total: 1466
filtered: 24
- Publications 876 available results
- Journals 68 available results
- Publishing Houses 43 available results
- People 217 available results
- Inventions 11 available results
- Projects 24 available results
- Research Teams 2 available results
- Research Equipment 1 available results
- e-Learning Courses 148 available results
- Events 63 available results
- Open Research Data 13 available results
Chosen catalog filters
GUT Beyond Borders STE(E)R-ING towards International Doctoral School
ProjectsProject realized in Doctoral School according to PPI/STE/2020/1/00023/U/00001 agreement from 2020-12-11
E-podręcznik - przyszłość szkoły zaczyna się dziś...
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to UDA.POKL.03.03.04-00-024/10-00 agreement from 2010-11-03
Szkoła Orłów na PG
ProjectsProject realized in Education Section according to MNiSW/2018/256/DIR/KH agreement
PG_go_West Szkoła Doktorska PG bliżej Europy
ProjectsProject realized in Doctoral School according to BPI/STE/2023/1/00018/U/00001 agreement from 2023-12-08
Przygotowanie i realizacja studiów podyplomowych "Stosowanie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w nauczaniu przedmiotów zawodowych"
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-116/08 agreement from 2008-10-07
URANIUM Nanotechnology in biomaterials engineering - establishing cooperation with a technical high school in Lębork
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Technologii Biomateriałów according to DEC-15/URANIUM2022 agreement from 2022-03-15
Quo vadis, Gdańsku? Mieszkańcy planują swoje miasto.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to Umowa o dotację dotycząca wniosku nr E2/0519 agreement from 2014-10-13
Edukacja+ Dostępna Szkoła - innowacyjne rozwiązania w kreowaniu przyjaznej przestrzeni edukacyjnej z uwzględnieniem potrzeb uczniów oraz otoczenia
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design according to POWR.04.01.00-00-DS10/19 agreement from 2019-12-30
- -
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering according to UDA-POKL-08.02.01-22-005/12 agreement from 2012-12-19
REGE Cross-border cooperation between universities and large protected areas in the Euroregion of Pomerania
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Economics according to Porozumienie partnerskie agreement from 2017-10-11
MoPA Monitoring for protected areas with a focus on biodiversity and the sustainable development of these areas
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Economics according to INT0100028 MoPA agreement from 2023-05-31
PPPI Downhole tool - Protector Against Swelling Clays
ProjectsProject realized in Administration, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering according to BG1/PPPI/13 agreement from 2013-12-18
Can the photointercalation process negatively affect photoanode efficiency? Towards the search for easy ways to reduce the negative impact of photointercalation in layered materials
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials according to UMO-2023/51/D/ST4/00297 agreement from 2024-07-04
The use of new bi-functional and highly stable nitride-containing hybrid materials in the process of green hydrogen production
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials
Synthesis and characterization of photoelectroactive of molybdenum oxide films prepared by anodization of Mo substrate
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials according to UMO-2016/23/N/ST5/02071 agreement from 2017-08-30
PhotoSuperCap Integrated prototype of a photo-supercapacitor based on bismuth vanadate and titanium dioxide nanotubes for energy storage
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials according to LIDER/15/0088/L-10/18/NCBR/2019 agreement from 2019-11-25
OT4-4B/AGH-IET-PG-ETI-WSTKT Selection of acceptable transport speeds on roads, taking account of dynamic traffic management
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Multimedia Systems according to DZP/RID-I-68/14/NCBR/2016 agreement from 2016-03-17
BLOW Opracowanie metod neutralizacji zagrożenia wybuchu wytypowanych zbiorników z gazami technicznymi, w tym alternatywnymi źródłami zasilania w środowisku pożarowym na potrzeby ratowników biorących udział w akcjach ratowniczo-gaśniczych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Machine Design and Vehicles according to DOB-BIO6/02/50/2014 agreement from 2014-12-22
GC GreenCoin
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Visual Arts according to NOR/IdeaLab/GC/0003-2020-00 agreement from 2021-04-02
Hewelianum Hewelianum
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics from 2009-07-22
NLITED New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to 2020-1-1T02-KA203-079527 agreement
GASŁUPMIKROS Wybór optymalnej technologii monitoringu mikrosejsmicznego w procesach szczelinowania hydraulicznego. Optymalizacja przetwarzania i interpretacji danych pomiarowych.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Building Engineering according to BG1/GASŁUPMIKROS/13 agreement from 2013-11-14
QUNNA QUantum-effect-based Nanosensing and imaging: Novel glass-diamond photonic approach for the next generation biodiagnostic applications
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to POIR.04.04.00-00-1644/18-00 agreement from 2019-07-10
TEWI Platforma Informatyczna TEWI
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to POIG.2.03.00-00-028/09 agreement from 2009-09-24