134a at a saturation pressure of 5.5 bar corresponding to the saturation temperature of 19.4 °C. Study cases have been set for a mass flux varying from 100 to 500 kg/m2 s. The frictional pressure drop was characterized for the refrigerant R134a, for vapor qualities ranging from 0 to 1. Long-time thermal stability of test facility allowed to gather...
Investigations on mixture preparation for two phase adiabatic pressure drop of R134a flowing in 5 mm diameter channel
PublicationThe article presents detailed two-phase adiabatic pressure drops data for refrigerant R134a. Study cases have been set for a mass flux varying from 200 to 400 kg/m2 s, at the saturation temperature of 19.4 ◦C. Obtained experimental data was compared with the available correlations from the literature for the frictional pressure drop during adiabatic flow. Influence of mixture preparation on pressure drop was investigated, for...
Adiabatic Compressibilities of Divalent Transition-Metal Perchlorates and Chlorides in N,N-Dimethylacetamide and Dimethylsulfoxide
PublicationZmierzono prędkości rozchodzenia się dźwięku roztworów nadchloranów i chlorków manganu(II), kobaltu(II), niklu(II), miedzi(II) i cynku(II) w N,N-dimetyloacetamidzie i dimetylosulfotlenku w temperaturze 298.15 K. Obliczono ściśliwości adiabatyczne i pozorne ściśliwości adiabatyczne badanych roztworów. Przedyskutowano wpływ anionu i rodzaju rozpuszczalnika na uzyskane graniczne wartości pozornych ściśliwości adiabatycznych soli.
Experimental investigations on pressure drop during the condensation in flow of HFE7000 in vertical minichannel
PublicationIn the work presented in the paper authors focused attention on the issues of flow resistance and pressure drop during condensation in the flow. The case of the descending flow through a cylindrical single-channel of 2.3 mm inner diameter was carefully analyzed. In the course of investigations a new working fluid HFE 7000 has been scrutinised which has a strongly differing properties in comparison to the other fluids that are commonly...
PublicationIn the paper presented are the results of calculations using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling of different refrigerants. The experimental data from various research studies from literature were collected. Calculations were conducted for a full range of quality variation and a wide range of mass velocity. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of the in- house developed model....
Igor Szpotakowski
PeoplePrincipal Investigator in the four-year project (2020-2024): “Services contracts in private law of the PRC - codification in the era of decodification” funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Diamond Grant” programme, which is awarded to the most promising young researchers in Poland. Awarded a Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship to conduct one-year research (2020-2021) about “The effects of non-performance...
Comparitive study of heat transfer and pressure drop during flow boiling and flow condensation in minichannels
PublicationIn the paper a method developed earlier by authors is applied to calculations of pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient for flow boiling and also flow condensation for some recent data collected from literature for such fluids as R404a, R600a, R290, R32,R134a, R1234yf and other. The modification of interface shear stresses between flow boiling and flow condensation in annular flow structure are considered through incorporation...
The Only Stable State of O2- Is the X 2Πg Ground State and It (Still!) Has an Adiabatic Electron Detachment Energy of 0.45 eV
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Performance of the domestic micro ORC equipped with the shell-and-tube condenser with minichannels
PublicationIn this paper, the original compact shell-and-tube heat exchanger with circular minichannels of in-house design and manufacturing is presented as the condenser for the domestic micro heat and power plant investigations as well as other future technical applications. The heat exchanger is equipped with turbulizing baffles inside the shell. The shell itself is made of a tubular sleeve having an inner diameter of 0.067 m and the length...
Experimental Investigations On The Momentum Pressure Drop During Flow Boiling Of R134a
PublicationThe article presents experimental investigations of the pressure drop during twophase flow. Experiments were performed for both adiabatic and heated flow of R134a. Obtained flow patterns were compared with the literature. Obtained data is used to validate momentum pressure drop predictions, a set of graphs showing comparisons, for a representative set of experimental conditions, of the two-phase frictional pressure gradients for...
Effect of temperature and ionic strength on volumetric and acoustic properties of solutions of urea alkil derivatives in aqueous NaCl
PublicationThe present work was undertaken to study volumetric and acoustic properties for diluted solutions of tetramethylurea in pure water and for urea, n-propylurea, n-butylurea and tetramethylurea in 0.5 or 1 moldm3 aqueous solutions of sodium chloride. This paper presents measured values of densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K. From these data the apparent molar volumes, , adiabatic compressibilities,...
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Effect of Curing Conditions on the Temperature Rise of Concrete
PublicationThis paper presents experimental and numerical studies investigating the impact of three curing conditions on temperature evolution in concrete cubes. The tests were performed on samples of the same volume (3.375 dm3) under different curing conditions: room temperature, insulation boxes, and adiabatic calorimeter. Various cements (Portland cement, Portland composite cement, and blast furnace slag cement) and aggregates (gravel...
Spontaneous electron emission vs dissociation in internally hot silver dimer anions
PublicationReferring to a recent experiment, we theoretically study the process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag. The ground state potential energy curves of the silver molecules of diatomic neutral and negative ion were calculated using proper pseudo-potentials and atomic basis sets. We also estimated the non-adiabatic...