dr inż. Łukasz Sienkiewicz
wszystkich: 26
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
Development of an emulation platform for synchronous machine power generation system using a nonlinear functional level model
PublikacjaThe article presents the Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) approach for an autonomous power system analysis based on the synchronous generator model incorporating magnetic saturation effects. The model was prepared in the MATLAB/Simulink environment and then compiled into the C language for the PHIL platform implementation. The 150 kVA bidirectional DC/AC commercial-grade converter was used to emulate the synchronous generator....
Rok 2022
Power Hardware-In-the-Loop Approach for Autonomous Power Generation System Analysis
PublikacjaThe article presents the Power Hardware-In-the-Loop (PHIL) dynamic model of a synchronous generator of 125 kVA for autonomous power generation system analysis. This type of system is typically composed of electrical energy sources in the form of several diesel generator units with synchronous machines, the main distribution switchboard and different loads. In modern power distribution systems, the proposed power management strategies...
Rok 2021
A review of recent advances in the single- and multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic piezoelectric motors
PublikacjaIn this paper a comprehensive review of recent studies on the ultrasonic piezoelectric motors is presented. The analytical, numerical and experimental analysis. In further sections, classification methods of piezoelectric motors, survey criteria and three main groups of ultrasonic piezoelectric motors with examples have been presented and described. Finally, the conclusions and future research perspectives have been proposed.
Design Evolution of the Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublikacjaThe development process and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor is presented in this paper. The proposed design consists of three individual cells integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system. Those elements are combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. The two new prototypes have been designed, simulated and tested. Finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain...
Rok 2020
Comparative Study of Integer and Non-Integer Order Models of Synchronous Generator
PublikacjaThis article presents a comparison between integer and non-integer order modelling of a synchronous generator, in the frequency domain as well as in the time domain. The classical integer order model was compared to one containing half -order systems. The half-order systems are represented in a Park d-q axis equivalent circuit as impedances modelled by half-order transmittances. Using a direct method based on the approximation...
Evolution of the HVDC Link Connecting Offshore Wind Farms to Onshore Power Systems
PublikacjaThis paper presents an overview of the DC link development and evolution dedicated to HVDC structure for connecting offshore wind power plants to onshore power systems. The growing demand for the green energy has forced investors in power industry to look for resources further out at sea. Hence, the development of power electronics and industrial engineering has enabled offshore wind farms to be situated further from the shore...
Mechanical-Level Hardware-In-The-Loop and Simulation in Validation Testing of Prototype Tower Crane Drives
PublikacjaIn this paper, the static and dynamic simulations, and mechanical-level Hardware-In-the-Loop (MHIL) laboratory testing methodology of prototype drive systems with energy-saving permanent-magnet electric motors, intended for use in modern construction cranes is proposed and described. This research was aimed at designing and constructing a new type of tower crane by Krupiński Cranes Company. The described research stage was necessary...
Rok 2019
Design and Experiments of a Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublikacjaThis paper represents a numerical and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor. The proposed design consists of three individual cells that are integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. Each of the cells is characterized by a traveling wave and rotating mode motor. A finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain optimal...
Development of beltless respiration and heartbeat sensor based on flexible piezoelectric film
PublikacjaThe main goal of this work is to report initial development on a respiration and heartbeat measurement sensor that can be used in continuous monitoring conditions at a minimal impact on the patient. General description of the sensor, consisting of a PVDF film and the bonding layer, is given. Open-circuit voltage generated by the sensor is estimated by analytical and numerical calculations. Analog and digital interface used to extract...
FEA analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor
PublikacjaThe presented paper concerns a design, modeling and chosen tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). The principle of operation based on three independent traveling wave actuators is presented. The main materials and technologies used in the fabrication process are described. The structure of the motor is modeled using static and modal FEM analysis. The process of traveling wave generation in the MPM structure...
System zdalnego monitoringu parametrów pracy siłowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono układ do zdalnego monitorowania parametrów pracy elektrowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu. Do budowy systemu wykorzystano mikrokomputer klasy Raspberry PI 3 z zainstalowanym systemem operacyjnym Raspbian oraz kartę pomiarową MicroDAQ E2000. Opracowanysystem umożliwia monitorowanie mocy na wyjściu generatora, momentu na wale turbiny, prędkości obrotowej turbiny oraz prędkości wiatru. Wartości monitorowanych...
The system for remote monitoring of a vertical axis wind farm
PublikacjaThe article presents a system for remote monitoring of working parameters of a wind turbine with a vertical axis. The monitoring system was built using a Raspberry PI 3 microcomputer with the Raspbian operating system and a MicroDAQ E2000 measuring card. The developed system enables monitoring the power output of the generator, torque on the turbine shaft, turbine speed and wind speed. The values of the monitored parameters are...
Rok 2018
Experimental study of the use of electric car powered with stationary solar and electrochemical batteries in Northern Poland
PublikacjaThe subject of this paper is an experimental analysis of a Nissan LEAF electric car equipped with 24 kWh battery, powered from the standalone photo-voltaic (PV) charging station in Gdańsk, Poland. The calculations of charging process efficiency and range of test drives were conducted in two extreme situations (winter and summer) of sunlight and road conditions. Experiments were performed in the Laboratory of Innovative Power Technologies...
Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Approach In Power System Development
PublikacjaThe main objective of the research is the verification of the Power Hardware-In-The-Loop (PHIL) approach in power system analysis and design. The premise of the article is that using PHIL approach the performance of the power system in steady and transient state conditions can be analysed in real power system conditions. Models of induction machine were developed and real time simulations were performed. Simulation variables were...
Szybkie ładowanie samochodu elektrycznego z elektrowni słonecznej
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono stanowisko badawcze umożliwiające realizację procesu szybkiego ładowania samochodu elektrycznego. Wymagana energia jest wyprodukowana przez elektrownię słoneczną i przechowana w stacjonarnej baterii. Rozpatrzono trzy podstawowe sposoby ładowania samochodu elektrycznego: 1) ze stacjonarnej baterii ładowanej z elektrowni słonecznej, 2) ładowarką zasilaną ze stacjonarnej baterii i 3) ładowarką zasilaną ze...
Rok 2017
Piezoelectric Transducer for Mechanical Assessment of Soft Tissues. Concept, Implementation and Analysis
PublikacjaThe main goal of this work was following: preparation of a new concept, implementation and analysis of the piezoelectric resonant sensor/actuator for measuring the aging process of human skin. The research work has been carried out in the framework of cooperation between the INP-ENSEEIHT-LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, and at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Research Group of...
Rok 2015
A new prototype of piezoelectric bending resonant transducer for analysis of soft tissues properties
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to a new piezoelectric bending resonant transducer prototype dedicated to the characterization of the mechanical properties of soft tissue. A general description of the actuator’s structure is presented including the basic principles of the measurement. The chosen geometry of the prototype is discussed and compared with the existing version. Constitutive equations are presented for the active and passive layer...
Badania eksperymentalne rezonansowego przetwornika piezoelektrycznego typu "unimorph"
PublikacjaW artykule opisano badania eksperymentalne piezoelektrycznego rezonansowego przetwornika zastosowanego do pomiaru właściwości mechanicznych tkanek miękkich. Po krótkim wstępie w kolejnych punktach przedstawiono opis stanowiska pomiarowego oraz metody pomiaru odkształceń prototypów, przesunięć częstotliwości rezonansowej, impedancji elektromechanicznej i parametrów schematów zastępczych. W dalszej...
Piezoelektryczne przetworniki elektromechaniczne
PublikacjaKryształy piezoelektryczne w polu elektrycznym drgają. Amplituda drgań jest największa przy częstotliwości rezonansowej. Do budowy przetworników elektromechanicznych są wykorzystywane elementy piezoceramiczne, które mają wysoką sprawność przetwarzania energii elektrycznej na energię drgań.
Rok 2014
Design and simulation of a new prototype of piezoelectric cantilever sensor/actuator for analysis of the soft tissues properties
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to a new prototype of piezoelectric cantilever transducer dedicated for the characterization of the mechanical properties of soft tissues. General description of the actuator’s structure is presented including the basic principles of the measurement. The chosen geometry of the prototype is discussed and compared with the existing one. Constitutive equations are presented for the active and passive layer of...
Rok 2013
Assembling and testing of quasi-static hybrid piezoelectric motor based on electroactive lubrication principle
PublikacjaThe presented paper concerns a novel concept of hybrid piezoelectric motor based on electroactive lubrication principle. Its structure is combined of quasi-static and resonance piezoelectric actuators, synchronizing their work to generate the rotary movement. The hybrid motor topology is compared to the existing piezoelectric motors, regarding its field of applications in embedded systems with very high security requirements. The...
Design, modelling and analysis of a new type of piezoelectric motor. Multicell piezoelectric motor
PublikacjaThis paper describes a new type of piezoelectric motor. The results, obtained in the field of piezoelectric motors, have pointed out that these motors have potentially high possibilities in the future special applications. The research work presents the design, simulations and parameters of the piezoelectric motor with three rotation-mode actuators. The motor is characterized by a high power, relative high speed and torque. The...
Identification of the mechanical properties of the skin by electromechanical impedance analysis of resonant piezoelectric actuator
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the analysis and verification of developed piezoelectric sensor/actuator for measuring the mechanical properties of soft tissues, especially human skin. The key element of the measurement structure is an electromechanical system that uses both the reverse piezoelectric effect (vibration generation – stimulation of the tissues in the appropriate frequency range) and direct piezoelectric effect (system response...
Koncepcja i analiza sensora/aktuatora piezoelektrycznego do pomiaru procesu starzenia się ludzkiej skóry
PublikacjaNiniejszy artykuł przedstawia nową koncepcję piezoelektrycznego sensora/aktuatora przeznaczonego do pomiaru właściwości mechanicznych tkanek miękkich a w szczególności skóry ludzkiej. Wyjaśnione jest analityczne podejście z wykorzystaniem schematu zastępczego Mason’a określającego aktuator w stanie rezonansu oraz opis metody impedancji elektromechanicznej wykorzystanej w systemie pomiarowym. Analiza z użyciem metody elementów...
Rok 2012
Hybrid piezoelectric motor based on electroactive lubrication principle
PublikacjaA novel conception of hybrid piezoelectric motor is presented in this paper. Proposed conception required synchronised work of quasi-static and resonant piezoelectric actuators that results in a rotary movement. The motor's working principle is explained and the main characteristics are described. Studied topology is compared to the existing piezoelectric motors with regards to its field of applications. The assembling process...
Rok 2011
Silniki piezoelektryczne o ruchu prostym i złożonym - przegląd wybranych topologii i sterowania ruchem
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono topologię i sterowanie silników o ruchu prostym i złożonym. Prace nad tymi silnikami są kontynuowane w wielu ośrodkach, zwłaszcza w Japonii, USA, Niemczech oraz Francji. Silniki piezoelektryczne/ultrasoniczne dzięki swym wyjątkowym cechom - uproszczonej strukturze elektromechanicznej (możliwości wykonania bez wału), bezszumnej pracy, samohamowności, precyzyjnemu zatrzymywaniu się dla zadanego położenia, bardzo...
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