Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SLIDING BEARINGS
PublikacjaThe excessive wear of a journal shaft can be caused by many factors, for example, working conditions (e.g., temperaturę, slip speed, the type of lubricant), pressure, the type of material used on the bearings and shafts and their roughness, as well as contamination remaining in the system. This paper presents the roughness profiles co-operating with a rubber (NBR) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bushes. The conditions of cooperation...
Special Issue on Sliding Contact Bearings
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Shaft Misalignment Influence on Water Lubricated Turbine Sliding Bearings with Various Bush Modules of Elasticity
PublikacjaW artykule przeanalizowano wpływ wielkości przenoszenia osi wału względem panwi na nośność łożyska. Analizie poddano łożyska z odmiennymi rodzajami panwi o różnej sztywności.
Sliding bearings with sintered bronze bush lubricated by contaminated water with solid particles – Theoretical and experimental studies
PublikacjaSliding journal bearings lubricated with water coming directly from the environment are a solution used in shipbuilding, pumps and hydropower. However, the working fluid or surrounding water cannot always be filtered because of design limitations, which often causes the problem of premature wear of these sensitive bearings. The research conducted made it possible to assess the wear of sliding bearings lubricated with water containing...
Fatigue test bearings with geometrically modyfied sliding surface.
PublikacjaW artykule uzasadniono celowość wprowadzenia nowego łóżyska testowego do badań wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej materiałów łożyskowych. Przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań łożysk o zmodyfikowanej geometrii powierzchni ślizgowej i porównano otrzymane wyniki testów przeprowadzonych przy użyciu o standartowej geometrii.
PublikacjaAbstract: The paper presents a possibility of determining (assessing) operation of sliding bearings with multilayer bushings in crank-piston mechanisms of diesel engines. Properties of load and wear, particularly fatigue and abrasive, are characterized in general. Acoustic emission as a diagnostic signal was proved to be useful for detection of the wear of sliding and barrier layers. Results of measurements of acoustic emission...
Comparative wear test of journal sliding bearings with sintered bronze and Babbitt alloy bushes lubricated by environmentally acceptable/adapted lubricants (EAL)
PublikacjaA growing awareness of the negative effects of mineral oils on the natural environment has resulted in the introduction of new regulations related to environmental protection. One of these regulations requires the use of environmentally acceptable/adapted lubricants (EAL) to lubricate marine main shaft bearings, in place of the mineral lubricating oils that have been used for decades. Classification Societies, which supervise...
Some fundamental aspects of self-levitating sliding contact bearings and their practical implementations
PublikacjaIn this study, fundamental aspects and mechanisms of acoustic levitation together with governing equations are presented first. Then, the acoustic levitation phenomenon is considered as a new way to design air suspension systems capable of self-levitation. A particular emphasis is laid on journal bearings and their specific geometrical configuration. A practical feasibility of using acoustic levitation to separate contacting surfaces...
Evaluation of apparent Young׳s modulus of the composite polymer layers used as sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic thrust bearings
PublikacjaHydrodynamic bearings with a polymer sliding layer are able to operate in severe conditions, mainly due to favorable properties of the polymers. The goal of this research was to evaluate apparent Young׳s modulus of two types of the polymer composite layers used for sliding surfaces in hydrodynamic bearings, as a function of temperature. The Young׳s modulus was evaluated on the basis of compression tests carried out on samples obtained...
The effect of the exposure-in-oil on the contact of the polymers forming sliding layers in hydrodynamic bearings. Wpływ ekspozycji w oleju na kąt zwilżania polimerów stosowanych na warstwy ślizgowe w łożyskach hydrodynamicznych.
PublikacjaPolimery stosowane jako warstwy ślizgowe w hydrodynamicznych łożyskach wzdłużnych to zazwyczaj tworzywa termoplastyczne charakteryzujące się relatywnie wysokimi wartościami kątów zwilżania w porównaniu z metalami. Metale, w tym również Babbitt czy inne stopy łożyskowe, cechują niskie wartości kątów zwilżania. Im niższy kąt, tym powierzchnia lepiej się zwilża. Tworzywa sztuczne wykorzystywane w węzłach tribologicznych mających zapewnić...
Wojciech Litwin prof. dr hab. inż.
Osoby1992÷1996 – Studia na Wydziale Mechanicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej1996 – Zatrudniony na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa PG2004 – Obrona pracy doktorskiej2014 – obrona rozprawy habilitacyjnej2012 – obejmuje funkcję prodziekan ds. Nauki na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i OkrętownictwaUczestniczył w wielu projektach badawczych oraz pracach zleconych przez przemysł związanych z łożyskowaniem ślizgowym wałów głównych oraz niekonwencjonalnymi...
PublikacjaPolymeric linings of sliding surfaces of the hydrodynamic bearings have been used successfully for over 50 years. Despite of their long history of operation and research, they have not become wide spread in industrial applications. This fact may be surprising, considering th e conclusions that have been published concerning bearing operation and design. This paper summarizes the current...
PublikacjaIn an industrial project concerning sliding bearings, a sliding pair was selected of high alloy steel vs. industrial grade DLC coated high alloy steel as a basis for an innovative design of high performance sliding bearings lubricated with a synthetic oil for use in geared transmission units. The development process required credible data on the ultimate resistance of the sliding pair to very high contact stress. An experimental...
Influence of local bush wear on water lubricated sliding bearing load carrying capacity
PublikacjaOne of main problems concerning water-lubricated bearings is their durability. There are known cases of bearings with life time measured in decades, and some, whose refurbishment was necessary just days after start-up. Obtaining stable fluid film friction plays key role in the durability of these bearings. Unfortunately, their load-carrying capacity is limited due to water's low-viscosity. The conducted experimental...
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of empirical studies where the acoustic emission (AE) method was applied to identify the technical condition of sliding surfaces of main and crank bearings for main diesel engines. The test results indicate that the measurements of the AE parameters allow the technical condition identification for bearings of this type. The results refer to the measurements of the parameters for AE generated in the...
Comparison of the characteristics of journal bearings determined according to ISO 7902:2020 and obtained by other methods
PublikacjaThe article presents selected characteristics of journal bearings calculated with the use of various methods and compared to the results obtained with application of the basic bearing characteristics calculation procedure, as described in the ISO 7902:2020 standard. Additionally, the presented calculation results were compared with the parameters measured during experimental tests of the sliding bearings, working under loads and...
Experimental investigation into surface texture effect on journal bearings performance
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to analyse the performance of journal bearings with specially created dimples on the sliding surface and operating under various conditions. The texture was created on the bearing surface that co-acted with the smooth journal; moreover, the variation of the textured surface of the journal mating with the smooth bearing was tested, and the results were compared to those obtained with the standard smooth...
Water-Lubricated Journal Bearings Marine Applications, Design, and Operational Problems and Solutions
PublikacjaWater-Lubricated Journal Bearings: Marine Applications, Design, and Operational Problems and Solutions provides cutting-edge design solutions, common problems and methods for avoiding them, and material selection considerations for the use of water-lubricated journal bearings in marine environments. These bearings have many advantages, including the absence of the potential for oil contamination. They are also sensitive, and their...
Water-Lubricated Sintered Bronze Journal Bearings—Theoretical and Experimental Research
PublikacjaWater lubricated bearings are used from many years in shipbuilding, hydro power and other industries because of their advantages such as: extensive serviceable life, low coefficient of friction, longevity of shaft sleeve, good abrasion resistance, low maintenance required, unit simplicity, no danger of pollution and low price. Various types of water lubricated sliding bearings have been tested at the Technical University of Gdansk...
Marine propeller shaft bearings under low-speed conditions: water vs. oil lubrication
PublikacjaThe bearings used in shipbuilding, hydropower, and water pumps have undergone a metamorphosis in recent decades. Because of environmental regulations, lubrication with grease or mineral oil is prohibited. Thus, the standard solutions include water-lubricated bearings with polymer bushings or sealed systems lubricated with oil. When properly designed, assembled, and operated, bearings can operate reliably for years. However, specific...
Experimental research on water lubricated marine stern tube bearings in conditions of improper lubrication and cooling causing rapid bush wear
PublikacjaWater lubricated bearings are popular in sliding bearings of marine propeller shafts, turbines and pump shafts. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. In practical experience one may also observe cases of rapid wear or even malfunctions of this bearings, some of which may be caused by insufficient flow of lubricant leading to overheating. The conducted...
PublikacjaWater lubricated sliding bearings are increasingly popular in marine and hydro power industry. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. Properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products like three layer bearing bush. The work presents...
Application of acoustic emission for detection of fatigue microdemage in main and crank bearings for diesel engines
PublikacjaThe article presents reasons for applying the acoustic emission (AE) to detect fatigue microdamage in main bearings and crank bearings of ship main engines. Problem of determination of the fatigue life for slide bearing bushes was characterized in general. There were demonstrated properties of the objects of research, which were bushings made of the MB58 alloy, as well as an overall description of the research. It was shown that...
PublikacjaThe issue of excessive wear of shaft journals co-working with a rubber bearing has been unexplained so far. Premature and sometimes very intensive wear of ship sliding bearings in water conditions is the reason for carry out very expensive and more frequent than expected repairs. The authors (E. Piątkowska, W. Litwin) made an attempt to find a case that influences the value of this wear described in the paper “Attempt at Evaluating...
PublikacjaThis paper reports on a study of the influence of solid particle contamination on the wear process in water-lubricated slide bearings (steel-acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) and steel- polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)). To compare the wear of the shaft journal and bushes (NBR and PTFE) when lubricated with fresh water and contaminated water, an experiment was carried out to identify key factors that influence the state of wear...
Experimental study on the feasibility of alternative materials for tilting pad thrust bearings operating in transition to mixed friction
PublikacjaIn hydrodynamic bearings traditional bearing alloys: Babbitts and bronzes are most frequently utilized. Polymer sliding layers are sometimes applied as a valuable alternative. Hard diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings, which are also considered for certain applications may show some advantages, as well. Although material selection is of secondary importance in a full film lubrication regime it becomes important in mixed friction...
Properties comparison of rubber and three layer PTFE-NBR-bronze water lubricated bearings with lubricating grooves along full bush circumference based on experimental tests
PublikacjaWater lubricated bearings have been in industrial use for well over a century. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products. Despite that fact, certain solutions continue to employ the standard rubber bearing with lubricating grooves located along entire bush circumference. The work presents experimental research conducted on comparable sliding bearings with lubrication grooves along...
Theoretical analysis and experimental tests of tilting pad journal bearings with shoes made of polymer material and low-boiling liquid lubrication
PublikacjaSelecting the appropriate bearing system for the rotor requires a good knowledge of the available solutions and the operating conditions of the machine. For newly designed machinery operating in adverse conditions, selecting bearings that ensure correct and long-lasting operation can be extremely challenging. Difficulties in- crease when the machine’s operating parameters are beyond the technical capabilities of available technical solutions....
Research on water lubricated main shaft bearings in conditions of improper lubrication and cooling conducted on high torque real-life scale bush test rig
PublikacjaWater lubricated polymer bushes find increasingly popular use in the sliding bearings of marine propellers, water turbines and pump shafts. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means relatively affordable price. In addition, properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. However, in practical experience one may also observe cases of rapid wear...
Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration
PublikacjaClassical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....
The influence of polymer bearing material and lubricating grooves layout on wear of journal bearings lubricated with contaminated water
PublikacjaThe goal of the present paper is to investigate wear properties of journal sliding bearing operating in the conditions of contaminated water lubrication. Several bearing materials and bearing sleeve designs (differing in the axial grooves position and their shape) were tested experimentally under typical operating conditions in a dedicated test rig, which was equipped with a lubricating system, enabling lubrication with contaminated...
Tilting pad thrust bearing with novel material selection - experimental comparison of low and medium speed operation
PublikacjaThe advances in material engineering led to the development of hard carbon based coatings applied in numerous applications in order to prevent or minimize wear of the parts in contact. With Triondur® coatings, the bearing company Schaeffler has succeeded in halving the friction losses in the valve trains of passenger cars. The coatings are optimized for high abrasive wear protection and low sliding friction moments. Altogether...
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych, z których wynika, że emisja akustyczna (EA) może być uznana za sygnał diagnostyczny, przydatny do identyfikacji stanu technicznego łożysk głównych i korbowych okrętowych silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Wykazano w nim bowiem, że parametry emisji akustycznej takie jak: czas rejestracji, energia sygnału, amplituda sygnału, ilość przekroczeń poziomu dyskryminacji, czas narastania,...
The effect of a belt position in the spindle driving system on critical rotational speeds
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper was to examine how the belt pulley position affects critical rotational speeds of the modernized spindle of the sliding table saw Fx3. Methodology of determination of critical rotational speeds of the spindle in a function of the spindle design features and its driving system is presented. Spindles in these kind of machine tools are mainly driven with V-belts, and the pulleys on the spindles might be positioned:...
Problems of analytical determination of journal bearing bush fatigue strength estimates
PublikacjaProblems connected with determination of stress distribution in sliding layer of thinwalled bearing bushes, investigated in bearing fatigue test rigs, have been presented. Using an example of plain bearings tested in the fatigue machine SMOK (built at the Gdask University of Technology) problems with obtaining a convergence of iterative procedure for determining the fatigue strength estimators of bearing alloy surface layer are...
Effect of presence of lifting pocket on the THD performance of a large tilting-pad thrust bearing
PublikacjaHydrostatic assistance is a commonly used method to improve limited load carrying ability of tiltingpad thrust bearings during transient states of operation of vertical shaft hydro-generators. Despite of special hydraulic equipment (as pumps, valves, etc.), it also requires manufacturing of special recesses/pockets at pad sliding surfaces, into which oil is injected under high pressure. It allows to lift the rotor before start-up...
Large hydrodynamic thrust bearing: Comparison of the calculations and measurements
PublikacjaHydrodynamic thrust bearings, used to carry axial loads in heavily loaded shafts of water power plants hydro turbines, can reach outer diameters even exceeding 5 m. In such large objects scale effect could be observed. According to this, allowable bearing specific load assuring safe operation of the bearings has to be decreased, which increases thrust bearing dimensions. This effect is caused by excessive thermal deflections of...
Centrally Pivoted Tilting Pad Thrust Bearing with Carbon-Based Coated Collar—Experimental Results of Low- and Medium-Speed Operation
PublikacjaExperimental results of the research on a tilting pad thrust bearing with symmetrical pad support in the conditions of high loads and low speeds are presented in the paper. As described in the literature review, experimental results of tilting pad bearings at low speed/high load regime and transient conditions are rare. Unusual material selection - steel pad against a DLC-type coating on the collar was utilized. Such material combination...
PublikacjaW artykule przestawiono propozycję rozpatrywania zarówno obciążenia jak i zużywania ślizgowych skojarzeń ciernych (łożysk głównych i korbowych) układów korbowo-tłokowych silników spalinowych, zwłaszcza głównych, a także skojarzeń „tłok-tuleja” tych silników, jako procesów stochastycznych. Propozycję tę uzasadniono tym, że deterministyczne podejście do badania zarówno obciążenia jak i zużycia wspomnianych skojarzeń uniemożliwia...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K06
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K07
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). No lubrication (DRY). Specim. set K04
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DRY. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate folders).Specimen...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). No lubrication (DRY). Specim. set K01
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DRY. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate folders).Specimen...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). No lubrication (DRY). Specim. set K05
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DRY. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate folders).Specimen...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - PARAFFIN OIL. Specim. set K09 - full run
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: PARAFFIN OIL. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K02
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - PARAFFIN OIL. Specim. set K09 - pre-run (10s)
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: PARAFFIN OIL. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - PARAFFIN OIL. Specim. set K08
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: PARAFFIN OIL. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). No lubrication (DRY). Specim. set K03
Dane BadawczeFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DRY. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate folders).Specimen...
Selected problems of experimental investigation of dynamically loaded journal bearings
PublikacjaIn the paper some problems concerning relations between external bearing loadings and critical lining stresses are described for test stand with rotating load vector. According to the standard ISO 7905/1 this type of test stand, for dynamically loaded slide bearing, is recommended as a basic research unit for material testing in a complete bearing unit. The lining stress calculation results occurred being dependent on applied calculation...