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Search results for: SILVER BIRCH
The radial gradient of moisture content of silver birch wood in different seasons
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Effect of Drought and Heavy Metal Contamination on Growth and Photosynthesis of Silver Birch Trees Growing on Post-Industrial Heaps
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The usefulness of birch saps from the area of Podkarpacie to produce birch syrup
PublicationIn northern European countries, as well as in North America tree saps of maples and birches are used for the production of syrups. Birch syrups are characterized by a specific aromatic taste and can be used as an addition to sweets, desserts, salads and meats. Attention is paid to the health benefits of birch syrups, mainly for high mineral content. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of birch saps obtained from...
Birch sap concentrate as a potential modern food product
PublicationThis paper presents birch sap concentrate obtained by the reverse osmosis method. It is characterized by sweet taste, high content of minerals and no risk to consumers in terms of content of heavy metals standardized in the European Union food legislation. This beverage has all the features of a modern food product, i.e. it has an attractive taste, is obtained using new technology, meets the clean label requirements and can be...
The Reactivity of Arylphosphorus Acid Amides Under Birch Reduction Conditions
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The Digital Birth of an African City
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The Effect of Steaming Beech, Birch and Maple Woods on Qualitative Indicators of the Surface
PublicationThis work presents the effect of steaming beech, birch and maple woods on the resulting quality of the milled wood surface. The steaming process of the studied woods results in a targeted change in the color of the wood, which changes from the original light white-gray color to fine reddishbrown to dark brown color shades that are more or less saturated depending on the temperature of the saturated water steam. The color changes...
Predictions of cutting power while sawing of birch and beech with the use of modern fracture mechanics
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu przecinania drewna brzozy i buka piłami o rzazie 2 mm na pilarce ramowej PRW15M. Na podstawie teoretycznego modelu Atkinsa, wyznaczono z danych eksperymentalnych stałe materiałowe (wiązkość i naprężenia tnące w strefie ścinania) i opracowano model do prognozowania mocy skrawania podczas przecinania drewna piłami na pilarce ramowej dla innych wartości rzazu w funkcji posuwu na...
Probability of second live birth after first natural and medically assisted reproduction‐mediated live birth: A historical cohort study
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Preparation of silver nanoparticles in reverse micelles and antibacterial activity of silver modified-paints
PublicationW publikacji została opisana metoda otrzymywania nanocząstek srebra oraz farb modyfikowanych srebrem i ich wpływ na zahamowanie rozwoju wybranych bakterii i grzybów. Podjęto również próbę porównania wpływu rodzaju prekursora srebra oraz substancji powierzchniowo czynnej na stabilność otrzymanych nanocząstek srebra. Przygotowane mikroemulsje zawierały od 500 do 2000 ppm srebra
The energy consumption during the birch tree sap concentration process using the reverse osmosis system
PublicationBirch tree sap was concentrated by mens of the reversed osmosis technique. The energy consumption in a small-scale pilot apparatus was estimated. The threshold value for the water removal above which the specific energy consumption significantly increased was identified. Below the threshold value the reversed osmosis had low energy demand and could be an attractive method for the production of birch tree sap-based beverages.
New data acquisition system for birch sap concentrate production using the reverse osmosis technology
PublicationThe work presents a simple electronic device that helps to monitor the basic parameters of the reverse osmosis (RO) system during the concentration of birch tree sap. The construction costs are low (around 150 Euro) but the functionality of the device is high. It has an in-build two channel conductometer and can measure the volumetric flow rate of two streams of liquids. The collected data are transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth...
Silver intercalated carbon nanotubes
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The birth of the first child as a positive event in the lives of young parents
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Birth Defects Research
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Terahertz Conductivity of Silver Nanowire Layers
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Degradation of metal implants covered with silver
PublicationSilver was known for its antibacterial properties as long ago as in antiquity. The silver ions have ability to join the bacteria surface. Low density of silver ions Ag+ influence the protons through the bacteria surface, which results in total destruction of the cell. Antibacterial activity of silver remains in proportion with the density of silver ions Ag+ in the environment.
The silver layers in fiber-optic sensors
PublicationIn this paper a method of application of the silver layers on the surface of an optical fiber was proposed. The optical properties and surface quality of the silver layer was examined by optical microscopy. The reflection and transmission of the sample were investigated. To evaluate the silver mirror it was placed in a fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometer and the quality of the spectra was analyzed. The commercial mirror was...
Silver and Silver/Sodium Bisphosphonate Salts: Rare Examples of Molecular Solid Solutions and Their Biological Activity as Dual-Action Compounds
PublicationBisphosphonates (BPs) are an important treatment for osteoporosis and bone metastases due to their low toxicity, high thermostability, and the ability to inhibit bone resorption. Notably, BPs like alendronate, which contain a primary amine group, exhibit potent antiresorptive and antiangiogenic properties. Recent studies have focused on enhancing the BP properties by incorporating bioactive metals to increase their therapeutic...
Preparation of silver nanoparticles with controlled particle size
PublicationNanocząstki srebra wykazują zdolność absorpcji promieniowania widzialnego, która jest efektem istnienia powierzchniowego plazmonu. W zależności od kształtu i wielkości cząstek obserwuje się różną barwę koloidów srebra. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań otrzymano nanocząstki srebra metodą chemicznej redukcji. Zaobserwowano wpływ rodzaju reduktora (kwas askorbinowy, borowodorek sodu), stabilizatora (PVP, PVA) oraz prekursora srebra...
Preparation of colloidal silver in W/O microemulsion
PublicationStabilne koloidy srebra otrzymano poprzez redukcję azotanu srebra w mikroemulsji dodekan-woda-AOT. Otrzymane zawiesiny nanocząstek srebra w dodekanie wykazywały stabilność w czasie, tj. nie zmieniały właściwości przez kilka miesięcy. Stwierdzono, że stabilność otrzymanych roztworów koloidalnych nie zależy od stężenia srebra w zakresie od 60 do 1000 mg/dm3, natomiast silnie zależy od stężenia surfaktanta. Niska toksyczność dodekanu,...
Effect of silver nanoparticles on human primary keratinocytes
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The influence of biological environment on the silver-coated implants
PublicationThis paper deals with implants covered with nanosilver
, Nowogrodzkie gramoty brzozowe jako najstarsze bałtyckofińskie zabytki językowe [The birch bark writings of Novgorod as the oldest Balto-Finnic texts]
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High ponderal index at birth predicts high estradiol levels in adult women
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High live birth rate after conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy with Methotrexate
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Characterization of Silver Nanowire Layers in the Terahertz Frequency Range
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Consumer Behaviour of Silver Singles on the E-Tourist Market
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The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging
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Recovery of silver metallization from damaged silicon cells
PublicationMetallization is one of the key process steps to fabricate solar cells with high performance in a cost-effective way. Majority of photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing uses thick film screen print metallization with Ag containing paste to produce solar cells. The average lifetime of PV modules can be expected to be more than 25 years. The disposal of PV systems will become a problem in view of the continually increasing production...
The influence of biological environment on the appearance of silver-coated implants
PublicationDespite antibiotics preventive treatment before and after implantation, risk of infection is real. The infections at the implant surface developein a few months after applying them into the body. To prevent the development of bacteria and to reduce the risk of infection, implants coated with silver layer come into use. The paper presents the research results in biological environment on vein and orthopaedicimplants covered with...
Nitrate and nitrite silver complexes with weakly coordinating nitriles
PublicationSimple system of weak nitrile ligands and silver nitrite/nitrate allowed the formation and isolation of coordination compounds of diverse nuclearity and dimensionality. The extension of the network does not enhance the luminescent properties of the ligands however it gives rise to the new MLCT bands in the visible region.
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Potentiometric and AM1d studies of silicon podands—silver(I) complexes
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The magnesium-palladium-silver system: Thermodynamic properties of the liquid phase
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Structural and physicochemical properties of silver-rich Ag–Al alloys
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Electromagnetic properties of a dielectric slab with an embedded silver nanowire grating
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Electromagnetic characterization of a silver nanowire grating embedded into a dielectric slab
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An effective antibiofilm strategy based on bacteriophages armed with silver nanoparticles
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Hybrid nanolayers of star polymers and silver nanoparticles with antibacterial activity
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Antibacterial activity of gelatin-based films incorporated with chitosan or silver
PublicationFolie żelatynowe z dodatkiem srebra jonowego powodowały redukcję komórek Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus o 90% pod powierzchnią folii. Nie obserwowano natomiast strefy zahamowania wzrostu dookoła krążków folii. W przypadku filmów chitozanowych lub żelatynowo-chitozanowych ich przeciwdrobnoustrojowa aktywność zależała od stopnia deacetylacji chitozanu.
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Potentiometric and AM1d studies of silicon and phosphorous podands-silver (I) complexes
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Potentiometric and AM1d studies of silicon and boron podands—silver (I) complexes
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Plasmon and structure resonances in the scattering of light by a periodic chain of silver nanocylinders
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Comparative analysis of national and regional models of the silver economy in the European Union
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Plasmon resonances of an infinite grating of silver wires coated with dielectric envelopes
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Lasing thresholds of plasmon and grating modes of coated silver nanowire gratings