Ministry points: Help
Year | Points | List |
Year 2025 | 5 | Journal not listed on ministry scored journal list 2024 |
Year | Points | List |
2025 | 5 | Journal not listed on ministry scored journal list 2024 |
2024 | 5 | Journal not listed on ministry scored journal list 2024 |
2023 | 5 | Not listed on the ministry scored journals list 2023 |
2022 | 5 | Not listed on the ministry scored journals list (2019-2022) |
2021 | 5 | Not listed on the ministry scored journals list (2019-2022) |
2020 | 5 | Not listed on the ministry scored journals list (2019-2022) |
2019 | 5 | Not listed on the ministry scored journals list (2019-2022) |
2018 | 8 | B |
2017 | 8 | B |
2014 | 8 | B |
2013 | 8 | B |
2012 | 8 | B |
2011 | 8 | B |
2010 | 20 | A |
Points CiteScore:
Year | Points |
Year 2023 | 1 |
Year | Points |
2023 | 1 |
2022 | 0.9 |
2021 | 0.9 |
2020 | 0.8 |
2019 | 0.8 |
2018 | 0.7 |
2017 | 0.6 |
2016 | 0.5 |
2015 | 0.5 |
2014 | 0.4 |
2013 | 0.4 |
2012 | 0.3 |
2011 | 0.3 |
Impact Factor:
Sherpa Romeo:
Papers published in journal
total: 85
Catalog Journals
Year 2013
Wettability of Horizontal Stainless Steel Tube by Nanofluid Droplets
PublicationThe goal of the present work was the experimental determination of the contact angle of three nanofluids, i.e. water-Al2O3, water-Cu and water-TiO2 on horizontal stainless steel tube of 1.6 mm OD. Of particular interest was the effect of nanoparticle concentration (0.01%, 0.1%, and 1% by weight) on droplet contact angle.
Year 2012
A New Technique of Spine Disease Treatment Supported by ADRSK1 Device
Publication -
A role of destructive and non-destructive tests in creep damage Identification
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań mjących zilustrować i określić rolę badań niszczących i nieniszczących w identyfikowaniu degradacji po pełzaniu
Compensation of pressure peaks in pwk-type hydraulic pumps
Publicationhydraulic axial pumps equipped with cam-driven commutation unit (pwk pumps) proved their high efficiency up to 55 mpa and ability to work self-sucking, even at high speed. displacement of pwk pump may easily be changed by moving its control cam. full discharge from hydrostatic forces makes such control possible by direct action of a low-energy actuator like proportional electromagnet or stepping motor. that eliminates heavy and...
Crack propoagation in MgO-PSZ ceramic materials
PublicationThe properties of ceramic materials such as elevated hardness, high temperature capability, low coefficient of thermal expansion are of interest for rolling element materials. Widely used ceramic materials in engineering applications are silicon nitride, zirconia and alumina. The paper presents an experimental study of the fatigue life of MgO-PSZ ceramic material in lubricated contact with defined types of cracks. A ceramic angular...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental study concerning the diagnosis of damage in a model of cylindrical steel tank with self-supported roof which is filled with liquid. During the tests, the base of the structure was excited under the harmonic loading with variable frequency. The tests were repeated for different stages of damage, which was introduced in the model by easing the bolts...
Distributed System for Monitoring of the Large Scale Infrastructure Structures Based on Analysis of Changes of its Static and Dynamic Properties
Publication -
Dynamics Conscious Approach to Tribometer Design and Tribo-testing
PublicationIn the paper findings are discussed on the issue of dynamic characteristics of a tribometer as a factor influencing the result of the tribological experiment. An advanced approach to tribo-testing is attempted with integrated dynamic analysis of the tribometer and the sliding pair. The fundamental idea is explored of the tribometer being regarded as any machine in which friction is inflicted with all the resulting consequences...
Experimental Investigation of Prototype Water-Lubricated Compliant Foil Bearings
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań doświadczalnych prototypowego łożyska foliowego smarowanego wodą. Łożyska tego typu mogą mieć zastosowanie w węzłach, od których wymaga się ekologicznego środka smarowego, np. pompy wodne czy turbiny wodne. W opracowaniu zademonstrowano wyniki badań trzech prototypowych poprzecznych łożysk foliowych. Opisano napotkane problemy badań oraz wprowadzonych do konstrukcji łożyska zmian, których celem była poprawa...
Fabrication and Study of BiNbO4 Ceramics
PublicationAim of the present research was to fabricate and study crystalline structure as well as dielectric properties of BiNbO4 ceramics. In the present study BiNbO4 ceramics was fabricated by solid state reaction from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, and Nb2O5. Stoichiometric mixture of the powders was thermally analyzed so parameters of the thermal treatment were determined. The EDS measurements proved conservation of the chemical...
Influence of design of hydraulic components on their operation in low ambient temperatures
PublicationW artykule przestawiono wpływ konstrukcji zespołów hydraulicznych na ich działanie w niskich temperaturach otoczenia.
Modernization of the Trailer for Tyre/Road Rolling Resistance Measurements
PublicationIn the article the ways of defining tyre rolling resistance are presented. The advantages of the laboratory tests of tyre/road rolling resistance and the advantages and disadvantages of on the road tyre/road rolling resistance tests are described. The description of the special trailer used for tyre/road rolling resistance measurements designed and constructed in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology,...
Novel Design of an Ocean Wave Power Device
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nowoczesną boję energetyczną o opatentowanej konstrukcji. Omówiono jej konstrukcję oraz przedstawiono problemy konstrukcyjne i badawcze. W ostatniej części artykułu przedstawiono wyniki badań wykonanych na modelu w basenie modelowym.
Numerical Analysis of a Steel Frame Building with Soft-storey Failure under Ground Motion Excitation
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to show the results of a numerical analysis focused on the behaviour of multi-storey steel frame building that suffers from a soft-storey failure under ground motion excitation. A numerical model of the structure was created in FEM computer software and was exposed to an impact that would have been generated after a soft-storey failure due to falling of the upper floors. During the analysis, the whole structure...
Numerical analysis of crack propagation in silicone nitride
PublicationThe properties of ceramics, specifically low density, high hardness, high temperature capability and low coefficient of thermal expansion are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such cracks are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculation...
Problems of analytical determination of journal bearing bush fatigue strength estimates
PublicationProblems connected with determination of stress distribution in sliding layer of thinwalled bearing bushes, investigated in bearing fatigue test rigs, have been presented. Using an example of plain bearings tested in the fatigue machine SMOK (built at the Gdask University of Technology) problems with obtaining a convergence of iterative procedure for determining the fatigue strength estimators of bearing alloy surface layer are...
Relieving the Measuring System of the Trailer for Tyre/Road Rolling Resistance Measurements from the Inertia Force
PublicationIn the article the principle of measuring of tyre/road rolling resistance tyres in road conditions applied in a special measuring trailer is presented. This trailer was built in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. The construction of two special devices used in this trailer was discussed. These devices eliminate the influence of some chosen confounding measurements factors such as: the inertia...
Shaft Misalignment Influence on Water Lubricated Turbine Sliding Bearings with Various Bush Modules of Elasticity
PublicationW artykule przeanalizowano wpływ wielkości przenoszenia osi wału względem panwi na nośność łożyska. Analizie poddano łożyska z odmiennymi rodzajami panwi o różnej sztywności.
The Influence of Gas Mixture in the Glow-Discharge Nitriding Process of Austenitic Stainless Steel on Characteristic of Nitrided Cases
PublicationAustenitic stainless steels characterize with excellent corrosion resistance, although low mechanical properties. In many cases that limits their exploitation in industrial applications. Moreover, austenitic stainless steel is susceptible to local corrosion in the presence of halide ions. In present works, it was emphasized that the nitriding of austenitic stainless steels gives some potential abilities to obtain beneficial effect...
The Rolling Contact Fatigue of PVD Coated Spur Gears
Publication -
Wear of Ultra-thin DLC or Tungsten-modified DLC Coatings under Reciprocating Sliding
PublicationIn the paper results are presented from tests in reciprocating sliding of self mated specimens of DLC and tungsten modified DLC coatings on stainless steel substrate. The contact geometry chosen for the research task was ball on flat. The contacts were lubricated either with distilled water or medical saline solution. Results are presented with regard to wear resistance as a function of material type and lubricant used.
Year 2011
Experimental study on polymer mass used to repair damaged structures
PublicationA new method of repairing damaged structures by injecting the cracks with specially designed polymer mass (flexible two-component grout based on polyurethane resin) has been recently proposed. The technique is mainly dedicated to damaged masonries, especially historical structures where minimum intervention is permitted. The cracks are filled with the special injection, forming the flexible joints bonding the disrupted structural...
Experimental Study on Polymer Mass Used to Repair Damaged Structures
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New Satellite Pumps
Publication -
Non-linear behaviour of base-isolated building supported on flexible soil under damaging earthquakes
PublicationSeismic isolation is a strategy to reduce damage of structures exposed to devastating earthquake excitations. Isolation systems, applied at the base of buildings, lower the fundamental frequency of the structure below the range of dominant frequencies of the ground motion as well as allow to dissipate more energy during structural vibrations. The effectiveness of the base-isolated buildings in damage reduction has been confirmed...
Numerical Simulation of Electron Beam Welding Process of Inconel 706 Sheets
Publication -
Shaking table experimental study on damage mechanism of the disconnecting switch under seismic excitation
PublicationThe efficiency of the energetic network is a very import safety issue in the region experienced by the earthquake. High voltage disconnecting switches are important elements of the energetic infrastructure used to separate electric circuits (i.e. during repairs), which should not be damaged remaining fully operational. The aim of the paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental investigation focused on damage...
Year 2010
Inelastic damage-involved response of colliding buildings during earthquakes
PublicationW artykule poddano analizie nieliniowe zachowanie się kolidujących ze sobą budynków powodujące ich uszkodzenie podczas trzęsień ziemi. Analiza dotyczy zderzeń pomiędzy dwoma sąsiednimi budynkami czterokondygnacyjnymi. Badania pokazują, iż zastosowanie nieliniowego modelu numerycznego zachowania się obu budowli podczas trzęsień ziemi ma duże znaczenia dla dokładności wyników.
Linear viscoelastic modelling of damage-involved structural pounding during earthquakes
PublicationDamage-involved structural pounding during earthquakes has been recently intensively studied using different impact force models. The results of the previous studies indicate that the linear viscoelastic model is relatively simple yet accurate in modelling pounding-involved behaviour of structures during earthquakes. The only shortcoming of the model is a negative value of the pounding force occurring just before separation, which...
Shaking table experimental study on diagnosis of damage and its evaluation in steel structure
PublicationCelem artykułu jest pokazanie wyników badań eksperymentalnych przeprowadzonych na stole sejsmicznym dotyczących identyfikacji uszkodzeń modelu dwukondygnacyjnej konstrukcji stalowej. Uszkodzenie zdefiniowano poprzez spadek sztywności i symulowano poprzez zamianę słupów modelu na elementy o mniejszym przekroju poprzecznym. Wyniki badań pokazują charakterystyczny spadek wartości naturalnych częstotliwości konstrukcji wraz ze wzrostem...
Year 2009
Experimental verification and comparison of mode shape-based damage detection methods
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wynik badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących oceny dokładności znanych z literatury metod detekcji uszkodzeń konstrukcji wykorzystujących zmiany jej parametrów modalnych. Pomiary wykonano wykorzystując skaner laserowy firmy Polytec. Omówiono sposoby poprawy jakości uzyskiwanych wyników, oraz zaproponowano własną metodę detekcji uszkodzeń wykorzystującą pomiar postaci i częstości drgań własnych konstrukcji.
Transmission and reflection coefficients for damage identification in 1D elements
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono mozliowści wykorzystania współczynnika odbicia i przejścia fali sprężystej w miejscu nieciągłości konstrukcji do identyfikacji jej rodzaju
Transmission and Reflection Coefficients for Damage Identification in 1D Elements
Year 2007
Guided waves in steel rails - experimental works and wavelet signal processing
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano analizę falkową pomierzonych eksperymentalnie fal sprężystych wzbudzanych w szynach kolejowych.
Year 2003
Detection of delamination in multi layer composite beams.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model belki kompozytowej z delaminacją. Omówiono czynniki propagacji fali sprężystej w belce i możliwości wykorzystania zmian w propagującej fali wywołanych delaminacją do jej detekcji.
seen 2097 times