wszystkich: 175
wybranych: 95
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: tribology
Tribology of the cartilage cells in the intelligent bioreactor
PublikacjaW badaniach analityczno-numerycznych wyznaczone zostały pola prędkości przepływu lepkosprężystej, odżywczej nienewtonowskiej cieczy biologicznej, a także powstające siły tarcia w trakcie hodowli w warstwie granicznej wokoło powierzchni hodowanych komórek w bioreaktorach, stawach człowieka oraz w szczelinach mikrołożysk. Dodatkowo rozpatrywane będą przepływy potencjalne płynu stawowego z jamy stawowej, które odżywiają chrząstkę...
Tribology of bone tissue culture in bioreactor.
PublikacjaOpracowano system tribologiczny powstających sił tarcia w bioreaktorze. Pomimo, że wartości sił tarcia osiągają wartości poniżej 0,1 N to mają one decydujący wpływ na wartość porostu tkanki. Mechanika opływu tkanki cieczą o właściwościach biologicznych nienewtonowskich oraz hydrodynamiczna teoria opływu warstwy przyściennej jest bazą wyznaczania parametrów trybologicznychniniejszej pracy.
Tribology of stochastic phenomena on the hard tissue.
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia model matematyczny zjawisk tribologicznych podczas hodowli tkanek twardych, w tym chrząstek stawowych. Uwzględnia się chropowatości powierzchni hodowanych chrząstek. Problem tribologiczny uzewnętrzniony został koniecznością sterowania wartościami sił tarcia jakie powstają w cienkiej warstewce przyściennej opływanej tkanki cieczą biologiczną w trakcie hodowli. Taki model matematyczny nie był do tej pory rozpatrywany.
Ionic liquids as an example of lubricating oils used in a field of tribology
PublikacjaPodczas prezentacji ustnej pokazano przykłady cieczy jonowych, ich możliwości w wykorzystaniu jako zastąpienie tradycyjnie używanych dziś smarów. Ponadto dokonano porównania kilku właściwości "tribologicznych" między cieczami jonowymi a obecnie wykorzystywanymi smarami
Ecology In Tribology: Selected Problems of Eliminating Natural Oil-Based Lubricants from Machine Friction Couples
PublikacjaThe elimination of mineral oil-based lubricants from machines has multiple beneficial effects on the natural environment. Firstly – these lubricants are a direct threat to the environment in the event of leaks; secondly – their elimination reduces the demand for crude oil from which they are obtained. In addition, in many cases, e.g. when replacing traditional lubricants with water, friction losses in the bearings can also be reduced...
Dropping Knowledge on Space Tribology: Insights into the Effects of Microgravity on Solid Lubricants from the Bremen Tower Drop Experiment
PublikacjaThe performance of space mechanisms, such as satellite solar panels, hinges, and robotic arms, heavily relies on the tribological properties of the lubricants used in their design. Their mechanical properties can be significantly affected by the extreme conditions of outer space: including high vacuum, absence of oxygen, and extreme temperatures among others. However, due to technical challenges, the effects of microgravity on...
Calculation of flatness errors formed on the tool during finishing machining by lapping. Second International Tribology Conference, SITC 2002.
PublikacjaPłaskość przedmiotów obrabianych zależy głównie od płaskości narzędzia stosowanego w docieraniu. Orientacja przedmiotu na docieraku musi być wyznaczona w celu określenia korelacji pomiędzy błędami płaskości obu powierzchni. Metoda wyznaczania błędów niepłaskości narzędzia przedstawiona została w referacie. Pokazane zostały przykładowe położenia przedmiotów o różnych kształtach na czynnej powierzchni docieraka z błędem wklęsłości.
Tribologia biołożysk i inteligentnych bioreaktorów problemem grantu europejskiego = Tribology of biobearings and intelligent bioreactors as the main problem of euro-project
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia kluczowe problemy związane z organizacją współpracy z uczelniami niemieckimi i badaniami naukowym przeprowadzanymi w zakresie biomechaniki i biotribologii w ramach grantu europejskiego MTK-CT-2004/2008-517226, którego koordynatorem na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechnice Gdańskiej jest prof. Krzysztof Wierzcholski
Bio and slide bearings: their lubrication by non-Newtonian fluids and application in non conventional systems. Vol.3. Tribology processes for cells human joints and micro-bearings
PublikacjaW niniejszej monografii przedstawiony został aktualny pogląd dotyczący procesu smarowania stawów człowieka od strony mechaniki, a szczególnie hydromechaniki i metod matematycznych. Wyznaczono pola prędkości przepływu lepkiej, odżywczej nie Newtonowskiej cieczy biologicznej, a także powstające siły tarcia w trakcie ruchu cieczy w warstwie granicznej wokoło współpracujących powierzchni. Dodatkowo rozpatrywano przepływy potencjalne...
On the Possibilities of Decreasing Power Loss in Large Tilting Pad Thrust Bearings
PublikacjaJournal Menu About this Journal Abstracting and Indexing Aims and Scope Article Processing Charges Articles in Press Author Guidelines Bibliographic Information Citations to this Journal Contact Information Editorial Board Editorial Workflow Free eTOC Alerts Publication Ethics Submit a Manuscript Table of Contents Abstract Full-Text PDF Full-Text HTML...
Numerical modelling and experimental verification of compressible squeeze film pressure
PublikacjaThe validity of using the Reynolds equation for compressible squeeze film pressure was tested with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A squeeze film air bearing was instrumented with pressure sensors and non-contacting displacement probes to provide transient measurements of film thickness and pressure. The film thickness measurements also provided input parameters to the numerical prediction. However, numerical results showed...
Concept of cavitation erosion assessment of austenitic 1.4301 stainless steel based on roughness development
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Morphology of damage inflicted on brittle polymer in lubricated contact under cyclic static load
PublikacjaIn this article morphology of damage inflicted on the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plate in static point lubricated contact with a ball made of five different materials under cyclic normal load has been presented. It is argued that the counterface material and lubricating film play an important role in the damage process and the extent of damage inflicted in the PMMA plate.
Influence of surface roughness topography on properties of water lubricated polymer bearings, experimental research
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych, których celem było zidentyfikowanie wpływu ułożenia chropowatości na powierzchni ślizgowej łożyska smarowanego wodą z polimerową panwią. Badania wykazały, że wpływ ten jest mniejszy niż oczekiwano a na własności łożyska ma wpływ głównie wysokość chropowatości.
Influence of magnetic field on wear in high frequency reciprocatingsliding contacts
PublikacjaResults of experimental studies concerning the influence of permanent magnetic field on wear of dry sliding contact operating at short stroke and high frequency are presented. It was found that horizontal magnetic field with different orientations relative to the sliding direction is affecting performance of the contact. The increase in frequency of sliding reduces accumulated mass loss and lowers the surface roughness of the wear...
Running characteristics of aerodynamic bearing with self-lifting capability at low rotational speed
PublikacjaAn aerodynamic journal bearing that is capable of self-generating squeeze-film pressure is presented and its dynamic characteristics investigated numerically and experimentally. A numerical method based on a time marching static model was applied to assess the orbit trajectory path of the rotor upon a perturbation. Experimental results were obtained to validate the effect of the self- generated squeeze-film pressure on the stability...
Performance of lubricated sliding contact in magnetic field
PublikacjaResults of experimental studies concerning theinfluence of permanent magnetic field on wear of lubricatedsliding contact operating at short stroke and highfrequency are presented. It was found that horizontalmagnetic is affecting performance of the contact. Thejagged delamination regions produced in the presence of amagnetic field can be regarded as easily undergoing oxidisationbecause oxygen is readily adsorbed there. Magneticfield...
The Innovative Research Methodology of Tribological and Rheological Properties of Lubricating Grease
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Characterization of NiTi SMA in its unusual behaviour in wear tests
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Evaluation of turning with different cooling-lubricating techniques in terms of surface integrity and tribologic properties
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Tribological and thermal behavior with wear identification in contact interaction of the Ti6Al4V-sintered carbide with AlTiN coatings pair
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Synergisms and antagonisms between MoS2 nanotubes and representative oil additives under various contact conditions
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Effect of ageing automotive gear oils on scuffing and pitting
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Technological and tribological aspects of milling-burnishing process of complex surfaces
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The lubricant-coating interaction in rolling and sliding contacts
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Effects of surface texturing and kind of lubricant on the coefficient of friction at ambient and elevated temperatures
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The Application of Chitosan as a Modifier for Lubricating Greases Based on Vegetable Oil
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The Tribological, Physico-Chemical and Rheological Properties of Lubricating Grease Produced on Epoxy Resin Base
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Properties comparison of rubber and three layer PTFE-NBR-bronze water lubricated bearings with lubricating grooves along full bush circumference based on experimental tests
PublikacjaWater lubricated bearings have been in industrial use for well over a century. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products. Despite that fact, certain solutions continue to employ the standard rubber bearing with lubricating grooves located along entire bush circumference. The work presents experimental research conducted on comparable sliding bearings with lubrication grooves along...
Effect of manufacturing errors of the pad sliding surface on the performance of the hydrodynamic thrust bearing
PublikacjaIn the present study, investigation of the effect of manufacturing errors on the performance of large tilting pad thrust bearings has been performed, following a CFD-based Thermohydrodynamic analysis of a single pad. A 3D model has been generated, including the pad, the lubricant film and the corresponding part of the collar. The pad has been assumed to be deformed about the pivot point, due to thrust loading. Manufacturing errors...
Experimental investigation into surface texture effect on journal bearings performance
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to analyse the performance of journal bearings with specially created dimples on the sliding surface and operating under various conditions. The texture was created on the bearing surface that co-acted with the smooth journal; moreover, the variation of the textured surface of the journal mating with the smooth bearing was tested, and the results were compared to those obtained with the standard smooth...
Extended duration running and impulse loading characteristics of an acoustic bearing with enhanced geometry
PublikacjaThis paper presents performance during prolonged running of the acoustic bearing when PZTs are switched off and when they are switched on. The effect of active PZT on shaft’s displacements in X and Y directions is clearly demonstrated. Performance of the acoustic bearing was also assessed when an impulse force was applied to the running shaft at speed. Once again the benefits of having PZTs active are beyond doubt. The instability...
The influence oil additives on spread cracks in silicon nitride
PublikacjaThe paper presents an experimental study of the influence of oil additives (Cl, S, P, cerium dioxide (CeO2)) on spread cracks in silicon nitride. The additives Cl, S, P are bound in molecules in liquid form soluble in the base oil. The CeO2 is purely in powder form in suspension. The use of CeO2 powder was made based on the good results of polishing of silicon nitride. A ceramic angular contact ball bearing was modelled using a...
Modeling lubricant flow between thrust-bearing pads
PublikacjaInlet temperature is one of the main inputs in all models for the analysis of fluid film bearing performance. At the same time, inlettemperature distribution and also oil velocity distribution at the inlet are the result of flow phenomena in the gap between the bearingpads. These phenomena are complex and in many cases further affected by any special arrangements of forced oil supply to the gapbetween pads. The reason for such...
Structural properties of foil bearings: a closed-form solution validated with finite element analysis
PublikacjaFluid film thickness in a compliant foil bearing is greatly influenced by the deflection of the bearing structure. Therefore, in order to properly model performance of a foil bearing, it is mandatory that the deflection of the compliant bearing structure due to the generated hydrodynamic pressure is determined accurately. This article proposes an easy-to-use two-dimensional model, which takes into account detailed geometry of the...
Water-Lubricated Sintered Bronze Journal Bearings—Theoretical and Experimental Research
PublikacjaWater lubricated bearings are used from many years in shipbuilding, hydro power and other industries because of their advantages such as: extensive serviceable life, low coefficient of friction, longevity of shaft sleeve, good abrasion resistance, low maintenance required, unit simplicity, no danger of pollution and low price. Various types of water lubricated sliding bearings have been tested at the Technical University of Gdansk...
Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration
PublikacjaClassical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....
Experimental research on water lubricated marine stern tube bearings in conditions of improper lubrication and cooling causing rapid bush wear
PublikacjaWater lubricated bearings are popular in sliding bearings of marine propeller shafts, turbines and pump shafts. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. In practical experience one may also observe cases of rapid wear or even malfunctions of this bearings, some of which may be caused by insufficient flow of lubricant leading to overheating. The conducted...
Centrally Pivoted Tilting Pad Thrust Bearing with Carbon-Based Coated Collar—Experimental Results of Low- and Medium-Speed Operation
PublikacjaExperimental results of the research on a tilting pad thrust bearing with symmetrical pad support in the conditions of high loads and low speeds are presented in the paper. As described in the literature review, experimental results of tilting pad bearings at low speed/high load regime and transient conditions are rare. Unusual material selection - steel pad against a DLC-type coating on the collar was utilized. Such material combination...
Microstructure and residual stresses in surface coatings with PTFE reservoirs
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of experimental study into the microstructure and changes in residual stresses resulting from sliding and rolling/sliding loaded interaction between metallic surface coatings with embedded PTFE reservoirs and various counter faces. It was found that before testing surface coatings had compressive residual stresses. Molybdenum coating with all types of PTFE reservoirs displayed, as a result of testing,...
Evaluation of apparent Young׳s modulus of the composite polymer layers used as sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic thrust bearings
PublikacjaHydrodynamic bearings with a polymer sliding layer are able to operate in severe conditions, mainly due to favorable properties of the polymers. The goal of this research was to evaluate apparent Young׳s modulus of two types of the polymer composite layers used for sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic bearings, as a function of temperature. The Young׳s modulus was evaluated on the basis of compression tests carried out on samples obtained...
Experimental research on water lubricated three layer sliding bearing with lubrication grooves in the upper part of the bush and its comparison with a rubber bearing
Publikacjacomposite. Eachofitslayershasanimportantfunction.Speciallypreparedslidingsurfaceensures minimum resistance.Followingrunning-initssmoothnessbecomesveryhighandthebearingmay continue workingunder fluid lubricationregime.NBRlayerensuresbearingelasticity,goodvibration damping propertiesandinsusceptibilitytoshaftaxismisalignment.Theexternalbrasslayermakes fitting thebearingeasier. Experiment resultsoftheconductedresearchwerecomparedwiththoseforarubberbearingof similar...
Environmentally acceptable lubricants (EAL) compared with a reference mineral oil as marine stern tube bearing lubricant – Experimental and theoretical investigations
PublikacjaThe purpose of this research is to indicate the potential differences in bearing characteristics resulting from the application of different lubricant types with the same viscosity grade. The effect of different environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) on hydrodynamic journal bearing properties is studied experimentally and compared to the properties obtained after lubrication with a reference mineral oil. The results of the...
Comparative wear test of journal sliding bearings with sintered bronze and Babbitt alloy bushes lubricated by environmentally acceptable/adapted lubricants (EAL)
PublikacjaA growing awareness of the negative effects of mineral oils on the natural environment has resulted in the introduction of new regulations related to environmental protection. One of these regulations requires the use of environmentally acceptable/adapted lubricants (EAL) to lubricate marine main shaft bearings, in place of the mineral lubricating oils that have been used for decades. Classification Societies, which supervise...
Experimental comparison of the transition speed of a hydrodynamic journal bearing lubricated with oil and magnetorheological fluid
PublikacjaA journal bearing test bench is used to find the transition speed between the hydrodynamic and mixed lubrication regimes for a modified magnetorheological (MR) fluid. It is shown that the transition speed of the bearing can be reduced by applying a local magnetic field near minimum film when it is lubricated with the MR fluid, and that this will only marginally increase friction. The lubricating performance of the MR fluid is compared...
Theoretical analysis and experimental tests of tilting pad journal bearings with shoes made of polymer material and low-boiling liquid lubrication
PublikacjaSelecting the appropriate bearing system for the rotor requires a good knowledge of the available solutions and the operating conditions of the machine. For newly designed machinery operating in adverse conditions, selecting bearings that ensure correct and long-lasting operation can be extremely challenging. Difficulties in- crease when the machine’s operating parameters are beyond the technical capabilities of available technical solutions....
Temperature Measurements at Tyre Tread Rubber on Sandpaper Oscillatory Sliding Contacts Using Acicular Grindable Thermocouples
PublikacjaThe tribological performance of tyre–road contacts depends crucially on the contact temperature. This study investigates the reliability and accuracy of acicular grindable thermocouples possessing an original needle-shaped wearable part as applied to measuring temperature at the oscillatory sliding contact between a rubber tyre tread sample and a sandpaper. A linear oscillatory tribometer is used to imitate the sliding phase of...
Tribological performance of PTFE-metal binary coatings in rolling/sliding contact
PublikacjaTribological performance of surface coatings with embedded PTFE reservoirs in rolling/sliding contact is reported. Using two different coating materials and two shapes and patterns of PTFE reservoirs test samples in the form of discs were prepared and tested in a four-ball contact configuration under loads corresponding to nominal contact pressure of 0.5 and 1.0 GPa. It was found that one coating, namely aluminium-bronze with embedded...
A comparative performance assessment of a hydrodynamic journal bearing lubricated with oil and magnetorheological fluid
PublikacjaThis work presents the investigation results of a journal bearing lubricated with magnetorheological fluid that is activated by a local constant magnetic field to vary both the local flow resistance and pressure. The bearing performance is assessed via Finite Element Modelling (FEM) and results are corroborated by experiments. The FEM model uses the Bingham model to describe the fluid film. A dedicated test rig is used to assess...
Marine propeller shaft bearings under low-speed conditions: water vs. oil lubrication
PublikacjaThe bearings used in shipbuilding, hydropower, and water pumps have undergone a metamorphosis in recent decades. Because of environmental regulations, lubrication with grease or mineral oil is prohibited. Thus, the standard solutions include water-lubricated bearings with polymer bushings or sealed systems lubricated with oil. When properly designed, assembled, and operated, bearings can operate reliably for years. However, specific...