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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: REMOTE MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS
PublikacjaIn this paper we discuss the evaluation of neural networks in accordance with medical image classification and analysis. We also summarize the existing databases with images which could be used for training deep models that can be later utilized in remote home-based health care systems. In particular, we propose methods for remote video-based estimation of patient vital signs and other health-related parameters. Additionally, potential...
Thermal Images Analysis Methods using Deep Learning Techniques for the Needs of Remote Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaRemote medical diagnostic solutions have recently gained more importance due to global demographic shifts and play a key role in evaluation of health status during epidemic. Contactless estimation of vital signs with image processing techniques is especially important since it allows for obtaining health status without the use of additional sensors. Thermography enables us to reveal additional details, imperceptible in images acquired...
Electronic Noses in Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaElectronic nose technology is being developed in order to identify aromas in a way parallel to the biologic olfaction. When applied to the field of medicine, such device should be able to identify and discriminate between different diseases. In recent years this kind of approach finds application in medical diagnostics, and especially in disease screening. Despite the fact that devices utilizing chemical sensor arrays are not routinely...
Advances of QIRT in medical diagnostics
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Active Dynamic Thermography in Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaThis is an overview of active thermal imaging methods in medical diagnostics using external thermal stimulation. In this chapter, several clinical cases diagnosed using the active dynamic thermography method, ADT, are presented. Features of this technology are discussed and main advantages underlined. Applications in skin burn diagnostics and quantitative evaluation leading to modern classification of burned patients for further...
Urine headspace analysis in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaThe analysis of the volatile organic compounds in the bodily fluids such as urine may provide useful information on the patients’ general health. The potential application of urine headspace analysis could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, urinary tract diseases and gastrointestinal conditions. Described in this paper are the currently available techniques of urine sample analysis as well...
Enhanced Remote Control Providing Medical Functionalities
PublikacjaThis paper presents the enhanced remote control and its role in pervasive healthcare in the home. The device was equipped with health-related measurement modules and a message-processing unit. Preliminary results are presented for monitoring of a pulse, hand tremors, grip forces, and for self evaluation procedures. The interaction of the device with the smart environment is presented and discussed.
Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in diagnostics of concrete structures
PublikacjaRecently laser scanning technologies become widely used in many areas of the modern economy. In the following paper authors show a potential spectrum of use Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements. Based on modes of failure analysis of reinforcement concrete beam authors describe downsides and advantages of adaptation of terrestrial laser scanning to this purpose, moreover reveal under which...
Machine Learning and Electronic Noses for Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaThe need for noninvasive, easy-to-use, and inexpensive methods for point-of-care diagnostics of a variety of ailments motivates researchers to develop methods for analyzing complex biological samples, in particular human breath, that could aid in screening and early diagnosis. There are hopes that electronic noses, that is, devices based on arrays of semiselective or nonselective chemical sensors, can fill this niche. Electronic...
Implementation of Active Dynamic Thermography in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wdrożeniowych Aktywnej Termografii Dynamicznej w diagnostyce wybranych chorób.
Advances in electrical impedance methods in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaOmówiono elektroimpedancyjne metody diagnostyczne i aparaturę pomiarową opracowane w Politechnikach - Gdańskiej i Warszawskiej.Przedyskutowano właściwości elektryczne różnych tkanek biologicznych, omówiono konstrukcję celek i elektrod do pomiarów in vivo oraz in vitro. Opisano konstrukcję wybranych systemów pomiarowych - pletyzmografów, kardiografów i tomografów elektroimpedancyjnych a także stosownego oprogramowania, np. rekonstrukcji...
Active Dynamic Thermography - Problems of implementation in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wybrane problemy implementacji aktywnej termografii termicznej w aplikacjach medycznych. Podano przykłady związane z diagnostyką raka piersi i głębokości oparzeń.
Graphene-based electrochemical biosensing system for medical diagnostics
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Advances of thermal tomography in non-destructive testing and medical diagnostics
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Optical excitation methods in active dynamic thermography in medical diagnostics.
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera opis metod pobudzania cieplnego badanych obszarów ciała ludzkiego w technice aktywnej termografii dynamicznej. Jako źródła pobudzenia cieplnego mogą być stosowane lampy podczerwieni, lampy halogenowe dużej mocy, a także lasery. W artykule opisano również algorytmy obliczeń obrazów parametrycznych.
Remote sensing in laboratory diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements – current development and vision for the future
PublikacjaContinuous emergence of new concrete types and kinds of reinforcement, as well as technological solutions in the field of structural engineering have made great demand for diagnostic tests of reinforced concrete elements. New challenges and problems facing people require new more efficient tools for laboratory diagnostics than those commonly used. Remote sensing may be the answer to this demand. In this paper the author describes...
Remote sensing in laboratory diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements – current development and vision for the future
PublikacjaContinuous emergence of new concrete types and kinds of reinforcement, as well as technological solutions in the field of structural engineering have made great demand for diagnostic tests of reinforced concrete elements. New challenges and problems facing people require new more efficient tools for laboratory diagnostics than those commonly used. Remote sensing may be the answer to this demand. In this paper the author describes...
Quantitative active dynamic thermal Ir-Imaging and thermal tomography in medical diagnostics
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Quantitative active dynamic thermal ir-imaging and thermal tomography in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy nowych technik obrazowania w diagnostyce medycznej, wykorzystując przetwarzanie obrazów termicznych rejestrowanych w podczerwieni. Opisano właściwości termiczne tkanek biologicznych, omówiono medele termiczne i zdefiniowano zastępcze parametry syntetyczne, metody pomiarów i stosowane urządzenia. Omówiono procedury akwizycji danych i ich przetwarzania. Wprowadzono pojęcie tomografii termicznej. Opisano przeprowadzone...
Quantitative Active Dynamic Thermal IR-Imaging and Thermal Tomography in Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono i omówiono zasadę działania instrumentu analitycznego - elektronicznego nosa (e-nos) zdolnego rozróżnić i sklasyfikować intensywność zapachu. Urządzenia te służą do automatycznej analizy i rozróżniania próbek zapachowych o złożonym składzie, do rozpoznawania ich charakterystycznych właściwości i najczęściej przeznaczone są do szybkiej analizy jakościowej. Dzięki unikatowym właściwościom technika ta znalazła...
Mariusz Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.
OsobyReceived M.Sc., Eng. in Electronics in 1995 from Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D. in Medical Electronics in 2003 and habilitation in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in 2017. He was an investigator in about 13 projects receiving a number of awards, including four best papers, practical innovations (7 medals and awards) and also the Andronicos G. Kantsios Award and Siemens Award. Main research activities: the issues...
Reliability of Pulse Measurements in Videoplethysmography
PublikacjaReliable, remote pulse rate measurement is potentially very important for medical diagnostics and screening. In this paper the Videoplethysmography was analyzed especially to verify the possible use of signals obtained for the YUV color model in order to estimate the pulse rate, to examine what is the best pulse estimation method for short video sequences and finally, to analyze how potential PPG-signals can be distinguished from...
Improving Accuracy of Contactless Respiratory Rate Estimation by Enhancing Thermal Sequences with Deep Neural Networks
PublikacjaEstimation of vital signs using image processing techniques have already been proved to have a potential for supporting remote medical diagnostics and replacing traditional measurements that usually require special hardware and electrodes placed on a body. In this paper, we further extend studies on contactless Respiratory Rate (RR) estimation from extremely low resolution thermal imagery by enhancing acquired sequences using Deep...
Precise Identification of Different Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) Stages, Using Biomedical Engineering Combined with Data Mining and Machine Learning
PublikacjaCervical cancer (CC) is one of the most common female cancers worldwide. It remains a significant global health challenge, particularly affecting women in diverse regions. The pivotal role of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in cervical carcinogenesis underscores the critical importance of diagnostic strategies targeting both HPV infection and cervical...
Jarosław Chojnacki prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodzony w 1961 w Bydgoszczy, absolwent Technikum Chemicznego im. I. Łukasiewicza w Bydgoszczy. Studia chemiczne ukończył na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej w 1986 roku, broniąc pracy dotyczącej elektrod jonoselektywnych. Późniejsze badania związane były z syntezą organiczną i krzemoorganiczną a od 2002 roku z krystalografią. Praca doktorska dotyczyła silanotiolanów miedziowców, a dysertacja habilitacyjna (2010) opisywała...
Olfactory receptor-based biosensors as potential future tools in medical diagnosis
PublikacjaThe detection of biomarkers is the future of non-invasive medical diagnosis and screening. Discovery and identification of reliable disease specific volatile organic compounds is dependent on repeatable, accurate analysis of trace level gaseous analytes mainly in breath samples. Natural variety of the olfactory systems and the compounds capable of gas molecules binding creates wide possibilities of acquisition and implementation...
Active IR-Thermal Imaging in Medicine
PublikacjaIn this paper we summarize results of several research projects devoted to development of new diagnostic methods and procedures based on quantitative infrared thermography in medical applications. First, basics of active dynamic thermography are presented. Described are both, instrumentation and software comprising measurement procedures including collection of series of IR-images after external excitation, data treatment with...
Problems of Active Dynamic Thermography Measurement Standardization in Medicine
PublikacjaReliability of thermographic diagnostics in medicine is an important practical problem. In the field of static thermography, a great deal of effort has been made to define the conditions for thermographic measurements, which is now the golden standard for such research. In recent years, there are more and more reports on dynamic tests with external stimulation, such as Active Dynamic Thermography, Thermographic Signal Reconstruction...
Towards Designing an Innovative Industrial Fan: Developing Regression and Neural Models Based on Remote Mass Measurements
PublikacjaThis article presents the process of the construction and testing a remote, fully autonomous system for measuring the operational parameters of fans. The measurement results obtained made it possible to create and verify mathematical models using linear regression and neural networks. The process was implemented as part of the first stage of an innovative project. The article presents detailed steps of constructing a system to...
System of breath collection and analysis for diseases detection
PublikacjaCollection and study of composition of the exhaled air is now intensively investigated to develop non-invasive medical diagnostics based on presence of metabolic compounds in the exhaled air. The process of collecting and processing of the exhaled air must fulfill relevant conditions to achieve satisfactory results. The paper presents the system of collecting samples of exhaled breath and the proposed methods of its analysis, using...
Trustworthy Applications of ML Algorithms in Medicine - Discussion and Preliminary Results for a Problem of Small Vessels Disease Diagnosis.
PublikacjaML algorithms are very effective tools for medical data analyzing, especially at image recognition. Although they cannot be considered as a stand-alone diagnostic tool, because it is a black-box, it can certainly be a medical support that minimize negative effect of human-factors. In high-risk domains, not only the correct diagnosis is important, but also the reasoning behind it. Therefore, it is important to focus on trustworthiness...
Sample preparation and recent trends in volatolomics for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases
PublikacjaThe analysis of the human volatilome can be successfully used for rapid and non-invasive diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases. However, the introduction of techniques based on detection of volatiles is limited, among other factors, by difficulties which arise during the sampling stage and instrumental analysis. The aim of this article was to review and discuss medical and analytical literature on the analysis of volatiles in...
Real-Time Bleeding Detection in Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopic Examinations Video
PublikacjaThe article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition of bleedings. Emphasis has been put on adapting pre-existing algorithms dedicated to the detection of bleedings for real-time usage in a medical doctor’s office during an endoscopic examination. A real-time system for analyzing endoscopic videos has been designed according to the most significant requirements of medical doctors. The main goal of...
Instrumental techniques used in the analysis of exhaled air
PublikacjaExhaled air composition changes depending on the health status of the patient, making it possible to use breath analysis for diagnosis and monitoring purposes. Despite the fact that it is not yet used in every day medical practice, it potential application could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal diseases. Described in this paper are different application...
Beata Krawczyk dr hab.
Osobydr hab. Beata Krawczyk, prof. uczelni Stopnie naukowe, wykształcenie, kwalifikacje Beata Krawczyk uzyskała tytuł magistra biologii na Wydziale Biologii (wówczas: Wydział Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi), Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w 1986 roku, a doktorat z biologii molekularnej na Wydziale Biologii (wówczas: Wydział Biologii, Geografii i Oceanologii) Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w 1996 roku. Stopień doktora habilitowanego w zakresie nauk biologicznych...
Czasopisma -
Feature extraction in detection and recognition of graphical objects
PublikacjaDetection and recognition of graphic objects in images are of great and growing importance in many areas, such as medical and industrial diagnostics, control systems in automation and robotics, or various types of security systems, including biometric security systems related to the recognition of the face or iris of the eye. In addition, there are all systems that facilitate the personal life of the blind people, visually impaired...
Deep Features Class Activation Map for Thermal Face Detection and Tracking
PublikacjaRecently, capabilities of many computer vision tasks have significantly improved due to advances in Convolutional Neural Networks. In our research, we demonstrate that it can be also used for face detection from low resolution thermal images, acquired with a portable camera. The physical size of the camera used in our research allows for embedding it in a wearable device or indoor remote monitoring solution for elderly and disabled...
Multi-layered tissue head phantoms for noninvasive optical diagnostics
PublikacjaExtensive research in the area of optical sensing for medical diagnostics requires development of tissue phantoms with optical properties similar to those of living human tissues. Development and improvement of in vivo optical measurement systems requires the use of stable tissue phantoms with known characteristics, which are mainly used for calibration of such systems and testing their performance over time. Optical and mechanical...
Changes in psychological distress among Polish medical university teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic
PublikacjaOur study aims to update knowledge about psychological distress and its changes in the Polish group of academic medical teachers after two years of a global pandemic. During the coronavirus disease, teachers were challenged to rapidly transition into remote teaching and adapt new assessment and evaluation systems for students, which might have been...
Framework for Structural Health Monitoring of Steel Bridges by Computer Vision
PublikacjaThe monitoring of a structural condition of steel bridges is an important issue. Good condition of infrastructure facilities ensures the safety and economic well-being of society. At the same time, due to the continuous development, rising wealth of the society and socio-economic integration of countries, the number of infrastructural objects is growing. Therefore, there is a need to introduce an easy-to-use and relatively low-cost...
Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
PublikacjaMonitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized...
Real-Time Gastrointestinal Tract Video Analysis on a Cluster Supercomputer
PublikacjaThe article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition. Emphasis has been put on adapting existing algorithms detecting le- sions and bleedings for real time usage in a medical doctor's office during an en- doscopic examination. A system for diagnosis recommendation and disease detec- tion has been designed taking into account the limited mobility of the endoscope and the doctor's requirements. The...
Remote Sensing
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Artificial intelligence support for disease detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images of human large bowel
PublikacjaIn the work the chosen algorithms of disease recognition in endoscopy images were described and compared for theirs efficiency. The algorithms were estimated with regard to utility for application in computer system's support for digestive system's diagnostics. Estimations were achieved in an advanced testing environment, which was built with use of the large collection of endoscopy movies received from Medical University in Gdańsk....
Using Moodle as a Solution to Interdisciplinary E-collaboration Issues
PublikacjaRapid technological development in recent years has contributed to numerous changes in many areas of life, including education and communication. Establishing interdisciplinary collaboration brings many benefits, however, it is often associated with numerous problems and inconveniences, as well as the need of constant improvement, lifelong learning, professional development (CPD) and finding an effective way of information transferring....
Evaluation of Respiration Rate Using Thermal Imaging in Mobile Conditions
PublikacjaRespiratory rate is very important vital sign that should be measured and documented in many medical situations. The remote measurement of respiration rate can be especially valuable for medical screening purposes (e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza, etc.). In this chapter we present a review of many different studies focused on the measurements and estimation of respiration rate using thermal imaging...
Evaluation of Facial Pulse Signals Using Deep Neural Net Models
PublikacjaThe reliable measurement of the pulse rate using remote photoplethysmography (PPG) is very important for many medical applications. In this paper we present how deep neural networks (DNNs) models can be used in the problem of PPG signal classification and pulse rate estimation. In particular, we show that the DNN-based classification results correspond to parameters describing the PPG signals (e.g. peak energy in the frequency...
PublikacjaThe knowledge of patient’s day to day blood pressure changes is invaluable to physicians for both diagnostics and health monitoring reasons. Constant observation of the pressure throughout a day would provide even more valuable clinical information. A convenient non-invasive methods of blood pressure estimation for monitoring purposes are widely proposed. This work shows a statistical approach to...