wszystkich: 149
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: rezonatory
Low-Loss Mechanically Tunable Resonator and Phase Shifters in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
PublikacjaThis research is focused on the design and realization of high-performance high-power variable phase shifters in groove gap waveguide technology. Specifically, it is shown that the unique characteristic of groove gap waveguides, which is its proper operation without the need for electrical connection between the top and bottom sections of the waveguide, can be used to design mechanically tunable devices. Using the proposed method,...
Uncertainty Quantification of Additive Manufacturing Post-Fabrication Tuning of Resonator-Based Microwave Sensors
PublikacjaReconfigurability, especially in terms of the ability of adjusting the operating frequency, has become an important prerequisite in the design of modern microwave components and systems. It is also pertinent to microwave sensors developed for a variety of applications such as characterization of material properties of solids or liquids. This paper discusses uncertainty quantification of additive-manufacturing-based post-fabrication...
Low-Loss 3D-Printed Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a new type of waveguide filter with smooth profile, based on specially designed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators. The DM cavity design is achieved by applying a shape deformation scheme. The coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is implemented by breaking the symmetry of the structure, thus eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The modes operating in the cavity are carefully analyzed...
Miniaturized Dual-Band SIW-Based Bandpass Filters Using Open-Loop Ring Resonators
PublikacjaThis article presents two novel architectures of dual-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filters (BPFs). Initially, two identical open-loop ring resonators (OLRRs) are coupled face-to-face on the top of the SIW cavity to realize a dual-band single-pole BPF. To obtain two-pole dual-band characteristics, two OLRRs resonant units are assembled horizontally within the top metal layer of the SIW, which is a technique...
Expedited Simulation-Driven Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Quasi-Isotropic Dielectric Resonator Antenna
PublikacjaMajority of practical engineering design problems require simultaneous handling of several criteria. Although many of design tasks can be turned into single-objective problems using sufficient formulations, in some situations, acquiring comprehensive knowledge about possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives may be necessary. This calls for multi-objective optimization that aims at identifying a set of alternative, Pareto-optimal...
Displacement Sensors Based on the Phase of the Reflection Coefficient of a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line
Publikacja— In this paper, novel displacement sensors using a microstrip loaded with a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs) are proposed. It is shown that the phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading SRRs can be used for displacement sensing. The paper also proposes a differential version of the sensor that benefits from a higher sensitivity and reference zero, which is useful for alignment purposes. It is further shown that...
A Multifunctional Microwave Filter/Sensor Component Using a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line
PublikacjaThis research is focused on the design and realiza2 tion of a microwave component with multifunctional filter/sensor 3 operation using a resonator-loaded transmission line (TL). It is 4 shown that while the structure acts as a bandstop filter, the 5 phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading resonator(s) 6 on a movable layer can be used for displacement sensing, thus 7 allowing for combining filtering with sensing in...
Standing Waves in One-Dimensional Resonator Contaning an Ideal Isothermal Gas Affected by the Constant Mass Force
PublikacjaThe study is devoted to standing acoustic waves in one-dimensional planar resonator which containing an ideal gas. A gas is affected by the constant mass force. Two types of physically justified boundary conditions are considered: zero velocity or zero excess pressure at both boundaries. The variety of nodal and antinodal points is determined. The conclusion is that the nodes of pressure and antinodes of velocity do not longer...
Coupled-Resonator Waveguide Filter in Quadruplet Topology With Frequency-Dependent Coupling - A Design Based on Coupling Matrix
PublikacjaThis letter presents an application of a recently developed coupling matrix synthesis technique to design of coupled-resonator filters with dispersive inter-resonator couplings. This technique is used to design a novel coupled-cavity bandpass filter. Measurements validate the design and confirm effectiveness of the synthesis method. The filter is a four-pole generalized Chebyshev filter with three transmission zeros. Resonators...
Novel Complementary Multiple Concentric Split Ring Resonator for Reliable Characterization of Dielectric Substrates with High Sensitivity
PublikacjaAccurate characterization of dielectric substrates with high sensitivity remains an important challenge in a variety of industrial applications. This paper proposes an innovative strategy to address this challenge by developing and optimizing a unique Complementary Multiple Concentric Split Ring Resonator (CMC-SRR). The major goal is to propose a sensor design with increased sensitivity and reliability for dielectric characterization....
Design of Highly Selective Dual Band Band Stop Filter using Dual-Path Step Impedance Resonator
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Highly sensitive microwave sensors based on open complementary square split-ring resonator for sensing liquid materials
PublikacjaThis paper presents high-sensitivity sensors based on open complementary square split-ring resonator and modified open complementary split-ring resonator operating at 4.5 GHz and 3.4 GHz, respectively. The sensors are designed for the detection of multiple liquid materials, including distilled water, methanol, and ethanol. The liquid under test is filled in a glass container loaded using a pipette. Compared to the conventional...
Frequency-Variant Double-Zero Single-Pole Reactive Coupling Networks for Coupled-Resonator Microwave Bandpass Filters
PublikacjaIn this work, a family of frequency-variant reactive coupling (FVRC) networks is introduced and discussed as new building blocks for the synthesis of coupled-resonator bandpass filters with real or complex transmission zeros (TZs). The FVRC is a type of nonideal frequency-dependent inverter that has nonzero elements on the diagonal of the impedance matrix, along with a nonlinear frequency-variation profile of its transimpedance...
Computationally-Efficient Statistical Design and Yield Optimization of Resonator-Based Notch Filters Using Feature-Based Surrogates
PublikacjaModern microwave devices are designed to fulfill stringent requirements pertaining to electrical performance, which requires, among others, a meticulous tuning of their geometry parameters. When moving up in frequency, physical dimensions of passive microwave circuits become smaller, making the system performance increasingly susceptible to manufacturing tolerances. In particular, inherent inaccuracy of fabrication processes affect...
On Rapid Design Optimization and Calibration of Microwave Sensors Based on Equivalent Complementary Resonators for High Sensitivity and Low Fabrication Tolerance
PublikacjaThis paper presents the design, optimization, and calibration of multivariable resonators for mi-crowave dielectric sensors. An optimization technique for circular complementary split ring reso-nator (CC-SRR) and square complementary split ring resonator (SC-SRR) is presented to achieve the required transmission response in a precise manner. The optimized resonators are manufac-tured using a standard photolithographic technique...
Approximate analytical boundary conditions for efficient finite difference frequency domain simulations in cylindrical coordinates
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano prostą technikę analizy rezonatora otwartego. Algorytm łączy w sobie metodę różnic skończonych i rozwinięć funkcyjnych , umożliwiając implementację warunków brzegowych symulujących otwartą przestrzeń. Metoda testowana była w analizie rezonatorów o różnych wymiarach,a otrzymane wyniki dobrze zgadzały się z rezultatami innych metod.
Resonator-Loaded Waveguide Notch Filters with Broad Tuning Range and Additive-Manufacturing-Based Operating Frequency Adjustment Procedure
PublikacjaThis article presents a new class of ring-resonator-loaded waveguide notch filters with a broad tuning range, low cost, and improved performance. The proposed approach employs a comple-mentary asymmetric split ring resonator coupled to a microstrip transmission line and excited in a rectangular waveguide. An equivalent circuit model is proposed to explain the working principle of the proposed notch filter. The adjustment of the...
Dispersive Delay Structures With Asymmetric Arbitrary Group-Delay Response Using Coupled-Resonator Networks With Frequency-Variant Couplings
PublikacjaThis article reports the design of coupled-resonatorbased microwave dispersive delay structures (DDSs) with arbitrary asymmetric-type group delay response. The design process exploits a coupling matrix representation of the DDS circuit as a network of resonators with frequency-variant couplings (FVCs). The group delay response is shaped using complex transmission zeros (TZs) created by dispersive cross-couplings. We also present an...
Design and Implementation of a Dual-band Filtering Wil-kinson Power Divider Using Coupled T-shaped Dual-band Resonators
PublikacjaThe paper introduces a novel structure of a dual-band filtering Wilkinson power divider (WPD). Its essential component is a dual-band bandpass filter (BPF), implemented using coupling lines and two T-shaped resonators. The BPF is incorporated into the divider structure to suppress the unwanted harmonics within the circuit. The latter is achieved owing to a wide stopband of the filter. The deigned dual-band WPD can suppress third...
Inverse Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Framework for the Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Filters With Nonresonant Nodes and Arbitrary Frequency-Variant Reactive Couplings
PublikacjaA novel, general circuit-level description of coupledresonator microwave filters is introduced in this article. Unlike well-established coupling-matrix models based on frequency-invariant couplings or linear frequency-variant couplings (LFVCs), a model with arbitrary reactive frequencyvariant coupling (AFVC) networks is proposed. The engineered formulation is more general than prior-art ones—with the only restriction that the coupling...
Tunable Waveguide Filter with Bow-Tie Metallic Posts.
PublikacjaBadanie i synteza filtru falowodowego zawiewrającego metalowe rezonatory motylkowe (Bow-Tie). Wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną procedurę iteracyjną i metodę dopasowania rodzajów w celu rozwiązania problemu brzegowego na pojedynczej sekcji filtru i określenie pola rozproszonego od rezonatora motylkowego. Obrót i przemieszczenie opisywane struktury w złączu falowodowym umożliwia zmianę odpowiedzi częstotliwościowych układu. Efekt rotacji...
Multifunctional Bandpass Filter/Displacement Sensor Component
PublikacjaThis paper presents the design and realization of a multifunctional bandpassfilter/displacement-sensor using an edge-coupled microstrip bandpass filter loaded by a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs). It is shown that while the structure acts as a bandpass filter at its operating frequency, the phase of the reflection coefficient from a movable loading resonator at the resonance frequency of the resonator can be used for displacement...
Rigorous Modal Analysis of Structures Containing Inhomogeneous Dielectric Cylinders.
PublikacjaW pracy wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną procedurę iteracyjną i metodę dopasowania rodzajów w celu analizy struktur zawierających asymetrycznie umieszczone, niepełnej wysokości lub wielowarstwowe, niejednorodne, cylindryczne rezonatory dielektryczne. Analiza bazuje na nowatorskiej koncepcji zwanej hybrydową macierzą impedancyjną (HIM - hybryd impedancje matrix), która opisuje relacje pomiędzy całkowitym polem elektrycznym i magnetycznym...
Mutual Coupling Reduction in Antenna Arrays Using Artificial Intelligence Approach and Inverse Neural Network Surrogates
PublikacjaThis paper presents a novel approach to reduce undesirable coupling in antenna arrays using custom-designed resonators and inverse surrogate modeling. To illustrate the concept, two stand-ard patch antenna cells with 0.07λ edge-to-edge distance are designed and fabricated to operate at 2.45 GHz. A stepped-impedance resonator is applied between the antennas to suppress their mutual coupling. For the first time, the optimum values...
Microfluidically Frequency-Reconfigurable Self-Quadruplexing Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Square-Cavity
PublikacjaIn this article, a novel concept of self-quadruplexing tunable antenna (SQTA) enabled by microfluidic channels is investigated. The operating channels are either filled with air or dielectric liquids to enable frequency tunability. The proposed SQTA is implemented on the substrate-integrated square-cavity (SISC). A swastika-shaped slot is milled on the top-surface of the SISC to create four quarter-mode resonators. The resonators...
Krzysztof Nyka dr hab. inż.
OsobyKrzysztof Nyka, absolwent Wydziału Elektroniki Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej (WETI PG), gdzie uzyskał tytuł magistra inżyniera (1986, telekomunikacja) stopień doktora nauk technicznych (2002, elektronika) i doktora habilitowanego (2020 automatyka, elektronika i elektrotechnika). Obecnie jest zatrudniony na stanowisku profesora uczelni w Katedrze Inżynierii Mikrofalowej i Antenowej WETI PG. Zainteresowania...
Inverse Modeling and Optimization of CSRR-based Microwave Sensors for Industrial Applications
PublikacjaDesign optimization of multivariable resonators is a challenging topic in the area of microwave sensors for industrial applications. This paper proposes a novel methodology for rapid re-design and parameter tuning of complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs). Our approach involves inverse surrogate models established using pre-optimized resonator data as well as analytical correction techniques to enable rapid adjustment of geometry...
Impact of Boundary Conditions on Acoustic Excitation of EntropyPerturbations in a Bounded Volume of Newtonian Gas
PublikacjaExcitation of the entropy mode in the field of intense sound, that is, acoustic heating, is theoreticallyconsidered in this work. The dynamic equation for an excess density which specifies the entropy mode,has been obtained by means of the method of projections. It takes the form of the diffusion equation withan acoustic driving force which is quadratically nonlinear in the leading order. The diffusion coefficient isproportional...
Application of a hybrid finite difference-mode matching method to the analysis of circular cavities loaded with cylindrical metallic objects
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono badania rezonatorów cylindrycznych zawierających obiekty cylindryczne o dowolnym przekroju poprzecznym z wykorzystaniem metody hybrydowej stanowiącej połączenie metody różnic skończonych z metodą dopasowania rodzajów. W ramach badań określono częstotliwości rezonansowe dla wybranych struktur rezonatorów. Wyniki numeryczne zostały zweryfikowane eksperymentalnie.
Accurate design of pseudoelliptic inline SIW filters with frequency-dependent couplings
PublikacjaThis paper presents an accurate synthesis method for inline SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide) generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with frequency-dependent couplings. The technique is based on the synthesis of a coupling matrix that takes into account the impedance of the frequency-dependent stub. Thus, a loading effect compensation in adjacent resonators (via resonant frequency adjustment) and coupling elements (via coupling-value...
Zastosowanie zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej w analizie układów mikrofalowych metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono alternatywną metodę wyznaczania częstotliwości rezonansowych rezonatorów mikrofalowych na podstawie analizy ciągu próbek odpowiedzi impulsowej otrzymanego w symulacji w dziedzinie czasu (FDTD). Zastosowana metoda, bazująca na zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej (ICF), pozwala na szybką identyfikację dwóch bliskich częstotliwości w przebiegu czasowym, co pozwala skrócić analizę układów o dużej dobroci i rezonatorów...
A simple finite difference approach using unstructured meshes from FEM mesh generators.
PublikacjaPrezentujemy metodologię używania dwuwymiarowych różnic skończonych wykorzystujących siatki trójkątne z metody FEM. Określiliśmy wyrażenia opisujące pierwsząi drugą pochodną w oparciu o wartości pól w saśiednich punktach. Metodę przetestowaliśmy na strukturze rezonatora z prostokątnym rdzeniem dielektrycznym.
Design of novel highly sensitive sensors for crack detection in metal surfaces: theoretical foundation and experimental validation
PublikacjaThe application of different types of microwave resonators for sensing cracks in metallic structures has been subject of many studies. While most studies have been focused on improving the sensitivity of planar crack sensors, the theoretical foundation of the topic has not been treated in much detail. The major objective of this study is to perform an exhaustive study of the principles and theoretical foundations for crack sensing...
Analysis of circular cavity with cylindrical objects
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje analizę rozpraszania fali elektromagnetycznej na obiektach cylindrycznych rozmieszczonych dowolnie w strukturze rezonatora. Analiza oparta jest na metodzie dopasowania rodzajów. Dokładność i poprawność metody jest zweryfikowana poprzez porównanie uzyskanych wyników z wynikami otrzymanymi z metod alternatywnych i własnych pomiarów wykonanych układów.
Novel Low-Loss Substrates for 5G Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents a feasibility study of a new type of microwave low-loss dielectric substrates for 5G network applications. The new substrate materials are composites of polypropylene and high-dielectric-constant micro-ceramics. This combination is expected to form a very low-loss dielectric material at low fabrication cost. Two substrate samples with different dielectric properties are fabricated and their characteristics at...
Wyładowanie mikrofalowe (915 MHz) dużej mocy w argonie pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów spektroskopowych wyładowania mikrofalowego w argonie pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym. Badania przeprowadzono dla wyładowania mikrofalowego podtrzymywanego mikrofalami o częstotliwości 915 MHz w mikrofalowym aplikatorze plazmy typu rezonator wnękowy. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników określono temperaturę wzbudzenia elektronowego, temperaturę cząstek ciężkich plazmy oraz koncentracje...
Frequency-dependent coupling model for microwave band-pass filter
PublikacjaThe goal of this work was to create a circuit model which represents frequency-dependent coupling between microwave resonators. Our models are designed for in-line filters. The frequency-dependent coupling enables one to realize a transmission zero which is not possible in classical approach with frequency independent inverters. In addition, the proposed model allows us to observe out-of-band behavior, e.g. spurious resonance....
Highly-Compact Dual-Band Bandpass Waveguide Filter Based on Cross-Shaped Frequency-Dependent Coupling
PublikacjaThis work reports the design of an original class of highly-compact dual-band bandpass filter based on dual-mode waveguide resonators inter-coupled through a novel type of frequency-dependent coupling (FDC). The devised FDC consists of a cross-shaped metallic structure placed in the broad wall of a rectangular waveguide. This FDC produces two additional poles and three extra transmission zeros (TZs). Specifically, each pole is...
A Self-Equalized Waveguide Filter With Frequency-Dependent (Resonant) Couplings
PublikacjaThis letter presents a design of a fifth-order linear phase filter with frequency-dependent couplings. The filter is composed of a triplet that is directly coupled to two resonators at the input and output. To provide group delay flattening a cross-coupling in the trisection has a strongly dispersive character with a negative slope parameter. To achieve this, an E-plane stub with a septum was used. To further improve the filter...
A novel compact broadband 5-35GHz
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zasadę pracy oraz procedurę projektowania zintegrowanego planarnego baluna (symetryzatora). Układ zaprojektowano wykorzystując połączenie linii paskowych i szczelinowych oraz struktury rezonatorów w formie wielogałęziowych sęków szczelinowych. Wykonany wielowarstwowy symetryzator pracuje poprawnie w zakresie 5-35GHz.
Radiation phenomena from metamaterial cylinders at oblique plane wave incidence.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wpływ ujemnej przenikalności elektrycznej i magnetycznej rezonatorów cylindrycznych umieszczonych w wolnej przestrzeni na parametry rozproszenia. Wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną procedurę iteracyjną i metodę dopasowania rodzajów w celu badania fali rozproszonej od układu cylindrów przy ukośnym padaniu fali płaskiej.
Rectangular waveguide junctions with posts of negative isotropic media.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wpływ ujemnej przenikalności elektrycznej i magnetycznej rezonatorów cylindrycznych umieszczonych w czteroportowym prostokątnym złączu falowodowym na jego parametry odbicia i transmisji. Wykorzystano zmodyfikowaną procedurę iteracyjną i metodę dopasowania rodzajów w celu określenia macierzy rozproszenia w/w złącza.
A Stabilized Complex LOBPCG Eigensolver for the Analysis of Moderately Lossy EM Structures
PublikacjaThis letter proposes a stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient method for computing selected eigenvalues for complex symmetric generalized non-Hermitian eigenproblems. Effectiveness of the presented approach is demonstrated for a moderately lossy dual-mode dielectric resonator, modeled using finite-element method with higher order elements
New Type of Small Broad-Band Internal Antenna for Third Generation Mobile Phone Handsets.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono nową szerokopasmową antenę łatową przeznaczoną dla telefonów komórkowych trzeciej generacji. Proponowana struktura zawiera obwód (rezonator) w kształcie litery U i zaliczana jest do klasy PIFA (planar inverted-F antenna). W trakcie procesu projektowania przeprowadzono szereg symulacji elektromagnetycznych (metoda momentów), których wyniki zweryfikowano w oparciu o pomiary charakterystyk wykonanego prototypu....
Modal FEM Analysis of Ferrite Resonant Structures
PublikacjaThe finite-element method (FEM) is applied for modal analysis of ferrite-loaded spherical resonators. To improve the efficiency of the numerical calculations, the body-of-revolution (BOR) technique is utilized. Due to the frequency-dependent ferrite permeability, FEM leads to a nonlinear eigenvalue problem that is challenging to solve. To this end, Beyn’s method is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed...
Macromodels for Efficient Analysis of Open-Region Problems Using the Finite Element Method
PublikacjaThis paper presents a local model-order reduction, called macromodeling, applied to speed-up the simulations of open-region problems, analyzed by means of finite element method. This technique is illustrated by a numerical example, which deals with a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA). The obtained results show that the proposed approach is reliable and can significantly increase the standard finite element method efficiency.
An algorithm for enhancing macromodeling in finite element analysis of waveguide components
PublikacjaAn algorithm for enhancing the finite element method with local model order reduction is presented. The proposed technique can be used in fast frequency domain simulation of waveguide components and resonators. The local reduction process applied to cylindrical subregions is preceded by compression of the number of variables on its boundary. As a result,the finite element large system is converted into a very compact set of linear...
Automated microwave planar filter design with generalized Chebyshev characteristics.
PublikacjaIn this paper a technique of automatization of design of microwave filters with generalized Chebyshev characteristics is presented. A full wave electromagnetic simulator linked with the Matlab computing environment is used to ensure a rigorous numerical analysis while at the same time allowing automatization. To decrease time of optimization and overall design process, the Cauchy interpolation technique was used. An automated design...
Emisyjna spektroskopia optyczna plazmy wzbudzanej mikrofalami o częstotliwości 915 MHz
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki spektroskopowych badań plazmy wyładowania mikrofalowego (915 MHz) w azocie pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym. Wyładowanie generowano w mikrofalowym aplikatorze plazmy typu rezonator wnękowy dla natężenia przepływu azotu QN2 = 100 l/min. Absor-bowaną moc mikrofal PA zmieniano w zakresie od 400 do 1200 W. Zmierzone wybrane fragmenty widma porównywane były z widmami uzyskanymi przy użyciu programu symulacyjnego...
Novel microstrip low-pass filters with fractal defected ground structures
PublikacjaIn this study, three microstrip low-pass filters (LPFs) containing fractal-shaped defected ground structures have been designed and manufactured. To improve the performance of microstrip LPF, cascades of inductively coupled fractal resonators have been applied. Simultaneously, to achieve relatively constant microstrip impedance resulting in essentially low reflection losses, a modification of the strip geometry has been introduced....